March For Our Lives - #3 - Live Blogging Youth Marches Across US and the World - Day 1 Entry Week 4 SBBWA Challenge

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

Hey Steem Fam,

I didn't get to add this post last night/early this morning and I'm glad I did not.

Earlier, when I got on to Steemit to post the *Week 4 Steemit Business Building Accountability Challenge post, I started clicking around as usual instead of getting straight to the writing/editing page.

I found a post by a Steemian who traveled to Washington DC to interview participants in Marching For Our Lives yesterday.

@highimpactflix is a gun owner. I loved his interviews. He was respectful and got at least one march participant thinking.

Here's the comment I left on the first of a series he'll be posting to share the interviews he conducted yesterday:

Excellent interviews, @highimpactflix.

I believe you did get some of those you spoke to here thinking. I've resteemed and will link to this post in the third part of a mini-series showing still picture screen grabs of mainstream coverage I started yesterday. Your interviews are both interesting and educational. ;)

Looking forward to the rest of them.

I took the time yesterday to screen grab and edit pictures of MSNBC's coverage of the march because I wanted to document and honor both the youthful and incredible energy of the students and the occasion.

My passion and main mission is to assist in the healing and evolution of consciousness on the planet. This won't happen overnight and will continue long after I'm gone.

Human history and evolution on Earth has been, is and will continue to be a tumultuous yet amazing journey.

We are literally witnessing the speeding up of the awakening of consciousness on Earth more and more each day. I used to wish it could just hurry up and be done already. But I don't anymore.

The journey is and will be what it is. But here's the thing:

Separation is the name of the current game on Earth.

As evolution of consciousness progresses, each will understand, know and live in a way that expresses both increased individual accountability and freedom along with true respect and allowing of everyone else's rights and freedom.

@highimpactflix mentioned a comment made by a speaker at the march about 'taking a mile' if some gun control law amendments were enacted by politicians in response to the student marches and efforts to create change.

I heard the comment myself and wondered what exactly it meant.

To me, banning all weapons is akin to setting limits on the amount of income people can earn.

I truly don’t see the benefit of governments controlling and having sole access to powerful weapons. Not when money runs politics rather than governance concerns.

Nor do I see the benefit of limiting anyone’s wealth. Not when providing a holistic, efficient yet effective worldwide educational system will unleash the innate creativity and gifts of every individual to make good money from fully expressing and sharing their passions.

Healing the imbalance of how we have collectively organized life on Earth will not be achieved by curtailment and limiting freedom that does not harm others.

Responsible gun owners who do not indiscriminately and insanely kill others and wealthy individuals who make their wealth through creative, savvy self expression without exploiting others do not impede those who don't want to own guns or who want to make more money.

Freedom compromised in one area of life, compromises freedom in all and for all.

The work ahead of all of us is to increase consciousness and inner-directed results-driven actions so that each human being on Earth can be self sufficient, free, happy and enjoy full self expression.

If you are interested in any, all and beyond the:

  • gun control
  • safety in schools
  • education
  • wealth and the control of national and international wealth and abundance
  • freedom
  • equality
  • constitution
  • governance vs politics
  • social justice
  • consciousness development
  • co-creation of heaven on Earth

issues, it's important to be aware of and understand all sides, angles and peeled away levels.


Because that's part of both personal and collective evolution that is the foundation for co-creating heaven on Earth or life on the planet that works for all... whatever verbiage floats your boat.

AND because it's fairly safe to assume that most if not all leaders of every stripe benefit from you, me, our families, loved ones, friends and everyone else NOT understanding relevant issues well.

When most of the over seven billion human beings on Earth are too worried and distracted with where they're getting their next meal from or whatever societal or world issue is unfolding, power wielders are free to do what they want to maintain their control worldwide.

If that were not so, control of education, mass media and political propaganda would not be such art forms worldwide.

