Chapter 9 of 11: The Art of Giving Value - Learning from Experts of Specific Topics on Steemit - This is part 9 of 11 Chapters (Full Guide) to help new people make their way on the Platform

in #steemit7 years ago

Hi people on Steemit, new visitors to the platform, new users on steemit, minnows, dolphins, whales and the entire community,

Before starting I wanted to give huge thanks to all readers, for all your comments, questions and suggestions, as well as ideas, and all contributions you have been doing.

As of today (within 6 weeks of its launch) the 11 chapters full steemit guide was able to reach 4,000+ people/hands, and over 430 comments combined on the first 8 chapters.

Hopefuly it continues to reach more people that can benefit from it, to understand as much and fast as possible about Steemit and thus help them make their way on the platform, and contribute for the growth of the entire community.

This 9th post/Chapter is to help new visitors and new people on the steemit platform to learn about "The Art of Giving Value - Learning from Experts of Specific Topics on Steemit".

It is a part of a larger series of 11 Posts/Chapters plus some Bonus chapters that will be released later on. The Steemit platform and steem blockchain is eveolving every second, and its a never ending learning process, and very exciting for all of us to have the possibility to be on this piece of history!

Before starting this new Chapter #9, in case you would prefer to read the introductory (1st Chapter), and the 2nd Chapter, as well as the 3rd Chapter/post, the 4th Chapter, Chapter #5, Chapter #6, Chapter #7, and Chapter #8, here are the links and brief description of what you will read/learn on them:

Chapter 1 of 11: Have you recently Sign up on Steemit and Don't know what to do First - Basic Things for New People make their way easier on the Platform - Part 1: What you need to know to be more confident & get rewarded on the platform?

Chapter 2 of 11: Focusing on the Details of the Steem Wallet to learn as much as possible How to use it - Transfer Steem SBD - Convert it to ETH LTC Bitcoin or other Crypto - This is part 2 of the 11 Chapters (Full Guide) to help new people make their way.

Chapter 3 of 11: Understanding Where the Funds from Upvotes come from, Focusing on Steem Power & Reward Pool - This is part 3 of the 11 Chapters (Full Guide) to help new people make their way

Chapter 4 of 11: Understanding How to Keep our Steemit and Steem Cryptocurrency Account Safe - How to Use the 5 Different Passwords - This is part 4 of the 11 Chapters (Full Guide) to help new people make their way

Chapter 5 of 11: Learning some of the many "Other ways to Earn Rewards on the Steemit Platform & Steem Blockchain" - This is part 5 of the 11 Chapters (Full Guide) to help new people make their way on Steemit

Chapter 6 of 11: Learning about "The Vision of its Creators, & the Power of the Steem Blockchain (Current Huge Developments and the ones in Process)" - This is part 6 of the 11 Chapters (Full Guide) to help new people make their way on Steemit

Chapter 7 of 11: Learning "When and How to use Voting bots to upvote Quality Posts that you would like to be reached by more people - & how Cheetah bots help avoid Plagiarism" - This is part 7 of 11 Chapters (Full Guide) to help new people make their way

Chapter 8 of 11: Learning about "How Making Connections & Relationships with Smart and Creative People helps make our way on steemit and make steemit a better place"

Special Thanks for Important People that are supporting to make the 11 Chapter full Steemit Guide be reached to the most people hands

Before starting I wanted to add 1 last thing. I want to give a big shout of appreciation for all of my followers, and several steemians, as well as @blocktrades , @lukestokes , @steempower , @starkerz , @cryptographic , @teamsteem , @stephenkendal , @extrospect , @enki , @alexis555 , @ebargains , that are supporting with all their best to make this posts/chapters be reached to the most possible hands.

In case you are a whale, dolphin, plankton and you enjoy reading the series of posts/chapters, or with your personal knowledge and experience see this guide as useful for new visitors, new steemit users, minnows, and other steemians, your support to help this new chapter reach as many hands as possible , is greatly appreciated.

[Important Note: At the end of this Post you will find the Chapters Index, were you can find detailed information of any of the topics you would like to learn]

My main aim here with this full Steemit guide of 11 Chapters is to give new visitors, new users on steemit, minnows, (and for the ones that have been here for a week or 2 and are struggling to earn some rewards), all the needed information to help them understand the steemit platform and steem blockchain as much as possible and as easier as possible , and thus help them make their way on Steemit . This means at the end, more people achieving success on steem, more stories for the world that steem is achieving freedom and empowering people, as well as returning the power to the hands of people. This are the aims of its creator @dan Larimer, which is mentioned by @teamsteem in his welcome to steemit post.

