๐Ÿ“Œ'Notes'๐Ÿ““- Issue #7

in #thealliance โ€ข 7 years ago (edited)

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#thealliance is a family, and it is our duty to uphold our standard as quality curators and creators. Keeping that in mind as you read the rest of this, do remember that it is the engagement that makes us great and thrive as a community. Don't know who your family members are? This profile follows only core members and it's affiliates, see if you're keen on them. @syndicates follows all of our extended family, be sure to stop in and see about them. Our strength is only as powerful as the community in its combined efforts to support each other. We're doing awesome, keep the consistency coming! Huge shoutout to those that are taking steps toward helping us grow faster by delegating SP or contributing some of their hard earned SBD/STEEM to @thealliance. You know who you are :)

Weekly Chitty-Chitty Chat-Chat

Friendly reminder that every Sunday, we are having 'meetings' and would like people to attend. We will start at roughly 2 p.m. EST this time and go until whenever. The purpose is to familiarize yourself more with your fellow allies and go over any changes or suggestions people may have. We're a family, and want you all to participate in the growth and steady flow of Allied activity.


An idea that has been kicked around for awhile is coming to fruition. With @sneaky-ninja fairly back under control, it has given us some free time to put something else on the board. Enter The Mother Ship. This is an ALLIANCE ONLY curation bot that is under construction. There will be a mandatory fee of either 2 STEEM per month *OR* a delegation minimum of 30 SP. One can always send more if you like, we will not complain. We see this as a way for us to understand who really is committed to the family and who isn't. Obviously, those that don't pony up the 'membership fees' will not get any votes, and will also be scrutinized as true family members. With the price of SBD being through the roof right now, we don't see this as an unreasonable request. Speculative parameters on the bot will be released later this week most likely via @michaeldavid. Anyone with questions, feel free to ask :)

Special Thanks

I would like to personally give a special thanks to a couple of accounts that have been supporting our fantastic allies along with us. Those accounts are: Share The Steem Love - @stsl (ran by @bmj) and Tye Dye Firepower - @tyedyefirepower (ran by @armshippie). Why? Because they don't have to support any of you. They CHOOSE to and as such, should be given at least a pat on the back and thank you. So from @thealliance, I say, thank you for being supportive of our family, we really appreciate it! Another member that has taken it upon himself to assist in our family's progress is @gniksivart. He is doing a series called 'Buried Treasures' and it's starting to come along nicely, we applaud and truly thank you!

#thealliance syndicate leaders.png

Alpha Syndicate - Light Artillery

Led by: Major @topkpop & Captain @saffisara

Beta Syndicate - Spansish Ballistics Branch

Led by: Commander @sol25 & Lieutenant @leyargoz

Gamma Syndicate - Heavy Infantry

Led by: General @tattoodjay & Colonel @edthecanadian

The Syndicates

Momentum is REALLY starting to pick up in the @syndicates. Please be aware for the people that want to join #thealliance, this is where you need to go. What we are built upon is the family unity and ENGAGEMENT that having small unique groups entails. You are still an ally by joining a syndicate, and are still welcome to join the main hub once you have been accepted. We're still picky, and if you need help becoming a good quality contributor to the platform, we can assist you there as well.

The Featured Member

As the vast majority of you all are well aware of, @thealliance & @syndicates both run a featured member series. This is to highlight particular members of #thealliance that have been putting in the time to support other members and have been consistent in their work and engagement on Steemit. This week, our fantastic core member is @joythewanderer, do stop in and show her the respect she has earned and deserves!


The Noted Ones

#thealliance tag is very useful to keep track of allied posts and give credit where credit is due. I'm sure there are some great posts from our family that didn't use our tag, but since this is @thealliance... These next few posts were chosen based on the value they have provided to Steemit users in reference to the platform as a whole. Thank you for writing them!

Duly Noted

Social Media Challenger @vm2904Steemit Ramble #133 @shadowspubSurprise Gift @roykie17
Crypto Trading 101 @gniksivartState of STEEM #1 @rekoData Analysis @vlemon
This next group of posts are ones that are just enjoyable to read for anyone and should be 'noted'. Just really great quality posts that we here at #thealliance love to see. Please enjoy the ones we have selected here and give them a pat on the back!

