Exchange Transfer Report: 12/24/2017 to 12/30/2017

in #exchangereport7 years ago


USD values are calculated per day via API feeds from Poloniex (for STEEM and SBD values in BTC) and Coindesk (for USD value of BTC). For the top 50 reports in USD terms, I take the average USD value for STEEM and SBD for the week using the daily average which came out to:

  • STEEM: $3.10542
  • SBD: $8.56390

Previous Report:

  • STEEM: $2.84352
  • SBD: $8.65544


Please see the first report for a detailed explanation of my personal assumptions related to what this data could mean (along with commentary on previous reports). What it does not show is people powering up, powering down, or if they are buying or selling on an exchange. It's just some interesting data dealing with transfers to and from exchange accounts.

Linked Accounts

hitbtc includes hitbtc-exchange and hitbtc-payout, includes freewallet, and openledger includes openledger-dex.

Previous Reports

72, 71, 70, 69, 68, 67, 66, 65, 64, 63, 62, 61, 60, 59, 58, 57, 56, 55, 54, 53, 52, 51, 50, 49, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 42, 41, 40, 39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32, 31, 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Top 50 Accounts Transferring to and from Exchanges: 12/24/2017 to 12/30/2017

First included transfer: 2017-12-24T00:00:30+00:00
Last included transfer: 2017-12-30T23:59:36+00:00

----------------------------- Exchanges ------------------------------

@poloniex STEEM transfer total: -1,010,224.440
@poloniex SBD transfer total: -56,309.550
@bittrex STEEM transfer total: 1,313,745.483
@bittrex SBD transfer total: 460,084.031
@blocktrades STEEM transfer total: -137,476.923
@blocktrades SBD transfer total: -59,138.403
@openledger STEEM transfer total: -6,050.647
@openledger SBD transfer total: -4,127.884
@hitbtc STEEM transfer total: 0.000
@hitbtc SBD transfer total: 0.000
@changelly STEEM transfer total: -601.113
@changelly SBD transfer total: 10.002 STEEM transfer total: 10,329.582 SBD transfer total: 0.000 STEEM transfer total: 0.000 SBD transfer total: 0.000 STEEM transfer total: -6,536.240 SBD transfer total: -41.743
@rudex STEEM transfer total: 10,032.027
@rudex SBD transfer total: 165.950

------------------------- Total Transferred --------------------------

Total STEEM transferred: -173,217.729
Total SBD transferred: -340,642.403
Total USD transferred: ($ 3,455,142.34)

-------------------- Withdrawal to Deposit Ratio ---------------------

Accounts withdrawing: 5590
Average withdrawal amount: ($     1,100.67)
Median withdrawal amount: ($        99.55)

Accounts depositing: 1518
Average deposit amount:  $       482.57 
Median deposit amount:  $       105.50 

Ratio of withdrawals to deposits: 3.68/1


AccountNet Transfer Amount
1dan:($ 844,674.15)
2vtfsteem2017:($ 621,083.93)
3alpha:($ 444,075.01)
4val-a:($ 358,694.45)
5tamim:($ 271,409.43)
6themarkymark:($ 157,617.38)
7appreciator:($ 95,837.35)
8minority-report:($ 93,162.59)
9liberosist:($ 53,142.26)
10bcboilermaker:($ 46,581.29)
11famunger:($ 38,467.11)
12craig-grant:($ 33,849.13)
13richman:($ 32,427.09)
14arhag:($ 31,054.20)
15transisto:($ 30,800.49)
16booster:($ 30,213.02)
17kumada90:($ 29,222.15)
18changby:($ 27,499.84)
19flyingmind:($ 24,972.16)
20summon:($ 24,469.79)
21greenman:($ 24,067.00)
22steemstermon:($ 22,712.42)
23someguy123:($ 20,547.79)
24upmyvote:($ 18,754.14)
25steempower:($ 17,492.16)
26nikez452:($ 17,460.42)
27velimir:($ 17,258.41)
28michaeldavid:($ 16,673.85)
29barrydutton:($ 16,590.10)
30steem-pays:($ 16,419.41)
31bayrene:($ 16,307.13)
32dragonho:($ 15,952.54)
33feruz:($ 15,945.50)
34me-tarzan:($ 15,854.99)
35abdullar:($ 15,527.10)
36dariodp:($ 15,527.10)
37line:($ 15,527.10)
38corn113:($ 15,220.12)
39lexiconical:($ 14,800.43)
40monsternal:($ 14,400.19)
41roelandp:($ 14,395.27)
42kakaotalk:($ 14,294.53)
43marius19:($ 13,863.77)
44checkthisout:($ 13,370.83)
45donaldtrumpfan:($ 13,272.70)
46bitcoincompany:($ 12,863.00)
47huanluu:($ 12,645.25)
48tridiplo:($ 12,608.00)
49papa-pepper:($ 12,206.37)
50scottdphoto:($ 11,940.66)


