Story Time: Behind The Travel- The Event That Changed My Life! Wanna Come With Me?

in #travel6 years ago

Story time!

Yummy, locally brewed Kombucha (which is SUPER good for you!)

Before I stepped out of my comfort zone and left home to travel the great big world, I packed with me years of conditioning, judgment and opinions that weighed down on me as I climbed mountains, boarded planes, trains, buses, subways, ran with stray dogs along vast beaches, followed the sun across the horizon... chasing my dreams.

But all the while I carried this looming heaviness that was bringing me down. My body was rebelling against my life choices.

There were several "turning points" in my travel that served together to link this formative web, bringing me to where I am now but one of the biggest, most important moments of my entire life was landing in Bali, Indonesia. My personal heaven on Earth and my current home.

When I landed here, life forced my eyes to reopen, my mind to expand, my ears to listen, my senses to reexamine the natural world around me. It was like being reborn.

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On the plane, hovering over the island below in the worst turbulence I have ever experienced in all of my life, I knew this was going to be tremendously important part of my journey and sure enough it was.

Bali has seeped her way into my veins, she flows through me and she's completely captured my love with her will to push me to new limits. She's shaped me and sculpted me just like a mother, an artist, a provider of love. Every day here is a challenge, an adventure, newness.

I've realized how much I used to judge my surroundings and the people acting in the world around me. I would wait, watch, listen to speculate, form an opinion and hold true to my values.

Being here has pushed me into uncomfort and forced me to change, grow, renew. So many opportunities have come into my life here and for all of them, I have nothing but gratitude.

The Power of a Festival:

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Last year, I got the honor of being part of a festival here promoting Veganism- Bali Vegan Festival

Before I left Canada in 2013, I was a carnivore with meat and dairy being 95% of my diet. I didn't give a flying &$#@ about my body, my health or my future. I proudly lived in the moment and I was recklessly abusing my health with alcohol, late nights, stress and junk food. I would have scoffed at you for saying the word 'vegan' to me and would have bet my life on a platter before I ever thought I'd be who I am now.

After all, I could never see myself being one of those hippies...

While I had progressed slowly and surely over the 5 years galavanting around, exploring and learning and growing, seeing new cultures and learning from the globe, being in Bali was the most magical offering I could have ever hoped for. It offered me healing, understanding, learning and compassion to extents I never would have thought possible!

The Bali Vegan Festival is such a perfect example of what I get to live every day being in this blissful paradise. Positive impact gathered in one loving place.

I share this festival with you today as a chance to see beyond the lens you might carry with you. It's a gateway to open horizons, minds and hearts and I'll be there waiting, with open arms!
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I've turned my life around to being 💯 dedicated to promoting, sharing and inspiring a healthy, compassionate lifestyle and this festival means the world to me because it's a loving way to share the way of life that has made all the difference in the world to me.

If you're not doing anything, we'd love to have you there in October! It could just change your life! 💓

Early Bird Tickets are still available here!
Ubud: October 5-7, 2018 (Jungle)
Canggu: October 12-14, 2018 (Beach)

Promo Video here:

(I'm 22 seconds in, in the blue and pink dress doing a sauce demo with my girl fullyrawkristina IG)

I'll be giving 2 workshops this year so it would be amazing to have you there!

Sending love, hope to see you in October! 🙏🌱🏵️😍

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My heart's in charge here. I write about what I feel in the moment. What inspires me, what drives my passion!

Here are some of my recent additions:

💁Want to Stay in the Loop? AUTOVOTING Can Make Your Life MUCH Easier!💁

Your dream has come true- NEVER MISS a post again!
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Rewarding content we love, rewards us back and strengthens the community! Yay for curation rewards!


Inspiration for your heart!
💜 Funny Memes & A Talk About Your Health!
💜 My Words Define My World
💜 Unexpected Advice That Changed My Life! I Hope It Will Change Yours Too! ❤
💜 Why You are the best You there is!

My Challenges:

🥝Have you heard about veganwednesday?🍓
Check out the contest update here!

🍴Hungry? Check out these yummy plant based recipes!🍴

🍹Antioxidant Pink Galaxy Smoothie!
🎂Special Recipe: Thai Curry Cake!
🍰Secret Ingredient Carrot Cake Recipe
🍟Epic Smothered Garlic Cheese Fries!
🥕Wait Don't Throw That Away! How To Make Veggie 'Neat Balls' and 'Burgers' From "Leftovers!"
🍦DYI Fro-Yo!
🧀Baked Herb Cashew Cheeze!
🍫 5 Min, Easy, Healthy DIY Chocolates!
🧀Na'cho Everyday Cheese! Vegan Queso!

🌍I can show you the world!🌍

Hong Kong Mishap: Disaster Strikes!
🗺The Mysterious Fame of a Small Town!
🎥Video!Drone footage of the Maldives!

Until next time!
Sending you love through food, travel, inspiration and epic storytime!
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So proud of you, you're doing great things @heart-to-heart, one kind inspiring word at a time! Appreciate your constant encouragement!

Thanks so much @birdsinparadise <3 You have been one incredible Steemian to watch taking on new strides in that beautiful kitchen of yours! I always LOVE seeing what you come up with!

I like your dress! Nice story about how you choose to turn your life around, hope it inspires others!

Thank you! I love this one too, it's my favorite :)

I hope it does too, I try to share here and there so people know it's not as easy as it might seem but that it's always possible <3

Bali definitely has some healing vibes - been there for two months this year and it has helped me a lot to grow and get rid of things that don't serve me any more.

Of course, I will be back there for the Bali Vegan Festival - already signed up as volunteer and now waiting excitedly to receive my confirmation 💚 See you there!

Awww I love hearing that you're getting to experience her power as well <3

I love that you've applied and really hope you get approved! I will let you know though, that gov't changed the regulations this year on us so we're trying to employ as many locals as possible before looking for help outside of Indonesia because they're charging us per volunteer now -_- Craziness of politics! Either way, hope to see you there <3

Thank you for letting me know, then I won't get my hopes up too high 😉 I see the idea behind this regulation, but it still would be nice to take part in this great event as volunteer. Nevertheless, I am curious how it turns out 😁

I know, Bali is a bit interesting that way. They have regulations against foreigners performing occupational acts (ie volunteering) because they see it as taking away opportunity from locals which I totally understand but it does make things tricky! I'll let you know if I get a whiff of what's going on as far as volunteers go- seems you have an in ;) <3

Regulations can definitely make one’s life difficult 🙈 Thanks for keeping me updated on this, I would really love to participate 😉

Congratulations on how your life has changed! You must be proud of what you achieved! I was a bit like you... pure carnivore judging those hippies.. for 16 months I'm one of those 'hippies' and I would never go back to what I considered normal for 30 years of my life.

Thank you for sharing such personal story 😊

Hahaha yay! Congrats! I'm the same way. Now I feel bad being such a judgmental jerk ;) <3 Keep it up, this is such a fun journey!

Awesome to see the blossoming of the flower that is your health diet mission. From posting and bloggin on steemit to now being part of a festival in your new adopted country. We can only reach so many people through Steemit by by expanding into the festival you get to meet more people and stuff. This is awesome sweet work .

I also add my own plug while I am here and that is how I have grown from music posts , to now skating posts with music made by myself and other steemit musicians. It's all about expanding the spiral outwards questioning what else is possible ? See post below , its vegan only meat in it is my carcass hitting the concrete in the first clip . Keep the awesome work and sorry about the plug

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