in Steeming Community4 years ago

Hi Steemit!

Woow we were delighted to see so many responses on our last challenge: "How I Found Out About Steemit". In total 17 people have let us know how their Steemit ´career´ began. This challenge is closed now, but if you missed it and you still like to share your story, go ahead!

If I could start over.jpg


If I could start over, I would be a ... @byyou

In this challenge, we like to know what you would like to be if you could start over again. I always wanted to be a famous singer because I like to travel around and envy people that can sing. I just can´t sing, its either not gifted to me or I didn´t teach myself how to do it. I like Christina Aguilera a lot and if I could pick someone, it would be her.

In this challenge we like to see the next 4 things:

  1. What profession would you want to be? A doctor, a nurse, a firefighter? If you feel like what you do is meant for you, you can just tell us why you are super happy with that!
  2. Who is your role model in that space and why do you look up to that person?
  3. What skill do you need to learn to be able to do that job?
  4. Is it still possible to go for that dream job? Why or why not?



Yesterdays Challenge Stories

Here are the 17 stories in the order they came in:

We like the point system that @Steemitblog uses for their challenges a lot! We are planning on doing as many challenges possible and at the end of the month, the TOP 7 with the most points will receive a 100% upvote. That is on TOP of all the rewards you earn by joining! So all these users have now 1 point!

@kiwiscanfly @meher04 @jaki01 @rishabh99946 @allbert @sapwood @kiwi-crypto @randulakoralage @whatsthatcryptom @nevlu123 @offgridlife @tocho2 @oppongk @axeman @girolamomarotta @gduran @sumit10698


Thanks for the points distribution. I love this contest with my ❤️. Count on me!

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