"Angela's Voice" On Steemit - Blog Post Archive - Weeks 1-6.5 - SBBWA Challenge Week 4 Day 2 Entry

in #spirituality6 years ago


Hey Steem Fam,

I started publishing this blog archive at the beginning of last week since Steemit doesn't yet have blog archive capability.

My intention is that this makes it easier for you to find all my posts in one place, if you do want to be able to do that. ;)

You can find more on the history of "Angela's Voice" before I started to publish it here on Steemit.

Also because I didn't publish this on Sunday, I'm including not just last week's new posts but also the ones published between Sunday to yesterday, making it six and one half weeks worth of posts.

I'll publish Weeks 1-7, with the entirety of this week's posts, on Sunday coming, April 1, 2018.

Most Recent "Angela's Voice" Steemit Blog Posts:

Your comments, upvotes and resteems are most Welcome!

Quick Steemit Lessons - #1c - More Examples - Develop Post Series You're Passionate About

Exploring Valuable Steemit Treasure - #3 - Trance In Process and Ten Tastes - Day 3 Entry Week 3 SBBWAC

10 Truths 1 Lie - Can You Pick Which One Isn't True

Exploring Steemit’s Valuable Treasure - #4 – DLive Music + MSP's Radio - Day 4 Entry Week 3 SBBWAC

March For Our Lives - #1 - Live Blogging Youth Marches Across US and the World - Day 7 Entry Week 3 SBBWAC

March For Our Lives - #2 - Live Blogging Youth Marches Across US and the World - Day 7 Entry Week 3 SBBWAC

"Week 4 - 7-Day Steemit Biz Building Weekly Accountability Challenge

March For Our Lives - #3 - Live Blogging Youth Marches Across US and the World - Day 1 Entry Week 4 SBBWA Challenge

Goddess Feminine Rising - #1 - Women Who Run With the Wolves & My 21st Birthday - Day 4 Entry Week 4 SBBWA Challenge

Older "Angela's Voice" Steemit blog posts:

Your comments are ALWAYS welcome but because these are older, please don't waste your steem power upvoting them.

If you do like them, please consider upvoting the newer ones above. Thank you!

My very first Steemit post:

Pounded Steemit Doors With Open Sesame Mantra Until Y'all Let Me In!!!

Conscious Multidimensional Living and Creation of Ever-Evolving Happy Heaven On Earth Life:

  • Being a conscious creator
  • Consciously integrating my Multidimensional Self and aligning with my Soul Self
    Consciously integrating all aspects of light and shadow selves
  • Allowing and honoring non-judgemental full self expression including emotional release, re-centering, healing and balancing as necessary
  • Celebrating multidimensionality and the unique exciting reality of being multidimensional whilst living as a full human in a wonderful third dimensional body temple on planet Earth

Cosmic Healing Guided Meditations and Galactic Toning Sound Healing:

Guided Healing Meditation - #1 - Centering, Getting Clear and Seeing Next To Do Step Done

Inspirational Quotes:

Miscellaneous Theme

Happiness Quotation - Dalai Lama

Daily Quote Wisdom - Laughter - Alton Brown

Daily Quotes Wisdom - Importance of Play In Relationships - Plato

Goddess Feminine Rising

Creative Self Expression and Emotional Release Through Words:

7-Day Steemit Business Building Accountability Challenge - Week 1, Day 1, Post 1 - Light Patters Forward

7-Day Steemit Business Building Accountability Challenge - Week 1, Day 2, Post 1 - How much failure can we take?

Daily Quotation Wisdom - Jim Rohn + Why Do I Keep Sabotaging My Progress?

Witnessing, Recording the Co-creation and Evolution of Heaven On Earth

World Community

Steemit Community

Exploring Steemit's Valuable Treasure - #1 - Fractal, Color, Responsibility

Exploring Steemit's Valuable Treasure - #2 - Special Single Edition - Stephen Hawking's Passing

Exploring Steemit's Valuable Treasure - #1 - Fractal, Color, Responsibility

End of Day Journal:

End of Day Accountability Journal - Reflections On How My Day Went - Tuesday, February 27, 2018

End of Day Accountability Journal - Reflections On How My Day Went - Thursday, March 1, 2018

End of Day Journal - Reflections and Accountability On How My Day Went - Friday, March 9, 2018

Inner-directed, Outer-Focused Actions To Create Chosen Results

Weekly Steemit Business Building Accountability Challenge:

Announcing 7-Day Build Your Steemit Profits Weekly Accountability Challenge

7-Day Steemit Business Building Weekly Accountability Challenge - Week 1 KickOff!!!

Week 2 - 7-Day Steemit Biz Building Weekly Accountability Challenge

Week 3 - 7-Day Steemit Biz Building Weekly Accountability Challenge

Quick Steemit Lessons

Quick Steemit Lessons - #1a - Develop Post Series You're Passionate About

Quick Steemit Lessons - 1b - Examples - Develop Post Series You're Passionate About

Fractal Art:

Angie Learns Fractal Art - #1 - Introduction - Why Fractal Art and Why Now

Angie Learns Fractal Art - #2 - Let's Take A Look At the Steemit Fractal World

Angie Learns Fractal Art - #3a - Let's Start Our Best Free Fractal Software Search

Orderliness of Posts

"Angela's Voice" On Steemit - Blog Post Archive - Weeks 1-5

Thanks for your company on this journey.

Until next week, take very good care, create your unique vision of your Heaven On Earth life and...

Angel Blessings,


Copyright @ Angela Chen Shui. Worldwide rights reserved.

Before you forget...

Be sure to get front row seat access to all my new posts, be that:

  • Inspirational morning centering via breathing meditations or galactic toning sound healing
  • Quotes with my personal insights
  • End of Day Accountability Confessions
  • Or any thing critical or just juicy here on Steemit. I resteem as many of the current cutting edge announcements that I find in addition to posts that float my quirky boat

The easiest way stay on top of all my new shares here on Steemit to set-up your own personal artificial intelligence GINABot tool to send you notifications of my new posts as they hit Steemit's news stand.

Here's how to add me:

And if you're not yet using the free GINAbot tool, here's how to get her on your team, tirelessly working for you 24/7/365.


What a great idea. I have kind of thought about something like this but was flailing around wondering how to best do it. Thanks!!

You're very Welcome, Joanne! Glad it helps and Thanks for dropping by and commenting. Hope you're settling back in at home much more now.

Nice summary of your posts. Thanks! This is a great idea to do once in a while, I think!

Thanks, Peggy! I just had to have a listing of all my posts instead of scrolling down my timeline to find one I'd almost forgotten and wanted for something or other. The little brain space that was nagging me on it now feels calm and orderly. ;)

wow already collected all here. I can find everything

Yes, I needed an orderly listing! ;)

Thanks for popping by and commenting, @alhidayat. I'm a bit behind on my curation posts. I'll be featuring you, just using a different piece of art work, that's all. ;)

Visit my blog friend. i have a new art

Will soon be back. Catching up on publishing posts and also website duties, @alhidayat. See above comment...

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