Why have I focused so much on the Coronavirus quarantine?

in #news4 years ago

I think people are confused about why I’ve been focusing so much on the coronavirus. I am not particularly concerned about getting it, and I am not panicking in that regard, which many people seem to assume. I have been looking at the footage that has been coming in for weeks, and I have had people sending me info on this since before they knew what to call it (they still don’t know what to call it btw). Activists in Hong Kong that I connected with through the protests have been talking about this since December.

Regardless of what you think about the virus or how dangerous you perceive it to be, a massive human experiment is taking place, in the form of the largest and most sophisticated quarantine in human history. I have waited to share a lot of the videos because they were hard to confirm, but now some smaller mainstream sources are starting to report on the people that are being literally welded into their apartment buildings, the big weird ass trucks driving through the streets shooting disinfectant chemicals into the air, hospitals lined with body bags, cops with biosuits and machine guns roaming the streets and violently carrying anyone way who shares footage of this stuff happening or walks around in public without a mask.

They got tanks on the streets right now, and they are scooping up activists and throwing them in “quarantine” even when they aren’t sick. It is not news that the Chinese government is authoritarian, but the scale and intensity of what is happening over there is not normal, even for this regime. Another interesting thing about this situation is that the WHO is basically covering for China, and politicians in the US on both ends of the spectrum, said during the house subcommittee hearing today that the WHO can’t really be trusted, implying that they were corrupt. The WHO has excluded Taiwan and Hong Kong from individual representation in this situation, which means that China can easily just impose their own quarantine in these areas, and impose similar measures as they did in the mainland without any kind of international pushback, at least not from the major organizations that have sway in that kind of situation.

I recorded a podcast with the free thought project about this last week:


Derrick Broze has very similar thoughts on the subject, and shared them on YouTube:


Just another fearmongering scare tactic distraction, and so many are falling for it, only to later feel silly. That was me, 4 or 5 major pandemics ago. You learn to pick your battles after a while.

Did you notice China quarantining more than 50 million people in those outbreaks? No? It is useful to consider the differences between this outbreak and prior events.

After ~25 minutes in, there's a discussion of the fact that China has concealed the initial outbreak, and continues to misreport information.



It's important to base your decisions on facts, and not propaganda.

No offense, but I've only known you a year, and in that time you've had about 20 or 30 frantic meltdowns over various issues, most of which have passed into memory without incident. And yes, this is another.

If we can't trust China to tell the truth ("continues to misreport information"), why are we trusting some of their data, like the number quarantined? They could be inflating numbers to prove they're on top of the problem. Pretty much everything available on the issue is propaganda - facts are impossible to nail down at present. You're not basing your fear reaction on facts, you're basing it on the fake videos and numbers you're getting.

This happens every 3 years or so, exactly like this. The virus is in your mind, not your bloodstream. You're infected by fear, and you're spreading it. But not to me because I've been exposed to this kind of thing before and my immune system won't tolerate it ;)

Your assumptions are showing. I'm not huddled in fear. I'm working seven days a week, in contact with the public. You can ignore whatever information you want to. You mischaracterize me and my responses to that information, and that reflects on you, not me.

Be well.

It's funny that we're probably 2 of the best-informed people around, on such topics, and some of the most propaganda-proof people in our peer groups.... but we both feel the other has succumbed to propaganda in this case. I assume only one of us is right (that we aren't both completely befuddled)? But I don't assume it's the one who has watched the most reports (and clips of 1000 people in a courtyard all doing the shimmy shake for the camera) about it.
Why do you mention that you work with the public? Are you insinuating you're at risk? If so, that's your fear showing, by very definition. You're saying "I have a right to be afraid, I could get infected and die!" That's the fear. Keep in mind all the other engineered plagues that we've dealt with and continue to deal with. This one is just another name on that ever-growing list. You're not going to get it, and you don't need the vaccine.

"...clips of 1000 people in a courtyard all doing the shimmy shake for the camera..."

Since I haven't any idea what you're talking about regarding that video, I can only agree with you.

"Why do you mention that you work with the public? Are you insinuating you're at risk? If so, that's your fear showing, by very definition."

No, you again assume incorrectly. I'm pointing out that I am not reacting in panic. Plenty of reason to avoid public contact during a pandemic when more than 50 million people are under quarantine - as has never before happened in history - but I am not so frightened as to do so, completely contradicting your last sentence. Frankly, you seem to be attempting to be pejorative, which I find both irrational and telling.

