Taking Control of Your Own Limits! A Story from Cece's Travels! 😉

in #story6 years ago

I shut my laptop and shook my head as I went offline and danced with the next steps of my life!

What's next? I wondered as I took off across the world on another trip to find 'home'.
Here's a little window into what's been going on for anyone who's still around! 😉

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After dreary and anxiety filled days of a bedridden coma overtaking what would have been my week road trip around Greece, I was thrilled when my legs decided to not only cooperate after disobeying my will for so long, but also power through carrying my well-overweight bag (that seemed to be growing exponentially) to the airport. Until that moment of sheer miracle, Hercules-worthy strength, I was certain I was going to have to forfeit my $14 flight to Morocco from the backlash of 'the incident' (that will be another story!)

Given that the particular travel from Greece to Marrakech was my first time out of bed in days and my head was still echoing drum like sounds from one ear to the other, the heat that flew into the cabin when the doors opened to release us almost knocked me back into my mini coma and it was to quote Maroon 5, "getting harder and harder to breathe!"

I powered through using every motivational technique I had ever learned and was hell bent on getting to the hostel as fast as humanly possible so I could get my hands on the spices of Morocco- the reason for my visit! My stomach was screaming bloody murder as dinner approached and I hadn't had anything to fuel all the energy I was burning, and it felt like I was burning it all as the thoughts of orange and paprika spiraled around creating concoctions of cravings to drive me mad!

After haggling, cabbing, getting dropped off at the wrong place for a price that was different (higher, obviously) than I originally negotiated and having to walk in the extreme heat with my heavy bags all the while trying to navigate with one hand free, that same hand trying to keep my valuables safe and figure out where the hole in the wall that was our hostel was hidden... I was two flicks of a hair to losing it completely!


When a young boy motioned to a door with no visible markings, I nearly flew off a cliff in my mind but low and behold, the great green door opened and we were welcomed into our booked accommodation with open arms! We took that invitation to dump our bags and beeline to the nearest restaurant on my list of must-trys!

We walked into the most beautiful terraced restaurant, set like a movie scene. High above the town, the sun sparkled through all the exquisite glass, placed mesmerizingly around the room to create a fairy wonderland like effect.

I opened the menu and to my horror, could not find anything at all that was suitable to my dietary needs. Usually that's not an issue and can be easily solved with a simple check in with the waiting staff. Unfortunately, our server responded with one simple (very expensive) option that still was not in any way ideal or appealing and it was at that moment where me, as my old self would have just accepted it and never had the gull or guts to get up and leave.

I know some of you (mom) might cringe as you picture this scene in your head... The room was filled with gorgeous socialites with perfect hair and makeup, cameras at the ready as the magnificent sunset lighting was captivating the atmosphere... The servers whispered to each other as I struggled to get out of my seat and return the menu... I was the most under dressed person in the venue, fresh off a flight and only newly vertical, but I know my limits, now.

It's taken me a long time to get here and this might seem so miniscule in the grand scheme of life but it's a sentiment to how many choices and events we let pass us by without consideration or will/courage to intercept and change.

Are you able to get up and leave if you don't feel comfortable in a situation or if you feel as though your needs are not being met? Do you know your limits? Have you set any boundaries for yourself? If you haven't thought about this, give it a second of consideration. For me, my diet and health are paramount to my life and a little bit of stares aren't going to stop me from staying committed to my cause.

For a long time I would have sat there and felt I needed to order something because for the love of all that's holy, I entered a place and so now clearly I owe them something! 😓

No more! It's so important to know and be familiar with your own limits. We don't have to sit through something just because it's a bit awkward to leave. We don't need to be wasting our money or time if we're not getting what we need and honesty is the best policy to help everyone understand and get on the same page. This also holds true in the dating world (heck, any aspect of life btw!)

For me it was as simple as opening my voice and saying "This is a beautiful venue however currently, the menu doesn't provide for my dietary needs but I'd love to come back for a drink another time and admire the outstanding view here!" Then as disappointed as I was (and so much so, deserving of a photo it seems!), I stood up, walked back down the stairs and across the street and had a fantastic meal on some cushions and ate until I was completely stuffed!

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Don't be afraid to take hold of your own happiness! No one is going to bite you ('cept me if I'm super duper hungry!) ;)


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My heart's in charge here. I write about what I feel in the moment. What inspires me, what drives my passion!

Here are some of my recent additions:

Want to Stay in the Loop? AUTOVOTING Can Make Your Life MUCH Easier!

Your dream has come true- NEVER MISS a post again!
show some love.jpeg

Rewarding content we love, rewards us back and strengthens the community! Yay for curation rewards!


Inspiration for your heart!
Funny Memes & A Talk About Your Health!
My Words Define My World
Unexpected Advice That Changed My Life! I Hope It Will Change Yours Too!
Telling you the truth that no one else tells you!
Why You are the best You there is!

My Challenges:

🥝Have you heard about veganwednesday?
Check out the contest update here!

Hungry? Check out these yummy plant based recipes!

