Team Australia new recruits 06/03/18 and choo and Kubby's girls' week!

in #teamaustralia7 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone, it's that time of the week again, Team Australia update time! Woo!

I'm going to start off with my own exciting news. Next Wednesday I'm off to Florida for a girls' week with my steemit bestie @kubbyelizabeth, which I'm super excited about. I'll be flying into Miami and she's meeting me there, where we'll spend two nights. Then we're heading back to her place in the Fort Lauderdale area for the unofficial Minnow Support Project (MSP) St Paddy's Day piss up meet-up on the Saturday. 

This meet-up is international since I'm flying in and and so is @crimsonclad (from Canada). We also have @scaredycatguide, @lenadr, and now @aggroed joining us, although @crimsonclad and @aggroed may just be coming for the good weather. Some others may also be coming but haven't confirmed yet. 

Then @kubbyelizabeth, @lenadr and I are heading north to Orlando for possibly our second meet-up (not Jerry's 'banfest' in case you're wondering) and I'll fly back to Panama from there. It's going to be SO much fun meeting all these MSP/Discord legends. And it will be my third steemit meet-up in a third country. 

I. Can't. Wait.

Feature photo

Today's feature photo comes courtesy of @kieranstone and is of Heart Reef in the beautiful Whitsundays, Queensland. If you like what you see, please upvote it here.


Last Sunday Brisbane Sunshine Coast and Perth had their meet-ups. 


credit: @trudeehunter

There was a good turn out for Brisbane—six steemians (and some friends/partners by the looks). However, only ONE of the them actually lives in Brisbane, with the bulk of people coming down from the Sunshine Coast. Top marks to @juicy-shark for coming up from the Gold Coast for a second time. Seriously though you guys, there are enough of you on the Gold and Sunshine coasts that you could save on petrol money and meet somewhere a bit more local if you wanted.

Check out @melissakellie's vlog here and @trudeehunter's post here.

Given that only one local Brissy steemian showed, I stand by all my earlier comments about the half-arsedness of Brisbane at doing anything. You have not redeemed yourself today fair river city. Go to the back of the class with Sydney.


credit: @superoo7

A few hours later the steemians of the west gathered for their inaugural meet-up and they had a great turn out. Nine of them showed (plus @nathanmj briefly) and they found each other thanks to @ryivhnn's awesome steemit blue hair that she got done especially for the day. 

See @bmj's post here, @superoo7's post here and @insideoutlet's post here

Upcoming meet-up

Melbourne's Random Drinks is on again this Thursday 8 March from 6:30 pm at Father's Office. Details here


This project was started by @buggedout a couple of weeks ago with the intention of getting more experienced steemians to help out the newbies. It is not a formal project like the one your boss would sign you up to, so it should be something that both parties actually enjoy. 

Its purpose is to help build a stronger Team Australia community so I'm pretty much going to plug this on a regular basis going forward. I'm sure a bunch of you are already doing it anyway by following new people you like, upvoting their posts, leaving comments to encourage interaction, and generally helping to make steemit seem a bit less daunting. 

@buggedout just wrote an update post here, so please check it out.

The usual community notices

You should follow @mrsquiggle, who is doing a great job recognising and rewarding Aussie creativity by curating quality content.

Check out the awesome Minnow Support Project (MSP). Details on how to join are here. Come say hi in the #teamaustralia chat room in PAL-Discord. It's fun and you will make new friends. 

You should consider voting for the MSP witnesses, particularly @ausbitbank and @aggroed, who've a done a great job in getting the MSP project off the ground. 

Lastly, if you're feeling generous, you can delegate SP to the Team Australia upvote bots @centerlink and/or @mrsquiggle (or any other bot you like) using Vessel. You can delegate to any of the MSP bots using this link

Candidate 1

Name and bio

@quochuy is of Vietnamese of origin, born in Lao, a French citizen, and currently living in Gosford. He's a web developer who speaks French, English and Vietnamese.

Intro post here.

Fun fact

"My name is Huy which is Vietnamese and people have pronounced it in all sort of ways: Huai, Huey, Hoy, Yuh, Yo, Hoo... the almost correct way would be Huey."

Lol, nothing like a proper Vietnamese name to confuse the masses. I don't know how to pronounce Pho either, except I know I'm pronouncing it wrong.

