Week 2 - 7-Day Steemit Biz Building Weekly Accountability Challenge

in #challenge7 years ago (edited)

Hi there, Steemit and Weekly Accountability Challenge Fam!

Welcome to Week 2 of our 7-Day Steemit Biz Building Weekly Accountability Challenge.


Well, first a big thumbs up to last week's Challenge participants.

Because we made it through the first week!

We may have limped a bit towards the end. And yes, there were several hiccups.

We had frequent bandwidth issues and plain old mistakes that led to good learning.

But as @ClixMoney so kindly encouraged me, 'the most important is the participation not the winning."

If you're brand new to this Challenge, Welcome, buckle up and prepare to have fun.

You can join in at any time, so don't worry if when you're reading this you've missed a few days. Just jump in and come back next Sunday when next week's Challenge kicks off.

If you are an old hat from last week, our first Challenge, Thank you and Welcome again.

The very basic goal of this Challenge is to encourage and support Steemians who want to develop two important skills needed to be successful here on Steemit.

This Challenge offers a space you can use to focus on practicing and building a daily habit to:

  • create two valuable, informative and entertaining posts
  • connect and build relationships within Steemit by offering 15 valuable and encouraging comments

The accountability part comes in because you can use this Challenge space to quickly list your daily posts and tally your daily comments.

And you get to do that with other peeps!

Participating with other members, especially as the Challenge grows, will help to inspire you and keep you going through any difficult times, whether here on Steemit or in life generally.

Individual effort is key and a group of focused individuals working and supporting each other towards a shared goal maximizes the potential for success. And FUN.

We'll keep learning as we're doing. So we'll fine-tune and refine the Challenge as we go.

For now, here's what we've got:

The Challenge is run on the honor system.

You post one of your daily links in exchange for making two comments on posts submitted by other participants. So two valuable, relevant comments per post that you submit.

Also, very importantly, please:

  • USE 'accountability' as one of your tags for the posts you're going to submit for the Challenge
  • USE the phrase '7-Day Steemit Biz Accountability Challenge' somewhere in the TITLE of the post/s you're submitting to the Challenge

Ok, so let's dive down now into the Challenge Prep Steps and the Challenge Daily Action Steps so we can get off of this page and get going with today's Challenge tasks. ;)



These are the immediate steps to take now to participate in this week's Challenge:

A. These three basic steps all help increase visibility for this post and the posts you publish and link to here each day during the week:

  1. UPVOTE this post
  2. COMMENT to hold your space by saying "I'm IN".
  3. RESTEEM this post

B. HOW to help keep this Challenge post tidy

  1. 'Reply' to your own "I'm IN" comment:
  2. TYPE in 'Day 1 Posts:'
  3. HIT 'Enter' so it becomes a sub-comment to your original "I'm In" comment.
  4. Do the EXACT SAME THING for EACH of the next few days, all the way up to Day 7, so that EACH DAY has its OWN 'Reply' to your FIRST ORIGINAL "I'm IN" comment

Ok, that's the set-up for each of your seven days of link and comment posting for this week's 7-Day Challenge. This will help you post your links and comments quickly during the week when you may be in a rush.

Once I've published this post, I will do mine at the top and show you so you can see it.

Now let's get in to the daily action steps...



AFTER you have completed the Challenge PREP Steps above, move on to:

UNDER your Day 1 sub-comment:

  1. Click 'REPLY'
  2. INSERT your FIRST Challenge post link and click 'SUBMIT'


  1. Go ahead and upvote/quality comment TWO posts by different participants to cover the FIRST Challenge post you entered
  2. For EACH set of upvote/quality comment you do, RETURN to your FIRST post link in this Challenge thread and let the author know that you upvoted and quality commented
  3. AFTER finishing your FIRST ROUND of TWO upvotes/quality comments to cover your FIRST Challenge post link submitted for the day:
  • RETURN to your FIRST post link submission comment for that day
  • CLICK Reply under it
  • INSERT the links for EACH of the TWO comments you made in exchange for posting your first Challenge post link
    (Just right-click on the time thingy of your first comment you made on another participant's post, choose 'Copy' and insert that comment link back on this post as a reply to where you entered YOUR own post link)
  • This will MAKE IT CLEAR to all other participants which two comments you made in exchange for your FIRST post link
  • SEE my Day 1 example if the above is not clear.

C. SUBMIT YOUR SECOND CHALLENGE POST LINK (IF you're submitting a second post for that day)
UNDER your relevant Day sub-comment:

  1. Click 'REPLY'
  2. INSERT your SECOND Challenge post link and click 'SUBMIT'


  1. If you entered TWO posts for the day, then go ahead and upvote/quality comment TWO MORE participant posts to cover the SECOND post you entered
  2. For EACH set of upvote/quality comment you do, RETURN to the post link in this Challenge thread and let the author know that you upvoted and quality commented
  3. AFTER finishing your SECOND ROUND of TWO upvotes/quality comments to cover your SECOND Challenge post link submitted for the day:
  • RETURN to your SECOND post submission sub-comment for the relevant day
  • CLICK Reply under it
  • INSERT the links for EACH of the TWO comments you made in exchange for posting your second Challenge post link
    (Just right-click on the time thingy of your first comment you made on another participant's post, choose 'Copy' and insert that comment link back on this post as a reply to where you entered YOUR own post link)
  • This will MAKE IT CLEAR to all other participants which two comments you made in exchange for your SECOND post link
  • SEE my Day 1 example if the above is not clear.


