End of Day Accountability Journal - Reflections On How My Day Went - Tuesday, February 27, 2018

in #journal7 years ago (edited)

Main Highlights:

Today was marked by audio recordings and lots of outlining and planning. And interrupted sleep. Plus a brand new cat that has suddenly adopted me.

Day's Ratings:

Overall Feeling Vibe:

Happy and grateful.

Emotional Expression:

Ran the gamut.

Cried as I said final goodbye to ancient relationship stuff as it came up and out, waving farewell.

Laughed as I remembered situations I'd gotten myself in so long ago related to the ancient stuff above.

Main To Do's:


DONE!!! Record first audio in new series.
DONE!!! Sort and read through some articles.
DONE!!! Outline new digital product funnel.
DOING NOW!!! Write and publish journal/accountability type post.

Roll over to tomorrow:

Upload audio to membership site and Steemit
Figure out how to set up download page using new membership software.

I began my work activities by recording an audio about a series of two daily posts I want to start.

Both will usually be audio or audio set to a still picture background in video format.

The first audio will always be recorded in the morning. It will essentially be to set the day's energy.

It could take the form of a short breathing meditation.

It could be more stress busting in nature. For that, it would probably include galactic toning, my preferred form of sound healing since the time I learned it in 1990.

It could also have a prayer type component too. Healing and prayer always tend to go together because it's a great way to call in Angelic, Ascended and Galactic Master and other Cosmic Friends.

After I got the introductory audio done, I had to continue working offline because the internet service provider has been doing repairs in my community.

So I continued what I had started yesterday evening. I have a lot of soul mate relationship compatibility information that I have written and recorded over the years.

I started hosting Soul Mate Relationship teleseminars from as far back as January 2009.

As always, relationships and relationship issues are always popular topics.

So I have an archive of several full length audios on that topic plus lots of articles, reports and short books that I wrote with the intention to publish and sell as ebooks.

But I never did get around to doing that. Recently, I've been wanting to dig up all that material and organize it to get some of it 'out there'.

So I spent a couple hours this morning reading through articles and part of a report.

Then it was time to eat, work a bit more then sleep.

That last was interrupted when I woke slowlyyyy to the sound of my favorite internet television news program.

I left the browser for the show open before going to sleep, knowing that once the internet service was returned it would load the program.

But I forgot to turn the volume down, so it woke me up.

And I've been sleepy ever since then. ;)

Once fully up, I did try to post the audio on DSound but it didn't go through.

I think I will edit it tomorrow. Perhaps it and the first meditation audio I tried to upload over the weekend are both too long.

The meditation was 19+ minutes and the one recorded this morning was 31 minutes.

I remember when I first started uploading videos on Youtube, there was a length limit.

So maybe something like that is going on. Not sure, but I will try again tomorrow with a short audio.

I had two things I wanted to get done on my site today but that was a no go being offline. Tomorrow. ;)

Ok, that's it for now.

I totally enjoyed my work today. I was much more productive last evening and during the morning simply because I was not online.

But as with any near obsession, it was great to get back online and to Steemit.

In between trying to post the audio and trying to figure what I was doing wrong, I did a quick comment round.

Upvoted and commented on a couple posts of peeps I've enjoyed following during the course of my first two weeks here.

Today was my 17th day on Steemit. Wow! 17 days that have passed a bit too quickly.

My apologies for not posting the audio. I'll figure it out.

I was determined to post today, didn't feel like recording another audio... and now this has run over to the next day.

Oh well. ;)

Hope you enjoyed your Tuesday, February 27th. It was the last Tuesday of the last week in February 2018.

Breathe a special deep breath of appreciation for your day right now, no matter what's going on. Just let it all go for a few seconds and take a few quick deep breaths, closing your eyes if possible.

Then go right on about your day or night, whichever it is for you at your end of the world.

Talk soon again,


PS OHhhhhh, the cat! ;)

There's this midnight black cat who has adopted us recently.

I've seen her in the distance. And she's been in my bedroom but while I'm asleep.

Tonight was the very first night she's been in and our eyes have made four.

I knew about her first through her very loud and constant meowing. Long before I first saw her.

So you know that tonight, she was in full meowing swing.

She talked and talked and listened to me talking to her. Then she talked some more.

One of my other cats, Tabby (yes, veryyyy original) came in, saw her and jumped up on my bed to get some petting and to show newbie that she was my favorite.

Right after she left, newbs started meowing again. She had already eaten but I gave her some human sandwich filler since that was all I had on hand.

Then, quick as a flying shadow in the night, she was up on my bed, coming straight over to be petted.

Then she lay down with paws on my keyboard and went straight to sleep.


Most of my cats don't do that. And here was this total stranger, on my bed and sleeping comfy like she's been there forever.

Well, I found out that 'she' is not a she, but a he.

I'm sure there'll be more to come. Right now, he's behind me sleeping on my painting supplies tool box.


Now this is a great idea -- to put your day's adventure together at the end of the day. I start my day with a post-it note. I write 3 things on it that I want to/have to do for the day.

I never thought of checking in at the end of the day and being accountable. Today I have "green screen" written on my note. I got a green screen 2 weeks ago and haven't set it up yet. I plan to try making a video.

Wish me luck!

Glad you like, Joanne!

The accountability part is what really floats my boat. ;) LOVE your post-it note technique. Now you just have to go cross out what you accomplished and create the next day's one with either unfinished or combo of unfinished and must get to this item/s.

AND if you do the next day's list at end of day, your subconscious will be working hard on it while you sleep. ;)

Cheering you on with using that green screen today. I want to see that video!!!

I too am happy that we have virtually met!


Blimey ~ bit of a whirlwind day me thinks.

The cat sounds like an old friend come home some how; I know you get my meaning.

With Love.


Yes, was a whirlwind. And still haven't slept. ;)

AND definitely an old friend. Thanks for that. Was so focused in on going over human friends material, missed that yesterday/last night.

Enjoy your day and Angel Blessings galore...


Hi @angelacs,

I agree with @joannereid - this is a great way to hold yourself accountable. I'm not sure I am ready to do something like this is such a public setting, but I have been holding myself to higher standards lately and making sure that the things I have committed to, get done.

Proud of you and the progress you are making. Go, go, go!!!! :-D

And the cats!!! LOLOL

Hey Ms. Shups! Missed this yesterday.

YES! The public thing is hard. But THIS is the most important thing...:

I have been holding myself to higher standards lately and making sure that the things I have committed to, get done.

VERY proud of you and your Steemit 1-day splashhhhhh!!! ;) xox

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