So, for those of you who have been here for less than 20 or 30 days, on behalf of the steemit community, let me extend in a LOUD VOICE, a big WELCOME to you.


Adding Value -Steemit - Steem Blockchain - Learning from the Experts.jpg

My aim is to help people understand: the most important concepts, the actions they will do on the platform, the things that they will interact with, learn about the entire ecosystem were steem is being developed, as well as give them some personal advice on how to contribute with the steemit community by adding value, and thus earn rewards.

Since there are lots of things to learn on Steemit and the steem blockchain (and you will see its a never ending learning process), at the end of this Chapter #8 (and at the end of every chapter), I will enumerate the learning topics I will be discussing in the entIre series of 11 posts/Chapters.

All this topics I will be talking about are things I have learned from the very first day I signed up. There are many things to learn in order to make our way on the platform, and for sure I will miss some things.
This is because when we start doing things on repetition, we forget about them, and we just do them automaticaly, so feel free to ask any questions on the comments section. Also if you are a Plankton, Dolphin or Whale reading the post, your contribution, suggestions here will really help new People (Minnows) to make their way, and thus make steemit grow and make it a better platform every day.

Steemit Guide Chapters - Steem Blockchain - Chapter 9 - Art of Giving Value.jpg

Once we are on Steemit for a few days and understand that the Steem Blockchain were Steemit has been developed is something unique, its a disruption in the crypto sphere, and that for that reason and many others Steemit is a disruption in social media, being decentralized, and having no central control from owners. This means there are no owners or central power that can censor or remove your content.
Once this understanding happens is when people see Steemit as an opportunity for Freedom. Freedom from the control or manipulation of any central institution. What is written in the blockchain, stays in the blockchain forever.

Another very important thing about Steemit is the members of the community. On Steemit, there is a high percentage of highly educated people on every and each subject and industry, such as finances, economy, technology, blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, medicine, art, literature, culture, philosophy, physics, science, and every single important topic we can imagine.

Amazing places attract great people. And certainly the Steem Blockchain is a huge development with a strong vision from its creator @dan Larimer.

For this reason is that today, I will explain with my own experience how Steemit is a great place, not only to post things (as people do on social media sites like Facebook or Twitter), but to learn and find advice on many subjects that we are interested on. There are many experts on each and every industry. And we can find them here, in this amazing blockchain.

As many of us know, in addition to getting to know experts from different arenas, the steem blockchain permits its users to:

A- Earn Rewards by posting, commenting and curating (by adding value to the platform and its users/members)

B- Keep funds safe, and with no fear of being frozen or blocked

C- Make zero cost transactions, with the speed of 3 seconds

D- Earn rewards by investing on the platform and powering up Steem, which gives a percentage of interest daily (This can be easily seen on accounts that held a larger amount of SP. Once the accounts are refreshed on the wallet section, we can notice how the steem power amount increases every second). Rougly, on accounts with 1,000 SP as of today, they can see an increase of 0.001 Steem approximately every hour or less. I do not know yet how to calculate the exact amount.

E- Earn rewards by delegating some of the Steem Power invested to other projects or developments, we can get an yearly ROI of 30% to even 60% of the amount delegated. This depends on the project and its current terms for payouts.
[It is important to know the background of the project we are investing on, and if the project is doing good for the steemit blockchain. This is very important because if we invest on good projects, we are investing on the growth of the steemit community, and this means the long term success of the blockchain, which will end up on success for steem crypto holders]

F- A great place for business owners, entrepreneurs to build their apps and developments on top of the blockchain.

G- And many more things we will continue learning day after day. Things evolve so fast on the steem blockchain, that its a never ending process.

So know before extending on the great possibilities of the blockchain, lets Start with Chapter/Post #9, which focus is "The Art of Giving Value - Learning from Experts of specific topics on Steemit"


Chapter/Post #9: The Art of Giving Value - Learning from Experts of specific topics on Steemit

1- Trading & Investing Experts
2- Cryptocurrency Early Adopters
3- Steem Blockchain Experts & Developers
4- Steem Marketing Experts
5- [What type of Expert advice are you interested in? There is almost expertize on every industry]

Special Credits on this Chapter for: @lukestokes @starkerz @blocktrades @cryptographic @extrospect @stephenkendal @therealwolf @teamsteem @trogdor @timcliff @stephenkendal @boxmining @g-dubs @donkeypong @adsactly @elear @jesta @trogdor @anarcotech @terrybrock @jerrybanfield

As always, your comments, suggestions and questions are very welcomed, and I enjoy upvoting quality comments and suggestions that will help improve the understanding of the post (I will make update when needed).


