If I could start over, I would be a Builder by @kiwiscanfly

If i had a time machine and could go back 20 years and start again i would learn the trade that is building, you know houses :)

Why a Builder Kiwi?

Having the ability and knowledge to build a brand new house however you want appeals to me big time, add in the fact i have never ever seen a poor builder and i am sold!

I know its hard work and long hours but if i could go back 20 years and know what i know now i would train to be a builder :).
Imagine being able to realize someones dream home and be well paid to build it, while being outside in the fresh air. Raining? no problem we come back when the weather clears
I am lucky to have a reasonably well paid job and do like my job but if i could swap tomorrow to being a builder i would

My Role model

I have an Uncle who has been a builder all his life, he has worked very hard for what he has now. i have discussed with him a few times that i would like to be a builder and he said he thinks its a good trade to have.
My Uncle has also been able to maintain a good level of fitness throughout his life which is great.
He is pretty well off money wise.....

Skills need to become a builder

1, the ability to hammer a nail in straight...damm it, that's me out! haha

To become a builder you enter an apprenticeship which means you get to work under a master builder and get trained on the job. Apprenticeships also require you to do theory classwork which nowadays would be online or by distance learning. After 3 years if you have passed your papers and practical on the job assessments you are a qualified house builder.
Its only after 10 years and more exams can you be awarded the qualification and distinction of calling yourself a Master House builder - and since you are a Master Builder the guarantee for the house you build goes up as you are the best of the best :)

Kiwi go and become a Builder

I could leave my office job and go and train to be a builder but i am closer to 50 than 40, i think the only offer apprenticeships up until 40 years of age. if my uncle lived in the same area as me and was still building (retired now) i could easily go work for him and learn.

I hope you enjoyed my entry about starting all over again, actually here is a song from Hall n Oates i just got from www.youtube.com

called starting all over again

All pictures are mine, a couple are from my current house when it was being built 4 years ago, the other is from a local street i walk down

i am @kiwiscanfly



Awesome trade to manage I know for sure! The ability to create a home for people is very rewarding. We have rebuilt a small farm and to save money we try to do a lot ourselves, which costs us a pretty nice chunk more in the end. Awesome that you like the points system! Happy building!
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@cryptokannon ~ @ciska

Just do it..!
I have always though that we can always start anything, including learning and undertaking..!

That is impressive, it must be really a special feeling to live in the house that you planned and build yourself. Luckily you do not have such cold winter like us in North :)

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