An Open Notes Gardening Quiz on Some Flowers That Look Alike

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

Did you get to answer the gardening quiz from yesterday? Yes? Then, thank you. You missed it - it's alright I got some more. This time, the plants are probably more common to you as this set of flowers tend to thrive everywhere without giving them much care.

Yesterday, @bleujay was the 1st to answer the questions. I wonder who it would be this time. Yesterday, nobody got a perfect 10 but hey~~ thanks to all of them who shared their knowledge about the Echinacea Purpurea. If you were wondering about what the answers to yesterday's questions were - just click on the blued Echinacea and scroll till the bottom of the post. I posted them before the post got paid out and I'll do the same on this one.

Now, let's begin to get your gardening brain of yours all perked up before Spring comes. Here comes the first prick, I mean flower. For the "true or false questions" do give us the right answer if you give out - False. 'Course you may use resources as it says up there - "Open Notes" but it would be nicer if you answer it based on your gardening knowledge and experience.

1. When white like this with a hot pink ringlet in the middle what is my Scientific name?

2. What am I commonly called ?

3. When I'm Pink what is my Scientific name?

4. What is my common name when pink?

5. True or false : We both love full sun.

6. True or false : Aphids don't bug us but snails do.

7. True or false : We grow best in hanging pots only.

Well, anyway, both of them don't need much caring except for making sure their pots drain water very well and to cut dying stems. They are annuals but cuttings help me propagate them to make it look like we have them year after year.

8. Which country has me for a national flower? Yes, this has nothing to do with gardening but let's have some trivia about it, too - wouldn't hurt would it?

9. What are the common names given to me ? Kindly give all three.

10. What is my Scientific name?

11. True or false: The seed of this thistle can fly and thrive on any kind of soil, however it's not an invasive plant.

12. True or false: Only young thistles' tap roots can be munched on right after picking and cooked. If the thistle has already flowered, give them to the horses or the goats instead. Their stems could be peeled and they make salad ingredients.

13. True or false: They are great to have in pots in the garden because all sorts of pollinators love them however so do black aphids.

14. / 15. What are my common names? Please give both. Careful, I may have look alikes but let my petals and leaves confirm it to you which one of us, I actually am?

16. What is my Scientific name? They got my Scientific name from two words - one is a Greek word meaning crane which they gave me because of how my fruit pods look like, the other is from a Latin word which refers to the red tint flaunted by autumn leaves.

17. Now that I'm blue what is my Scientific name then?

18. When is the best time to plant or propagate us?

19. What type of soil allow us to thrive happily?

20. From which month to which month do we get to flower?

Here's why it is important to know which soil which plant does best or when to sow them and when they bloom.

It is matters to know when to sow your seed or plant a potted plant you grew in the green house because then you get to know where to put your plants. If you get to sow them too early before their sowing seasons - possibility is they won't germinate. If you get to sow them too late, they may germinate but you won't get to profit from their flowers or they may bloom in autumn and only the mildew would enjoy them specially if you live in a cold and wet country like where I am.

With regards to soil, it would be best to give the plant the soil it needs for them to grow healthy. If you plant one that requires a low ph soil to a soil that's very high in ph, you may talk to it, give it much love and so on - but with the wrong soil it may grow but not do well. Putting them in the wrong soil could hamper flowering - more so fruiting. If you are like me, I plant flowers in my garden to attract pollinators for my fruiting trees and vegetable garden, then it is very important to put plants to their preferred soil.

As to knowing when they flower , it matters because one, if you know which of your plants bloom in Spring, Summer, Fall and yes, there are plants that still flower in winter; then you have a chance to have flowers all year through specially during the seasons pollinators are around. You may also know which plant to plant beside or near which fruiting tree to make sure they help attract pollinators when those fruiting trees are in bloom - hence, ensuring you fruits.

