2020-01-17steemCreated with Sketch.

in #guns5 years ago (edited)

There shouldn't be a Second Amendment (2A) | I was sent to a gulag in 2012 and forced to confess to a crime I didn't commit or else one year in prison or more plus $5,000 in fines for stopping a drunk from calling 911 because she was having a temper tantrum. | Do you have free speech? | Do you got too much free time? | My Rollit Up | Why shouldn't there be a 2nd Amendment, a right to bear arms? Because it should be common sense. Do I need a license to have a nose? But imagine that I shot poisonous snot from my nose and killed you? I should go to jail. Put my nose on the electric chair. Should we ban noses? No. The problem is that I violate your private property via murder. Private property? Huh? Where? Your body is your private property. If I kill you, then I took that property from you. But if you take my nose from me, then you are violating my ownership rights. It is mine. I own it. I'm responsible with it. If any of my stuff hurts you in any way, I might be held liable. Hey, you could try to drag me to court after I do something bad. But please don't try to stop me before I do a big no-no. I'm against pre-crime pre-trial social injustice.

Do you have free speech?

01:56 AM - Steemit

Let me explain this diagram that I just made. This artistic map begins with that question, "Do you have free speech?" Now, I'm not saying free speech means you cannot go to jail. People can conflate the freedom to talk with the freedom to not go to jail, AKA diplomatic immunity which is something that the Pope may have.


In this very small rough draft outline article post thing here, I'm going to talk a little bit about free speech and things related to it. I'm going to walk you through this art drawing thing of mine as well. I'm also going to ask you some questions. Please respond to the questions in the comments below if you can and wanna. Feedback is welcomed. Feel free to steal my art if you want.

Do you got too much free time?

06:09 PM - Steemit

Here is a Meme Parody by Rob Roy Merrick of my Free Speech Flowchart Picture & Article which I published earlier today. Rob Roy is a talented man. He makes funny memes and he writes stuff. So, you could learn a thing or two from this legendary meme master if you wanna check him out.


In this post, I'm going talk about this Free-Time Diagram by Rob Roy and I'm going to talk about Rob Roy. I'm going to include some links to Rob Roy in case you want to know more about him. You can also check out some of his memes and whatever else he may have. This article here will serve as a quick introduction to Rob who is a pretty smart cookie. He is not made out of oatmeal but he is a pretty cleaver guy.

My Autobiography

1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989
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2020 - 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12

2020-01-17 - Friday

My Day in Review

Screenshot at 2020-01-17 13:52:47.png
Picard will likely suck and Kenobi may be cancelled

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in January of 2020

Contact Me

Facebook | Gab | Minds | Steemit | Twitter | YouTube | And More
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The Expanse

2020-01-17 - Friday - 02:46 AM - 03:33 AM - The Expanse 303

Queen talks to Holden.

May meets the Chinese Scientist Man.

Ex wife calls and tells Captain Aladdin, "We don't need you any more."

Future Microwaves

Zombie boy does hand stands and then gets sick and is pulled away.

2020-01-17 - Friday - 03:33 AM - 04:18 AM - The Expanse 304



He gives a speech that was similar to what Bush Jr said as he got America to fight fake terrorists in the Middle East around 2003.

Belters Food

she is a lesbian

she is married to a black chick

He is the key to everything.


Got up and it was snowing again. Orange and banana slices in a small bowl. Coffee.

Golden State Times

11:27 AM - THEY ARE TRYING TO IMPEACH THE SON OF A B!TCH: Trump CLOWNS the Democrat Impeachment Hoax

Draining People

11:54 AM - Steemit

Are you saying RC is too small for new users? Yeah, that is a problem. Also, you are right that Facebook was designed to drain you and depress you. I go there to tell people to to come to Steemit, Bitchute, Banned dot video, etc.

Different Apps

12:03 PM - Steemit

Are any of the Steem apps making it less complicated for new people here on Steemit? I think it can be hard if the different apps are separate from each other. I know how to run around the Internet. But I know that it is a skill that I have.

Busy.org vs Steemit.com

So, Busy is better than Steemit in some ways as a Steem app. But you are right that Steem may not have some of the Facebook features in finding friends. Perhaps, Steem app developers need to consider trying to build a Facebook Mirror like app for Steem.

Two Years

Yeah, two years and not enough improvement. Well, there are competitors to Steem like Weku, Serey, Smoke, etc. They're not apps of Steem but separate blockchain networks and if Steem doesn't always try to compete, then these competitors could beat Steem in attracting people. Well, currently, Minds.com and Gab.com have been growing and they can be simpler in some ways than Steem. So, I hope the Steem developers keep that in mind.

