What do Chinese girls do when they meet up? 中国女生聚会的时候喜欢做些什么?

in #life8 years ago (edited)


Chinese girls are a little different to girls from other countries, we actually like to have girl only gatherings.
At these gatherings, it's quite normal for us to introduce un-acquainted girls to each other thus making our circle of friends larger and larger. This usually happens around dinner, afternoon tea or even at Karaoke.
PS:All the photos are my own.


From an outsider's view, a group of attractive girls with good education and good family background may seem dis-interested in socialising with unfamiliar people.


Infact, this is not true at all. When around guys they don't know, the default action is to freeze up and hide their real feelings. It would appear that they are being cold. When you attempt to communicate with them, they will start appearing busy replying to messages on their phone, and even take phone calls. It's as if they are happy to spend endless time with their online friends than make any time to speak with you.


In reality, you needn't worry because as long as you have patience and gradually make effort to understand their lives, you'll realise that girls are not as passive "cold" as you first think.


What happens when I introduce my girlfriends to each other? You would think that the shy girls would shy away to their phones and avoid socialising but you are wrong. Quite the opposite. The cold goddess like girls of old become extremely social and take any opportunity given to befriend new acquaintances.


Whether they talk about make up, what restaurants to eat at, or what movie stars they like, they all socialise with passion. In my experience, strangers can meet and within a blink of an eye become like best friends.. How do I know that? Well, because they already start discussing their next opportunities to meet to go shopping or get their hair done.


So lets talk about what girls actually do when they are together? Well, I can't deny that Chinese girls love to take pictures, like I mentioned above, after spending time speaking to each other it then becomes that important time of taking pictures.


Lets take a gathering at afternoon tea for example, we sit down and order our food, then the most important and immediate question next is whether anybody brought their Casio Exilim selfie cameras or the Meitu camera phones.


So why is it that girls who meet each other for the first time can take pictures and and post them to all the main social networks?


I think it's because a girls friendship circle is very important. Perhaps part of the reason is we want to let everyone know that our friendship circle is large, and I have many friends. This is why we don't just take pictures with our closest friends, instead we take them with every new acquaintance.


To a girl, this is a very important step in developing a bond with new friends.


After ordering our food, we'll naturally enter our chatting phase. Here we can talk about absolutely anything, it isn't all gossip. Some of us will talk about our school work, others will talk about their jobs. If some are into stocks, then they'll chat about those. In a girls eyes, there's nothing we can't talk about with each other, so that's why the meaning of close in girl friendships is particularly strong. We really are very close.


Once the food is served, we love to take pictures of the food. I have one friend who loves taking pictures of the food to the point that we have to wait for every single dish to come and for her to take a complete picture before we can start to eat.


And that pretty much what it's like when chinese girls meet, isn't it unique? Actually there's so much more to it but i'll post more in the future.


You have some great photos here. Really like the way you have put this together.

Thanks for your comment! xx

Can't agree more. have the exact feeling.
good job! @sweetsssj

Do girls meet up wearing exactly the same clothes very often? Is it just me or are Asian girls just really aesthetic?

This only happens in weddings. They are bridesmaid.

put all your instaliga potos here, i love them very much.

My understanding is that Asians have to save face, status is also respected which can be inhibiting, and Asians are expected to respect authority thus they are sheltered and shy.

Whereas, in the West we don't respect anyone nor anything and do what ever the fuck we want, which has its tradeoffs.

Even within Asians, there are some significant differences between for example filipinos and Chinese, e.g. Chinese are mostly atheists and thus see no ethical problem with rampant use of birth control.

It seems to me though that Chinese can also be quite stubborn and do what every they want, for example deciding to sleep on display sofa in the furniture store, cursing, and spitting/urinating on the sidewalk. Maybe that is only the lower classes who do that?

I also noticed it is more difficult to break into North Asians cliques, than for example filipinos and Thais, who are more friendly. The North Asians are somewhat more reserved and colder like their colder climate.

Well it doesn't stop some Chinese ladies on my visits to Hong Kong from giving me the eye. So I guess some phenomena work the same every where, lol. Not implying anything about you and your (middle class girl?) white & nerdy friends obviously.

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