Quick Steemit Lessons - #1c - More Examples - Develop Post Series You're Passionate About

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

Hey Steem Fam,

Welcome to the third part of this particular lesson about how to Develop Post Series You're Passionate About.

The first two parts of this main lesson can be found here:

Quick Steemit Lessons - #1a - Develop Post Series You're Passionate About

Quick Steemit Lessons - #1b - Examples - Develop Post Series You're Passionate About


In the second part of this lesson, I'd intended to share with you my fav Steemian yogi but the post got too long. So he will be the first Steemian to be featured in this third part.

He is the first yogi I started following as soon as I joined Steemit. His posts are simply structured but I always look forward to them because I find them inspiring on two fronts.

He always pairs his featured yoga asana with a well chosen quote. I particularly liked the pairing he did a few days ago, so that's the post I'll share with you.

btw, I also use his posts to remind myself of my intention to formally study to become a yoga teacher in my early 60's. ;)

Meet @daltano and this is the Give life your ALL post I especially enjoyed.

In this post he features a quote by Swami Sivananda. Isn't it simple yet so true? Doesn't it perfectly match the pose?

And how about that yoga asana? Can you do that? ;)

If you scroll down @daltano's timeline, you'll find that he does some asanas with both beautifully colored fabric and seat-type props. Back when I did yoga every day, I'd never seen, much less used, either of those here in Jamaica.

I particularly love when @daltano struts his yogi stuff in pure pose form as in his Give life your ALL post.

That is a wonderful, advanced and powerful asana. It takes a LOT of strength, focus and dedicated practice to get so good at that.

Let him know what you think of both the asana and matching quote in your comment over there and let me know below too. Remember to mention I asked you to visit. ;)

Make @daltano's blog a regular visit to be inspired and uplifted every day as you journey via your daily comment and visiting rounds across the Steemit universe.

And maybe I'll work on getting ready to formally learn how to teach yoga sooner than I planned. ;)

The second example for today is a Steemian who also uses an identifiable and branded structured series style.

He's on a mission to reach 100,000 steem power and posts very regular updates on this. So that's one of his regular series.

He's also setting up his servers so he can become a Steemit Witness. *SEE note below for a guide to becoming a Witness.

When you visit his blog, you'll notice he publishes in different formats (video, text, meme etc) and his different types of posts have a similar structure.

His 100,000 Steem Power Update series has the same branded look every single time. And he has included more personal sections for exercise and a diary that make this post series more personal.

Some in his audience may skim over one section and read the others and vice versa. But having different sections in one series format that appeal to different sub-sections of his audience, keeps everyone coming back AND commenting on different things.

For example, my eyes may glaze over tech stuff about his servers but I pay attention to his reading music (I actually click over and listen to it), diary and exercise. Plus I read his progress towards that 100,000 steem power and how his server set-up is going.


When I first wrote this post, [ValorForFreedom] was preparing to become a Witness. But he since posted his Witness Declaration and is now taking votes.

If you like the work he is doing and his commitment to contributing to Steemit long term, please give him one of your Witness votes via SteemConnect.

OR directly on the Steemit Witness Voting page.

For the latter, just scroll down and insert his username valorforfreedom in the box and click the 'VOTE' button to add him to your list of chosen Witnesses, as I did.


Here now is Philip Braselmann, aka @ValorForFreedom.

His Road to 100000 Steem Power Day 156 - Witness Friends & The Hardcore Alarm Clock post that I originally chose to highlight his particular post structure and branding style is now outdated, but you can still study it and listen to this reading music. ;)

** [SIDEBAR 2:]

This is sooo funny. And shows how well Steemit tries to assist us to get our posting done!

I saw Valor's math response to my reply comment re his servers being ready in 7-10 days or earlier some time after. I went in and wrote a reply. But it wouldn't post because of low bandwidth.

Ho-hum. What else is new?

I'd left the comment, intending to submit it when I got back some steem power, but never did go back to click 'Submit'.

