Ramson Soup - Simple Recipe! Ramson Food Serie part 5

in #cooking6 years ago (edited)

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Hi darlings! Soup is such a nourishing and healthy dish, that gives you energy and a happy feeling in your gut.

I am not sure if this will be the last part of my Ramson Food Serie or not, so I leave it open for now, perhaps I also will show you how to make ramson salt, or something else. My ramson (wild garlic) creativity has no borders! Perhaps it sounds little strange to make a whole serie about an odd plant as ramson, but I have realised that I really get to know a plant this way, and exploring my horizon for what all the possibilities are.

Of course you can replace the ramson in my recipes with kale or spinach or any other herb, if you have no access to this wild garlic plant where you live.

Here is part 1, part 2, part 3 and Part 4 if you want to check out my ideas what to create with ramson.

A short resume of the day

Today I felt out of balance. I didnt sleep much last night because my little boy was awake many hours during the night, and he was very clingy the whole day, which made it impossible for me to get anything done. I still breastfeed him, and he wants to drink all the time, especially during the nights when he cant sleep. That can be very challening sometimes to tell you the truth, and today was such a day. We all have them, days when we just need to stay in bed and away from people. When we dont understand our self at all, and when there is nothing we can do. Luckely those days are rare for us, but they exist. But I know its temporarily and tomorrow is a new day that I will see with new eyes.

Enough about the personal stuff, here is my recipe for you guys! Because a healthy and warm soup solve most of the problems at the moment.

Green Ramson (Wild Garlic) Soup with Potatoes!

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While I was shooting the pictures, my little boy didnt want to wait for the food, so he started with an avocado and watched me working on the set. He has always been the greatest avocado fan.


  • 1 bunch or ramson (well rinsed and drained)
  • 315 g potatoes (peeled)
  • 1 litre water
  • 1/2-1 tbsp of organic vegetable stock
  • 1 onion + 1 garlic
  • 1 small piece of ginger (optional)
  • lemon juice to taste + a little lemon zest
  • sea salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste
  • Optional: pressed garlic if you like more garlic flavour, and some coconut or any other vegan cream to add to the soup before serving.

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  • chop the onion, 1 garlic and ginger, and fry until golden in a soup pan.
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  • Same with the potatoes:
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  • add the water and vegetable stock and cook until the potatoes are soft.
  • add lemon zest, lemon juice, spices and chopped ramson leaves.
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  • cook for some more minutes, and then blend the soup with a hand mixer.
  • taste and add spices if needed.
  • to balance the flavours of the soup you can add some coconut creamor any other vegan cream.
  • garnish with radish sprouts or chickpeas croteau a la @amy-goodrich !
  • serve with bread or like me, falafel and hummus!
  • Enjoy!

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I must admit, falafel is not very healthy, but it is my secret addiction that I choose to eat sometimes. We have a place near our home where they make their falafel from scratch, and it is the best falafel I have tasted in my entire life. Since I discovered that place (its a tiny restaurant), I always buy some falafel with hummus (they have like 8 different kind of hummus). It was not my plan to eat falafel with my ramson soup, but my partner came home with them while I was taking the pictures, so I couldnt resist have them on the set.;)

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Wish you all a wonderful time, and sending you lots of love! I am feeling great, again, sometimes all I need is to write down one of my delicious recipes for you guys! :D
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Love, Niina

Cant get enough? You can alo find me here:


While you are still here, take your time to check out my other recipes and recent posts:


Life & Inspiration:

Thank you all! ❤
I want to inspire you to live your dreams, eat delicious, wholesome, nourishing, healthy food, and keep a creative mind. We all can do that, now!

Health starts inside our mind.

All content and images are mine and original. If you want to share my work, you are welcome. Just remember to tag me.
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A huge thanks to @byn for creating my new steemit logo!


So amazing and green!

I love your photos:)

Thanks so much my dear!! So sweet;)

Thanks for sharing your healthy delicious recipe.

Its a pleasure my dear!!

beautiful! you have great talent..
Those falafel look too good.. im a falafel addict.. I think they are very good for you.. esp if you make them at home with loads of parsley and good oil.. They are SO easy to make really!



Oh I have to try out your recipe!! Amazing, I am already drooling;)

Thanks a lot Alex for checking out my post!

Look at that pair of helpful hands :-)

You've a junior chef in the kitchen.

Yes I definitely have a junior chef at home!!

What a great post my darling. I love your pictures as always and those cute little toddler hands just makes everything so much sweeter :)

Haha yes it does! And now he knows that his hands is on the pictures and it's like a game for him to hold the hands still while I take the picture, he think it's so fun when the camera makes noises😂

Haha so cute :) It always gives something extra when a baby hand is included =)

Yes indeed haha!

I really have to try it! What a different flavors in a same soup! Great!

Thanks my dear for checking out my soup recipe!

Now that you mentioned the wild garlic. I guess I have seen something like this here. Also now that I know what it is, it seems even more delicious. I could probably eat many bowls of it. The flowers are so pretty. Great series.

Thanks lovely! To make a series about ramson is little odd, but a lot of fun and really challenging to make delicious dishes out of one plant! I have enjoyed doing it and it gave us the chance to spend much more time in the forest and nature which is great.💚🌱THANK YOU!

It's not odd it's awesome! You are a master chef!

Awww thanks darling!!

Another amazing Ramson recipe Sweetie.............I really love the vibrant green and I bet the taste is delicious 🍒 🍌🍑🌿🍍🍓🍇

Yes I am just so in love with ramson right now, add it to all my foods.😉😍💚


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What a beautiful presentation, the soup looks wonderful Niina. Love the falafels too, very yummy. And of course your little helper :) I hope your day was better after your tasty soup my friend!

It really was a lot better after my soup, sometimes all we need is some great food or treat!!;)

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