AccountNet Transfer Amount
1blocktrades (powerup?):$ 310,541.97
2meerkat:$ 155,270.95
3davidding:$ 151,475.33
4jejujinfarm:$ 120,194.86
5yenlau:$ 116,799.46
6bluemist:$ 96,361.48
7tesam:$ 78,076.08
8jumaru:$ 73,604.46
9manfoundstanding:$ 69,128.18
10mandl:$ 65,421.07
11appics:$ 51,407.90
12ioll:$ 41,536.57
13rcarter:$ 34,341.91
14whalepunk:$ 29,663.93
15badebade:$ 27,950.33
16monsteroiids:$ 26,312.95
17diahla31:$ 24,471.62
18bigpanda:$ 22,657.48
19mahalo:$ 22,172.26
20inchonbitcoin:$ 21,737.94
21starlight0x:$ 21,737.94
22imacryptorick:$ 21,060.93
23cryptocaptain05:$ 20,932.10
24smartcome:$ 20,098.21
25silkroadgo:$ 17,914.27
26cryptojaszczur:$ 17,568.30
27cm-steem:$ 16,126.21
28seattle9:$ 15,925.55
29johnny-appleseed:$ 15,715.21
30jeffski1:$ 15,527.10
31signalandnoise:$ 15,527.04
32elhazzz:$ 14,712.87
33dobartim:$ 14,203.70
34gunthertopp:$ 14,082.22
35hr1:$ 14,011.99
36bigdeej:$ 13,986.80
37changyoon:$ 13,437.57
38michellecmwu:$ 12,714.30
39ssg:$ 12,593.78
40noctisk:$ 12,567.27
41bioly:$ 10,767.23
42tsugimoto:$ 9,981.36
43clarkgold:$ 9,584.21
44mizapizza:$ 9,316.71
45sanat:$ 9,316.26
46silentobserver:$ 9,240.27
47done:$ 9,145.46
48thecryptor:$ 9,036.74
49kimjungmin:$ 8,981.39
50armentor:$ 8,623.92

Withdrawal to Deposit Ratio by User Count over Time

click the image for an interactive graph


  • The withdrawal to deposit ratio is back up to 3.68 to 1.

  • @vtfsteem2017 got 200k STEEM from @dan 7 days ago as a "Gift" and cashed it all out via @blocktrades. Interesting.

  • See last week's report for more thoughts on @alpha.

  • The powerdown graph is still a little funky and showing INF%. I might need to connect with @jesta to figure out what's up there.

Luke Stokes is a father, husband, business owner, programmer, STEEM witness, and voluntaryist who wants to help create a world we all want to live in. Visit

I'm a Witness! Please vote for @lukestokes.mhth


Dan is 100% powered down...I wonder why he would be giving gifts to others rather than pulling it out himself? Maybe PR related?

Dan's obviously leaving Steem and that's completely cool w/ me. He's building EOS and I think it's gonna be a rocketship environment for ppl to build blockchain apps....and maybe even a Steem competitor...