1- Trading & Investing Experts

Trading was something I wanted to learn for many years, and I was searching for a mentor on this, and could not find one that fit my learning needs, and that was the kind of person willing to explain about it. At the time I started to get interest on learning trading, I knew nothing about crypto and or that it even existed.

But with every single thing I am interested in life, I keep looking, researching, and finaly the day came, it was when I was here on Steemit for over a month, and read hundreds of posts on trading and cryptocurrencies. It was a complete new world, and there were lots of people speaking, asking, learning, researching about them. So I started my journey, exchanging ideas with people, learning from other people. After a few weeks when I had more information on several crypto currencies, I started to see the value and my preferrence for certain crypto and certain people writting about it.

It was when I found several experts that helped me learn even more about crypto and specifically about Steem, Bitshares, and EOS, and other crypto such as Cardano. For sure BTC and Ethereum are in the talks of everyone.

Here are the most important people from whom I learned and I continuously learn new things about trading and investing:


Since my early stages on the platform I found @cryptographic 's blog. He has never stopped creating valuable technical analysis about cryptos, and he has always showed me how valuable Steem and BTS is. I always learn new things from every TA post he does. Thank you for all the value you are adding for the Steem Blockchain. Here are a few great posts from @cryptographic that I definitely recommend you to check:


I found @stephenkendal 's blog more or less at the same time as @starkerz blog. It was impressive all the promotional efforts he has done and that he is doing now. And that was fully combined (at it is now too) with investors and technical analysis posts with dMAmapping and buy alerts. He is constantly adding huge value for the steem blockchain and steemit. I will also mention @stephenkendal huge promotional efforts in the marketing section below. Huge thanks for all your efforts every day to make steemit and steem go to the top spaces of all cryptos, were I also believe it should be.

Here are some top quality posts by Stephen Kendal:


@boxmining is continuosly keeping the Steemit Community informed on new cryptos, and news about the crypto market, which are very interested and help me learn about several great projects happening on blockchain technology. Big thanks for your contributions!

Here are some of his recent posts:


@g-dubs helped me learn about several cryptocurrencies with his quality informative and well researched posts about cryptos. I Greatly appreciate your contributions from my early stages here on the platform!

Here are some if his recent posts:

2- Cryptocurrency Early Adopters

This people I will mention here are people that have been on crypto on the early stages, on times when nobody really new the horizon and its future outcomes. They had to learn everything from scratch, with no formal guides, nothing. They were actually understanding about the blockchain disruptions, and some of them were actually building blockchains, or were developing on top of them, and others believed on them and starting investing from early times back in 2013 or earlier.

For me this people have been very important in my learning process, and are actually a great reason for all of what I learned about the steem blockchain and blockchains in general.

I want to thank all of them for all the efforts and hard work you have been giving for the growth of the steem blockchain and to make steemit a better place every day.


@teamsteem first learned about crypto on 2011, and got his first fraction of bitcoin in 2012. Isn't this amazing to have him on the steem blockchain, with all his experience and everything he has been teaching with his huge contributions, book, and posts, as well as comments, and all his witness work.
You can check a lot of what he has done in his recent post about himself. Its a must read: "Guillaume Cardinal":

Here are some great posts I read from @teamsteem: (there are many more, and I definitely recommend you to read them. Some posts will take you hours, but they are a must read and will definitely educate you about many things)


@lukestokes is also a very early investor in the crypto world, and he has been here on Steemit almost since the very beginning educating people about crypto, and the steem blockchain! Always trying to look for the easier ways to educate people about the complicated things about blockchain technology. As I mentioned in a previous post, Luke Stokes educates people to understand blockchain things in simple words, and this is a very important support in a community, to help retain users, as well as many other things he is continuously doing to make Steemit a better place everyday. Within many activities and efforts for the Steem Blockchain by educating people about the blockchain and the crypto world, @lukestokes is acting partly as the autonomous customer service coordinator! So this is something that has also been solved in this Steemit living organism.

