Bid-bot activity report -- 02/12/18 for previous 7 days. Who's paying the most to promote their articles?

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

The list below represents the 25 largest transfers to bid-bots for the promotion of articles posted on Steemit during the last 7 days.

Due to formatting restrictions, only the first few columns can be displayed. Please download the full spreadsheet if you would like the full report.

What is this report?

Many authors choose to promote their posts' via Bid-Bots. In return for direct payment, the bots will upvote your article. This service is fully legal on Steemit and used by minnows and whales alike.

There are many reasons an author may want to purchase votes.

  • 1 Give the impression that the article is of substantial value and perhaps you should think so too.
  • 2 Cause the article to make it to the "Hot" or "Trending" category where it gets more exposure and more votes.
  • 3 Cause the payout to increase so that anyone that votes on the post will share in a higher awards pool.
  • 4 Attempt to make a direct profit on the vote, by receiving a vote that nets more than the cost of the bid.
  • 5 Increase the authors reputation by receiving votes from large and respected voters (large bots).
  • 6 Support another author or entity indirectly through a Bid-bot.

The list is sorted with the highest amounts paid to the Bid-bots on top in descending order.
The full amount of the payout, votes and replies are in the excel spreadsheet.

  • From = The user who sent the payment to the bot.
  • To = The bot that has been paid to vote.
  • Amount = The amount sent to the bot.
  • Total Payout = The amount of $SBD/Steem that will be paid out from the rewards pool to the author and curators.
  • Link is the direct link to the article that has been promoted via the bid bot.
DateFromToAmountTotal PayoutLinkCategoryRepliesVotesx
02/05/18 10:25 AMddangerwuupme$150.00$101.23
02/08/18 1:32 AMfyrstikkenbooster$123.16$402.35
02/08/18 1:33 AMgolosclassicbooster$106.54$402.35
02/07/18 2:04 AMrichardcrillbooster$101.00$126.08
02/05/18 10:26 AMddangerwuupme$100.00$101.23
02/06/18 10:34 AMddangerwubuildawhale$100.00$424.17
02/06/18 9:03 PMpostpromoterpostpromoter$100.00$721.25
02/07/18 1:22 PMfbsloupme$100.00$619.59
02/07/18 11:37 PMflauwybuildawhale$100.00$972.48
02/08/18 12:51 AMjanusfaceupme$100.00$447.72
02/08/18 4:32 PMfollowbtcnewsbuildawhale$100.00$1,062.67
02/08/18 4:33 PMfollowbtcnewspostpromoter$100.00$1,062.67
02/10/18 12:15 AMaggroedupme$100.00$557.47
02/10/18 7:01 AMaggroedupme$100.00$351.01
02/10/18 1:47 PMpurepinaybooster$100.00$488.00
02/10/18 2:32 PMpurepinayupme$100.00$488.00
02/10/18 3:56 PMzombeeupme$100.00$454.54
02/11/18 5:37 PMmsteemianupme$100.00$513.93
02/11/18 5:23 PMbittrexpostpromoter$99.99$633.93
02/09/18 4:50 PMmcassaniupme$90.00$224.08
02/12/18 12:08 AMbrittufpostpromoter$90.00$256.11
02/09/18 3:29 AMverbal-dupme$86.14$186.18
02/10/18 12:16 AMaggroedbuildawhale$81.00$557.47
02/05/18 10:15 AMddangerwupostpromoter$80.00$101.23
02/06/18 10:25 AMddangerwupostpromoter$80.00$424.17
02/11/18 8:31 PMaggroedpostpromoter$80.00$398.93
02/10/18 11:37 AMkiimobooster$79.96$113.56
02/06/18 12:28 AMdevfundupme$77.52$1,731.22
02/07/18 11:05 PMflauwyupme$75.00$972.48
02/10/18 7:41 AMaggroedpostpromoter$75.00$268.57
02/08/18 11:15 AMmcassaniupme$70.00$130.94
02/08/18 9:33 PMcloudconnectupme$70.00$112.73
02/11/18 5:27 PMbittrexupme$69.99$633.93
02/08/18 5:49 AMcloudconnectbuildawhale$67.55$118.87
02/12/18 12:15 AMpuddlesboomerang$64.01$140.85
02/08/18 5:52 AMcloudconnectbuildawhale$61.00$118.87
02/11/18 1:18 AMmcassaniupme$60.46$120.98
02/11/18 1:37 AMjanusfaceboomerang$60.00$387.31
02/11/18 1:57 AMangeltiradobuildawhale$60.00$100.26
02/12/18 4:38 AMbtcvenombooster$60.00$451.52
02/12/18 11:03 AMbrittufpostpromoter$60.00$119.98
02/05/18 8:25 AMjoshruizbuildawhale$57.00$145.51
02/10/18 8:42 PMlearnguitarpostpromoter$56.82$211.12
02/06/18 6:25 AMsmsulaimanbooster$55.00$201.17
02/06/18 8:49 AMsadmankhanbooster$55.00$143.75
02/06/18 11:30 AMjannatbooster$55.00$159.91
02/06/18 1:22 PMbittrexbooster$55.00$115.39
02/09/18 7:52 PMnippel66booster$50.13$201.75
02/05/18 1:02 AMicedrumbuildawhale$50.00$91.64
02/05/18 3:39 AMicedrumappreciator$50.00$83.62

