Bee Down! What To Do When You Find Any Bee Crawling And Looking So Helpless On The Ground?

in #bees7 years ago (edited)

I know am a day late but better late than never ! Did you celebrate Earth Day yesterday? Somehow, I did and that's cause I too believe there is no planet B.

source: Bee Earth Day

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Had to laugh when the bumblebee was like: "Don't touch while I eat!" Great to watch it from up close. It really was thankfull, saying goodbye in its own way, I guess.

Saw a dying bee once in our garden. Took it and put it on a flower. Thought it would be a peacefull place to breathe its last breath.

@oaldamster dank je wel!
hahaha .. cute right? he's very very cute. He went back the next day and got trapped in the green house so I let him out again hahaha

It's my pleasure Ivy!
Very cute indeed. Maybe it got itself trapped hoping there would be another honey treat. :-)

@oaldamster no.. hahah these days the scent of the strawberry flowers linger really strong
so many bees have been going in it
he won't get any honey anymore haha
I just clasped him between my palms
they're not really harmful anyway
but he keeps buzzing trying to fly it tickles haha

They are busy bees again @englishtchrivy. :-)
Like them fluffy bumblebees, they do look kind of cudly.

Wow, that's really some enthusiasm you are showing here to help a bee. I appreciate that, thank you!

Thank you for posting @englishtchrivy.

Always enjoy learning something with regard to gardening...lovely to learn this about bees. Yes.....Bee down....eliptical response to such an emergency....perfect.

Bees are a favorite as they are hard working little insects...right up there with the Ladybird. ^_^

Wishing you and yours all the best. A bientot.

@bleujay thank you for reading!
Yes I love 'em bees and very grateful for them - they've been kissing all my fruiting trees and plants :D
to bees!!! Cheers!

how's it going out there?
been manning the ship? :D bees...Cheers!

Keeping afloat....would probably be the better word.....however full steam ahead tomorrow.

Collected photographs this weekend...busy as a bee for Steemit. ^_^


@bleujay ah .. that's good ;D
better than sink ..
I'm looking forward to more posts and principles from you!


You are too kind. Thank you for your kind words and support.

Oh yes....lots in the works....drawings as well....working on those right now.

Amazing how much we think of others in trying to bring Steemians the very best......just as you have done in this excellent post concerning bees. We at Steemit appreciate your work.

All the best. A bientot.

I have saved a few before with sugar water! It's quite amazing to see. I did not know they smelled of the last flower they visited. That's pretty dashed cool! I never even imagine them having a smell. Imagine you giving him a sniff hehe! Superb!

that's new - sugar water - you and your sugar thing!
imagine sniffing that huge a bumblebee in the video
can you ?
double dare? video :D
I did sniff him while he was eating
when it's busily nipping on the honey it just puts its forelegs up
you can lift the plate up and sniff him or her all you want haha
but not too close to your nose
some of them may have mites

Bees have mites? No! Seriously?

It's been knowledge central here tonight!

Ya, the sugar water thing is quite a cool technique and one that is close to my heart ;0) when i first heard about it I found a bee only a few days later and tried it out and it worked a charm!

I don't think I would have the courage to sniff that big a beast. In my head I would be expecting a wild attack from the bee!!!

@meesterboom yes, they have mites too
knowledge central .. hmmm should be the new marketing pitch mode of Steemit ..
Steemit the knowledge central :D

yes, they do have mites I don't know what those are cold
they cling to their bodies and am not sure whether its transferable to us but better not

okay if you dont have the courage dont :D
but seriously when they're nippin' they forget everything
so I also have to watch them close
since we got plenty of birds in the garden as you often hear on my videos
always singing hahah

I have heard the birds!!

It's definitely not worth taking the risk of the little more things deciding to hop on board. So that is of course the excuse I will now use about not wanting to get up close!! ;0)

Knowledge central is what it should be!!

@meesterboom hahaha
you're excuse eh? I don't know you like that but that's fine
we don't have to do it
I was curious and since it's been kissing flowers I wonder what it smells like so sniff I did haha
my husband is more cautious than I am he won't either
but actually any bee even a wasp - won't sting when eating
there's something about that honey
they seem so obsessed and stoned they get unaware of the rest of the world while nippin on it just like butterflies

In that case to avoid being stung in summer I have an idea! I shall smart honey all over myself and that way if any of these critters land on me with intent to sting I shall be safe as they will start eating. Wayhay ;0D

@englishtchrivy you are very exceptional.
Now I know a person making high five with a sipping bumblebee. Sensational. Your views into the garden are very, very cute.

As I wrote you before. The workers are living 3 weeks only. But this one you feeded, I guess, it was immovable by low temperature. Your new friend came from work full of pollen but no more force to move on. Her very first reaction was to climb your warm finger and arm of course. Then sipping energy. Very good clips. Great work.

@afrog thank you!
I see .. warmth .. the warmth indeed ..
you should try giving high five to bees he he try too
this one is a worker?
it's not the queen moss bee - they're not the same
I left the moss bee alone and thank you for confirming it's a queen
I'm excited to find more bees in my garden
I want a lot of them :D
I love them ^ ^

As I understand bees, the queen is almost bigger than workers and not flying out anymore. She is staying in the nest to produce eggs. She is a reproducing unit. All others are workers, drones and young queens. Young queens doesn't come back when they flew out. They are searching for a place to have a marriage and then spend the time in winter. But it is too early now. The are still larvas now. It's end of April. Queens escape later on in the summer. Before the initial queen in the nest is dying.
I love your movies.

@afrog thank you and thank you for the new information
I left her alone as I don't want to bug her if she's laying eggs
am just worried though .. I have 5 newts last year won't they eat her eggs or her too? and ants in the garden .. they're black so I wonder if they'd attack them too and not to mention your family members and toads as well
I hope that queen moss bee does procreate successfully
I'm really looking forward for more buzzing
poor queen.. she's born to die :(

You and me, we are queens too, in a manner. Born to die. It has nothing to do with poor. It's just nature and we are the same. One day, one year, a decade it doesn't matter. What we are doing in the given time, that counts.

@afrog indeed :D
but I'll live longer .. okay actually 90 is enough bwahahahaha
just kidding :D
a very wise thought .. indeed indeed.. what matters is what we do with the time given to us .. cheers to that!

Yes, Cheers! Happy, happy!

No, i've no smelled any bee but I learnt what a nice thing I can do here.
thanks for the lesson.

I used to take bees and wasps from the sea. Glad to save a life.

I hardly encounter bees in need. Usually I run away from them as I did earlier this year while hiking through LAOS mountains. They were just coming after me. Oh could have been wasps.

Last year on a camping I had wasp attack at my camper. I did run again, and when returning after a few hours, I saw at least 100 wasps in a half filled glass with apple juice, all drowned. Couldn't help them anymore.

wow, great post about bee! I don't have bees close to my home here in the city, but when I was a child I used to help my grandfather to take care of his bees and I love them. Thanks for this content full of informations on how to help bees, I really appreciate it ^_^

I've killed so many bees in the past few days.

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