Have You Ever Had A Bombus Muscorum In Your Garden?

in #gardening7 years ago (edited)

For pictures of Bombus muscorum click here.

Bombus muscorum
Moss Carder Bee courtesy of The Bee Help Desk In The Netherlands
List of Bumblebees in The Netherlands

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It sounded like a tiny person on a motorbike!!! :O)

@meesterboom a tiny person in a motorbike? a gnome?

It very well could be a gnome and what better for a garden!! :)D

@meesterboom damn no gnome believer here
ahahha - I'm Thomas - to see is to believe
never have seen any gnome so pass
a dwarf? lol

I suppose, you do have to see to believe. But what if you could hear to believe... you are hearing the little motorbike yeah? heheheheh

Cute little beasties. Buzz buzz a diddle it!

@ocrdu moet ik nou bij de bijenhelpdesk aanmelden dat ik dit in mijn tuin hebt? Het staat op zijn pagina dat dit soort zeldzaam zijn - maar dan ik wil eigenlijk niet dat ze hem hier uithaal :(
wat denk je man?

Fijn laten zitten en z'n habitat niet verstoren. Je kun hem op telmee.nl of waarneming.nl zetten, voor de bijentellers.

@ocrdu oh zijn er ook mens de bijen tellen? grappig toch!

Ja, en verspreidingskaartjes maken en zo. Ik zet alles wat interessant is in Telmee, is handig voor de ecologen en biologen en zo. En als je iets verkeerd determineert dan hoor je het ook daar.

@ocrdu ah zo .. kun je dit aub delen? moet je daar een account hebben of zo?

Ja, maar dat is alleen een kwestie van een username/password aanmaken. Waarneming.nl is meer een als forum, telmee.nl is een invoerapplicatie om meldingen in de database te krijgen, en meer privé. Van allebei komen de resultaten in dezelfde grote database terecht.

@ocrdu ah zo .. maar ze hoeven hier niet te komen toch? en mijn bij te ontvoerden of zo? hahah - mijn bij wauw bezitterig toch ahhaha
ik heb nog meer wacht maar :D

Never knew about that kind of bee. First time it scared you when it popped out right? :-)
Second time a clearer view of little buzzer. Looked more orange in contrast to the yellow of a honey bee.

Can you record sound in stereo with the samsung A3? Listened with headphones, buzzed all around from left to right. :-)

@oaldamster - de bijenhelpdesk noemt het een mosbij
heb ik gewoon gekukel hahah

it was more of aghast cause I wasn't sure if it was tame or mean some bees could be aggressive when disturbed. I took the last video today just to check if he does live there. I wish I could take a pic but he keeps moving ..perhaps if he ever gets trapped in the strawberry greenhouse but probably no chance it seems to know the exit :D

yes, I can record sound in stereo hahaha

{NL} Als we koekul niet hadden @englishtchrivy. 😁

{EN} Yes, you know, they tend to be busy them beez. All you need is a honeytrap. And bee, hahaha, there at the right moment. Flowers in bloom, they love that. :-)

Cool that stereo effect. It adds to the whole experience!

@oaldamster had one with it but utub won't accept the upload
so I had to use another video host
utub is very strict haha

That utub, what does it think it is, hah! :-)

@oaldamster it says copyright atsutsutsu
annoying hahah

Jaiks those are the worst. :-) That's why I use Moobie pitjur @englishtchrivy. Pity Steem does not support them in iframe for audio and video.

@oaldamster perhaps the marketers should take those as features to add here? but then video hosting must be a lot of work or high maintenance?

I hope you're not allergic!

@gardenlady thanks am not :D
I was stung on my right index finger by a huge bumblebee two years ago - just cause I was holding it too tight between my palms - poor guy took suicide - it was a sudden shot of pain - I felt till my armpit and later on to my chest - ouchy but no rashes but you're right some people do have allergies on bee stings so unless they could keep calm don't do this at home.

I hope the bee finds success in building a home!

@jacobtothe thanks
it seems to be just nestled in there - under those layers of moss really

no, cannot say I have a garden but at least now i know what Bombus Muscorum looks like. never seem it before

@ace108 hey you! keep goin! I'm glad to see you
am off to bed damn tired now
maybe see you tomorrow again haha

Sleep well.

Thank you for posting @englishtchrivy.

Lovely topic......appreciate the commentary and videos.

The only thing that comes to mind regarding bees....is that they in general prefer a quiet atmosphere.....think bee hives and how they are out of the way as it were. ^_^

All the best to you and yours. A bientot.

Never seen one of those before, awesome looking Bee, looked like a little bird popping out the ground

@cryptofunk I hope you meet one
you also have them in the UK

If you pull the plant, she warns you to go away. Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! If you go away, not pulling the moss, she is working on in peace without any further buzz. Very polite insects these bumble bees, but the females have a sting. You are disturbing a queen. She comes in alone, building up her state. If you've got a diligent queen, you will have a lot of them very soon (approx 50–500). A worker is living max. 4 weeks. Queens are alive up to one year, most of their lifetime is spend in winter, waiting to build a new nest next spring. In September, all of them are dead, except the young Queens. They fly out to search a new place for winter. Short life and a lot of work. Poor Buzzers.

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