Give #steem-ideas your love

in #steem-ideas8 years ago (edited)

Fill my thread with your spam!!

Not any spam... Just your ideas on how to make steemit better!

I can't help dreaming of what steemit could become. But I have to remind myself sometimes that I shouldn't get too attached to my own ideas. It's very exciting to see people who want to share their ideas to better the platform. That's why I'd love for you to share them here but remember unless you can build it yourself, your ideas might not come about the way you want them to.

Whatever happens will hopefully keep this community growing and unite us with common aspirations for the progression of steem. The developers are busy building and we know that from each new feature that appears and the flood of celebratory and sometimes confused posts about the new changes.

One important new feature that's been declared on its way is Steem FAQ & Wikee. Since the Steem Whitepaper gives a very technical briefing, it is necessary to welcome newbies to our community with some easy access to the answers to their questions. To pull this together, we need you on board, with any help you can provide. I made my own attempt to help to the best of my ability and there are users who are known for watching out for the lost noobs so keep an eye out for @piedpiper's professional support centre.

As new people join our community, they are confused by the lack of many expected social media features (not realising just how new this active social media platform is). I'm not part of the development team so I can't say for sure what's on the way but something I would love to see is a customized home page, customized according to filters, of the type of content I like to see. Ideally I could save a few different filters, filtering by tag(s), filtering out tag(s) I don't want to include, choosing the order in which I see the content (ie trending/new etc) and perhaps even choosing parameters for word count, so that I can decide if I prefer to read long articles or short ones. This personalised feature wouldn't affect the appearance of the page to anybody else (which was a problem with Myspace), but others could possibly check out my filters to see what I'm interested in.

I'm also looking forward to seeing a side bar to help move from one article to another. This could be articles with the same tags and they could be new articles that move down the feed in real time, as each new post is added, so if something new catches my eye, I can open it in a new tab ready for my next read.

There's talk of steemit becoming the next facebook which if I'm honest, isn't what I want for steemit. There are reasons I am pulling away from facebook and I would much prefer the family oriented side of steemit to be on a different steem platform, so that I can continue talking to the wider world here. In my opinion, the next move for steem should be a marketplace. At first it will probably just be steem merchandise, which I personally would still be excited about, but once this expands out to other produce... just think of the possibilities... There's even a 15 year old here setting up a steemstore.

If I pull my head out of the clouds I should note there are of course problems to address and often it is members of the community who offer their idea of a solution

Here are a few

Problem: photgraphy being plagiarised
Possible solution: Owl the reverse image search bot

Problem: spam votes
Possible solution: filtering votes

Problem: curating content without reading the content
Possible solution: remove the upvote option from outside the article, or make the value of an outside upvote lower than that of an inside upvote

Problem: Flagging content with no posts to counter flag
Possible solution: Accountability for flagging

Problem: Flagging to decrease the payout and further distribute the rewards
Possible solution: stop curation when the posts reaches the top of the trending page

Problem: security issue
Possible solution: I have no idea what any of this means but for anyone who

Problem: Complex passwords are not user friendly
Possible Solution: not just a code key an actual KEY

Problem: translation and replica posts
Possible solution: Similar to the way we vote for witnesses what if we could also vote for translators! They could charge a fee for their service and we could vote for the ones who make the best translations.

Problem: 30 day revenue limitations
Possible solution: steem patrons

Problem: Articles slipping through the cracks and not gaining any steem
Helpful solution: steem boost
Another helpful solution: The Robin Hood Whale Initiative
And a similar idea that might make Robin Hoods job easier: Steem-Groups

There are also lots of improvements that could be made on our use of tags such as consistent tag abuse, which could perhaps be solved by a system of voting on tags or to incorporate tags within tags, or filters within tags so that people who interpret a tag differnetly don't have to be mixed together.

Another major issue we are having is actually within the community, which means this is one we must address as a community. It is about our sense of entitlement. Whenever people get something for free or something they were never entitled to before, I find it remarkable how quickly people demand more, for individual gains, instead of showing gratitude for the platform that made it possible.

It is vitally important that we nourish the long term vested interests of each individual stakeholder here on steemit if we are to avoid a downfall from The tragedy of the Commons. This discussion of what motivates us to do what is good for the platform rather than just the self.

The purpose of this post is to encourage the use of a tag for ideas.


Too often these ideas posts get washed down with no steem and I think it would be wonderful if there were a place to go to link our steem building ideas.

@dan & @ned will do what needs to be done, but who knows, perhaps if they ever get the developers equivelant of the bloggers 'writers block', then a place like this where they can seek out answers from our brainstorming might turn out useful to them.

I wanted to finish with some other great ideas I found lurking on the surface of this ocean of content. I know there is far more but the sea is too deep for me to find them all.

Full Steem Ahead!!

Don't forget to use the #steem-ideas tag


Here is mine:

subject feeds.

I love the user feed but I would also like a subject feed where I can follow certain tags. This may be hard to do because the space for follow was included even before it worked but is their space in the blockchain to follow a subject? It sure would be nice.

That's something I'd love to see!
I bet it's on the way, just a matter of time.

@beanz I would like to give some feedback as a "Readers" point of view, I joined because I love reading and then replying to posts, giving feedbacks and creating discussion and where other ideas can be explored, which in turn can give and inspire writers on their next blogs, while adding to and growing the community.

As this site expands I'm sure my category will expand, surely we don't want ONLY bloglers/writers on this site, or non writers feeling they have to write to feel included, thus clogging the site with sub- standard material and crap.

Maybe we could have smaller rewards (Steem) by hitting the reply button and posting a certain number of words, so as to stop replies like; "Good post"

Just my two pennies worth. Thanks.


I hope you don't mind that I used your list to do this;

but ... I managed to misspell steem-ideas ... damn it

I would like to know how to add new tags, specifically for seniors and for chickens.
I do not think all posts make it to the page where all the posts go, at least I have never seen one of mine go there so I would like to have a tag where I can easily find posts that are less (whatever makes them go to the list...popular?)

Tags for seniors or chickens ????

#seniors #oldfolkshome #retirement #eggs

Like those tags ?????

Um all the posts go where all the posts go ......................... On the blockchain.

I think the current way the trending page is organised is by how quickly a post gains upvotes. Which is a pretty stupid way to represent what's "trending" I admit.

I meant just seniors...we are active homesteaders and still seniors

and one for chickens...I don't see one even on the more tags list

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