I'm Back...With SNOW Pictures!

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Sorry for the unexplained absence, I've been having technical difficulties and haven't been feeling the best lately so no steemit for me unfortunately.

But, today I come with great news and beautiful pictures of our first snow of the year! We look forward to seeing the first snow because we believe it cleans the air. Plus, where we live in the South, we don't get to see it snow very often so we kinda get excited 😁.
This is a really wet and heavy snow which made for some great pictures!




































A beautiful walk, thanks so much for bringing us along. I loved those huge trees covered in snow, and your doggy is super cute xo

I couldn't agree more. The huge trees covered in snow would make an awesome b&w.

Thank you so much for checking it out! And thanks for the compliment on my puppy! Becca is familiar with how much I love this lil guy. I will post the link to a short post I wrote about him 4 months ago, if you would like to read it? It will paint a better picture of just how much love for this animal I actually have for him. I may look like a rough and tough gun slinging guy (and I am for the most part) but get me around an elderly lady with a puppy and I will turn to jello.

Sure, I'd love to read it, thanks!

Wow! You took some gorgeous shots. The tree lined road on both sides is fantastic.
Do you normally put snow tires on your vehicles in the winter?
Colt must have had so much fun. :)


You're going to freak out when I tell you about that stretch of road, my dear.
I also have a picture of that stretch of road when the leaves started to change as well that I will have to share.

I run MS/AT tires on muh truck. In case anyone reading this doesn't know the abbreviation, it means "Mud, Snow & All Terrain". They do really well for my needs.

Colt absolutely LOVES the snow! He just loves to play in it and eat it lol! He has a great time running around, brings out the puppy in him 😊

Well do tell....
I bet it's just gorgeous in the autumn.
Colt looks like he's having a grand time.

Two things. The first one.
Edit your post to "walkwithme" if you want @lyndsaybowes to support your post. And believe me. You want her support in the "walkwithme" tag.
Two. I haven't felt as good as I do now in years. I don't want to pedal snake oil.
If you have communications with @rebeccaryan. Ask her.
No, it isn't the fountain of youth. But for me. I will not ever want to do without this.


Great advise and taken to heart! I have already consulted with our mutual friend to see if maybe I can get in on this special secret sauce going around....😉
Have a safe and fun trip!

You really are a good photographer. I heard it snowed in them there parts. Now I have the proof. 🐓🐓

You heard right, we got close to a foot but where the ground was so warm, it didn't stick well. Thanks fir the compliment! At one time I thought about becoming a photogropher or at least maybe have a side business to my LE career.

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Welcome back! Gorgeous photos!

Thank you and I appreciate the pm!

Wow!!! WINTER WONDERLAND! Im gonna post the same thing but not as beautiful as that! My first time ever to see snow falling from the sky lol. 😂 And welcome back bandit!

Thank you and congrats on your first snowman, you owned it!

Some people would think "Ooooh, how pretty!". I just die a little bit inside, because I'm a Chicagoan and I know months of that white stuff is impending...

Ahh man! I know you got it rough up there but guess what? I'm a Bears fan! I know, they do actually still exist lol! I've been a Bears fan since 1984 and haven't changed teams yet, no matter how bad we suck lol. I live in Carolina but I'm a die hard and loyal Bears fan through and through. I just wish they would catch a break and have a good season sometime soon lol.

Winter is officially here :)

Yes to that!

Yessir, it is! I'm not sure if I'm happy or not to be honest lol. At this point in my life, I don't think it matters lol.

This is so amazing! Resteemed

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