December 6th -- Steemit Ramble #133 -- Curating Great Posts for YousteemCreated with Sketch.

in #curation7 years ago

I went to bed last night hearing the wind howling and, sure enough, by this morning the house was decidedly chilly. Not too bad considering that I am in Canada and winter is coming but enough that I was really loving my nice warm blankets. Until my little queen discovered I was awake and demanded her breakfast.

Well, that is okay I guess. That much sooner I get my coffee and get on to getting today’s Ramble written.

Onward to today’s rambling

Self Talk - Just Find It, Feel It and Do It

It’s not often I notice poetry enough to catch my attention, this one did. Read it carefully, it has a good message for us all. Well done @rezoanulvibes.

Gratefulvibes - Christmas Memories - Original Photography

@dmcamera takes us on a delightful tour of their Christmas ornaments and the memories they hold for the family. Nicely done.

False Flag - my entry for @v4vapid's Conspiracy Writing Contest #3

@gmuxx has written some fascinating twists and turns into this conspiracy theory story. I get the distinct sense that I’d not want to let him loose in the world to create actual conspiracies.

@aggroed bought me steak- a tallish tale

@limabeing shared her tale of a Boston meetup. A rather interesting tale and we get to see some other Steemizens. Nice work.

#11 Humans Of Steemit : @limabeing (A Vocal Active Steemian With A Heart Of Gold)

Have you ever wondered who this @limabeing is behind the STEEM name? @humansofsteemit is a series of posts which lets us get a peak at who is behind the name through a series of questions the member answers. Today’s @humansofsteemit is @limabeing.

Everything is Economics

I usually think of economics as being about numbers, more specifically, numbers expressed as dollars. @adamkokesh writes an excellent piece to put forth the argument that economics is the sum total of everything, expressed in numbers or not. The post is easy to read but should evoke you to stop and think before reaching a conclusion.

Are You Struggling To Know What You Really Want?

@steemonomics writes about the need to set goals and focus on what we want more than what we are afraid of. When we find ourselves zeroing in on fear, then turn that to positive. Nicely written and timely as we approach the end of the year.

While you are over checking this post out, click through to @steemonomics profile and have a look at some of the other posts. @steemonomics joined in November, seems to posting some decent content very consistently but hasn’t gained any notice. Have a look and consider giving a follow and some upvotes.

STEEM Solution: We Need To Do This To Make Steemit A Huge Success

@taskmaster4450 raises a good point about the importance not only of leaving meaningful comments on posts but also of upvoting people’s comments. We can complain about the curation rewards until the cows come home but let’s not overlook the smaller details like comment votes.

I generally upvote comments left on my posts. Well, except for the spam comments, then I’m just as liable to flag them for spamming.

Announcing: HardFork Writing Prompt Contest Winners!

Congratulations to the winners of the Hardfork Writing Prompt contest. It’s great to see three of the very dedicated participants over at The Writers Block take the top three prizes. If you are serious about your writing, especially your fiction writing, you need to be over there.

Nice work @gmuxx, @rhondak and @creatr .. Don’t forget to click through to read their stories.

A Zookeepers Life #9 Saying Goodbye

This post was nominated by @LenaDr

@amavi writes a heartrending post about the animals she cares for at the zoo. Like our pets at home, zookeepers often become attached to at least some of those in their care and when the animals end up in distress or must be euthanized, it is very hard.

As I write this I’m reaching over my tomcat as he lays on his side across my lap snoozing. So, no, I’m not attached to my feline friends at all.

Meet The Writers' Block Crew #2: @RhondaK

Well, you noticed me mention The Writer’s Block earlier? If you are wondering what it is like but haven’t got up the brass to just join the discord, then have a look at this post @thewritersblock has put up interviewing one of the principle members @rhondak. Yes, that is the same @rhondak who won in the Hardfork contest.

The UNTOLD TRUTH OF MICROWAVES & The Effects On HEALTH ! Astounding FACTS + RESEARCH | Knowledge Can Save Our Life !

I’m not a fan of microwave ovens, never have been. My late husband insisted on us getting one. That 400W oven still sits on a shelf above my actual oven. I use the timer function to alert me to check food as I lack a sense of smell.