Secret Ingredient Carrot Cake Recipe
Epic Smothered Garlic Cheese Fries!
🥕Wait Don't Throw That Away! How To Make Veggie 'Neat Balls' and 'Burgers' From "Leftovers!"
DYI Fro-Yo!
Baked Herb Cashew Cheeze!
Smoked Cheddar Cheeze!
Special Power Cake!
Get Stuffed: Gravy/Cheesy/Stuffed Loaf!
5 Min, Easy, Healthy DIY Chocolates!
Na'cho Everyday Cheese! Vegan Queso!

I can show you the world!

The Mysterious Fame of a Small Town!
Video!Drone footage of the Maldives!
Video! Drone footage= waterfalls!
Video! My favorite place in NZ
Exclusive Bali Beach Party!
Come Wanderlust Through the Magic Island, Bali

Until next time!
Sending you love through food, travel, inspiration and epic storytime!
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Thank you for being here for me, so I can be here for you.
Enjoy your day and stay creative!
Botty loves you. <3

Thank you for being here for me, so I can be here for you.
Enjoy your day and stay creative!
Botty loves you. <3

I was just thinking about you the other day! Always nice when the universe complies and I see you pop up on my feed! I hope you are doing well after some of your crazy travels. Looking forward to catching up as you get a chance to share what's been going on in your world!

Aww hey Katie! I do like popping in and out- you know me ;) I hope you're doing well, I love that you're still here even after all this time! <3 I will definitely try to get some of the adventures on paper, just got a new house here and have been renovating my kitchen for even more fun =D Hope you had a wonderful holiday season! Happy New Year <3

Crazy thinking that it has been about a year and half now since I started on here! There have definitely been some ups and downs, as well as people leaving or just taking breaks. I'm happy that a lot of my favorite folks are still around to keep this a happy place for me! I think I've found a pretty good balance where I don't feel like I have to post every day, so I just try to enjoy interacting with the people I have gotten close with and continue to find new folks to befriend.

That's wonderful to have a place to be able to renovate and enjoy a kitchen to make all of your wonderful creations! It really is the heart of the home. 💓

Hiya! Seems like months since I've seen you around. Is there a post about the coma, that I missed? Is this recent or from some of your old adventures?

It really has been months! I was in Canada all summer then Europe and didn't have my lap top with me so I was free to just live without much of an online presence ;) The coma story is not yet written though it's sure a crazy story! -_- Happy you're still around! I wasn't sure what would be going on around here when I got back! :)

Dammit kid. I admire your 'off line' time and life, I really do. I've been known to do that very thing myself "It's all Connie's fault".

But I'm guessing that I'm not the only one around that gives a rat's ass whether you are alive or dead. Some sort of sign every now and again would be wildly appreciated.

You know there is a phone app (Partiko) where you could post a three word post to acknowledge that fact?

Waiting more or less patiently for the story. And oh so glad to see you.

Hahaha Big Tom! You know, I realize I can be a bit of an enigma- I was using Steepshot to keep in touch but it kept crashing and driving me crazy so I put an end to that which just managed to end my keeping up here as well. You're going to have to catch me up on Partiko and let me know if it's worth downloading to check in easily and on the go! There was a lot of commotion about quick check ins and 'not long enough' posts at one time -_- I didn't want to be accused of such a thing! ;) You know me, I like writing chapters at a time =D

It's good to see you too! I traveled home and had a Beyond Meat Burger- twice. SOOO lifelike it freaked me out ;)

I hope you had a great holiday time- Happy new year my friend :)

Partiko seems to work really good for/by me. I'm not much of a phone guy but I have some friends who are and seem to be able to maintain a presence no matter where they are.

I have used it some, mostly in response to challenges from said friends. It seems a really solid app with a really serious team.

Don't tell anyone. I have a Beyond Meat Burger every now and again. Quick and easy and good. We don't want to wreck my (deserved) reputation as a carnivore :)

First of all, I am so glad that you are still alive and well @heart-to-heart after not hearing from you for a really long time.

And believe it or not, I actually stood up and left a restaurant before, leading two sailors out of a restaurant we couldn't afford and they were the ones who were freaking out while I pointed them to the nearest fast food joint, Burger King and had our hearty meal.

Out limit at the time were not diatery needs, but financial needs.

I didn't have a lot of money at the time and I insisted we shouldn't spend something beyond our ability and suffer later in lack.

Haha... That was the time I was much feistier... Come to think of it.

The only sad part was one of my buddies who went with us on this crazy move and left the restaurant now is in the light of eternity, resting in peace.

Posted using Partiko Android

Awww @littlenewthings I am sorry to hear about your friend but I love your story of standing up for yourself- it has to be done sometimes and I think financial reasoning is a very good excuse as well!

Of course you know, I would rather you have headed to BMS ;) I am their Bali based Canadian advocate ;)

I haven't been to KL in so long, I was hoping to check out the Hive with you! Maybe sometime this year- my next visa extension is Bangkok -_-

Happy New Year my friend, hope it's treating you well so far =D

Let me know earlier your KL hop by plan and we can go to Hive together 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm glad your safe and sound! I wish you the best for 2019 and maybe a place to call ''home'' 🎅

Hey @nickyskywalker :) I actually ended back in Bali ;) Imagine that! Happy New year to you as well <3

Hello @heart-to-heart, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

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