It does appear that the trend has been OUT of steem in the past months. There's a lot of strange things going on in this community these days, but I see most of it as Free Market regulation. Stuff like upvote/downvotes, vote buying, delegated SP, bots, spammers, and whales that imo don't deserve the authority they that have.

Anyways, i'm still powered up and look forward to a very Steemy 2018! Happy New Year everyone!

Yeah, some weird stuff here. I just started on Steemit, but I already ran across some kind of virtual war going on. I don't want any of that.

it's driving ppl away. Can't undo the early token distribution which weighted the community w/ the ppl who are now trying to control it. I guess that's how it goes. Another platform will be created with a better distribution method (like how EOS is experimenting with currently).

SMT's may change some things around here. But the wars and the activities that drive people away have been going on since I've been here and yet some people are still joining.

It is not only Dan who seems to move funds away from Steemit, the table above shows quite a good number of first day Steemians with a lot of power here on Steemit transferring funds out of Steemit.

I suppose indeed that what is happening at Steemit is free market, but is it the free market that we want? We are humans trying to evolve a social community for humans. But, what is happening recent months is that Steemit seems to become more dominated by bots. Is that what Dan meant with his gaming theory? Steemit and with that the Steem currency becoming a play field for bots? With the day one Steemians leaving, With the distribution of daily created Steem dominated by bots, one can argue Steemit may be close to a turning point for us humans.

This is why I am amazed whenever the price of steem appreciates. Outflows seem to outweigh inflows regularly. Supply/Demand principles a bit wacky.

I knew when sbd went way up over 15 usd it was going to flow in to steem for a rise. I remember it happening last year in the spring. Its crazy how high it got though. SBD is still trading very high which leads me to believe theres more growth to come for steem as well.

Very interesting information. That's a lot of massive withdrawals. I love Steemit, and I wanna see it be here forever, but I wonder if it's sustainable. Honestly, I don't really know enough about it on a technical/economic level, but I fear that when there's many millions of users here, and many, more people that have a lot of Steem by then, and they too are making those huge withdrawals, that it may not survive. It seems like there would have to be very large amounts of money being invested to keep it going.

I think I saw that Steem is an inflationary token, but the rate of inflation decreases over the years. Hopefully, the value of tokens would also increase.

I guess I need to read the white paper, and the other information that's available. This obviously had to be considered in development. I know that some very intelligent people developed this.

Thanks for posting this.

I share the same sentiment, although I may not have sufficient information to qualify the withdrawals as "excessive" or beyond sustainable. However, I just hope that Steemit lives on in the coming years.

I love Steemit, and just like a father to a child, I want to see it grow up and be successful (though I'm not yet a dad, please don't get me wrong. Lol).

I'm with you, I want Steemit to be the biggest, most popular social site on the Internet, and there's lots of great people here that I'm sure want the same. It seems to me that it's success depends on one very important unknown, how much will be invested in the long term, but I guess that's obvious.

I also am not qualified to say how it will work out, and I'm hoping that I just don't understand the system fully, and it's going to be fine. Honestly, until the other day, I didn't even understand how Steem tokens worked. I thought that there was a hard cap on them from the start, but I learned that they're inflationary, but they become deflationary over time. I guess if the site continues to become more popular, and I believe it will, people will continue to invest.

I'd love to see Steemit be more popular than Facebook, and DTube more popular than YouTube. Although, I know that would be years from now, if it did happen. I'm somewhat anti-establishment, and FB and YT's censoring, demonetizing content, and nearly tyrannical control doesn't sit very well with me. I see a lot of people that get suspended, and even banned, from Twitter and Facebook for such silly reasons.

Happy New Year

Bitcoin also has inflation with miners getting new coins every block. Steem just changes things up a bit by distributed those rewards differently.

That's true. I keep telling myself I'm going to read Steem's white paper, but I've yet to do so. I see there is an SMT white paper also, and that should be worth reading.

I think that is healthy to let go steem to the great world. The value of a crypto token is in its use. Hodling is speculative act waiting for more. When steem go to exchanges other investors eager to have it will buy steem and eventually this tokens will find a way home back here on steemit. New investors with already defined goals will join the platform an in my opinion this platform can benefit from this movement a lot.