  1. Go ahead and continue with ONE set of upvote/quality comment for EACH upvote/quality comment you would like the opportunity to receive
  2. RETURN to the post link in this Challenge thread and let the author know that you upvoted and quality commented as part of your extra comment round


That's IT!

Have FUN this week making friends and leaving love on each post you visit.

Even if your steem power is low so you upvote doesn't have a lot of $$ value, the 'heart value' of your upvotes and quality comments is priceless!


PS I'll set up my "Day #" posts so you can see to help you set up yours in case any of what was posted above was not clear.

Copyright @ Angela Chen Shui. Worldwide rights reserved.

Before you forget...

Be sure to get front row seat access to all my new posts, be that:

  • Inspirational morning centering via breathing meditations or galactic toning sound healing
  • Quotes with my personal insights
  • End of Day Accountability Confessions
  • Or any thing critical or just juicy here on Steemit. I resteem as many of the current cutting edge announcements that I find in addition to posts that float my quirky boat

The easiest way stay on top of all my new shares here on Steemit to set-up your own personal artificial intelligence GINABot tool to send you notifications of my new posts as they hit Steemit's news stand.

Here's how to add me:

And if you're not yet using the free GINAbot tool, here's how to get her on your team, tirelessly working for you 24/7/365.

Check out some of my recent posts - your comments, upvotes and resteems are welcome!:

Angie Learns Fractal Art - #1 - Introduction - Why Fractal Art and Why Now

Angie Learns Fractal Art - #2 - Let's Take A Look At the Steemit Fractal World

Angie Learns Fractal Art - #3a - Let's Start Our Best Free Fractal Software Search

Daily Quote Wisdom - Laughter - Alton Brown

Daily Quotes Wisdom - Importance of Play In Relationships - Plato

End of Day Journal - Reflections and Accountability On How My Day Went - Friday, March 9, 2018

Guided Healing Meditation - #1 - Centering, Getting Clear and Seeing Next To Do Step Done

Check out some of my older posts -

your comments are ALWAYS welcome but please don't waste your steem power upvoting... consider upvoting the newer ones above that you like:

Pounded Steemit Doors With Open Sesame Mantra Until Y'all Let Me In!!!

Happiness Quotation - Dalai Lama

Announcing 7-Day Build Your Steemit Profits Weekly Accountability Challenge

End of Day Accountability Journal - Reflections On How My Day Went - Tuesday, February 27, 2018

End of Day Accountability Journal - Reflections On How My Day Went - Thursday, March 1, 2018

7-Day Steemit Business Building Accountability Challenge - Week 1, Day 1, Post 1 - Light Patters Forward

7-Day Steemit Business Building Accountability Challenge - Week 1, Day 2, Post 1 - How much failure can we take?


I'm IN!!! :-) I'm in again :-) And this time I'm in to do better than last time.

Day 1, Sunday, March 11, 2018:

Exactly!!! Well done and Thank you for understanding the spirit of this Challenge, Paul.

So sorry, Paul. I know you saw and responded to this comment but I forgot to come back and formally say that I upvoted and commented on this post! Loved it and just also added another in response to your response...to my first comment!!! ;)

Day 2, Monday, March 12, 2018:

Comment 1 made in exchange for this post:


I went outside the challenge again because nothing was available yet inside the challenge at the time of posting. Looking forward to commenting inside too though :-)

Sorry about that, Paul. Had bandwidth issues most of the day into the late evening. Couldn't even post comments for quite awhile! ;)

Was able to post late last night and did another again a little while ago. BW permitting, I plan to do two more today. Plus I have to read through the second of your Responsibility posts so I can upvote and comment... will do that as soon as I have a bit of brekky and return some calls.

Day 5, Thursday, March 15, 2018:

Yayyy!!! So happy to have you back, Paul! Thank you and HUGE Welcome!

AND Congratzzz for a great start this week. I JUST finished commenting on your #IntroduceYourself post... and your response on my Jim Rohn blog....

and suggested you go for one post and a few comments each day. NO problem. Just getting in to a regular posting rhythm that works around your life is what's key. Quantity can come later, if you wish, especially because you're doing this part time.

Day 1, Sunday, March 11, 2018:

Comments made in exchange for this post:

Monday, March 12, 2018, 1:52am (NOT sure if EST or CT because time thingy changed over Saturday night):

OK, can't make comments on other participants posts because no one else is doing Challenge... yet. ;)

So I'll do two comments elsewhere then add below. Although I could also just wait a bit more. Whichever. I'll do one or other. Let's get some company up in here!

Putting these two comment links here so it looks more tidy:

Made two comments on posts outside of Challenge so I could clear requirements for posting yesterday's url... :
This first was for a beautiful piece of fractal art:

This one had two pictures that were my favorite.. which one/s do you like?

Day 2, Monday, March 12, 2018:

Day 2, Post 1:

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 63578.28
ETH 2600.09
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.83