Sometimes great articles get to the top because they are great articles. Sometimes other articles get to the top because there was sufficient money to pay for that placement. It is up to the community to judge if the rewards pool is being properly managed and distributed in a fair and honest manner.

The wonderful thing about Steemit and the Steem blockchain is everything is transparent allowing you and all those we care about our platform to be educated on how to properly use the platform as well as how to protect it.

Please resteem this post if you think this information might be useful to the Steemit community.



As a plankton/minnow who has been having to pay attention to this sort of dynamic since the day I got here, what is striking to me is how little alternative choice one really has given the state of development and the tools that are available currently. Any new poster with little following is faced with two really cruddy choices. You work on a post and then either:
a) Post and have it buried nearly immediately into the sea of garbage largely unnoticed OR
b) Take the risk that what you posted is actually of some value, engage with one or more bid bots and perpetuate a system already pretty broken

There may be other choices out there, but when the only "sort tabs" are New (disappear down the scroll literally in the time it takes to be posted up) Hot/Trending (places where the big bots and the well known names / circle supporting whales dominate) or Promoted (which truth be told, I cannot figure out if this is a "good deal" or not as there just seems to be too little information out there) - the new plankton/minnow is stuck between pretty untenable positions at least for now.

I find myself hoping that as new / better alternative tools and interfaces come on line, there may be some better ways through these waters, but for now it really is a place where the needs for the blockchain to expand and be supported is being simultaneously undermined by this dynamic.

You nailed this one @genxrev.

I posted an article a couple weeks back that wee need "sort tags". The UI really needs a bit of upgrade at this point. To be fair it is still "beta".

I posted this info so EVERYONE can see what they are up against and why their works are being largely ignored.

Hope it helps. You can reach out to the community and let them know the problem. One way to fix it is to use the bidbots so much as it simply is not profitable for anyone.

Hope you'll resteem this so we can some public awareness.

You can make comments. I feel bad when new people make amazing posts that nobody even sees. My first few posts I did were very simple.

Absolutely agree... my response above was thinking of things for the perspective of someone trying to create their own content, but I WHOLLY agree... posting thoughtful comments, joining in other people’s posts and being a contributor to other people’s thoughts really need s to be an avenue of parallel development for a newbie. I’d say a good chunk of those who’ve decided to follow me have come only after I’ve engaged with comments. I think it really is an sue of “simultaneous”development - both are needful if one is seeking to create content.... there may be other better ways forward if one is wanting to focus on curation, but that’s not where my thought trail has me thinking right now. Thanks for your insight.

Upvoted. Resteemed.

As a newbie what I would like to know at this point is: Is this service available with Minnow Booster? Or how do I engage the services of these bots? This seems like a pretty good way to earn money in this platform. Everyone should know how in order to level the playing field, so to speak.

Thanks for this post @bycoleman. You are now famous or whatever : ()

Yes, everyone can use these bots. Click on the link I provided and bid.