Happy new year 2018! This will be year 1 a. s. (After Steem)!

You're probably right. I guess I just don't understand everything well enough. The prices of Steem, and SBD have been going strong, although they've come down a little the last few days. Steem is $2.68, and SBD is $6.94, as I type this, so there's obviously some interested people out there. As I'm sure you know, Steemit was pretty much stuck around $1.00 for a good while, so it's good to see the interest in it. I just want Steemit to keep going strong indefinitely. I have a little Bitcoin, and I'm considering investing some of it into Steem, and Powering Up, like I do with everything I earn on Steemit.

Yes, have a great 2018, and maybe we'll be whales by 2019. lol

Yeah, extra wealth could be handy, but for me the people and experience here count most! You can buy a car, but you can't buy friends and happiness.

Very true. I love Steemit, and I make very little money because I'm not really such a good writer, and I don't seem to come up with ideas for good posts. Most everything I've posted made nothing, or a very small amount. I did have one article that made like $41.00, but I'm fine with that. I enjoy being here.

My account is showing a value of only $248.00, but I've probably made 2/3's of that in the last three weeks or so. When I read something good I upvote it and leave a good, honest comment, instead of the "good post" that you see often. Sometimes I can tell the people didn't even read the article, just by the comment that they left. I guess they're just wanting the curation reward, and maybe an upvote for their, "good post." I appreciate the effort that people put into some of the great stuff on Steemit.

I'm gonna follow you. I haven't really met anyone on here, but I've never used Steemit Chat. I'd like to try to get to know some people.

I run across some amazing stuff on here, and I get a lot of pleasure reading it. I'm content with curating and commenting, at least until I come up with something I'd like to try to write about. I just don't want Steemit to ever disappear.

I've been off work since July over a medical problem, I've had one surgery, and I'm having a second one soon. Since I found Steemit I spend a huge part of every day on it. A lot of it is wishing my voting power would build back up lol

I've got a little Bitcoin, and I'm thinking about investing half of it into Steem and powering up. That would give me a pretty big boost in my votes.

Good Luck and enjoy Steemit!

You are realy devoted Steemian and also Crypter. (read comment of article: The Post-Futures State of Bitcoin for Crypter definition Also article is great and author @briggsy too.
I also follow you! Think you are a great man! Stay in touch!

p.s. Think you have really big heart mate!!!

Thank you, I'll have a look at that link.

Have a Happy New Year, and I'll hopefully 'see' you around Steemit for many yers to come.

u are a great Steamian and your comments are always high quality and welcomed :)

I'm also very excited with this new Blockchain technology. A great fan of Andreas Antonopolus the big mind behind Bitcoin and Blockchain. Find him on Youtube. It will be great to invite him here on Steemit. His articles will definitely rocks a lot.

Yes sir, AA is the man! EVERYONE should watch his, "Money as a System of Control" video. Every talk he gives is great. The guy is a wealth of information.

Some call him Bitcoin Jesus!

I think it's Roger Ver that they call "Bitcoin Jesus," but I think the title should go to Andreas. After all the stuff that happened with Bitcoin Cash like a month and a half ago, I don't trust Roger Ver quite as much as I used to.

Same to me!

wonder if it's sustainable.

The minute we pose the question is the minute the answer makes itself known. We just want to hear it in words as outer 'validation'.

Best regards for 2018!


thank you for this information

wonderful post,, thanks for sharing following up voted

Damn how can i get cash like that.i wish i was like @dan hes living up definately

You follow nice post thanks.. and vote :)

Seeing the post which saw the transition of the Exchange, many wishes and many love for everyone, we have not had many advantages for our work today, seeing that the interest in our work increased a lot, thank you so much for making an interesting post. And to inform us how much money they transfer to Exchange

@lukestokes Thank you for the update :) Best wishes.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63315.23
ETH 2545.47
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.67