@esaia.mystic writes a very detailed report on microwave ovens and the dangers they present. She has a very good point at the beginning of how so many no longer understand the basics of preparing real food as they become reliant on prepackaged foods full of preservatives and chemicals.

I shop the outside aisles at the grocer, the produce, meat, bread and dairy departments are my main stops. Rather light on the bread and dairy.

Color Challenge Monday Red - "RED POPPY" ~ © Tiffany E. Reed

@thekittygirl writes a poignant story of love lost through the abrupt construction of a wall, the Berlin wall I assume, and a little girl’s desire to find that love for her mother. A lovely, well written story.

Smelled Teh Frowers - Bahbahra Buddy Contest (Week 6)Entry

So, @tattoodjay and his friend Bahbahra have been running this neat little contest every week where others ‘friends’ can join in to represent the theme of the week. @thisisrhoda, alter ego of @molovelly, recently introduced us to her friend Dennis. @molovelly and Dennis teamed up to create a delightful entry into Bahbahra’s contest.

Wrap-up on Day 133

Another day of great posts available. Some of the posts I read through had some interesting content but the writer could really use some guidance on effective writing.

A post has to catch my attention enough for me not to lose interest or the gist of the post part way through it to even get considered for the Ramble.

Don’t forget, tomorrow is Pimp Your Post Thursday.

Supporting and Upvoting

Let’s not forget folks. I’m sharing these posts not only because I like them. I’d really like to see them get support and upvoting.

Nominate Your Favourite Post

With all the chaff that I end up trying to sift through each time I sit down to do the Steemit Ramble, I think it is time to give you dear reader an opportunity to nominate your favourite reads.

Just visit the Steemit Ramble Discord and post the link in the Nominate-A-Post Channel.

steemit ramble

As much as you may love your own post, I am really looking for someone else to say, “Hey, I like this post, have a look”. When I post a Steemit Ramble, that is what I’m telling my readers.

Once you’ve shared someone else’s post, you’ll be given access to a channel where you can share your own posts for me to consider them. It’s only fair for you to have the chance.

Pimp Your Post Thursday

Don’t forget, Pimp Your Post Thursday takes place every Thursday at 11am and 7:00pm EST. Come and join the fun.

Pimp Your Post Thursday

Until Next Time — Just Steem on

If you like this, please follow me and upvote the post.

If you’d like to see the other days I’ve posted, just visit my profile


Thank you for the attention you have shown to The Writers' Block, and for featuring my conspiracy story. Much appreciated.

My pleasure @gmuxx... The Writer's Block is a great discord and does great work.

As I write this I’m reaching over my tomcat as he lays on his side across my lap snoozing. So, no, I’m not attached to my feline friends at all.

And as I read this, I am reaching over my own beautiful, long-haired orange tomcat as he snoozes in my lap (his very favorite spot in the whole house.) I work this way more than I want to admit (publicly and out loud.)

All my life my animals have been my best friends ... and they have consistently treated me better than most people I have known. I do my best to return the favor.

My tom just lays his head on my leg while I'm working on the couch. I'm grateful he doesn't actually try laying across my lap as he's a 22lb solid mass of muscle. The queen lays on my chest for me to work around. She's smaller.

Mine isn't that big, thank goodness. He will be 2 on March 24 (my birthday!!) and when he tucks his head under the keyboard he's actually not in the way. I think he stayed small deliberately. He is such a hedonist!!

Thank you for including the @humansofsteemit post on @limabeing


My pleasure :)

Thank you so much for including my story "RED POPPY" in today's anthology! I really appreciate the kind things you had to say! 😊

Actually, this isn't about the Berlin wall, but a mysterious wall which magically appeared overnight in a fictitious city. The theme was devised as a collaborative writing project among a dozen people. More installments in the saga are on the way!

thank you for the clarification. It was a well written story IMO.

I wonder how you cope with real life and steemit life. You are really doing great. Listening and piling is not a small job.


Sometimes it is a stretch to cover both real life and steemit life. Sometimes something has to give and other times I set boundaries that make both work.

That's a nice strategy. Keep it up sir. I hope I will be in the next PYPT. Thanks.

Thank you for adding my post to your blog, I really appreciate the support and hug your kitty tight every day!

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They demand their cuddling every day without fail. Usually right after they nudge me out of bed to feed them. I treat it as their thank you for being fed. Reality is, they just want attention :)

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