Here are some must read recent posts from @lukestokes :


@extrospect has been on crypto almost when BTC was a couple of dollars worth. He is one of those early investors that have seen the growth of cryptocurrencies from the very beginning. His experience and knowledge is very valuable. He started to be involved with new people on Steemit by supporting their posts for around 45 days, and his help is amazing for the growth of the steem blockchain. Because his support makes people feel in reality that Steemit really pays if we post valuable things for the community, and for people on the platform. It makes people to get motivated and be more active from the very beginning! Thanks for your huge efforts.
He has also created posts on cryptos educating people about important cryptos from early stages, and the ones who followed some of his posts, are perhaps sitting with a good portfolio now.

Here are some quality posts from @extrospect :


@blocktrades is a one of a kind early developer and investor on the Steem Blockchain and the crypto world. As I mentioned in an earlier post of "The Invisible Forces of Steem" (, @blocktrades is those tech persons one of a king, and probably not found in 1 of 10 million people in the world, and I am sure the Steem Blockchain will remember all what you have done always. You have solved a lot of the financial flows that the blockchain needed from the beginning, and you are continuosly improving to be the solution the blockchain needs now and in the future!

Here is what I commented in one of @blocktrades most recent posts: "Update on BlockTrades web site developments" (

@blocktrades you are actually being the best in customer usability, and in helping customers avoid problems with transactions! You are the best in the market for this, no other exchange or similar service (even you are not an exchange), is doing what you do!
The steem blockchain and graphene has the best of the best in terms of developers and smart people working on it, and that is why you are here and with bistshares.
Your service, efforts and dedication certainly are a very important point for the growth of the steem blockchain and for lots of new people who come here, and see the blockchain as a serious investment, because of many facts, but your financial services for the platform are simple great.
Thanks for dedicating your time to make the steem blockchain a safer and better place every day!

Blocktrades is always posting about its development improvements that is solving the financial aspects of Steem in a world class way! Improvements on Blocktrades occur like the speed of light.


@timcliff is an early adopter in the crypto world and the steem blockchain. He was able to find solutions that many early adopters on the platform were talking about. @timcliff has been getting the right people to contact the persons that could solve the issues that arise on the platform. In addition to all this, he is highly involved in the communication of initiatives, ideas, suggestions to make the steem blockchain better every day. @timcliff is the voice of the community, the big communicator between the community and developers, between the community and Steemit Inc. !

Here are some of his must read posts:

3- Steem Blockchain Experts & Developers

I have researched a lot on Steemit to learn about the steem blockchain and steemit, as well as other crypto. And let me tell you this people below have had the most enjoyable posts, and at the same time very educative, that have helped me learn many of the most important details about the blockchain. I know I am probably with knowledge of 20% or less of everything that the blockchain does, but all this people have helped me understand the keys and reasons why the steem blockchain is unstopable and its a definite top 3 or 5 of all crypto.


@donkeypong in an early crypto investor and has been on Steemit since April 2016!
He has a huge experience in connecting the right people at the right time, and connecting technologies with people.
It was great when I found his post about compound interest were he brought Albert Einstein to the current Steem Blockchain context. Huge Thanks for educating people since very early stages of crypto @donkeypong

Some of his must read powerful posts:


@therealwolf is an important Steem Blockchain developer currently contributing in the Steem Account creation, via @utopian-io . He is working on its backend. Another project he is very involved is his creation: SmartSteem. More on that can be found with his own words on the first link of his posts I am sharing right below. Thanks for your huge contributions @therealwolf to make the Steem Blockchain even greater! This great projects are one of the reasons I recently voted for him as a witness. I definitely encourage to check what @therealwolf is doing. He also received a great Steem Power delegation of around 100k from @freedom for his SmartSteem project.

Some of his recent posts/contributions I recommend you to read:


@adsactly is a disrupting society created 7 years ago, that then found its place in no better place than the Steem Blockchain. Their main concept of an autonomous decentralized society is so powerful and its actually gaining lots of power with the possibilities of the steem blockchain. In simple words their search is for the growth of everything decentralized, of every project that is decentralized, and working autonomously. I recently started to learn more about this incredible society when I read a comment from @adsactly to @starkerz and the @steem-ambassador and #promo-steem development. Thanks for making this powerful concept of an autonomous decentralized society, a reality @adsactly .

