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RE: Exchange Transfer Report: 12/24/2017 to 12/30/2017

in #exchangereport7 years ago

Dan is 100% powered down...I wonder why he would be giving gifts to others rather than pulling it out himself? Maybe PR related?

Dan's obviously leaving Steem and that's completely cool w/ me. He's building EOS and I think it's gonna be a rocketship environment for ppl to build blockchain apps....and maybe even a Steem competitor...

It does appear that the trend has been OUT of steem in the past months. There's a lot of strange things going on in this community these days, but I see most of it as Free Market regulation. Stuff like upvote/downvotes, vote buying, delegated SP, bots, spammers, and whales that imo don't deserve the authority they that have.

Anyways, i'm still powered up and look forward to a very Steemy 2018! Happy New Year everyone!


Yeah, some weird stuff here. I just started on Steemit, but I already ran across some kind of virtual war going on. I don't want any of that.

it's driving ppl away. Can't undo the early token distribution which weighted the community w/ the ppl who are now trying to control it. I guess that's how it goes. Another platform will be created with a better distribution method (like how EOS is experimenting with currently).

SMT's may change some things around here. But the wars and the activities that drive people away have been going on since I've been here and yet some people are still joining.

It is not only Dan who seems to move funds away from Steemit, the table above shows quite a good number of first day Steemians with a lot of power here on Steemit transferring funds out of Steemit.

I suppose indeed that what is happening at Steemit is free market, but is it the free market that we want? We are humans trying to evolve a social community for humans. But, what is happening recent months is that Steemit seems to become more dominated by bots. Is that what Dan meant with his gaming theory? Steemit and with that the Steem currency becoming a play field for bots? With the day one Steemians leaving, With the distribution of daily created Steem dominated by bots, one can argue Steemit may be close to a turning point for us humans.

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