To know about which pest, disease or enemy a certain plant has would help you decide whether you should have them in your garden or not. It would also guide you whether you should place them next to or close to a fruiting plant that could have the same pest to avoid pest problems. It would help you understand how to combat the pests or diseases/ enemy of that plant if you still decide to have them in your garden.

So did you get them all right this time?

I took all of these pictures with my Samsung Galaxy A3 2016 edition.

EDIT. Here are the answers to the questions above.

Here are my other gardening articles:

I usually blog about cooking, gardening and photography and if you happen to be interested in all of those, too .



8.Thistle is the national flower of Scotland.
11.The scientific name is Onopordum acanthium.
Great pics btw!

@koskl very good!

  1. isn't that :D nor 10 :D

thank you! I also see a blue hibiscus, but I am not sure. We need bleujay on that!

@koskl you're welcome :)
no they aren't hibiscus am off to bed no one is answering huhuhu

EDIT : if someone answers after this -tell who answered before who please
thanks ya' all

You are too kind...bleujay wants to say it is a geranium...however there are quite a few different names within the species. The bleu ones spread and cascade in a lovely way.
All the best. Cheers.

bleujay was hoping you would answer this one. Lovely.

@bleujay, Yes of course ... I'll post the answer when everything has been answered before this post gets to be a day old. Don't worry, I'll keep you posted when I get to do it.
I also posted the answers for the Echinacea :)

Thank you for posting @englishtchrivy. Lovely photogragraphs.

Geraniums are a favorite of most gardeners. These bloom nearly all summer with abandonment....could use cutting back in order to refresh...they are perennials and gardeners anxiously await their return as they always run a bit later than the first flush of Spring.

no. 18. ...since it is a perienial...Autumn
no. 19 ...a medium to poor soil...
no.20. ....from May to September

bleujay stays far away from Thistles of any kind...however one doubts they would do well in pots as they are perennial...therefore a large root system.

Thank you for the opportunity to ponder these things.
All the best. Tot later.

@bluejay, I just came in chekin' on in for replies and surely happy to see you answered too.

I'm sure happy to see you did. So you know Geranium - yes those are Geraniums indeed :)
You got #19 correct and #20 - you got the last month correct :) The answer to that is May to September and if Spring gets pretty hot like we experienced in 2014 if I remember it right they were here as early as Feb that was a bit scary to watch that happen.
Very good - you love gardening, too I reckon ? And flowers :)
now, #8, 19 and 20 have been answered so I'm only looking for the rest. It's open notes meaning anyone is allowed to find the answers on the net but nobody does hu hu hu
Anyway thank you @bleujay :)

Thank you for your reply....was hoping no. 20 was correct...yes was guessing with May through September..
bleujay has not not seen it before that month.

bleujay will have a look for the others and read the other days post. Appreciate your posts on gardening...having us push the refresh it were.

@bluejay always happy to bump into you :)

That showed me how little I know about gardening! I only know things about the t.. um thingy under questions 8-13. Oh well.

@ocrdu - try answering though - it's an open notes meaning you may look up the answer - go for it :)!
EDIT : omdat ik haste heb ik fout getagged hebt gisteren geleerd om goed te taggen en toch fout gedaan vervelend

i see some that i am familiar! nice post

@doitvoluntary thank you - would you care answering some of the questions?

There are so many pretty flowers.
There is no flower that I know the name.
Anyway, I guess gardening is zero.
But I think that the yard where you take pictures is the best. ^^

@sochul nim, thank you
it's open notes you may naver it ;)

Nice flowers!

16.Scientific name: Geranium dissectum

@koskl thank you for trying but its not :(

:(. It's not a hibiscus, it's not a geranium, what can it be?

@koskl hahah you're answer is so cute hang on you'll get to find out what it is
It is a Geranium but which one?

EDIT: btw thank you for resteeming

Lets see..

no. 17. Geranium pelargonium...also known as Crane's Bill.
no. 18. Anytime

@bleujay almost :)
you're really good you know ;)
am glad you also like gardening and flowers

Thank you @englishtchrivy. Very kind of you.

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