Candidate 2

Name and bio

@pandanwaffle is from Sydney. She likes the Vietnamese pastries pandan waffles—hence the name—and pork rolls.

Intro post here

Fun fact

"I can honestly say that I have been bitten by a shark... even though it was a baby one... at the aquarium... and it had no teeth."

It sounds more like it sucked on your finger or arm or whatever than actually bit you. But I like your fun fact. It's got good potential for embellishment. 

Candidate 3

Name and bio

@roscoeh is a software developer from Brisbane. His love of computers started at age seven playing Whacky Wheels. In recent years he's focused more on web development.

Intro post here

Fun fact

"@aoart and I are collaborating to make a cryptocollectable called It's in very early stages of development so stay tuned for more details."

Hmm, this sounds less like a fun fact and more like a plug for your project. 

Candidate 4

Name and bio

@deanboz is @sanctus' mate and lives in Sydney. He's about to start a university course in advanced computing.

Intro post here

Fun fact

"I played handball with Kevin '07 (Kevin Rudd) in a school trip visit during his tenure as prime minister!"

Nice. He used to have his office in the same building I worked in in Brisbane. You could always tell when he was there, cos they'd stick all these 2m tall, built-like-a-brick-shithouse goons on the doors to keep out the protesters.

Candidate 5

Name and bio

@straycat was born in Hong Kong, moved to New Zealand at age 13, then to Rockhampton after she got married. It turns out Australia's beef capital wasn't for her and she now lives in Brisbane.

Intro post here

Fun fact

"I really love cats, hence @straycat. My ideal retirement home will have 15+ cats, and I'll be 'that old cat lady' next door."

# lifegoals

Candidate 6

Name and bio

@foodforsoul is a friend of and @tomekkk. She is into cooking and baking and has completed an advanced course in cake decoration.

Intro post here

 Fun fact

"I must admit that I can burp louder than anyone in my family including all the men!"

Lol. Nice. Much to my mother's disgust, I used to be able to burp the alphabet when I was a kid. W is the hardest letter to get out obviously.

Candidate 7

Name and bio 

@superoo7 is a Malaysian student studying electronics engineering in Perth. He also claims to be a jack of all trades and master of none.

Intro post here

Fun fact

"I achieved most of the things above things on steemit, isn't that amazing? (P.S. and I got "paid".)"

Yeah, I don't know about this non standalone fact. Now people are going to have to look at your intro post if they want to know what you're talking about. I might have to close this loophole.  

Candidate 8

Name and bio

@leftamessage lives in Victoria somewhere (Gippsland perhaps based on an uploaded drone vlog?). No information is revealed in his/her intro post but from scrolling through posts I see that s/he is the parent of a 15-year-old, and s/he likes writing angry letters to electricity companies. 

Intro post here.  

Fun fact

"I was walking up to a bar with a friend when a barmaid approached. "This is Bec," my friend said. I looked at the barmaid and smiled "Hi Bec" I said to the bemused girl. My friend burst into uncontrolled laughter and pointed to the speaker above the bar. "No, the music, it's Beck," they said.

I can see how this could happen. Funny for them. Probably a bit less so for you.

Candidate 9

Name and bio

@lifeofryan is an engineer on an Australian marine research vessel. When he's not at sea, he's either on the Sunshine Coast or in Hobart. The best thing he's discovered so far is a worm that looks like a dick.

Intro post (including the dick worm) here

Fun fact

"I was once asked by a shifty bloke with a facial scar while waiting at centrelink in Launceston if I wanted to make 10 grand for a night's work... didn't take it... maybe should have."

Hmm. I think you should have at least asked him what he wanted you to do. Now I'm curious.

Candidate 10

Name and bio

@cushion is from Bacchus Marsh, Victoria and @dealsy's mate. He's a manager of a small IT support business, who likes computers and guitars. 

Fun fact

"I've been a vegetarian for four years and I plan on becoming vegan soon!" 

Do it! You won't regret it. And once you do you'll wonder why it took you so long to upgrade.

Congratulations everyone, you're now part of Team Australia. 

