SundayCook #29 - Roasted Chicken - traditional recipe [EN] | Frango assado no forno - receita tradicional [PT]

in #food7 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone!!

Did you miss SundayCook!? I did!!
Today when the chicken was in the oven and the aromas spreading at home...huumm. It definitely smells like Sunday food!!

The more attentive would probably notice I already cooked a roast chicken, it was my first entry to be more precise, but this Sunday I added different ingredients, and I'm proud of the result!

Olá a todos!!

Tinham saudades do SundayCook!? Eu tive!!
Hoje enquanto o frango estava no forno e os aromas e espalhar-se pela cada....huumm. Cheirava mesmo comida de Domingo!!

Os mais atentos poderão provavelmente ter notado que já fiz um frango assado no forno, aliás, foi o meu primeiro SundayCook, mas neste Domingo juntei ingredientes diferents, e fiquei super orgulhosa com o resultado!

This Sunday I cooked | Este Domingo cozinhei:

Roasted Chicken - traditional recipe | Frango assado no forno - receita tradicional


Figure 1 - Roasted Chicken, final result | Frango assado, resultado final

When I think of Sunday food I usually think on a roast, and a good chicken roast is priceless!!

Quando penso em comida de Domingo penso normalmente em assados, e um bom assado de frango vale muito!

Ingredients | Ingredientes:

Roasted Chicken | Frango assado

  • 3 kg chicken cut into pieces (one chicken that grew​ on the field and attained​ 3 kg) | - 3 kg de frango do campo cortado em pedaçoes (um só frango do campo chegou aos 3 kg)
  • 5 cloves of garlic | - 5 dentes de alho
  • 1 medium onion | -1 ceboa média
  • 1 bay leaf | - 1 folha de louro
  • 1 orange | - 1 laranja
  • Red pepper mass | - Massa de pimentão
  • Pepper (to taste)| - Pimenta (a gosto)
  • Salt (to taste) | - Sal (a gosto)
  • White wine | - Vinho branco
  • Olive oil | - Azeite


Figure 2 - Ingredients for chicken roast | Ingredientes para o assado de frango

Guarnish: Mashed potatoes and sautéed cabbage | Acompanhamento: Puré de batata e couve salteada

  • 3 potatoes | - 3 batatas
  • butter (to taste) | - manteiga (a gosto)
  • warm milk (to taste) | - leite quente (a gosto)
  • nutmeg (to taste) | - noz-moscada (a gosto)
  • 1/4 cabbage | - 1/4 de couve (coração de boi)
  • 2 cloves of garlic | - 2 dentes de alho
  • olive oil | - azeite


Figure 3 - Ingredients for the guarnish | Ingredientes para o acompanhamento


1 - Season the chicken with salt, pepper, red pepper mass, peeled crushed garlics, juice of half orange and bay leaf. Let marinate about one hour. 1 - Temperar o frango com sal, pimenta, massa de pimentão, alhos esmagados, sumo de meia laranja e folha de louro. Deixar marinar durante uma hora.


Figure 4 - Chicken seasoning | Temperar o frango

2 - Preheat the oven to 180 - 200 ºC.
3 - Peel and wash the onthe onion. Cut in round slices and place it in the baking pan.

2 - Pré-aquecer o forno a 180-200 ºC.
3 - Descascar e lavar a cebola. Cortar a cebola às rodelas e colocar na travessa.


Figure 5 - Onion preparation | Preparação da cebola

4 - Place the chicken and the marinade on top of the onion. Drizzle with white wine and olive oil.
5 - Bake for 30 minutes.

4 - Colocar o frango e a marinada por cima da cebola. Regar com vinho branco e azeite.
5 - Assar durante 30 minutos.

Figure 6 -Chicken oven-ready| Frango pronto a ir ao forno

6 - Drizzle the chicken with the sauce. Bake for more 30 minutes.
7 - Squeeze the juice of half orange. Bake for more 20 minutes.

6 - Regar o frango com o molho. Assar por mais 30 minutos.
7 - Espremer o sumo de meia laranja. Assar durante 20 minutos.

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Figure 7 - Drizzle the chicken with the juices and orange juice | Regar o frango com o molho e com o sumo da laranja

8 - Peel, wash and cut the potatoes. Cook in boiling water seasond with salt.
9 - Drain the water, add a spoon of butter and smash the potatoes. Add the warm milk and smash until smooth. Season with nutmeg.

