2020-02-05steemCreated with Sketch.

in #j5 years ago

Are you a sore loser or a tore loser? The only thing we have to fear is regret and not failure. Teachers should leverage analogies, like an assist, that their students do know already, in order to better help them dunk the ball into the basket, the hoop of things they do not know yet. You know yourself pretty well. Use that to your advantage. Treasure your perspective. Utilize it. Save it. Share it. Cam it. My brother's birthday.

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2020-02-05 - Wednesday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-02-05 - Wednesday

2020-02-04 - Tuesday - 08:00 PM PST - Pelosi Rips Up Trump SOTU Speech Papers Screenshot at 2020-02-05 19:16:06.png

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in February of 2020

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Are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.



Pyramid Censorship?

12:39 AM - Steemit

Is the photo just a meme meant to illustrate the problem with censorship or is it also specifically addressing specific things in the background, behind the pyramid in the photo which may have been censored and hidden?

Christmas 2007

2007-12-25 - 07:11 PM - Aaron Ryssemus

2007-12-25 - Aaron Ryssemus said Oatmeal Joey Called Him and Merry Christmas everybody Screenshot at 2020-02-05 02:27:53.png

is hoping that you had a merry christmas and he's glad that he got a call from oatmeal joey!

reviewing wolbi and abc


2020-02-05 - Wednesday - 03:57 AM - 04:41 AM - Suits 905

Mike Ross flies by


Last Man Standing

Women can cry


Do nothing

Katrina fell for Brian accidentally like I fell for some girls a few times in my life. I had some crushes. I didn't have GFs.

Silly debate on free markets. Employers need to make more money. That is a good thing and not a bad thing. Money is then distributed like a reversed funnel towards the staff.

Fey fires the tall blond with the big boobs.

2020-02-05 - Wednesday - 04:42 AM - 05:25 AM - Suits 906

Meet on the roof for the first time.

Fey violates private property.

Get off my land, woman.



11:58 AM - THE MANCAVE "TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT! Hitlary for prison!" Alex Jones is the REMEDY to fake news!

In fake news headlines, the leftists talk about how Alex Jones still gets hundreds of thousands of views post-ban on YouTube in 2018 thanks to proxies accounts and stuff. In other words, they are mocking people who like sharing Infowars with people.

Mike Maeshiro

12:26 PM - Facebook

I first saw Mike as early as like 1999, the year I started attending the Hillsboro Community Baptist Church and their Word of Life Teens Involved themed youth group up until like 2004 which is when I graduated high school and went on to attend the Word Of Life Bible Institute in New York (WOLBI NY). So, I knew Mike during my teens. So, I found his Facebook Page yesterday. I'm impressed with it. I left Mike the following comment on one of his videos on his page.

Mike, love the metaphors. Also, love your page. Love your mustache. It is literally growing on me. Well, maybe not literally but I'm impressed with your transformation or your ministry. Oh, you're an author too. I guess I didn't know that until now. Oh, you have a website, too. I will check that out as well. Good work.

2020-02-05 - Wednesday - Rick Birthday - Weekly Security Cam Photos

Analogy Star Gate

05:22 PM - Facebook

Teachers should leverage analogies, like an assist, that their students do know already, in order to better help them dunk the ball into the basket, the hoop of things they do not know yet.

Trump Time

Congratulations, Mr. President! But 5G is giving kids cancer. Please promote fiber optics for Internet over 5G.

I hope @realDonaldTrump considers promoting fiber optics for Internet which is actually faster and better than 5G. I encourage people to tell Trump this. It doesn't matter if Trump knows this or not. What matters is that we should always pressure Trump towards better choices.

Education is Key


We should be as picky with our politicians as we are with our selfies

Ian FäZr

06:00 PM - Facebook

He asked if I got something special from Facebook. No. 20K followers + 4K friends. Semi-famous? Yeah. Maybe. But I would be more famous if i was jesus holding a dinosaur.

I've had different Facebook accounts and this account here I made in 2014 and I got 20K followers like some years ago.

So, this account was growing pretty fast. But then things started changing.

At the rate I was growing on Facebook, similar to what you might find on YouTube, I should have like 40,000 followers now or I guess it depends on a few factors.

But I've been losing friends and losing followers the past few years and it has been stuck at around 20K.

It almost got up to 22K and it has been going down. So, I can personally go to people and ask people to follow me. I write "Add me." People do. But in 2014, because I was an English Teacher, and had some interesting videos, photos, I would get dozens to hundreds of friend requests each month and sometimes it was daily for several months or longer in 2014 and 2015 and then things started changing.

Facebook terminated some of my other accounts which were growing as well.

On YouTube, people are being unsubscribed and on Twitter and Facebook, people are being unfollowed. That is part of the reason why I lose followers.

Many people make videos talking about this.

Many people mention these kinds of problems at the beginning of their videos or at the end. So, thousands of people are being made aware of these types of issues.

Yeah, the algorithm might be like a virus that you might lose control over and then it may get out and run wild.


That is why I focus on alternative social networks like Steemit.com for example.

But at the same time, we should be on Facebook, etc, and reach out to people. Yeah, technology can get out of hand. Like a tool. Like a weapon.

When you register for Steemit, you may have to wait a few weeks before they approve your account or you could join a Discord chat and ask them to approve your account faster maybe.

