FINALE - "EXPANSION" - A Collaborative Art Journey No. 25 - We Steemian Artists have created over 440 images!!!!steemCreated with Sketch.

We have collectively made our way through
25 Collaborative Art Journeys!!!

We have created over 440 Masterpieces
from only 25 original images!!!

It's amazing what a community can do when coming together for common purpose.
My greatest joy here is to build a really bad ass community that supports and uplifts each other.
It looks like we're doing that with magnificent force,
as there are 89 total artists that have been on this journey since it's beginning in October last year.

I have been blessed to receive gifts from these artists nearly everyday
through the many mediums of expression.
Though most of us don't even know each other, come from all walks and eras of life from all over the world, and we speak different languages, we have easily combined our energies and passion for art in expansive and life-upgrading ways for us all.  

Just look at all the benefits that come from such interactive play
by taking the challenge and investing ourselves.

  • finding connections
  • learning each other's styles
  • melding our talents
  • sharing our passions
  • exchanging positively good feeling energy
  • upping our own abilities
  • showing gratitude and appreciation
  • inspiring others
  • earning rewards
  • surprising ourselves
  • giving each other gifts
  • building a really tight-knit community within a community
  • getting and giving feedback
  • giving each other an immediate audience to show our creations
  • activating a profound collection of Steemian Artist's Collaborative Works
  • bringing valuable content to Steemit
  • enjoying every moment of our interactions everyday
  • as an added bonus -- we do this for FREE
  • we make little to no waste in the process. (Except of course electricity to run our computers).
  • Our collaborative offerings are made available in our art collaboration chat room on SteemitChat. The chat room is also hosting collaborative opportunities from other Steemian artists.  Remember to check in often to see what possibilities await you.


    To date 87 of us ArtiSteemians have created together
    a total of 440+ pieces of amazing art.

    That includes our two noobs @dayleeo, and @ninahaskin
    who are debuting with their first CAJ collaborations here. 


    Collaboration Finale No. 25

    ~**~**~    " E X P A N S I O N "    ~**~**~

    Here is my original "EXPANION" Invitation to join this collaboration:

    This is a photograph I took at an art festival.  Lights and images were being projected on a huge screen to be seen clear across the park in the dark of night.  The images were so amazing I took the opportunity for a little photoshoot.

    This original image was then transformed by 13 artists here on Steemit.
    With this one image alone, we produced  16 Collaborative Masterpieces. 


    I love putting the sound first so you can enjoy it while perusing the rest of the art.

    Melodious Music Memoirs # 48 with @verbal-d

    <iframe width="100%" height="450" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src=";color=ff5500&amp;auto_play=false&amp;hide_related=false&amp;show_comments=true&amp;show_user=true&amp;show_reposts=false&amp;visual=true"></iframe>

    What???? Here you are and I missed seeing and commenting on this post @verbal-d!!! Whoooooosshhhh is right!!! Yayayayayay--you're here and so am I and grooving to this soul moving sound right now...very grounding and the repetitive beat is very meditative. I'm so glad I love your music so much as it sets the tone for all of our finales. The good feeling vibes you embed really enhances my gratitude for you. Thank you so much for bringing your best to the table, all-ways!!

    "Taintrrot in E X P A N S I O N" with @yusaymon

    Wow! @yusaymon -- this is super duper cool!!! I am really impressed (again) by your art. I'm really stoked about how awesome this turned out. I just keep looking at it!! I love the black and white mixed with the vibrant colors, and it's oh so interesting your inspiration for making it. I'm so glad you have joined us in this collaboration. You really nailed this one!

    "Masquerade: Self portrait" with @juliakponsford

    Oh wow wow wow!!! AWE~some piece of art @juliakponsford. And you're in it!!!!!
    What an amazing transformation--truly brilliant. The combination of color and pencil(?) provides great balance and the use of color is really primo! Thanks for bringing yourself to the table. We are all blessed by your contributions.Oh-and I really love your banner too!

    Collaboration with @motivator

    Shazaam!!!! Now THAT is expansion!!! Boldly beautiful! So glad you came back and have brought your brilliant self to this initiative again. Grateful to be expanding with you @motivator!

    "Mr. Octopus Goes to the Theatre" with @pyrowngs

    Oh so glad for your play and jovial side @pyrowngs. This is one very happy image-- your dancer with a sweet look on her face! I love how you tied this into your past and brought to life something that hasn't been used. Thanks for having such a great imagination and for sharing about yourself too! I appreciate you!