Dishes. Mom is preparing to can chicken into jars for the first time for her. It's snowing a bit today for the 5th day in a row. Each day, it's been snowing and then melting. I took out some 2020 boxes out into the big garage. Oh, they call it ground coffee instead of grounded coffee. Don't want to ground your teenage coffee too much, assuming you could personify coffee. Karl Marx may have been right about some things but keep in mind that there is more to it than just that. Aspects of cronyism has encouraged many people to buy cheaper products for the past two centuries at least since the 1800's in some ways and especially since the 1930's as things accelerated in America for example. Free markets can be good but cronyism is a perverted version capitalism that messes things up. Cronyism and corporatism and other things are not simply products of the free markets but rather of globalism and plutocracy and corrupt government manipulation into the markets to cause the tree to rot from the roots themselves. So, people have been buying cheaper products and services for decades. Slowly, things decline and many people can forget the value in having products that last longer and longer. Things can get worse generation after generation as the older people who remembered better days in the past begin to die and especially as they don't pass down thei wisdom to younger generations. It is critical to educate people in the value of having products made in America, Europe, or wherever they should be made in in order to maximize quality and everything. But minimalism and other things have been used to encouraged people not to try to buy better things and to not try harder to think long-term in many aspects in life and in not keeping more or enough. That is how globalists turn many people into slaves through consumerism, pacifism, fatalism, nihilism, etc. It is critical to educate and encourage people towards logic and principles that can better support family first values for individuals to cultivate and develop more and more.

Soup lunch. Pretty delicious.

The Popcast

01:42 PM - Star Trek Characters revealed! Who is coming back for Picard?

Picard will probably be too much like Star Trek Discovery and are they really canceling Kenobi?

Attacking Farmers in Oregon

02:24 PM - Steemit

That is terrorism. They need to stop attacking cannabis, farmers, free markets, private property, choices, freedoms, alternatives, decisions, freewill, plants, individuals, liberties, rights, and especially natural remedies.

Hate Speech Psy-Op

02:46 PM - Steemit

@Thuggooch you are right that hate speech is a psy-op term and gab does seem to struggle to load sometimes and that is too bad for gab

Intellectual Theft Debate

05:16 PM - Rollitup

Where do you draw the line between what might be intellectual property theft and what might not be?

Tangible Shovels

05:49 PM - RIU

Rob Roy, I agree with what you said about tangible items in real life. But what about virtual items on the Internet that can be omnipresent in that the data and the electricity can be as uncountable or difficult to count on the micro level, meaning it is almost impossible to keep track of which water molecule came from where and which electron came from where as radio waves and everything runs around the Internet and as things are copied and mirrored on different servers and as people spy on those things and the list goes on and on and on and I don't even have time to talk about how complex it is.

Similarities in Ideas

Now, I agree with you in regards to how some ideas and some things may be similar to other things and ideas and some people may be ok with that. Like, I'm ok with that, absolutely. I believe in the free market. If you steal my idea, I should say bad things about you on the Internet to hurt your business. I should try to compete. The list goes on. I don't want government to get involved in domestic disputes.

Do you got too much free time?

06:09 PM - Steemit

Here is a Meme Parody by Rob Roy Merrick of my Free Speech Flowchart Picture & Article which I published earlier today. Rob Roy is a talented man. He makes funny memes and he writes stuff. So, you could learn a thing or two from this legendary meme master if you wanna check him out.


In this post, I'm going talk about this Free-Time Diagram by Rob Roy and I'm going to talk about Rob Roy. I'm going to include some links to Rob Roy in case you want to know more about him. You can also check out some of his memes and whatever else he may have. This article here will serve as a quick introduction to Rob who is a pretty smart cookie. He is not made out of oatmeal but he is a pretty cleaver guy.

Sav Says

06:20 PM - Rapid Fire: Today’s Top News 11-13-19

Today the Trump impeachment hearings go public, homelessness takes a nasty turn in Hollywood and find out the substance that a California company is trying to make meat out of, here are today’s top stories in 10 minutes or less…


07:05 PM - Rise of Skywalker FLOP | Times Up Watchmen | James Bond Remains a Dude | The End of DC Comics?

Star Wars was probably the greatest in the 1980's after Return of the Jedi.

The build up towards the prequels in the 1990's was big.

In the 2000's, some people said bad stuff about those prequel films.

In the 2010's, popularity for Star Wars probably the highest ever globally as The Force Awakens took off in 2015 especially and then it started falling as Disney destroyed it in a variety of ways.

disney cannot fix it but others can

disney will not

They may want to Picard Kenobi.


they are trying to SJW kenobi

baby yoda is in the wrong show


07:26 PM - Steemit

When I get headaches, I sometimes take Magnesium. So, it is too bad when doctors fail to mention common sense vitamins in the name of natural remedies.

Lionel Nation

09:08 PM - Live Stream: Ignorance v. Nescience — You Decide

Cheat With/On

10:04 PM - Facebook

Ladies, if he is going to cheat with you, then he will someday cheat on you.

Got that from Lionel.


10:27 PM - WAR ROOM (Full Show) Friday - 1/17/20

2012-12-03 - Monday - 10:55 PM - Bố Đời

The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

My Blog Journal Diary Autobiography

@comickelsey, the problem was in how they told the story and not in that it was not new

kelsey, you hate luke?

i wanted to see super luke

the problem is disney and not luke

luke is everything




if DIFFERENT, dont call it STAR WARS

9 SKYWALKER FILMS needed to be of the same timeline




or let yourself die

Do you have free speech?


Do you got too much free time?


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