Above the photos, under the followed by 20,359 people.

Also in my About Section.

The only thing we have to fear is regret and not failure.

Who are your favorite basketball players?

Fox News

07:13 PM - Judge Jeanine: Pelosi is the queen of the shell game

08:00 PM PST apx, Tuesday, Pelosi rips up the Trump SOTU 2020 speech papers.

Fox News

07:20 PM - Gutfeld on the acquittal

Run vs Ruin

Trump Acquitted

Rick is 38

07:24 PM - Facebook

Happy Birthday to the tallest brother I know.

Happy Birthday

08:45 PM - Facebook

Rick, I had a birthday present for you until somebody ripped it up behind my back. So sorry about that.

I tagged 100 people in this Facebook post and uploaded a GIF of Pelosi ripping up the USA SOTU 2020 speech at the end, behind Trump, and that GIF file, that moving picture meme, appeared to have not uploaded or displayed if Facebook.

So, I deleted the posts.

But now I see it.

Deleted that and uploaded a new post with the gif with 100 tags of random Facebook friends.

Matt Christiansen

07:35 PM - 🔴 The Call-In Show LIVE 9 ET

@Tony Swann make marriage non federal again

Body Language Ghost

07:44 PM - Body Language: President Trump SOTU 2020

Love the X-Files Music.

Who is Pelosi talking to?

Old Books

08:23 PM - Steemit

The parallels between the stories of Enkidu/Shamhat and Adam/Eve have been long recognized by scholars. I find ancient books, scrolls, tablets, documents, text, etc, fascinating. I've not read the Epic of Gilgamesh before. You mentioned it. So, I skimmed over a translation of it. I should probably write more about these kinds of things in future posts.

Curing AIDS

09:19 PM - Steemit


We can at least try to find cures to diseases like AIDS, HIV, the Bill Gates 2019 Novel Corona Virus, etc, to the extent they don't already have natural remedies. In other words, some things can already be curable. Cancer can be curable. Not always but there are many things we can do. But I agree that we can always do better. We can and should try harder.

Third Eye

09:30 PM - Steemit

My favorite part of what you said in the video is in regards to be aware of what is around you on a supernatural level as that is like growing a third eye perspective and it does so much at a very deep level.

Inkscape is hard to use. I was going to make a meme where I put the real right and left on one side of a cube and the fake left and right on the other. I gave up for now as the art program is giving me trouble.

Bitcoin Job

11:21 PM - Telegram

15yrs? Hasn't Bitcoin only been around for 11 years? So how can one have more experience than there is possible?

Sleep to 01:10 AM. Almost two hours.


The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat
My Blog Journal Diary Autobiography
Click here to watch Alex Jones & Other Infowars Shows
Some of my Top Favorite News Websites
How do we promote Steemit on social networks?
Coin Tree - List of my Crypto Addresses

Ralph Deshetsky Jr of NY WOLBI Maintenance
Karl Storman
Jonathan Nazigian
Christy Hanshew Page
Joshua Ely
David James Kelly
Aaron Ryssemus
Jonathan Randall
Phil Martin
David Paulsen - Tall Kid (TK)
Jonathan Pigg
‎Amanda Kontz Carr 2005‎
Christopher Zaugg
Amy Butters
Chris Marie Widener
‎Dave Sperring‎
Jenni Allen

Sam Meyer - heart skip a beat

2006-04 apx - Old Quebec

‎Josh Williams - my ABC roommate
Richard Haywire Johnson
‎Josh Hill‎


2004-2006 - One of the teachers I had was Dr. Tom Taylor - church history

Jonathan Rineer, ohhh it was so cold, I felt the cool air go down my throat.

Feel The Heat

"Feel the Heat" Snow Camp 2006 - never again will leadership title a Snowcamp anything about heat! :) It was right around freezing for most of the weekends. I will tell you one thing, I preferred 0 to -15 over 30-32 degrees and rain. Cold and Wet!

Whatever you do for snowcamp, do it for the Lord, because if you do it for you, or even just for your campers to have a good time, you miss out on the richest of Snowcamp experiences!

2004-11-23 - Aaron Ryssemus, Kirby Shockley, Suzi Stamatis

2004-11-23 - Aaron, Kirby, Suzi, other guys, in the cafetaria at OLBI NY
2004-12-31 - NYC, Aaron, etc

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2012-2017 - Taught English in Vietnam

Nancy Pelosi @ State of the Union #3

This girl will soon be able to go to the school of her choice because of a scholarship made available

We should be as picky with our politicians as we are with our selfies

China news. Not good.

Why have I focused so much on the Coronavirus quarantine?

This is what Nancy Pelosi Ripped up

Speaker of the House Mutilating a Government Document? 18 U.S. Code § 2071

Liberals CHEER For Queen Nancy Pelosi After Her Temper Tantrum At SOTU! | Above It All #92

Coronavirus Update... More Dangerous Than First Thought

Today In Stupid - State of the Union Salt

Is Trump Forced to Eradicate AIDS?

NYSE owner wants to buy eBay for $ 30 billion

Was Kobe Bryant Murdered?

What is the Corona Virus?

My Coin Tree

Free Square Died?


"Facebook terminated some of my other accounts which were growing as well."

Thanks for pointing this out.

Also, YouTube and Twitter, similar things.

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