If I could start from the beginning, I would become a Lecturer by @muftii

in Steeming Community4 years ago


Hi, friend,
How are you ... ??
May we all be healthy.

If I could start from the beginning, I would become a Lecturer by @muftii

I was a devoted teacher in elementary school, and being a lecturer was a dream of mine, why is that ???
Friends must be curious, let's follow in the footsteps of my story after the following abstract.

Every person must have their own idol, both from the lowest level (ordinary people) and at the top level (educated people), even I myself also have an idol in my life, it is undeniable, that the feeling must exist in every human being.

Even some people are influenced by their own idols, most people idolize an artist, he is also willing to change his appearance to look like his idol. He knows very well what perfume is used by the idol, research shows that a person can be influenced by their respective idols.

What profession would you want to be?

If time can be played back then I want to be a Lecturer.
I am happy to choose this profession because scientific innovation is developing rapidly and once again the position of lecturers is familiar with research, research activities are a source of innovation, teaching without research takes precedence with storytelling without facts which breeds static progress ...

Who is your role model in that space and why do you look up to that person?

Role model.
Three-time economic expert Professor Sumitro Joyo Hadikusumo and prof. Majid Ibrahim, former Chancellor of Unsyiah and governor of Aceh.

They are scientists who are not bound by the traditions and ideology of the state and their lecture material is universal rather than particular. For them, science is always in favor of truth, not value-free.

What skill do you need to learn to be able to do that job?

Does not require a lot of skills,
enough to master the skills in speaking, what we convey to the audience and can be absorbed by it aspiratively, communicatively and implementatively, I as a teacher must hypnotize students so they can receive the lessons I share. Every now and then I invite them to study outside, be friendly with nature and ask for the results of their notes, what they get when studying outside.

Is it still possible to go for that dream job? Why or why not?

Very likely.
Because the goodness must be imitated, although not a lecturer for students at the university, there is an opportunity to become a lecturer in the community. We guide them according to our scientific fields by imitating the idol. A good idol will benefit many people.

this is only a brief explanation from me, hopefully useful for friends, especially for the writer himself
Thank you for all the attention and apologize for any shortcomings

Regards, Yours for

@xpilar community "World Of Xpilar" Click

Best Regard



Hi and thanks for your entry! A lecturer is sure a great mission! Go for it!

Thank you for your post! You got upvoted by the @steemingcurators with massive help from @steemcurator02!
Want to participate in more challenges on Steemit? Check our latest posts for more info! Thanks for #steeming
@cryptokannon ~ @ciska

thank you
@cryptokannon and
Thanks All

The love you give is extraordinary, good luck

You chose a great profession and role for societies. Learning, researching and translating into common words is one of the processes that start the spark of the interest and development on any area in our world!

Great post and submission for the contest, all the best @Muftii!!
Good wishes for projects and life!!

Thank you my friend
you are the best friend who always supports my work, hopefully this project is useful for everyone.

in the next contest if there is a chance I will make a fictional story about you.

Hope, I hope STEEM POWER increases so I can help people in the community.

a big hug for you🤗 @knitrias

Every week you can participate in all the contests!! Now are three challenges, there is one that is for this week only, the Interview with @Xpilar. 15 SP between all participants!!
You can publish Branches of Longevity, and Open Source, one post per challenge once a week, 20 SP are distributed between all participantions!!

Friend, I'm not used to this, please guide me.
I am very interested in getting SP, so I can help give awards to all my friends' posts

You know how to create and publish content, you only need to create a post on the subject of each challenge!! In the reports of every week there are the instructions. I can't guide you if you don't ask a concrete question, please read the reports and if you have doubts on the information there I can assist you! You can check your fellow Members posts to have an idea of their materials. If you only ask "guide me" I don't know what to do.

Halo @muftii
Saya senang Anda berada di jalan Anda.
Saya suka posting Anda. Saya memasukkan Anda dalam laporan saya berikutnya. Hidup bahagia dan panjang.
Saya menggunakan penerjemah.

Terimakasih temanku @mariita52.
Anda adalah teman yang baik yang selalu mendukung pekerjaanku.
Salam dari saya @muftii

Mohon do'anya, semoga saya masuk nominasi.
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