An Overview of my Two Months on Steemit^^

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemit friends:

How time flies!

Its hard to believe that I've now been a member of Steemit for more than 2 whole months, still enjoying every moment sharing my life with you guys.

In these two months, I've made some great new friends and also received the support from many many more. I'm so lucky to have nearly 400 followers and I'm truly grateful for all of your support.

I've managed to blog on average once per day with a total of 65 blogs and counting! Apart writing reports and dissertations for university, I've never put my mind to writing, especially in two languages for the majority of my posts. For me, that alone is a personal achievement. Just goes to show what one can do if you put your mind to it!

To help my newer followers understand me a little quicker, I've made a summary of my blogs below^^

My blog posts usually belong to these 7 categories :

• Travel (Sweet Journey)
• Food (Miss Delicious)
• Life
• Culture
• Fashion
• Cats
• Relationship

The above 7 categories of course all have a lot of pictures which are all taken with my phone or my trusty Canon 5D MK ii. Although I'm just an amateur photographer, I love taking pictures (and love pictures taken of me) so almost all the pictures other than those marked with sources are my own.

Below i've listed each category and all the blogs belonging to that category :

1) Travel (12 posts)

——Sweet Journey

Travelling is my life, I've been to many places and yet there are so many more places to visit. Blogging about travelling is so difficult sometimes because there's so much to write about. I'm really grateful for my supporters for getting through my travel blogs as well as continue to read them!

Kissing Santorini's Magical Blue Sea.

Uncovering the secrets of the River Cam in Cambridge.

Memoirs of Malta : Popeye Village and it's crazy water dance party.

Taking Steemit to one of the 8th wonders of the world^ ^

A visual and literary account of my travels to Nepal!

My 12 hour vacation in Portugal.

My adventure to Tenerife.

Discovering the legend of Hainan.

One night in the Yellow Submarine.

Barcelona and the Sun's Colour Palette.

Hyde Park's bustling summer, and festive winter..

Dear Taiwan : Kending - Everything I could possibly want! Part 1

2) Food (12 posts)

——Miss Delicious

It's no secret that i'm a big foodie, I love eating food from all over the world, what's better is that there's always something new to try, something new to blog about!

Eating Oysters is all about the mood and feel..

The night bazaars of Xi'an - A walk through Hui Street.

A thousand years ago, I was an Empress!

Food Friday! Japanese foods help to refresh the taste buds in the mouth .

Summer is the time for BBQ'——a look at Xi'an's famous BBQ.

Swimming-with-the-crayfish .

A Chinese twist on Japanese Cuisine.

Introducing Steemit to the best duck in town.

The Moon Festival's secret menu.

The Best Lamb Stew in Town...

Girls have an appetite for pretty food or tasty food.

The world's only touring Chocolate Exhibition comes to my home!

3) Life (13 posts)

——I like to share tidbits of my life, I think the most important thing is keeping my blogs realistic so you can find out more about the real me.

The secrets of why girls go to the bar.
I'm a film fanatic, so is China.
My secrets to keeping in shape.
WeChat, China's all-in-one version of Whatsapp.
Taking steemit to a concert in China.
I'm an expert UFO Catcher , gotta catch em all!
The Secrets to Studio Photo Shoots..
WeChat, China's all-in-one version of Whatsapp.
The insiders story on China's newest 'Occupation' - Purchasing Agents.
How do girls live well in China?
What do Chinese girls do when they meet up?
Today is the Qixi Festival otherwise known as Chinese Valentines day. What do girls like to do on this day?
What gifts do Chinese girls like?

4) Culture (10 posts)

——I was born and raised in China, I then went to study in London for my undergrad and Masters degrees. From my experiences "abroad" I've picked up a-lot of cultural differences which although frequently talked about, are another thing when experiencing for oneself. I also like to share Chinese Traditions in addition to the cultural dislocations between the the West and Asia.

Culture Exchange:

The Anti-social way of Socializing in Asia.

Why you don't see Chinese girls wearing Bikini's at the beach?

Lost in Translation - Filial Piety

A primer to the etiquette of dining.

Chinese Culture:

Unravelling the mysteries of Ancient Chinese Opera.

Impressions of China--Taking Steemians back to the Tang Dynasty.

Capturing the Spirit of the Uyghurs through Ink Wash Painting.

The Moon Festival Gala.

^^Welcome to my world of Idioms #1.

Welcome to my world of Idioms #2.