The rules for joining Team Australia

If you’re not yet a member and want to be, this is what you need to do:

  1. Vote here for our resident steemit witness and our Minister for Welfare @ausbitbank.
  2. Send me your introduction post so I can find out a bit about you. If you’re new to steemit you'll have to write one so use the introduceyourself and teamaustralia tags to help boost your following. Use this handy guide by @teamsteem if you don't know what to write.
  3. If it’s not mentioned in your introductory post, tell me which city and country you’re in, cos let's face it, a lot of us live in Australia's fourth largest city—London. You need to have a connection to Australia to join.
  4. Tell me a fun fact about yourself. This can be anything. For example, maybe you have eight kids and three dogs, or you rode your bike across America, or you won the blue ribbon for javelin throwing at sports day back in high school, or Toadie came into the pub you work at one day and you served him a beer, or, maybe you can fit 55 maltesers in your mouth like Ed Sheeran can. It doesn’t matter what it is, I want a fun fact about you! The more fun, the better.
  5. Regularly check the Team Australia and Australia tags and upvote/follow the content you like. You can show your support by following the centerlink curation trail in steemauto. Instructions are here.
  6. Comment below or DM me in PAL-Discord that you want to join.

Once I receive this information I will try my best to write a good introductory paragraph about you for the official Team Australia membership updates. So the better your information is, the better I can make you sound. Where relevant, please use the teamaustralia and australia tags to promote your work. I will try and post weekly updates. 

Gif by @justcallmemyth

Team Australia footer by @bearone

Page dividers by @kristyglas


Welcome to all the new recruits to @teamaustralia
Have a fantastic Steemit journey one and all!

@choogirl give Kubber a big hug from me, I just got back from Florida and the weather was beautiful, have a great time ❤️

Well the weather is always good here, so I'm just expecting more of the same but in a different location. I'm excited for Florida though cos I love Miami. The other places I've not really been to so I look forward seeing what they have to offer.

G'day to all of you...

And a BIG Welcome to #TeamAustralia...

  • @quochuy - Wow you speak 3 languages! (like me) :)
  • @pandanwaffle - Love the name and love both waffles and pandan cakes… Yummy!
  • @roscoeh - Looking forward to hear about…
  • @deanboz - All the Best mate for starting your Advanced Computing course
  • @straycat - welcome…sorry I prefer dogs :)
  • @foodforsoul - I would love to hear your Burp one day…
  • @superoo7 - Nice that you presented at MindValley and you are also part of #TeamMalaysia
  • @leftamessage - Hey Beck!
  • @lifeofryan - Ahoy there... 10K a night outside of Centrelink (LOL)
  • @cushion - I love my Veges too... and am exploring different healthy foods!

Love to introduce you to a mate @maverickfoo who writes amazing helpful blogs for newbies like me...

29 Steemit Post Types to Attract More Followers & Boost Your Popularity (Part 1) and (Part 2)

Catch you all later... have a wonderful day


Mel @coachmelleow

p/s - wonderful job as always @choogirl

Thank you! That's a nice little summary you did there.

Thanks for the welcome mate. Which language do you speak apart from English?

I speak Bahasa Malaysia (or Indonesia) pretty similar, Cantonese and my mother dialect Hokkien. My Mandarin is really horrible. 😊😊

That makes it 4 languages including english, nice! I’ll check your intro post this evening too

Cats are better!

Call for Mentors for any of these new members.

Doesn't take much effort to help out a fellow Aussie. Info HERE

MentorNew MemberCommon Interest
buggedoutroscoehSoftware Dev
phelimintlifeofryanBoats & Bikes

PS - Thanks again @choogirl for the shout out! :)

Hi @buggedout, put me down for another Brisbane resident @straycat :) There is a large audience in the #cn channel as well so I think she will do very well here despite a very busy life, so maybe I should help think of some time saving tips on Steemit.

Thanks for taking me under your wing~ I am still learning the ins and outs of steemit and yes, time saving tips will be great help 😃

Hey there, I'd be happy to mentor @lifeofryan, I've haven't felt that strong connection to any of the new recruits this week, but I was on a boat once and saw he went on a long motocycle trip from his intro post, which I have also done.

Sounds good and thanks. Updated.

Welcome aboard, new victims AWESOME PEOPLE!! Hope you all gain great successes on Steemit \o/ TeamAustralia has loads of friendly people and it is a really energetic team, so I hope we'll get to know all of you better soon :D

@choogirl is the best choo and the best girl and makes the bestest posts <3 Hope you and kubby enjoy your awesome girl's week :D :D :D


Lol. Victims. I might use that in the next one.

