Girls have an appetite for pretty food or tasty food? 说说女生吃东西是因为漂亮而有食欲,还是因为味道而有食欲?

in #life8 years ago (edited)



Why is it that girls adore afternoon tea? It has a lot to do with how irresistible the little cakes look. Today I'm writing about my experiences with afternoon tea. I took most of these pictures in restaurants or Hotels in the UK. There are some from China too.


因为写得篇幅太长,又会打开很缓慢了,尤其是要中英文一起写得时候,所以我只好简略介绍一下曾经吃过的部分下午茶。只能粗略的介绍下,以后有机会再细细写每一家的特色。英国的下午茶,大部分都在五星级酒店里面。所以大部分吃下午茶的地方都有衣服的要求,叫做dress code,总之穿的比较正式总没有坏处呢。
Because of the length of this entry and the time it takes to write both chinese and english, i'm going to just go through the afternoon tea's in rough. In the future I will spend more time discussing each in detail.
Engish Afternoon Tea's are usually served in 5 star hotels. Therefore, it also usually a dress code. Nothing too fancy, just smart casual will do.The price is usually around 30 pounds to 80 pounds and basically is unlimited as you can ask to 'refresh' and they will refill the plates.

Stekch London

To have afternoon tea is to indulge in both the companionship as well as the food itself. It's the combination that warms the heart. The environment is usually both graceful and warming. It reminds me of the atmosphere at home which makes me feel very comfortable and relaxing, taking away the stress after a long day. So, afternoon tea is a particularly good place to go after class or during weekends to relax and regain some energy, it's so popular that I imagine every single place in London that offers afternoon tea has been visited by countless Chinese girls.

This is afternoon tea at Liverpool's tallest building. The views are fantastic

这是位于伦敦harods边上一家五星级酒店Pret a Portea at The Berkely。这一家是以时尚元素加进了下午茶,看看这Burberry的风衣,Moschino的包,都不忍心吃了。这一家在巴黎也有店。
This place is just by Harrods and is a 5 star hotel called Pret a Portea at The Berkeley. This is a very diverse afternoon tea as it is decorated with Burberry trench coats and Moschino bags. The decor is so nice I don't want to eat it. They also have another one in Paris. 

这是位于伦敦soho的Sanderson Restaurant and Bars。
This one is in London's soho called Sanderson Restaurant and Bars.

这一家是最早去过的,位于伦敦Ritz Carlton,也算是伦敦非常奢侈的酒店了,下午茶的也是属于顶配的,还提供香槟。
This is one of the earliest places I visited, London's Ritz Carlton. It is considered a high end hotel and the afternoon is the very best. They even serve it with Champagne.

这一家是伦敦的Palm Court,Langham hotel,这家下午茶去过两次,一次是复活节,一次是情人节,这一家下午茶很用心,做了特别为节日定制的下午茶,让我印象深刻的是这一家的scone是最好吃的。
This place is London's Palm Court, Langham Hotel, I've been to this place twice, the first time was easter, and second time was valentines day. They pay alot of attention to serving it with matching themes to the occasion. This is also the place that has the best tasting scones.



This place is situated in London's famous luxury shopping mall, Harrods.

这是伦敦The Landmark的下午茶。
This is an afternoon tea inside The Landmark hotel.

This is an afternoon tea situated in London's China Town. The place is called Yauatcha and is a michelin starred restaurant.

这是位于伦敦piccadilly circus的下午茶。
This afternoon tea is one in London Piccadilly Circus.

这是伦敦Savoy Hotel的下午茶。
This is London's Savoy Hotel.

This is an afternoon tea I had in Budapest. The highlight of this place was definitely the decor.

This is Beijing's "Where do customers come from". It has transparent french windows. The decor is very unique and the taste is brilliant.

This is from a while ago at Beijing's World Trade heaven street's afternoon tea. It was the first time I saw flames atop the bread.

This is at Beijing, San LiTun's Missbonbon afternoon tea.

This is Beijing ChaoYang Joy city's afternoon tea.

This is a cotton candy afternoon tea served at Hong Kong's Victoria Harbour.

This is an afternoon tea place in Auckland, New Zealand


17世纪时,英国上流社会的早餐都很丰盛,午餐较为简便,而社交晚餐则一直到晚上八时左右才开始,所以女孩们在下午的时间就会感到饥饿,并且在过去的上流社会大部分女性没有很多工作,所以闲暇的时间就交给了茶和点心。后来女孩们觉得这种一边交谈一边品茶这种感觉真好,便邀请友人共享。很快,下午茶便在英国上流社会流行起来。下午茶的用餐时间是下午茶3点到5点,种类分为high tea和low tea,当然在英国大部分人会选择high tea。



比如我有时候是更爱水果茶,因为吃甜点太甜的时候,喝到酸甜口味的水果茶,一下子就不腻了。当然我喝奶茶,也就是正宗的afternoon tea的时候也是加很少糖,因为比较原味的味道更加香醇。这门下午茶艺术很快又流传回中国,随着各地餐饮文化的融合,悄然在世界各地发展起来。


Afternoon tea can be traced back to the English 17th Century and has continued it's fervour to this day. Modern afternoon tea is now something widely enjoyed. Eating cakes and sipping tea. This British ritual started around the year 1661 when a Portugese princess brought it to England.

In the 17th century, the upper class would enjoy a rich breakfast and then a comparitively simple lunch. They would then socialise up to around 8 o'clock in the evening before dinner. So, the girls would feel rather hungry in between. Historically speaking, girls in that era of that class would not be expected to work. When the girls need some rest, they would have some tea and sit to talk with each other. This became quite culturally widespread, drinking tea and having conversation at the same time. It became all the rage in high society England.The usual time for afternoon tea is between 3 and 5pm and is split into two types, high tea and low tea. Most people choose high tea.

The presentation of afternoon tea is something carefully presented. Traditional English Afternoon Tea is served with three layers. The first, is sandwiches, second is scones and the third layer is for cakes and fruits. You start from the bottom and finish at the top. The scones you would eat by applying some cream and jam, then eat a little bit, and then apply more cream and jam. If you want to have milk tea, you poor the milk first, then the tea.

In the past, afternoon tea always used one kind of tea. The royal family prefered tea from the far east. For instance, the red tea which was widespread throughout England. However, over the years, afternoon tea has developed some what, and now you can taste many kinds of tea, including fruit teas. There are even tea's fermented with flowers such as the Rose tea.

For me, I like to have fruit teas, espeically since the sweetness of the cakes can be overwhelming. The taste of fruit tea allows me to neutralise this. When I milk tea, I add as little sugar as possible because this brings out the fragrant flavours much more.

Afternoon tea has become so popular now that it is widespread in China too. The integration of many other food cultures has brought afternoon tea not only to China but many other parts of the world as well.
Historically, having afternoon tea was a symbol of being rich and powerful, enjoyed only by the nobles. Nowadays, girls having contemporary afternoon tea is just a symbol of enjoying life.





ohhh nice cakes.. made me feel hungry... but i cant eat just cakes to fulfill my hunger....

It's not just cakes, sandwiches are quite standard ! But yes I can keep eating cakes endlessly..

those are the best pictures of Liverpool I ever seen, probably cos you're in them ;) (in that red dress wow)

Liverpool is a beautiful place! I'm glad I made it more appealing to you though!





An up vote for you because you remind me of my chinese ex.

Thanks for your support!I'm sure she is prettier than me😉

She is really pretty! Also your photos are so pretty ! I wish I could take pictures like that one day..

I could teach you, come to Bangkok.




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