Here are some of the must read posts of @adsactly:


@elear came to the blockchain just 3 to 4 months ago, with his disruptive development of @utopian-io , a disruptive way to fund opensource projects. And this project was able to launch even before the launch of SMTs showing the world that Steem has the power to create new markets, new economies. A new market in the blockchain was born with @utopian-io ! Can we also call @utopian-io an autonomous research and development department of the Steem Blockchain?
Thanks for creating this massive project for the growth of the blockchain @elear !

Here are some of his must read posts:


@jesta is one of the most known developers on the Steem Blockchain, and he is also #1 witness of the blockchain right now. He is an early crypto adopter and has been on Steemit since July 2016. Between his recent creations we have Vessel 0.2.0 which was created for interactions with Steem from any website. In some aspects it solves things as steemconnect.
By researching about it we'll learn the differences with steemconnect, and the reasons why Vessel was created. Thanks for this top contribution to the blockchain @jesta !

Here are 2 of his must read contributions/posts:


@trogdor has helped me understand some difficult things, with simple words. And that is a great achievement and value for the community too. Thanks for your contributions!

Here are some of this quality posts:



They are one of the most known people on steemit and the Steem blockchain. I have written about them on part 2: 2- Cryptocurrency Early Adopters .

4- Steem Promotion/Marketing Experts

I have seen a lot of efforts to promote the steem blockchain. Actually I was brought here by @jerrybanfield as I mentioned in a previous chapter too. After seen lots of people and efforts, and even I did not see everything and everyone, but the way the #promo-steem tag has grown, and the way @starkerz , @stephenkendal and @anarcotech have planned and executed promotions, and the entire business strategy to create the initial stages of a decentralized autonomous marketing department, spreaded all around the world, is something one of a kind, and I believe that sooner or later more people will start realizing about them.

I saw @freedom delegating 100,000k about 2 days ago to SmartSteem which is definitely a great project by @therealwolf, which I just wrote on the developers section 3 (just above this part of the chapter). So, I believe that @freedom and many other whales and dolphins will also realize about the huge work of the @steem-ambassador guild and the huge promotional work that has already explanded all around the world. And I definitely believe that this project will bring huge amounts of smart people to the platform, as many other developments are doing.


@starkerz has created together with @stephenkendal and @anarcotech , of what we can call the first autonomous decentralized markerting department with voluntarists around the world promoting Steemit, each with their own style. But all of them with one focus in mind, making the Steem Blockchain suceed and spread the word about it in every region of the world. It is expanding and it will get larger with the pass of time.
As I mentioned in a previous post: "The Invisible Forces of Steem - An Autonomous Decentralized Marketing Department of Steemit and Steem was born - (The Promo-Steem project + the @steem-ambassador Guild)" (, the #promo-steem project, has its own website ( ) in beta launch with an excellent business plan to expand the efforts all around the world. As it can be read on the website: "The promo-steem team of Ambassadors rewards and support the worldwide network of voluntaryists who are actively promoting and growing Steem and the Steemit platform."

Thanks @starkerz @stephenkendal and @anarcotech for your vision and for creating this huge project for the growth of Steemit and the Steem Blockchain.

Here is a must read post from @starkerz about disrupting Bankers:

Here is a must check quality post from @anarcotech about the Promo-Steem project!:
And here is the video explaining about Promo-Steem:


@terrybrock is a very known marketing coach making conferences all around the world, and has been an early adopter of Steemit since August 2016. He has been doing great interviews with some of the most known people on the Steem Blockchain, and it was actually thanks to his interview with @timcliff that I got to know more about @timcliff and what he has been doing since the early times on Steemit.
Thanks for the huge promotional efforts you have been doing for the Steem Blockchain @terrybrock !

Here are some of his best posts that are a must read:


@jerrybanfield brought me here to Steemit with one of his never ending posts. But great posts that are educating new users and lots of people about Steemit and the Steem Blockchain. He is also a witness collaborating huge with the Steemit marketing. Together with his youtube, facebook and google channels, he has brought thousands of people to the platform. He is now also working on a huge peer to peer project so that everyone can buy Steem with fiat currency. Thanks for all your huge contributions Jerry Banfield!

Here are some of his most recent top quality to read posts:

5- [What type of Expert advice are you interested in? There is almost expertize on every industry on Steemit]

This part of the Chapter, is for us to reflect on what are the industries and advice we are good at, and the things we would like to learn.

As a personal believe I would say, lets think about ways to help others and add value to the platform, and for sure, if we percevere, people will find the value of what we are doing.