I'm going to try to write an article tomorrow on how to maximize your return with these bots.

I would be very thankful and excited to read your post about maximizing income with bots. Thank you for sharing your expertise.


I'm going to try to get it written today!

Please mention me when you have posted your article maximizing income with bots

Just follow along and you see it you feed.
I really and going to try to get it today! As long a the path does not go left, when I need to go right.

Where/how did you get this data?

Again I noticed that you wrote some really interesting posts. None of these occurred in my feed. At least I didn't notice since my feed is a big spam mess. And I thought I was only following 75 steemonians. I'm wondering if I should unfollow a few to keep things manageable....?

I will think a bit about this idea. Opinions are welcome

I use steemSQL
That allows a connection to a mirror of the steem blockchain. Everything on the chain is available to everyone at all times.

Yes, that is one of the reasons I don't follow too many at one time, I can never find what I'm most interested in. You can also mute some followers like any resteemers etc.

Take care.


Do I need a lot of SQL knowledge if I want to use this information myself?

Yes, you must understand the SQL query language. But there are examples out there on how to interface to Excel to SQL. See the help documents at the link I gave you.

Perhaps I should really start reading my SQL book I bought 5 years ago ☺️

But first I have an idea what I can do with this info.

very good post, but I don't Like Idea of Bot & Downvote.
we are here to share our idea and see the Real value
Greetings from Berlin

Yes, I agree.
Many blessings!

Thanks and I will follow you and upvote each of your Post.

Yes it is.
Thanks for stopping by!

You got a 7.83% upvote from @buildawhale courtesy of @bycoleman!
If you believe this post is spam or abuse, please report it to our Discord #abuse channel.

If you want to support our Curation Digest or our Spam & Abuse prevention efforts, please vote @themarkymark as witness.

This makes it harder for minnows like me to compete 😣😣

Nearly impossible!

Oh no dont tell me that!! 😣😣 il keep trying. One of my first posts somehow made 13 dollars! 😎😎😎😎

That's is actually pretty darn good for an early works.
Now just double each time and you're set!

Thanks. Maybe i got lucky im back to getting like 5 cents per post 😢

Well you can pump .05 SBD at it all day long with MB and get it back up to the $13.00.

I dont understand your comment can you explain. I am new to this

I've found that with the 100% return bots I just about break even. If I pay 1 sbd I get back just about a 2 sbd upvote but when it's all said and done I get 1sbd back, .25 steem and the rest goes to the curators. So, we would need a 300% return bot in order to get again (provided the value of steem stays stable). It's kind of annoying but I'm hoping to get some traction eventually...

Yes, you are correct. You don't actually have to have 300%, since 50% of what you get goes to SP which you still own, just cannot withdrawal it immediately.

It is pretty much impossible to get any bid-bot vote for much over 50% unless you really just get lucky or use the little ones like @bumper But even there, it can be worth it if you can get your post onto the trending or hot list.

I agree with @genxrev. Us minnows are faced with an incredible mountain to climb. I know from my perspective I have been out in the community and responding to posts and getting good upvotes on my comments. It feels great. However, I can't get a shiff on my own posts. I only have posted about 10-12 pieces so far but the results are very similar. Meanwhile I seem to be picking up new followers every single day who I don't think have ever taken a single look at my blog. Should I be running around like crazy trying to follow everyone? I personally am not willing to follow just anyone in hopes of being followed. I follow quality. I wrote an article last night and I used several different bots, on a small scale, to see if that might help with traffic. In the end it was the same ole same ole and It cost me more than what I got back from the bots. I can't say I'm in a hurry to do that again. Funny thing is, a user I follow out out a similar post this morning except he just copied something in that he found and he was able to upvote himself right away to $5. All I can do is shake my head.

Yes, it is SO frustrating. I have gotten a bit of notice by welcoming new users. This works great a getting new followers, but they have no SP to bring up the payout.

These reports and articles have done well, but I DID promote them, so much of the payout was money I put it.

Gota keep on trying. What else is there.

This post has received a 50.56 % upvote from @boomerang thanks to: @irishgirl

Thank you boom.

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