Coinbase is slow and it's killing me...

in #crypto7 years ago (edited)

So, yesterday I bought the dip. I kinda screwed up my buy ladder, but I tossed one in when we dropped under the support line that has held since early January. I wish I had reversed my buy amounts, but other than that I think it's ok.

I bought a total of $18k of litecoin.

I was mostly watching the btc charts.

I bought $5k at 8k btc
I bought $5k at 7.5k btc
I bought $5k at 7k btc
I bought $2k at 6.8k btc
and bought $1k at 6.2k btc

My overall average price for ltc is $134. It's currently $153 and may actually break out of the resistance. I say that because of BTC looks like it has free range to go up another $1k or more.

Looks like btc broke through the most recent resistance trend line and is heading up to the one that we've been riding for a month (a crypto eternity).

After just watching my Pats lose I keep thinking about this as a running back trying to break through various parts of the zone defense. Looks like btc just broke through the defensive line with breaching the recent resistance line, and now gets a few extra yards in before getting to the linebackers waiting for him at 9.4k btc or so.

This might also all be garbage and markets just move regardless of what charts show. Still learning.

Anyway, I feel like a champ right this second except for the fact that I get half my purchase on the 10th, and rest by the 14th. 1 week right now could send that value fucking anywhere... Fucking killing me to make a good buy and lose the opportunity because coinbase taking a week is going to kick my ass... I'm hoping for an LTC breakout today as btc drives up another 1300 or so until it meets the primary resistance line.

Anyone have 134 litecoin they want to lend me for 1 week so I could just lock in profits?

PS this isn't advice. It's just what I did. Make up your own mind.


Sounds to me like we need some kind of LTC lending service. LTCLend anyone? I would invest in that ICO.

That’s a lot of ltc you bought there! Honestly though it’s probably a good call. Ltc has solid devs, a path forward and is at a pretty deep low. In one week you’ll probably be up even more lol

Last year, just after China banned crypto, I told a random guy I met that if he bought a lot of Litecoin that very day, it would change his life. It was at $30 at the time. I kind of doubt that he bought it, but my belief in Litecoin remains to this day.

The problem with this is a life changing amount would require an investment that would destroy a person to lose. I’m bullish on crypto but trying not to get into it so deep that a crash would destroy me. Definitely a good call though :)

Definitely: I'm careful myself. People often say that one should not get in with more than they can afford to lose, but it can suck pretty bad to lose those amounts as well. I like to think that one should not buy in with more than the experience you gain from losing everything is worth, if that makes sense.

Definitely a fair approach. I love crypto but I don’t see anything that’ll definitely be here in ten years and until I do it’s hard to put to much in as a 100% loss is so feasible. To those saying Bitcoin, Steem, Eth, etc. they’re all awesome cryptos but they aren’t yet stabilized.

Gosh a week is such a long time! It could all go any direction so waiting for a whole week can change everything when it comes to investing...
Slow ass coinbase, LOL.

The trading fees on Coinbase are pretty steep as well, although if you buy through GDAX it's probably cheaper.

I too am PISSED my Patriots lost. ugh. so lame Foles. so lame. As for the LTC purchase... Im still not on the band wagon for LTC. Im a big holder of XRP still i bought in a 0.4 cents. I have a bit of LTC as well. Just wish it would bounce but it seems the market is in a down trend and looks to stay that way for another month

but that said, itll bounce back. these things always do. the regulations by south korea and china bug me, along with a handful of other issues for adoption etc, but i think these are realistically PAIN POINTS in the span of evolution. def a valuable thing to invest in i think. i dont see much money loss beyond $134 really.

This could well be the trend change we are waiting for, or it could be a fake out! Only time will tell.

Nice move mate @aggroed .. I also made some trade yesterday bought some btc at 7k+ and some Ada as well. Just hope its a good decision and would makes us some profits.

I still say diverification of investments is a good thing. Better to hedge your bets in case one fails.

Yea diversification is key.. Doing that already.. Thanks alot mate for your concern and advice.. Am indeed greatful

We're all in this together, you know?

hahahaha @aggroed, you are writing down what I'm actually feeling right now.

dang coinbase maaan, it's also killing me. I bought on the dip and the dip kept dipping and went up a little and dang dang dang it

I get mine on the 9th (it says 9th but who knows) after having the funds cleared Monday.

Now can someone lend me some to buy Steem and SmartCash please!


Transaction in and out of crypto in coinbase are instant as the off-chain, not sure what took a week, if it's the fiat transfer to your bank account well you already exchanged at a certain rate so you don't lose anything. If you want to buy and sell in CB keep your fiat in the Euro or GBP wallets.

I confirm, I don't understand what takes a week

I bought in from fiat in a bank account. They're telling me it'll take a week. So, it's the opposite of what's mentioned above. Rate going in is confirmed rate going out is not.

Yep, aggroed is right. They're telling me the same thing. 1 freaking week. Why they take my fiat from bank account Monday and it's still pending in Coinbase. Sitting on my fiat for 6 days!

Then I transferred 2k overseas and it was in my overseas account in less than a day and next day took it out of my US account.

What's that bs all bout?

Nice post about crypto. Thanks for sharing your experience.

Dear so said and hold some days carrancy is increase

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