Aw, thanks. I'm sure we are going to have an excellent time. I really don't see how we can't.

Welcome to the team! All new members are registered for @centerlink benefits now :)

Welcome to all the new members. We look forward to getting to know you and seeing your posts.


WOOHOO GIRLS WEEK! We need more Australians to join, so new members how about a trip to Florida? :D

Yeah, it's going to be so great!

I can't wait to meet you!!

It's going to be so much fun.

Thank you for the intro @choogirl! I look forward to powering my 0.0001 vote power on everybody's great posts! (One day it'll be 0.0002!)

@gamersclassified is my mentor and showing me the ropes :)

Lol! You go girl!

Trying to make up for not being able to attend the Brisbane meetup (I was in Melbourne) by engaging existing members in other circles (@newbieresteemday and @newbiegames) and also supporting fellow teamaustralia contestants on iTalent:

And I promise to help @buggedout with the mentor project as well, their project sounds interesting and I wonder if @roscoeh and @aoart has seen the Tulip Coin:

Perhaps we are a bit too laid back here in Brisbane, or just a bit flooded out at the moment with all the wet weather... either way it was a good wake up call from @choogirl :p

Hey @plushzilla, thanks for the links.
I hadn't seen the ones you mentioned and sounds really cool. Offering just a single token is an interesting idea.

Already a fan of @shoumi and PXLPET. I really love his pixel art and his style is part of inspiration behind our flowers :)

Looking forward to chatting more and catching up.

You'll like @wanaf's posts as well then I think, like this one:

I am keen to try the software magicavoxel that he is using to play around some ideas myself. Already had a chat to @aoart and hope we can catch up soon :)

Thanks for the link @plushzilla Looks interesting. Luckily it's worlds apart from
We never got to the Meetup either. Had more pressing matters, we certainly were not half assed. Lol
See you at the next one!

I am pretty keen to try and catch up with yourself and @roscoeh because I started dabbling a little bit in the art side of things but I work as a UX designer and always keen to collaborate with developers (as you can see the user experience isn't always so good on blockchain applications). Would be great to find out more about your project and you've got a really good contest that I am more than happy to promote. I know that @shoumi worked on the PXLPET project that you might want to check out as well, and is another one that comes to mind.

Yeah. We're up to meeting. We're hoping to have the introduction page to in a couple of weeks. The Flowers have been designed and almost finished. We're just toying around with how many to offer as they will he like a buy swap sell deal. Roscoe is amazing, he's doing the full website and the program to full run the handling of the flowers. He knows the correct jargon, I'm the artist. Lol.
I saw both of those last you mentioned. The robot one is from a huge Russian tech company.

Have you also seen and There's also so a few out there at the moment. So there is definitely a large enough market out there if you find the niche and add something a little bit different to the mix. Would be great to catch up and discuss art + blockchain because I think the intersection is an area of tremendous potential in the future :)

No... I haven't seen those. We've seen a number of them. I'll check those out.
Sure, we'd love to meet. If you wish to contact us drop me an email.
We can organise something from there.

Lol. You don't have to justify it. I just like to name and shame!

Plus this is a general Brisbane thing compared to other cities I've lived in, it's not specific to steemit.

It is an incentive to do better though :p In fact I am going to try and meet some of the Brisbane people in person since it appears to be more difficult to get everyone's schedule in sync.

The Queensland government and the Brisbane City Council has had an outstanding track record of not delivering on their promises over the last few years, so it is probably not a coincidence :D

Cool. Well let me know if you want me to promote any meetup type things that would be of interest to TA.

For sure! I am 'mentoring' two in Brisbane so maybe give it another few weeks and we'll already have a large enough group for a catch up :D

@buggedout will be interested in this. He might want to profile/interview you guys to see how it's going, how it's useful etc. If you're up for it.

That would probably be for the 'mentees' to comment on, but I'd love to find out from @buggedout and the other mentors to see how it is going :)

Hi, Rookie here but i am from Rural Australia 2680 NSW, The name is Duane and I love making Vlogs , also I am building a bit of a steem HQ here in the bush. check out my sort of intro video. let me know how i can help

Hey mate, can you link your intro post here please, vote for ausbitbank (link above in post) and then give me a fun fact about yourself. I will then get you on the list.

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