8 - Descascar, lavar e cortar as batatas. Cozer em água temperada com sal.
9 - Escorrer a água, juntar uma colher de manteiga e esmagar as batatas. Juntar o leite quente e esmagar até ficar sem grumos. Temperar com noz-moscada.

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Figure 8 - Mashed potatoes preparation | Preparação do puré de batata

10 - Peel and chop finely the garlic. Place it in a frying pan and cover with olive oil.
11 - Wash and cut the cabbage. Place it in the frying pan and sauté in low heat, stiring once in a while.

10 - Descascar e cortar o alho finamente. Colocar na frigideira e cobrir com azeite.
11 - Lavar e cortar a couve em tiras. Colocar na frigideira e saltear com lume baixo, mexendo de vez em quando.

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Figure 9 - Sautéed cabbage preparation | Preparação da couve salteada

It's ready to serve!! | Está pronto a ser servido!!


Figure 10 - Roasted chicken | Frango assado


Figure 11 - Final dish appearence | Aspecto do prato final


Figure 12 - Sautéed cabbage detail | Detalhe da couve salteada


Figure 13 - Mashed potatoes detail | Detalhe do puré de batata


Figure 14 - Our Sunday meal washed with red wine | O nosso almoço de Domingo regado com vinho tinto

As every Sunday roasts, it gets absolutely great with a glass of red wine!!

If you are interested in knowing more about this "Chaminé" red wine, you can look this post: WinExperience - Chaminé Tinto

I will come back with another Sunday cook delicious :D

Stay tuned!!

What is Sunday Cook?!

This Sunday Cook project began with a strong will to contribute to Steemit with my personal view of Portuguese cuisine. I really believe we have plenty of good food. Despite I'm not a professional or nothing similar, I can assure that I'm doing my best, and hopefully, I'm improving my skills too!

On Sundays (cold Sundays), I like to prepare more elaborate and delicious food. It requires time and patience. Usually, I cook some traditional Portuguese food, or at least with Portuguese inspiration :) I try to do it in a healthier way, using the minimum fat as possible, and normally I pick some recipe and transform it. During the week I don't like to spend much time cooking (no time at all), that's why I get totally motivated to cook on Sundays!!


Como em todos os assados de Domingo, este vai lindamente com um bom copo de vinho tinto!!

Se estiverem interessados em saber mais sobre este vinho tinto "Chaminé", podem ver este post: WinExperience - Chaminé Tinto

Eu voltarei com outro SundayCook delicioso :D

Fiquem atentos!!

O que é o Sunday Cook?!

Este projeto iniciou-se com uma grande vontade de contribuir para o Steemit com a minha visão pessoal da cozinha Portuguesa. Eu considero que temos excelentes pratos. Apesar de não ser profissional nem nada que o valha, garanto que tenho feito o meu melhor, e espero estar a melhorar os meus dotes culinários!

Nos Domingos (quando está frio), gosto de preparar comida mais elaborada. Requer tempo e paciência. Normalmente, cozinho pratos da cozinha tradicional Portuguesa, ou pelo menos inspirados na mesma. Tento cozinhá-los de uma forma saudável, usando o mínimo de gordura possível e normalmente pego numa receita e adapto ao meu gosto. Durante a semana não gosto de perder tempo a cozinhar (nada mesmo), e é por isso que me sinto motivada a cozinhar nos Domingos!!

Links for previous posts | Lista de links para posts anteriores:


Oh, that looks SO good! Great photos and your directions are very clear! I'll be cooking this one!

Glad you liked it and found directions easy to follow!! That's important for me!

Now that's the stuff!!! I could practically smell it. I love everything you made. Maybe tomorrow I'll be inspired to cook - I didn't today. It was a hard day. Tomorrow is a clean slate - I think Winnie the Pooh said something like that.

Welcome back Sunday Dinners #sundaycook :)

Ahah, loved your reaction!! I'm already planning my next SundayCook! :)

Hope your clean slate today had gone well! (Never heard that expression before, but it makes me google it and learn too)'re so cute....learning English idioms. It's a good one tho isn't it?

Yes, I learn some english words and expressions here! That's a good one!! I use lots in Portuguese, but can't be directly translated. We can say: "amanhã é um novo dia" which can be translated "tomorrow is a new day". :)

I guess I haven't been paying attention. This is the first Sunday Cook that I've seen. It's a great idea!

Roast chicken is probably my favorite dish and, unfortunately, it's something that I almost never get to eat in Japan. I miss it.

You're still on time! :) I've stopped posting SundayCooks during Summer, but now they're back!