Just now, when I went back to double-check the correct title and link, I saw my unsubmitted comment.. it was still there! Steemit's comment thingy is wayyy kewl! ;)

I'm not going to click 'Submit' until I get this post published so I don't risk bandwidth issues with publishing a new post again. ;) But here's what I wrote:

LOL Not sure but I'll cheer you on. Math and I only get along when we have to, so I know you'll have better luck with that than me.

Even if you don't make math pro status, your brain sure will be switched on to tackle all that server and other stuff you do each day though. ;)

** [END of SIDEBAR 2]

And here is ValorForFreedom's Official Witness Declaration Video & Post.

In between these two posts in his timeline, you'll notice several others in which he shares his thoughts in his final decision process to become a Witness. You may find it both interesting and useful to read/watch those when you have a bit of time.

btw, isn't it exciting to be able to watch this new Witness process unfold, especially for those of us who are very new to Steemit and haven't had a chance to do that before?

I've only been here 38 days today, so this is the very first time I'm seeing someone start the Witness journey.

Enjoy studying Michael/Valor's posts to gain insights on how you can build your branding and blog/vlog/podcast post structure for your own series here on Steemit.

And remember to be a part of current Steemit history in the making by reading his Official Witness Declaration Video & Post.

Give him your comment and upvote love AND your Witness vote if you'd like him to represent your interests here on Steemit... and mention I asked you to visit. ;)

To read some of what becoming a Witness entails, you can read this early @JerryBanfield post published when Jerry was also in the process of setting up his Witness servers.

It's entitled 'Launch a Steem Witness Today!'.

And Thanks once again to @odrau for his blue page divider used in this post.

I hope you liked the examples of series posts branding and structure highlighted here via @daltano and @ValorForFreedom.

Both of them share their passions effectively and creatively. Both have at least two basic series with set structures that they add to consistently every day.

I'm looking forward to hearing about your series that you already have or will be starting.

Until next time, take very good care and enjoy a wonderful weekend when it gets to wherever you live in the world the rest of this new week. ;)


PS Please visit and enjoy @Daltono's post now as it will soon be past the seven day mark because of the delay in publishing this post late last week and then over the weekend.

I'd particularly appreciate you upvoting and commenting because it was such a powerful pairing of a wonderful quotation and an advanced yoga asana... Give life your ALL.

PPS Here again are the previous lessons for this first sub-series of Quick Steemit Lessons... 'quick'! Yeah, right. ;)

Quick Steemit Lessons - #1a - Develop Post Series You're Passionate About

Quick Steemit Lessons - #1b - Examples - Develop Post Series You're Passionate About

PPS I'd also so appreciate your loving up on my currently solo Week 3 - 7-Day Steemit Biz Building Weekly Accountability Challenge. ;)

Copyright @ Angela Chen Shui. Worldwide rights reserved.

Before you forget...

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  • Quick Steemit Lessons
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Check out my recent "Angela's Voice" posts - your comments, upvotes and resteems are welcome!:

Exploring Steemit's Valuable Treasure - #1 - Fractal, Color, Responsibility

Exploring Steemit's Valuable Treasure - #2 - Special Single Edition - Stephen Hawking's Passing

Quick Steemit Lessons - #1a - Develop Post Series You're Passionate About

Quick Steemit Lessons - #1b - Examples - Develop Post Series You're Passionate About

Week 3 - 7-Day Steemit Biz Building Weekly Accountability Challenge

"Angela's Voice" On Steemit - Blog Post Archive - Weeks 1-5

Check out "Angela's Voice" On Steemit - Blog Post Archive - Weeks 1-5


Thank you for the support Angelacs!

You're very welcome, @valorforfreedom! Thanks so much for visiting. And I wish you all the very best in reaching Top 50 Witness soon.

That will take months, but I will get there!

That's fine. 'Soon' is relative and quality of journey more important than time at this point anyway.

I will get there!

You certainly will, especially if you

run into each day with a battle cry

Will be hooting, yelling, stamping my feet, beating my shield and cheering you on while 'seeing' it as Done/Fully Manifested inside to help clear the way.

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