    "Expansion of Light" with @ophelifu

    A super great combination of images @opheliafu. I love how the one eye lights up, and the placement of your image with mine. I almost wouldn't have guessed this piece came from you, but alas, you are full of magnificent surprises. Thanks for contributing to the ahhhh.someness!

    E X P A N S I O N Wishes and Eurovan Dreams with dayleeo

    <div style="position:relative;height:0;padding-bottom:56.25%"><iframe src="

" style="position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;left:0" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>
Oh dear @dayleeo!!! What a noob beginning!!!! It's fabulous to see what the imagination and some time for inspired action creates. The van idea is genius in and of itself, and then on top of it all, you mix it up and spin it around!!!! I'm sitting at my computer watching this and feeling myself looking like I'm you with the giggles. Great sound too. Thanks you so much for finding your way to me and for this truly genius gift LOVE IT!!!

Collaboration with @ninahaskin

Wow!!! Now that is fantastic! Very clever use of my image and inspired beginning with this collaboration. I'm stoked you came out to play with us, you've made a valuable contribution to our repertoire, and now this artists' community too. Grateful to have you here @ninahaskin.

Collaboration with @robyneggs

I love your interpretation of this challenge @robynegg. You've captured some real depth in the transformation. An expansive idea and expression on many levels. Thanks for being you and continuing to share yourself with us. Much love <3.

"Let's Spin" and 3 bonus images with @samanthajbarnes

Ohhhhhh fabulous!!!!! All of them! The swirl and the flower are my favs. The swirl really catches the attention--incredibly stunning art @samanthajbarnes. I love how the outer rim is not spinning, which makes me feel like I could walk up to the edge then fall right in. Truly ahhh-some job. Thanks so much for all you bring to this collaboration. It's great to have you here.

Collaboration with @spaceginger

This is a really great weird piece!! The face i s perfect, just totally fits right in there. The spiral eye and the bulbous nose really catch the attention. I love how it is all squeezed in there together--sweet job @spaceginger!!!

"Thank you Dearest Demon" with @girlbeforemirror

My demon sits beside me,
Always watching always near.

So long I've tried to hide away,
I ran from her in fear.

But it's fear that she relies on,
It feeds her, keeps her strong.

I ran and stumbled til I fell,
Now it's time to move along.

She's not something to push away,
She's not a real foe.

My demon is a piece of me,
Denial let her grow.

So now I sit beside her,
And I look upon her face.

She mirrors back my tired eyes,
We're both weary from the chase.

It's time to make some changes,
Some space for her to nest.

She carried all my darkest fears,
And now she needs to rest.

I didn't know that we were one,
I didn't want to see.

Now that I accept her here,
We can finally just be.

I take her in my arms,
And I feel her weight give way.

She settles deep within my soul,
Home finally to stay.

This is definitely my most favorite of your poems so far, and your art perfectly depicts the sentiment. I love how you bring it all back around again. So glad you are well enough to play with us and that you share yourself in such an intimate way. Thank you for being @girlbeforemirror! I'm so grateful for you!

Colaboracion with @txatxy

What a fun and dynamic piece this is @txatxy!!! I really love your combinations and composition. I would love to see how you put this together. AWESOME contribution. I'm really grateful you have joined this collaboration! We are blessed!

The possibilities that are activated through community are really quite astounding.  I'm glad to see you all around Steemit, participating in the challenges and helping each other.  Together we are powerful.



We have the opportunity to share our incredible repertoire at Steemfest in Lisbon

in some miraculous way, which will allow others to tune into the amazing
art we have created together.
If you have any creative suggestions on how we can optimally share our art,
I would be delighted to hear about it.  
Send me a message on SteemitChat or in a comment below!

Also, in the spirit of making Steemfest2 more accessible to more Steemians, please consider making a donation to the t-r-f (travel reimbursement fund).  We can help each other make it there to meet in the flesh! If you're planning to make it to Steemfest2, I'd love to know about it to look for you there.


A sample view of our early collaborative works:
Steemian Collaborative Art Journey - What the Heck Are We Building?


