#46 Daily Jokes from @palui

in #jokes6 years ago (edited)


Safe from AIDS

3 Prisoners are facing the death penalty. By prison wardens they are given the freedom to choose their type of punishment:

  1. Shot dead
  2. Hanged
  3. Injected with AIDS virus
  • The first prisoner said, "Shoot me in the head!" (Dor .... he immediately dies).

  • The next prisoner asks, "Just hang me!" (Sret .... he immediately died too).

  • The last prisoner asked, "Inject me with the AIDS Virus!"
    They gave him the first shot and the prisoner even burst out laughing. The guards are confused and wonder, is there something wrong?
    So the presoner asked for another injection, then the prison guard did it. Now the prisoner is more laughing until it rolls on the floor.

  • Finally the warden's leader asked him, "Why you
    even laugh out loud? Are you not afraid of AIDS? "

  • The prisoner replied, "HA ... ha ... ha .... You're all stupid! I'm wearing a condom!"

More Daily Jokes from @palui:

Joke 01 | Joke 02 | Joke 03 | Joke 04 | Joke 05 | Joke 06 | Joke 07 | Joke 08 | Joke 09 | Joke 10 | Joke 11 | Joke 12 | Joke 13 | Joke 14 | Joke 15 | Joke 16 | Joke 17 | Joke 18 | Joke 19 | Joke 20 | Joke 21 | Joke 22 | Joke 23 | Joke 24 | Joke 25 | Joke 26 | Joke 27 | Joke 28 | Joke 29 | Joke 30 | Joke 31 | Joke 32 | Joke 33 | Joke 34 | Joke 35 | Joke 36 | Joke 37 | Joke 38 | Joke 39 | Joke 40 | Joke 41 | Joke 42 | Joke 43 | Joke 44 | Joke 45


Best Regards,
