Manaia : The Ancient Religion of Decideism

in #fantasy5 years ago (edited)


Decideism is the most ancient of faiths to follow a written doctrine in Manaia, being some two thousand years old. It is said that for as long as man has had the ability to read, they have read the Grammon - the Decidein Holy Book.

The Grammon in its original form, is believed to have been written by Bira the Chosen - a Holy man among the first men, singled out by the Creator for his righteousness and great love of God. However, the Grammon has grown significantly since then, having been periodically added to by further chosen ministers of the faith throughout time.

Throughout the pages of the Grammon, there is no explicit name ascribed to the Creator, who is referred to most often as God and Father. Nevertheless, religious scholars throughout the centuries have postulated that the Decidein faith's God is the same entity as the Sobanite faith's Hehu and the Kuzu religion's Evra-yn, basing the assertion on a plethora of similar characteristics, in spite of many notable differences.

A considerable difference to the Decidein faith is that, while the Kuzu and Sobanite religions prohibit the use of magic in all forms, Decideism permits the practise of magic when in service of the Father's will, which can only be discerned through the Grammon or prophetic revelation.

Currently, as much as 60 percent of the Decidein community reside in Primeria, the most Eastern continent in Manaia. Primeria is a wealthy and heavily fortified continent, however, any can acquire passage to Primeria by converting to the Decidein faith - a process which includes study and trials, and can take as long as two years to complete for the adept.

Decidein children embark on a year long journey at the age of 12, accompanied by an elder Decidein. The journey is named The Great Feast - symbolic of the great wealth of knowledge they are expected to consume throughout their travels. Over the course of the thirteen moons, the young Decidein visits with the 12 noble families of the faith, whose lines all contained one or more of the historical chosen prophets. The noble bloodlines live all throughout Manaia, from Euchao to Aneyes, Shevarah to the Wetlands. One is even said to reside on the border of Kafa and Karadam in the deep south - but only a Decidein would know for sure. Little much else is known about what takes place on The Great Feast to outsiders, but it is often said that Decidein children who return home from their journeys are never quite the same as when they departed.

The Decidein community is known for taking care of their own, and consequently have acquired many positions of great influence throughout Manaia. While no Decidein sits on an established seat of authority ruling as King, Magna or Luner, they are often among the wealthiest of bankers and traders and play a pivotal role in supporting the visible leaders throughout the seven continents. For this reason, many conspiracy theories surround the religion that assert Primeria and the Decidein faith as the controlling force behind every King and ruling authority in the lands of Manaia. Peculiarly, a vast majority of the theatre house writers are of the Decidein faith, inciting further conspiracies that the religion is guilty of mass mind control, shaping public opinion and beliefs through the writing in their plays.

Explore Manaia

Euchao, Wetlands, Aneyes, Shevarah, Kafa, Primeria, Karadam, Zarakash, Agamar, The Alochian Kingdoms, Kazemi

Manaia is a free-to-use universe for authors and creators, and the set of the upcoming fantasy series, Sons of Gods.


Came across a video on youtube called "You are a badass" lol, and thought of you, it's inspiring- dropped it in chat :)

Loving the background of your story!

I can see why that would remind you of me. Lol. I am popping out for a short while but will log on when I get back for a chat if you're about.

  • and thanks. It's gonna be a while before I start writing the story still I think, but it is both enjoyable and useful to develop the world piece by piece.

Haha, naturally, Okay, I'll put chat up in the browser then :)

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