The insiders story on China's newest 'Occupation' - Purchasing Agents. 关于一个特别的职业,代购的内幕。

in #life8 years ago


Purchasing agents have become an increasingly popular occupation in the last 10 years.



So what exactly is a 'purchasing agent'? A person that purchases something on your behalf would be a simple description. Why would a person want someone to make purchases on their behalf? Lots of reasons! For example, if the region / city you live in doesn't have the item you want, or the item is available but priced too high. Other reasons could include saving time if you're extremely busy and have no time to go shopping. It's actually a pretty good service to have someone go buy something for you and have it delivered straight to your doorstep. As people have become more reliant on these purchasing agents for their shopping needs, the occupation has become more and more widespread. Nowadays, there are chinese purchasing agents everywhere in the world buying things left right and centre for their clients in China. Of course, I believe there are purchasing agents in every country. Afterall, as long as there is demand, there is a market. Purchasing agents from other countries are now buying products from China and taking them abroad to the foreign market. With the existence of purchasing agents there's no longer things that you want to buy that you can't obtain.

These pictures are from when I used to be a purchasing agent.




The history of purchasing agents starts at around 2005 with the personal purchase agents which came about from students studying abroad or people working abroad who bring presents back to family and friends. Soon, these people were recommended to others who would pay about 10% commission charge for these people to buy things on their behalf. In a blink of an eye, purchasing agents became a craze in China. Whether you're a tourist travelling abroad, a tour guide, or a fight attendent, nothing stopped you from being a purchasing agent as long as you had access to goods which your home country didn't. In many cases, these purchasing agents would buy entire suitcases full of the exact same cosmetic products. Fast forward to 2007 and taobao (now China's largest online marketplace) officially opens its doors to the world allowing people to buy things without having to leave their homes.
Most purchasing agents buying goods abroad would be able to get a rebate on vat or taxes on the products. Shipments to China were also not subject to customs duty so there were already 2 clear financial advantages. It was only until the end of 2014 when laws were passed for customs duty on cross-border e-commerce and at that point, purchasing agents were no longer operating on the grey market. The following years to this day, the purchasing agents have suffered significant drops in their income and at the same time, the number of people travelling to outside of China has continued to grow. Consequently, the competition amongst purchasing agents has naturally increased.



At the beginning of 2013, I was a purchasing agent for just 1 month. At the time, my friends and family all wanted me to purchase things for them on their behalf and so they encouraged me to try the purchasing agent business. Around that time, there were actually very few Chinese purchasing agents in the UK, so as soon as I send my catalog out to my social network channels, I would get a really good reponse from customers. In just one month's time, I was able to make a net profit of nearly 3,000 GBP.
Below are some pictures of my days as a purchasing agent and some of the things I sold.



A number of reasons contributed to my decision to stop being a purchasing agent. One, was that I did not operate a brick-and-mortar business and under a registered company. Shipping the goods back to China was also extremely expensive. Aside from that, as a purchasing agent, I am expected to treat my clients well and give them the best customer service. My day would be spent taking many pictures of all the different potential items for sale, then, I would update social media with my catalog. Everyday, I would purchase a large amount of stock as well as ship out a large number of orders. With England being an 8 hour time difference from China, keeping reliable contact with my customers basically gave me very little time to sleep. It's actually a very tough job with high pressure.


At that time, there were many brands that were absent of any stores in China and as a result, the demand for these brands was enormous. Business was very good. I remember there was one time where I posted some items on taobao which became the number one sales volume on the site. Nowadays, nearly every brand has stores littered all across China and there is nothing you can't buy domestically. For those who care about buying products and saving a little bit of money, purchasing agents are still an option. I know one purchasing agent who started up around the same time as I did now has a monthly profit of up to 50,000 GBP. Still, I don't regret quitting, especially knowing that most purchasing agents rely on a number of dirty trick of some sort to gain that competitive edge.

To this day, I still have many friends and classmates who still work as purchasing agents. Profit margins are becoming razor thin as there are so many agents now all competing for business and the supply of goods remains largely limited. A friend of mine in the UK is able to get a 20% tax duty rebate all year round for her purchases, she also has deals with stores that allow her to groupon buy and save another 20%. The caveats are that for any given brand, she will have to make a purchase of atleast 20 of the same items. In London's premier luxury department store, Harrods, you can receive a 10% discount if you buy an item and have it sent to Hong Kong immediately. With all these cheeky ways to cut base cost and improve profit margins, the prices of products offered by the agents are now lower than ever. Many agents are driven by competition to selling fake goods to help maintain acceptable profits. I've seen with my own eyes some agents who have cracked under pressure and begun selling fake goods. With such fierce competition and no opportunity for building client relationships, the purchasers will just shop around for the agent that offers the cheapest prices and go with them. It's for this reason that many agents now sell real and fake goods mixed in between. Furthermore, some agents will pick on clients in second tier cities who have never seen the authentic goods before. Knowing this, the agents send the fake goods abroad first, then back to the customer and the customer would have no reason to doubt its authenticity.

So, that's it! An insiders story on Chinese purchasing agents. How do we go about resolving the issues?


Most items I bought were from client orders back in China. I did sometimes buy items in bulk where the demand exceeded supply and the desirability of the items reached a craze. Those items I knew were guaranteed to shift.
Other items I bought once I had the order just to make sure I wouldn't have unsold stock.

Very interesting and well done presentation.

Thanks dubloon135.

Cool photographs like it

Thank you, its so weird looking at pictures of myself from years ago. Very weird!!

No, Its awesome because you are awesome @sweetsssj








Your posts are fantastic! Thank you!

我也在最近几年做过一段时间的代购,主要是帮亲戚朋友买奶粉,太辛苦,没什么乐趣可言,起步晚的话没有什么发展前景。还不如来 steem 写东西,不见得赚钱,但至少练了笔。

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