5) Fashion (6 posts)

——Fashion is another big part of my life, whether it's fashion blogging, sharing the latest trends, or just expressing myself, it's something I love to share with everybody^^

Girl in Dark Shadow.
A magical fairy in the Land of Oz.
How to do your make up in 10 minutes or less?
Blue is 3 degree's below Zero..
I just can't get you out of my head..
The Asian Empress of Austria..

6) Cats (4 posts)

——Animals and Pets are my life, in particular Cats ! I often consider myself a Cat lady-^^

Do cats have logic? My cats top 3 cat logic explained!
5 Amazing human moments of a Scottish Fold!
The internet was designed to disseminate pictures of cats... and I'm a cat woman!
Three reasons why I think my cat has given birth to 5 little tigers!

7) Relationship(3 posts)

——As a Chinese girl, I have a lot of Asian insights into the mind of Generation Y girls from China and I love to share these with everybody!

The Marriage Dilemma.
Having a Naked Marriage isn't a bad idea at all!
China's leftover women - Single and not necessarily successful!
It's Not Fair.

Steemit(5 posts)

——Like all Steemians, my goal is to become more popular on Steemit as well as helping Steemit to become mainstream social media.

Steemit or Livestreaming ? I choose Steemit.
A week of letting off steem. Full Steem Ahead!
Introducing Me myself and Steemit, a day of photo blogging.
The Steemian's Hierarchy of Needs.
Can Steemit grow exponentially like Wheat on a Chessboard? #introduceafriend and find out!

As my journey on Steemit continues, I will endeavor to be myself and whatever content I share will always be a true reflection of myself. Even though I won't be able to join in the fun at the upcoming SteemFest (I will make sure I make the next one), I will continue to share content and blog about many interesting things!

Once again, I extend my appreciation and thanks to all who have supported me in my short time on Steemit, it's truly been a pleasure thus far and I can't wait to get more involved, make more friends, share content with you all in the future!

时间飞逝, 我认识Steemit已经整整2个月了,现在依然很享受在Steemit上发文章。这2个月里,我认识了好多新的朋友,也得到了好多朋友一如既往的支持,拥有了快400个朋友的关注。 2个月里,我坚持每天发1篇文章,现在已经有65篇文章了,这对我,一个从来没有正式写作过的人来说,是很大的成绩。为了让新关注我的朋友更快的了解我,我简单介绍一下我发的内容。


• Travel
• Food——(我非常喜欢吃,什么都爱吃,无论欧美食物还是亚洲食物,所以我的美食贴永远也结束不了)
• Life——(我喜欢发真实的生活贴,我觉得在Steemit上发文章,做真实的自己最重要!)
• Culture——(我在中国长大,在英国留学,所以我发现了很多中西方有趣的文化差异。同时我对中国的古典文化很有兴趣。)
• Fashion——(我在生活中离不开时尚,我喜欢分享我自己关于时尚的故事给大家^^)
• Cats——(小动物的是我的生命,我特别爱猫,我就是个猫人= =)
• Relationship——(我作为一个中国女孩,有很多关于亚洲女生的秘密要分享给大家!)




來自一年後的恭喜.... Came here via @dapeng's history today post... :)

I LOVE YOU Sweetssj, 你的文章很有内涵,介绍了许多中国元素,每一篇文章我都看了 ,支持你

Thanks @birds90, 你的摄影作品都好有趣, 期待你更多的作品!^^

CN区,你写文章是最好的,一起加油 :)

谢谢你@elfkitchen, 很喜欢你做得美食,每次看到就饿了^^

You have done a great job, and your are a great writer. I can only imagine how much time and effert you put into each post you always have lots of great pictures and write it in two languages. I enjoy your post and enjoy following you.
💋 @halo 💋😇

thank you halo! That means soo much to me!

Great Ambassador.

Wow, 1 Day 1 Post. You work hard at Steemit :)

Thanks vi1son, I will try my best^^

I like all your articles, especially for the categories travel and life.

Thank you @jademont, much appreciated! ^^

How cute you are))) Couldn't even imagined that)

Looking back on your old posts - wow, just look how far you've come. So stoked for you :)

thanks! It's hard for a lot of the newer users to believe, but I started off just like everyone else.

Yip, and you stuck through it and kept delivering quality!! Good on you :) Now I just need to try and stay focused ;)

I'm sure if you stick it out for the same time as I have, you will be in exactly the same place as me now or even better!

Thanks so much for the encouragement @sweetsssj :) and for always engaging with us common folk ;)

i'm common too! We're all on this journey together 😊

And so humble - hehe :) Nice to see :)

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