Education would be geared towards self sufficiency, free thinking and the development of conscious creator skills. Rather than fighting to survive every day, conforming, matrix-style.

I highly recommend @highimpactflix's interview series, the first of which is March For Our Lives Protesters UNMASKED: "We Want to CONTROL YOU!" Pt 1.

Again, pay attention to discerning gold nuggets of truth and common sense logic, not words and jargon or biases that trigger or turn you off.

With that, I'll now share the rest of the screen grab pictures from yesterday's marches.

If you missed Parts 1 and 2, you can find them here:

March For Our Lives - #1 - Live Blogging Youth Marches Across US and the World - Day 7 Entry Week 3 SBBWAC

March For Our Lives - #2 - Live Blogging Youth Marches Across US and the World - Day 7 Entry Week 3 SBBWAC

Ok, I left off with the following teaser yesterday:

Part 3 will include a riveting speech that left many in tears.

So let's work our way to that.

This group of Sandy Hook children turned teenagers gifted the Parkland students with a banner supporting their cause:

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Another live performance, this time by the Stoneman Douglas drama club and student choir singing "Shine":

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Then it was time for one of the most impressive of the Parkland studnet leaders, Emma:

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Her presentation included the calling out of each of the names of her fellow Parkland students who were killed.

Then she stood silent.

Just silent.

The crowd alternated between silent respect as she was heard sniffing, to chants of "Never Again", to shouts of support for her.

But she continued to just stand there.

Closing her eyes many times.

Sniffing, teary-eyed, throughout.

Staring out, straight ahead.

The minutes ticked on.

And on.

Then there was the sound of a timer going off.

And she finally broke her silence.

She said that from the time she walked out on to the platform to the timer going off, it was six minutes and twenty seconds.

The same amount of time it took for the gunman to kill all her fellow students whose names she'd called out before.

Six minutes and twenty seconds.

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The strength of her presence and single-minded focus as she spoke then stood silent speaks of a young woman who will be a force to reckon with in whatever area she chooses to serve.

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Another student leader:

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And then Jennifer Hudson took to the stage:

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After Emma whispered something in Ms. Hudson's ear:

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Then it was time to end the rally.

All the students representing each violent school killing came together on stage:

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Students leaving:

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Montel Williams in a post-rally interview:

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With more shots of the crowd dispersing:

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And students reporting on the voter registration drive they successfully ran during the rally:

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And finally a montage of some of the approximately 832 marches held in fifty states:

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That's what I was able to cover yesterday.

Other marches were held after the Washington main rally and march. I'm sure you'll be able to see coverage of them on Youtube by now, if you're interested.

Thanks and enjoy the rest of the weekend and this coming week.


PS Would you like to join me in a 1 post/15 comment daily challenge?

Copyright @ Angela Chen Shui. Worldwide rights reserved.

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Exploring Steemit's Valuable Treasure - #1 - Fractal, Color, Responsibility

Exploring Steemit's Valuable Treasure - #2 - Special Single Edition - Stephen Hawking's Passing

Quick Steemit Lessons - #1a - Develop Post Series You're Passionate About

Quick Steemit Lessons - #1b - Examples - Develop Post Series You're Passionate About

Week 3 - 7-Day Steemit Biz Building Weekly Accountability Challenge

"Angela's Voice" On Steemit - Blog Post Archive - Weeks 1-5

Quick Steemit Lessons - #1c - More Examples - Develop Post Series You're Passionate About

10 Truths 1 Lie - Can You Pick Which One Isn't True

Exploring Steemit’s Valuable Treasure - #4 – DLive Music + MSP's Radio - Day 4 Entry Week 3 SBBWAC

March For Our Lives - #1 - Live Blogging Youth Marches Across US and the World - Day 7 Entry Week 3 SBBWAC

Check out "Angela's Voice" On Steemit - Blog Post Archive - Weeks 1-5



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It is time for change. Thank you for posting this well-thought out post about the March for Our Lives movement.

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