Manaia : Yazira - The Emerald City

in #fantasy5 years ago (edited)


Yazira, also known as The Emerald City to Primerians, is a very wealthy city with a population of approximately 600,000.

The standard of living in Yazira is said to be of the very highest quality, and the city is largely occupied by the wealthiest of people in Manaia. However, some are granted residency in the Emerald city by the supreme council of Primeria in return for making sizeable contributions, financial or otherwise, towards the advancement of Primerian goals - goals that are largely believed to be one and the same as that of the Decideist faith's.

The City gets its name from the emerald tablet of Bira which is housed in a museum in the very centre of the city. The tablet is regarded as a magical artefact by Decideins, who make up roughly 50% of the population of Yazira. The remainder is mostly atheists, with a very small community of very wealthy Sobanite's.

Seven of the thirteen members of the elite council of Primeria reside in the Emerald city, as does the supreme court and the PBI (Principal Banking Institute) - a Bank which offers loans to other banks and even governments across the seven continents.

Magic is permitted in the city of Yazira, when found to be in accordance with the will of the Father. However, the arts are sanctioned only within the walls of ten temples which are spread out throughout the city. Those practising magic outside of said temples are often exiled from the continent of Primeria, in some cases directly to the prison island of Zarakash.

Explore Manaia

Euchao, Wetlands, Aneyes, Shevarah, Kafa, Primeria, Karadam, Zarakash, Agamar, The Alochian Kingdoms, Kazemi, Sobanism, Decideism, Gavaho, Shipeva, The Switchery, Sin Tax, Keepership, Amanism, Peresi, Anakai, Firee, Zeerah, Beerah, Dayre, Merkh, Devil's Pit, Keren, Sherishemi, Navasa, Knash, Echrem, Methusa and Mangho, Shamah, Gramar, Heir.

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