You keep putting words in my mouth, or thoughts in my head, that I neither express nor reveal by my actions. This is indicative of your need to prevail and not be disagreed with as to fact, which also shows you are short better arguments to support your case. You seem obsessed with fear, and seem to associate merely acknowledging danger with terror.

That's your fear showing. Ignorance, they say, is bliss. I reckon it is when the truth simply cannot be faced because the terror it causes you cannot be either.

I have no interest in further trying to understand why you have a need to characterize me as frightened unduly now, or in the past year. Face such facts as you are willing and able to, but do please cease trying to tell me what I do or don't feel, and stop putting words in my mouth.


I'm still here, for how much longer, I can't be certain.

I can confirm that I have also seen the same reports you mention.

Dangerous times, its best to stay at home and wait it out.

No good catastrophe will go to waste. Every means of furthering a global police state will be used. If no good catastrophe arises naturally, well, it's not all that hard to make one.

One of the problems with a vaccination for 2019 nCoV is that the virus causes lymphopenia - a reduction in white blood cells similar to HIV. Kung Flu appears to cause a form of AIDS. Vaccines usually use 'inactivated' or dead virus to stimulate our immune systems. While treatment and mortality of this virus presently is focused on it's initial symptoms, there is almost no discussion of, or understanding, of the impact of the lymphopenia nCoV is shown to cause.

A vaccine for nCoV may well cause this symptom of the disease, if that aspect of it is not completely understood and specifically prevented from being an effect of the vaccine. An additional worry regarding vaccines for nCoV is that presently it has been shown that after the symptoms are survived, the victims are still contagious. The virus is still present, and shed, by survivors, for an unknown period and to an unknown extent.

Unless this is completely understood and able to be prevented, the vaccine could cause the same problem. It is not widely known that in the last couple decades, there have been less than a handful of deaths from measles, but there have been over 100 deaths from the measles vaccine - including many cases of measles that were caused by the vaccine. The vaccine for measles is orders of magnitude more lethal than the disease it is supposed to prevent.

That is not something we want to happen with Kung Flu, neither do we want to cause AIDS or create lifelong Typhoid Marys by vaccinating people. These are all dangers that bad vaccines might cause, and are things the vaccine industry is terrible at openly discussing.

When the cure is worse than the disease, it's best to get the disease. Given how bad this disease is, that's not a good choice to be forced to make. It's one the fearless globalists seem to be intent on forcing us to make however. Personally, I just had a heart attack less than a month ago. I have little life to lose by resisting disinformation, threats, and force.

I will insist on complete and open information about any vaccine that is promoted, and not submit to threats for noncompliance with mandatory orders to be vaccinated regardless of such information being available. Clearly it is a matter of life and death, not only for me, whose time is highly limited anyway, but for humanity. That's a struggle worth undertaking for me.


I'm in agreement about vaccines.

They "used to" be safe, until the 1980's when all consumer lawsuit protection was removed.

At that time there was a massive increase in many autoimmune disorders such as autism and M.S. etc.

Complete with a propaganda campaign to gain public acceptance.

In China, these disorders are currently rare, they will be on the rise due to imported medication.


Nothing is safe and anything can happen.

You're absolutely correct. There aren't any safe spaces. Each of us must understand what actual risks exist wherever we are, and what we should do to keep ourselves safe.


I don't want to go in here !DRAMATOKEN , yet this flight szenario got my attention. How did Christopher Moore once state: The world is so twisted, that my stuff looks normal.

The one thing I want to say for staying save: Eat wealthy, no matter whether from a dumpster. Remember: The good things are thrown away when things go insane.

btw: There's an unforgettable interview by Rick Kleffel with Christopher http://bookotron.com/agony/audio/chris_moore_2006.mp3

Pretty interesting interview.


You're welcome. !invest_vote

@andrepol denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient! ----> Wer ist investinthefutur ?
@andrepol thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !----> Who is investinthefutur ?

Regular flu kills way more on a yearly basis , roughly 400000 people a year .
Corona killed only about 50/100 , something else is playing . I think the puppetmasters are playing out a very big show for us to get more control on us all .


Screwd up shit mate, good thing I don't get sick and I'm willing to die just to attempt to prove the body can self-heal from anything. So whatever the plan is here, it doesn't work for me.


The Conversation has a couple of interesting articles on the Coronavrious in the post-truth era.

Apparently Chinese citizens face penalties for sharing any information about it on social media that doesn't come from official, ie State sources!

So whatever the truth about it, the State's version is likely getting more eyeballs on it than any other.

To listen to the audio version of this article click on the play image.

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