The Secrets to Studio Photo Shoots.. 摄影棚拍摄的秘密...

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemit friends, today i'm sharing a secret with you guys, its something you may be curious about and perhaps not understand too much about. What is it like to be a print media model? What secrets are their behind the scenes in a photo shoot?

I was once a model for various print media companies. Perhaps you're thinking, "What a good profession to be in" - getting to wear all the fashionable clothes day to day, make-up artists doing all the detailed make up you wouldn't normally bother with yourself, the souvenirs and samples you get to take away, and of course, the remuneration. It sounds like a perfect job for a girl like me right?

In all honesty, my time as a print media model wasn't quite as perfect as you might think >_<

Your face is no longer your face:(

From the moment you sit down at the dressing table, your face is no longer yours! Your eyebrows, eyes, mouth can be attenuated or accentuated to bring out the prominent features or mask the imperfections, all are subject to the make up artist's unyielding hand.

I have this strange habit of getting sleepy when having my make up done, which is a bad idea because i'm not paying attention to when the make up artist decides to paint my face, moreover what products they use. Sometimes, for cost cutting reasons, the make up they use can be cheap and quite damaging to my skin. Even in these circumstances, I'm still not entitled to decline. I remember, I had a very irritant rash once that persisted for over a month because of the poor make up products used, at the end of the day, I can't really blame anybody, I guess it's just a consequence of pursuing beauty...ㄒ_ㄒ

Tip: If you ever have a professional photo shoot, make sure you bring your own make up. Particularly if you have sensitive skin.

What seems like one posture to you, might have taken me 40 different takes →_→

Photo shoots in a film studio are not quite the same as outdoor photo shoots, the studio is not very spacious so attention to detail is a must.

We all look at ourselves in the mirror regularly and know our own faces well, knowing what angles we look best, what expression looks best, all in the pursuit of a good photograph. I'm no different!

Therefore, the secrets to having a good photo shoot in a studio, given a fixed orientation, angle and body posture are: the slight differences in facial expression, the placement of the head and even the mouth expression. Experimenting with each of these elements can result in each photo giving a vastly different feel.

Imagine after 30 minutes of trying endless permutations of expressions, poses, and postures.. Your body inevitably becomes very stiff and fatigued, but the only thing you can say to yourself is.. "with the next outfit, I must maintain the same energy, passion and plump expression, even if i'm tired".

I Once, saw a girl who was modelling for an advertisement who wore 14 cm high heels and was told to spin in a circle continuously for 20 rotations. She became so disorientated that she vomited and came back to rest on the sofa. When she was ready, she was asked to do it again..

I guess these are the kinds of sacrifices models make in the pursuit of the perfect picture.

Tip: If you're thinking of going for a photo shoot in the future, remember to check the camera's preview for your facial expression. If you seem full of vigor, make sure its natural with respect to your usual self, don't be too nervous. In between the photographer changing camera settings, remember to relax your facial muscles and make some pout expressions to stretch. Use the muscles opposite to the ones used for smiling to avoid facial muscle cramps. Finally, don't hold an expression for longer than 30 seconds and believe that you will get the perfect photo.


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Thanks for giving us a behind the scenes look and your thoughts about the modeling. You are very attractive and one of the most interesting people on Steemit in my opinion. :-)

Brian! Thanks so much for that sentiment, it really does give me motivation to keep striving better ~~

You have a great sense of elegance in your gestures, @sweetsssj!

Additionally, I have photographed beauty, fashion and editorial models for numerous publications and I have to agree it's easier to work with a model that understands what the client is looking for by having strong sense of self.

Sometimes, a fresh model, male or female, would have to be directed the most. Often, clients will choose the 'look' more than the 'talent', which may or may not be a good thing when time is a factor. Most client's assume that the model knows what they are doing and they will perform well in the camera.

Overall, it's a joy to work with someone that understands how to 'work' the camera with ease, confidence and grace. Also it's awesome to see a past model I've photographed before, improve on their camera presence.

Finally, the communication between the model and photographer is very important. If you feel uncomfortable, a model should speak up. Thirsty? Ask. Someone should be there to help you out. It's always to the best interest of the client that the model is happy and comfortable at all times, to get the best possible shot.

Awesome post.. I'm actually beginning to see many "seasoned" Steemers starting to explain -process- in their art, and this is a very enjoyable read into understanding the person behind the account :)

Thanks for taking the time to read kevin, always very happy to see you here!

Its really interesting to go behind the scenes but also to read what models are really thinking, thanks for sharing sweetj.

Even though it wasn't all positive, I think the experience is definitely worth sharing, thanks!

Beautiful post!

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