Sweet Journey: Barcelona and the Sun's Colour Palette. 太阳的调色盘——巴塞罗那。

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemit! Do you ever feel that life is more exciting with a touch of colour, so much so that it's an uplift to your mood? The first time I came to Barcelona, it was like jumping into a rainbow by the ocean and rediscovering the brilliance of colour in the blink of an eye ^ ^

What do you think of when you think Barcelona? Maybe it's the very successful and popular football club, FC Barcelona and their Blue, Red and Yellow insignia representing their club. In fact, Barca in their native Catalonia language, means Red and Blue. I've discovered that these colours are actually everywhere in the city, from the town center to the small streets ^ ^ Source.

Barcalona is like a Palette from God, the impact of its colours can cure even the most distressed of people :)

☆Red :

Red is a colour which excites the taste buds! The vibrant red of the Jamon cured ham is a signature produce of Spain and one of my favourite foods from here. The Jamon is produced with special pork and then under high temperatures wrapped with wax. Almost all of the fat becomes oil and trickles out leaving a low fat and low cholesterol ham which even the most health conscious people can consume!

The ham is absolutely delicious, its tiny amounts of remaining fat, melt on the tongue. It's perfect with some red wine and bread. Ham is one of the must haves in any Spanish dish. You can buy this ham from many stores that produce it and they vary in price based on the quality of the meat. These stores are littered all over Barcelona and their distinct aroma can be smelled nearly everywhere you go. That's probably the reason why I'm always hungry walking around the city ^ ^ Source.

◇Blue :

Blue, the undeniable colour of the deep blue sea. Barcelona's seaside is always buzzing, whether it's the locals or tourists, there are always people by the sea enjoying the scenic view and the wonderful colour of the sea. On one side, there are golden sandy beaches, and on the other side, a harbor with many boats anchored in place waiting to head out to sea. In the distance, you can see the hotel with its very distinguished shape matching the sails from the boats :) Source.

The sky is also incredibly blue, I'm pretty sure the sea looks more blue because of the sky reflecting onto the water.

The hotel where I stayed also had a penchant for blue. The hotel used tinted blue windows everywhere. It actually looked quite futuristic..

The opaque glass used by the Swimming pool allows you to see just how pure the sea water is on the other side of the glass.

This hotel really likes it's opaque glass, even the salad is served in a see through plate ^ ^

☆Yellow :

Yellow, the colour of the sun and also considered the colour of choice for artists. Barcelona is artist central, at the turn of the 20th century, it was the home of the famous architect named Gaudi. The yellow colour of the architecture in Barcelona can be partly attributed to the highly influential Gaudi and we can see evidence of his work everywhere. Source.

Casa Mila is perhaps the signature work of Gaudi. The colour of the building is plain beige throughout, as you walk up the stairs towards the rooftop, it feels as though you're entering a world of yellow!

The wavey structures and strange chimneys atop seem extraterrestrial in origin. Gaudi once said "The straight line belongs to men, the curved one to god", as I walked alone the rooftop, I finally understood the meaning of his words.Source.

The Sun's Colour Palette

The Sagrada Família basilica is perhaps Barcelona's most famous tourist attraction. It was also designed by Antoni Gaudi but uncompleted at the time of his death.

After 125 years, the basilica remains incomplete to this day. However, it has been inducted into UNESCO's list of World Heritage sites. Source.

Inside the Basilica, the interior is very complicated but orderly. I like the Stained glass windows because of their rich and diverse colour.

As natural light shines through the stained glass windows, the large variety of colours are projected onto the stone pillars supporting the dome roof. The roof itself is yellow but now has all the colours of the windows "Painted" onto it.

The colours from the stained glass windows remind me of the colourful fruits and vegetables at Barcelona's markets, and the floral window designs draw comparisons to the flowers being sold at these markets.

My impression of Barcelona is inextricably linked to these three colours. The city is bold and unrestrained, giving rise to many forms of artistic expression, whether it's the unique and out of this world architecture, or the incredibly friendly people that reside there, Barcelona surely has more stories for us to uncover.

亲爱的Steemit的朋友们,你们好! 你们有时候会不会觉得生活中灿烂的颜色会带给你美好的心情?我第一次来到了巴塞罗那,整个人就像跳进了鲜亮颜色的海洋,巴塞罗那给了我对颜色全新的认识。
提到巴塞罗那,你会想到什么呢?最成功最受欢迎的FC Barcelona?没错,巴塞罗那球场上的红蓝黄的颜色可以已经深深刻在每一个球迷心中。我惊喜地发现在这座城市大大小小的角落,都有着这三种颜色的踪影,它们是不掺任何杂质的纯色,明亮得令人向往。

我对巴塞罗那的印象就开始于我对这座城市颜色的记忆, 巴塞罗那是热情奔放的,无论是建筑,还是人,它还有更多的故事等着我们去发觉…

If you are interested in my other blogs related to Travel please check out these other blogs below^^

Kissing Santorini's Magical Blue Sea.
Uncovering the secrets of the River Cam in Cambridge.
Memoirs of Malta : Popeye Village and it's crazy water dance party.
A visual and literary account of my travels to Nepal!
My 12 hour vacation in Portugal.
My adventure to Tenerife.
Discovering the legend of Hainan.
Taking Steemit to one of the 8th wonders of the world^ ^
One night in the Yellow Submarine.
Hyde Park's bustling summer, and festive winter..


Barcelona Princess hotel ? :)

It is! I'm guessing you've been there before ? ^_^

Sure :) I stayed in this hotel and in the neighbour hotel too :)

I´ve been to Barcelona once back in 2012. I can confirm that it is an absolute stunning city! You´ve been to so many places so far - I especially enjoy your travel blogs

Thanks lisa! Maybe we'll meet one day on our travels!

Yes, we hopefully will one day <3

Looks great!If you interested,I write about food.May be you find something interesting go yourself!Check out!!)))))

The church is stunning. Always love those cathedrals in Europe.
Thought there'll be color from Paella ;-)


谢谢你 = = 你停了每日的点评,总感觉steemit上少了很多看点呢


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