Finale of Ribbon of Hope - 17 artists and 18 masterpieces
Finale of Reflections of a Blessings - 15 artists and 23 masterpieces
Finale of Tangled Webs We Weave  - 23 artists and 27 masterpieces
Finale of Power Spirit   - 23 artists and 26 masterpieces
Finale of Life Stands Still   - 18 artists and 29 masterpieces
Finale of Ingrained - 18 artists and 17 masterpieces
Finale of Beyond the Veil - 18 artists and 19 masterpieces
Finale of Sliver's Edge - 12 artists and 14 masterpieces
Finale of Shadow Mandala - 19 artist and 28 masterpieces
Finale of Ethereal Presence - 17 artists and 19 masterpieces
Finale of On the Ball - 9 artists and 10 masterpieces
Finale of Wisdom of the Ancients- 17 artists creating 36 masterpieces
Finale of Rejuvenation- 20 artists creating 27 masterpieces
Finale of Do You See What I See - 14 artists creating 19 masterpieces
Finale of Shattered Rainbows - 17 artists creating 31 masterpieces
Finale of All Fired Up - 18 artists creating 19 masterpieces
Finale of No Strings Attached - 17 artists creating 29 masterpieces
Finale of Artist's Eye - 16 artists creating 21 masterpieces
Finale of Midnight Sky - 7 artists  creating 8 masterpieces
Zentangle Art Collaboration - 4 artists creating 3 masterpieces
Building community through Art Collaboration - 2 artists creating 1 masterpiece
Collaboration using Ned's Head - 5 artists creating 4 masterpieces
Collaborating with @opheliafu:  Madam Kali - 2 artists creating 1 masterpiece
Collaborating with @opheliafu: Bird on a Wing - 2 artists creating 1 masterpiece


I am so super impressed with this series @everlove truly an amazing work of art using so many works of art!
This is one of the best things on Steemit for sure!

I"m truly honored to provide something of value to this Steemit community. We know about building community in real life, so bringing the joys of working together based on passion is definitely worth the investment here on Steemit. I appreciate your appreciation of this initiative and the amazing works created.

Yes so great to see all the collaboration and the beautiful artistic results!

I agree wholeheartedly @quinneaker.


<3 <3 <3


Wow some of these are absolutely amazing. It's crazy that all came from the same photo.

Greetings @jeffjagoe. Thanks for your visit here and your comment. I'm so glad we can share something amazing with you. These artists are amazing on many levels. Grateful for your appreciation.

These are so inspiring! I love vibrant colors! And seeing vibrant colors used in new ways is awesome! New flavors of eye candy!!

Perfect description @pyrowngs!! These artists are all so amazing and bring such value to Steemit. How great it is that we are a part of that and the vibrant world we are creating. So blessed!

Glad you're asking!! Out taking some shots today!!

These REALLY are SO inspiring!

Agreed!!!! So appreciate your energetic infusion here too @quinneaker!


Woooohoooooo!!! REESTEMED!!!!!

I thank you and all these artists likely do too. You made an amazing contribution @yusaymon. Share the love around! <3

Bro your art piece was one of my favorite ones!
Great job!

Yaaaaaaaaayyyyy! Cool collaborations!

Agreed @opheliafu! Really sweeeeeeet stuff!

SOOO cool =)>

Wow! Great art from everyone!
So sorry I missed this one @everlove, been caught up in doing video production.
I will make an effort to be in on the next!

You definitely bring a special niche to this collaboration. Will be so grateful to have you back. It's awesome how we all come together with such diverse expressions. Wow indeed!

Thanks so much for your encouragement!

All helping each other is what it's all about. Glad to have you here to encourage! <3

Cheers, glad to be here too!

great work... i upvoted you plz upvote me ??

Thanks @mian290. Hope you enjoyed it.

u shouldn't up vote obvious spammers, as u can see his re is 10 because all he does is spam.

I definitely missed this one, which is super obvious! Thanks for the nudge!


When's the next one? I keep worrying that I've missed it. Haven't been on here a whole lot lately.

I've been playing with a lot of other things in my life too @pyrowngs. You haven't missed it's coming soooooon!!! So glad to see your sweetness here on my blog @pyrowngs.

Wow a fantastic collection of Collabs once again! Well done everyone and thanks for hosting everlove 😃

I am honored to facilitate passion. So glad you've become a part of this journey. Amazing contributions from all!

Amazing work, so phenomenal the direction you guys took.. well done on the collabs.. only the beginning!

Right? So many diverse artistic expressions. The artists here on Steemit are amazing and so willing to share themselves just for the sake of passion. Thanks for your comment @butchcrypto.

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