Excellent Reads

Why Do We? @sharoonyasirBiggest Bacon Cheeseburger @jamjamfoodLost On You @raphavongal
Beast Mode @thedamusSnow On The Beach @tattoodjayThe Warriors Life @gohba.handcrafts
Touched By An Angel @dreamielySTEEM Haiku @moeknowsJourney of Love @jznsamuel
Saturday Sonnet @rumplestiltskinBeer Exhibition @buzzbeergeekMoment of Honor @nainaztengra
In this next section is a selection of posts that are astounding to just look at. Eye candy for the brain's visual delight. It is a group of top-notch pictures and artwork by members using our tag in their post. We hope you gain the same awe struck sensation as our eyes did upon seeing them.

The Visual Arts

Photo Edits @oscarpsWinter Cat @marty-arts
Senora Pintada @leyargozProvincetown @dmcamera
I'm Back! @bluelightbanditAutumn's End @sol25
Bryant Park @tattoodjayDomingo Aroma @txatxy
Viking Castle @saffisaraIn The Shadows @brumest
Now this particular curation corner is dedicated to those members with highly undervalued posts. All of these posts are between 1 and 5 days old and many of them put just as much time, if not more, into their work than most all of the rest of us. These posts below appear to have gotten skimmed right over without a second glance. I know we go through so many posts, it's hard to keep up, but, it is imperative we support **ALL** of our family members. These are posts from people that support you too, so please, let's all make them feel more appreciated as they 'Steem On' with us.

Lost & Found

Happy Eyes @trulafountaine 6 votes $0.12Day 6 B&W @tanglebranch 11 votes $0.39
Fantasy Football @mikeshuh 8 votes $0.83Creating w/Your Hands @txatxy 33 votes $0.31
Soul Contracts @starangel 6 votes $0.21Malafemmena @donatello 17 votes $0.85
Seasons in the Sun @ninahaskin 14 votes $0.27Magic Shotgun @avesa 15 votes $0.83

Top 12 'Trending' #thealliance Authors (Syndicates Included)

Thank you for taking the time to read this everyone. I do hope people visit the articles and profiles and see about our family. Any questions anyone may have about anything or contests you want to promote, feel free to post those in the comments as well.

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Everybody loves seeing this big galoot NOM NOM NOMMING on your posts. With the advent @thealliance's support profile, he has now been given training instructions to become a curator. If you would like to follow his trail and earn curation rewards by following him around, tap the pretty gif! NOM NOM NOM!!!


Making sure we're all on the same page! Remember...

just keep swimming...just keep swimming...

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Excellent update as always. Its indeed a great feeling to be a part of thealliance family and see our family growing leaps and bounds. Would surely be part of themothership program.
Regards Nainaz

It's a work in progress, launch isn't set until mid-january, but we will surely keep you posted :)

I know a few members of teamcanada who are in the alliance but I have never really looked into it before. I really like how you call out and support other members here in the Notes.
Planning on becoming an active member and will delegate some steem to the mother ship in the next few days.

Darryl (@dadview) resides in Canada. He is an active member of steemparents and teamcanada
Check out my Latest Blog

Great news! Love to hear it, once you get inside, you'll have to spill a little about steemparents. Never heard of that before and I know there are a lot of parents within our organization :)

No problem. It is a pretty small group who actually participate. I don't think it has taken off like it was planned.
I have met many of my steemit network from the group though. So I use the tag and search the tag often.

Thank you for always putting so much work into these 'notes' posts! It really shows your commitment!

Had to extend this one to try and encompass all the great stuff we have out there!

Still growing man!

Steemworking my man!

Always glad to show some love to my awesome #steemit family #thealliance

Thanks for the update, and for the feature!

Anytime, was a great poem!

Fantastic update! They really always are but love the reminder of the lost and found ones and the "family" mentality. Very glad to be a part of it all. ๐Ÿ˜€

And we are very happy you are here sweets!

Is the 30 sp going to be monthly or a 1 time deal?

As I understood, the 30 SP is a single, permanent investment.

Yes as @tanglebranch said, for as long as you delegate, you'll get the votes.

Thank you for giving it all, all of the time.

You're welcome sweets.

Hi, thank you for the "update" or rather "introduction" !

I would love to become part of the alliance family. You're all already such experts!


Look forward to seeing you on the inside :)

Did you join one of the syndicates?

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 68168.17
ETH 3256.43
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.67