The RobinHood Whale Initiave - Community Feedback Needed

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

As an investor , a member of Steemitabuse-classic and as an active curator, I have personally encountered multiple issues aswell as talked with many members that share the same concerns about undervalued authors and whalebot followed authors that seem to trend daily.

What Is The RobinHood Whale ?

The RobinHood whale is a community backed account that upvotes 10-20 quality posts of different authors daily with a 10 day grace period between same author upvoting. No single author can be upvoted more than once during the 10 day period, leaving room for other great authors that have had less exposure. 

Who Will Choose The Authors/Posts ?

A private chat will be setup with a consensus of 51% or more (for a RobinHood upvote) with a minimum of 5 curators and a maximum of 11. All curators need to be well versed in detecting plagiarism for both image and text. They should be active daily and each have their own unique ways of digging through posts and finding hidden gems. They should be well known members of the community both active in and Steem.

How Can I Take Part?

All you have to do is power up the whale account. We will be giving out more details about the specific account for funding at a later date. For now you can follow the RHW here @robinhoodwhale 

What's In It For Me?

Curation rewards will be gathered from upvoting author posts, these will be dispersed weekly from a power down and your % share will be allocated accordingly. There will be weekly accounting reports for transparency.

Who Will Control The Keys?

The active keys will be controlled by two members incase of health issues or long term leave by one member.

The curators will keep them in check in case of misbehaving or 3rd party risk (theft). Exchanges will be notified to lock any malicious transfers from said account or routed through other accounts.

The voting keys will be controlled by 6 curators , 2 for each 8hr shift so the Robinhood whale works 24/7. 

If any of the voting key curators misbehaves they will both (same shift) be excluded from using the keys.

Pros of the RobinHood Whale

Many featured authors — 100-200 new authors featured per 10 day cycle

Proof of concept — shows newbies that the system works

Distribution of wealth — a whale vote will help spread the wealth easily

Retains good authors — retaining good authors who are otherwise not getting a vote

Curation rewards SP — additional income for investors

Create buy pressure - more supply locked in Vests

What do YOU think ?

Any Questions/Suggestions ? 

All SD proceeds will be donated to the Robin Hood Whale Initiave 


Will @blocktrades, @dantheman, @ned, @steemit like to support this initiative? This will help the community by leaps and bounds! :)

@smooth @berniesanders A larger framework can be built based on this idea and this can be run like a startup within the eco-system of Steemit. A proper legal entity can be established to safe guard interests etc.


There is a general problem with the distribution both for reputation and rewards. Much like there is an inverse distribution after the 15-30min timeframe, a similar algorithm should stop people from accumulating too many rewards.

People chase whales wihout even reading the content. Many people are getting discouraged when they witness such unfair treatment. Is really an article worth thousands while another pennies?

Unless there is a solution for closing the gap of reward disribution, not many people are going to stick around. Steemit can end up being filled with trashy posts and greedy bots. Mass adoption requires mass distribution. Otherwise the gut instict of any newcomer will scream ponzi

I somehow missed replying to this. You make a good point! We're a long way from getting there and hoping some of the current issues will be resolved when we get there.

I really hope so !!!

Your comment here received no reply or upvote from any of them, so I guess you got an answer :-)

Frankly getting an upvote here doesn't matter. They're all clued in on what's being done. :)

I hope it is like you say :-)

Is there a list of cons? Would be better to add in for your readers' consideration :) (I can't assess weaknesses/attacks all that well)

If people come up with cons, I can add them into the post and maybe others can find possible solutions. Win-Win IMO

@repholder the biggest problem with this initiative is that the ranking algorithm will nix a post if too many low rep accounts upvote a post. Check out what happened to @trogdor when someone used a swarm to actually maliciously upvote him.

The robinhood whale initiative doesnt work like that.

Upcoming fork will fix the issues and the point being for RHW is to make a high powered account.

This is undoubtedly a great idea but I also have a few suggestions:

  • need to create a group of active curators - several people from each trending, a few people with active communities and from some countries. (they will need to find quality content and using the manual moderation and vote to choose the one that will get a second chance)
  • it must be independent people who devote themselves to community
  • I like your idea of rotation, as is now the whales vote automatically on the list, regardless of the quality of the content produced by the authors - this is not the best idea.

However, the idea to fund the whale difficult realizable.
If 5000 people donate at least 10 STEEM, it will be just 50,000 SP, which does not suffice to be a whale (maximum dolphin)

  • I believe that the community must become friends with the whales, and to provide them with the manually selected content for vote, they are interested in not less than we.
    Thank you

The group is already available :

From @smooth

I've hired a curator team. I have 10 people paid to look for the best hidden gems and other quality posts to help develop the site content. if you have any questions about how that works I'd be happy to answer. It is something new I came up with myself and have been running for over a week now, with great results

These are the people that Im leaning towards being curators if this takes off.

it must be independent people who devote themselves to community

They all are independent people and devoted to the community (I personal know them)

It is certainly a major breakthrough and a great working arrangement but it's a little not that that I proposed. People will not always be viewed on the contents author, they can just upvote and comment on, though for beginners it's not a bad option. It would be nice if the authors were advertised immediately. In general, it would be nice to have all the whales such personal command, and add your offer with the rotation, and will be fine))

this is a great !

I just found this post today. As a small dolphin, I find it hard to get the recognition for my posts. I would like to support this initiative.

This is a great idea. Here we go!

Thanks Ben, let's see how it goes.

This is a great idea! Something of this nature is the absolute need of the hour. I am glad someone is taking the steps necessary.
I totally support this and can't wait what this will lead to. Hope it's a success!

I think this is an interesting initiative that I'll keep an eye on!

Thanks Jamtaylor, I'll keep you updated.

Hopefully the account gets the funds it deserves. A whale account with that concept would benefit the community massively. Great idea!

If everyone chips in I think we can do great things.


I listed this problem and your suggestions here in the comments;

together with many other #steem-ideas, so, people can vote for what they consider the best idea or the most urgent problem to be solved

once every month I will make a top-list of the previous month, in the hope to get some whale's attention and get the problems solved


I know this is not plagiarism... but dude....

Come up with your own ideas!

I did ... I listed the problems/solutions in the comments instead of the article, so people can vote for it; that's my idea and I think it's good :)

chill out, I'm just trying something out

I guess I should have asked first, sorry about that, I got too excited

we can work together ...

I do like it! Consider my help!

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