There is chicken available in the supermarkets of Japan? Here in Portugal, ​one can find chicken everywhere!

There is plenty of chicken sold in super markets, but it's difficult to find a while bird to roast, and the ovens here aren't great for making roast chicken. At least, I don't think so anyway. There is probably a way to use them for roasting birds, but I haven't figured it out.

Oh well, why bother to have chicken if you can have great sushi!? ;)

I miss chicken. Now i only get to have quorn eheheh :D Proximo passo e para comecares a fazer uns videos de culinaria?? que tal? :D

Quorn? First time I heard about it. Fortunately google helped me :)
Videos...tentei uma vez no SundayCook 24 e não me correu muito bem. Com fotos é mais fácil :)

Verdade. Mas e um processo de aprendizagem. E com o twmpo vai ficando mais facil e encontras as melhores formas de gravar e editar os videos. 😃

Talvez um dia, com um tripé melhor e tempo para aprender a editar vídeos! :)

Pois. Entendo. Eu e a edicao de video tb nao nos damos mt bem. Mas se usares Mac o programa da apple e muito entuitivo no que diz respeito a editar e efeitos e tal. 😊

Eu nem mac tenho! Ahah ;)

Lili, muito bom. Uma dica e um pedido: Faz qualquer dia a francesinha :D Bjo e ótima semana!

Nunca fiz, mas adoro! Deram-me uma receita do molho....acho que nos dias mais frios pode ser que saia uma francesinha! ;) Obrigada pela ideia!

Ótima semana! :)

Wow!! That looks so delicious. Amazing post. Thanks for sharing the recipe in detail. I"ll definitely give it a try. Waiting for your next post :)

Oh, thank you! I'll prepare a tasty dish this Sunday :)

That looks so Polish! Especially the potatoes and cabbage. :)

Noo, it was supposed to look a portuguese dish!! I never ate a polish dish, I have no clue what it tastes like!

Well... potatoes taste the same. Cabbage probably too... except that we don't use so much (or at all) olive oil to cook.

You must try Pierogi!! Everybody loves pierogi :D

Oh, you think I've used much olive oil!? Interesting. I can say I use the minimun as possible. As you probably noticed in some resto in Portugal, they tend to use lots of olive oil!!
Got curious, you don't cook with any kind of fat?

I searched for Pierogi...and naaa, it's not my kind of stuff. I don't cook "rissóis de camarão" my favorites. That recipe is way too complicated for me!! Ahah

I didn't mean that you used. I noticed that in general in Portugal you do use A LOT of olive oil. Some dishes are swimming in it almost. Codfish dishes mostly...

We use rapeseed oil, since this is what we grow. But Olive oil is popular too, just not a basic.

Pierogi are different that Rissois. They are very similar to Italian Tortelini/Ravioli and all that stuffed pastas they do. It is worky and I don't do it often... but they are good!

I guess that was a compliment from @ewkaw ;)

Hum, maybe it is! ;)

It can be :D Since Polish food is the best ever! :P

I can accept that :) ahah!! Wish I had tried Polish food so I could say my opinion on that, but I can't!

olá Liliana, sou novo por aqui. Adorei o aspecto da tua receita.
Fazes ideia das calorias que tem um prato bem servido? Uma ideia util para quem como eu quer controlar um pouquinho ;)
Como fazes a lista das tuas publicações anteriores?
alguma keyword List ou fazes manualmente copy&past?
Muito obrigado, boa semana :D

Olá olá!! Afinal escreves em português, boa!
Não faço ideia das calorias, nunca me preocupei com isso. Tento usar bom senso, só uso azeite e tento usar o mínimo possivel. Depois tento fazer aquele truque do prato: 1/4 carbos, 1/4 proteina e 1/2 vegetais (neste almoço não foi bem bem assim, paciência!).
A listagem é super fácil, é com os [] e () para fazer hiperligações: nos parenteses retos coloca-se o titulo/nome q que irá aparecer] e logo a seguir abre-se os parenteses curvos e coloca-se o link (link). Espero ter ajudado!

Muuto obrigadoi ... logo logo já exprimento a receita,,, a dos parenteses hehehe... a do frango tem que ser ao domingo senão não ia ser igual ao teu ;)

Eu só faço este tipo de comida ao domingo, e não é em todos|

Nice recipe for Sunday....roasted chicken and on unique way it will be too delicious and tasty as it looks in the photographs....


Thanks a lot!! :)

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