I see lots of comments every day on people saying, please upvote my posts. And that is totally opposite to the thinking of how we can add value. If we see those people blogs, we'll notice they are not puting ebergy, time to add value here.
And that is the reason for not receiving rewards. If we think about it, in the traditional business world, people get paid on companies, for adding value. If they are not of value, they will not get payed anymore. The same happens here.

From my personal experience, if we check my first posts here on Steemit about 5 months ago, they were informative, but not adding much value. After I reached a moment in time were my learning and understanding about the steem blockchain improved, I started to get a bit more rewards, and now I realize the reasons.

So, if you are new on the platform, this should be encouraging for you, to start thinking on ways to add value. And the magical thing is that you do not need to be hired by anybody here. So, once you start adding value, sooner or later you will be rewarded by this amazing Steem Community.


Below, you will find the 11 Chapters full INDEX, were you can find several important things to know about the steemit platform, steem blockchain, and its community.

In case you think this post is original and helpful for the STEEMIT community, Please:

Upvote, Resteem, and Comment , so we can all get the most of the benefits of this cryptocurrency journey.

I like to upvote quality comments and suggestions that are good for the growth of the steem community.


Current Post/Chapter #1: What you need to know to be more confident and set your way on Steemit
[Already posted on December 27th 2017:]

1- You just signed up, whats next?
2- How fast can I earn rewards on steemit?
3- 3 ways I can earn rewards in the steemiot platform (Posting, Commenting, Curating)
4- What is an upvote, comment, resteem, follow?
5- Lets learn about the wallet area: Basics

Special Credits on this Chapter for: @teamsteem , @cryptoctopus, @timcliff (The voice of the community), @cryptogaphic , @blocktrades , @elear

Chapter/Post #2: Focusing on the Wallet to learn as much as possible about it
[Already posted on December 29th, 2017:]

1- How to use the Steem Wallet?
2- How to transfer funds from my steemit wallet to a cryptoexchange?
3- What are the 2 cryptocurrencies on the Steem Blockchain?
4- How to convert steem or sbd into Bitcoin, Eth, Ltc or other crypto?
5- Amazing Bonus: The crypto managing spreadsheet and calculator by @lukestokes and Pablo Yabo

Special Credits on this Chapter for: @cryptos , @stanleyfordyale , @steemitguide , @mindhunter , @billbutler, @blocktrades , @thecrytotrader , @ilyastarar , @timcliff (The voice of the community), @steempowerwhale , @steempower , @glennolua , @jesta , @dan-atstarlite , @lukestokes and Pablo Yabo

Chapter/Post #3: Where do Resources Funds on Upvotes come from?
[Already posted on January 1st 2018:]

1- What is voting power?
2- What is SP (Steem Power)?
3- What happens when we power up? And what happens when we power down?
4- How much votes can we do per day so that it can get recovered at 100% again in 24 hours?
5- Steem applications to check the steem blockchain transactions + check voting power remaining
6- Where do resources for votes come from?
7- What does the reputation number next to your username at the top of your blog means, and what is it for?

Special Credits on this Chapter for: @tuck-fheman , @inventor16 , @blocktrades , @cryptographic , @dantheman (the brilliant blockchain visionary), @penguinpablo , @boxmining , @donkeypong , @rulesforrebels , @steevc , @roadscape , @dan-atstarlite , @cerebralace

Chapter/Post #4: Keeping your Steem cryptocurrency Safe
[Already posted on January 3rd 2018:]

1- How can I help keep my steem account safe/secure, by using the different private/public keys on steemit, and keeping safe the ones that do not need to be used?
2- Example of using @blocktrades to keep your Bitshares account safer, when converting/transferring crypto from an exchange or Steemit to Bitshares.

Special Credits on this Chapter for: @blocktrades , @jerrybanfield , @pfunk , @steemitguide , @thecryptofiend , @dantheman (the brilliant blockchain visionary)

Chapter/Post #5: Other ways to earn on the Steem Blockchain
[Already posted on January 8th 2018:]

1- Make Contributions in @utopian-io
2- By delegating SP to minnowbooster
3- By investing Steem, and Powering Up on the platform
4- By delegating being a sponsor in @utopian-io
5- By promoting steemit in your country, city or town with #promo-steem created by @starkerz and @stephenkendal
6- By purchasing a delegation of SP from @blocktrades and curating content on the website. This will not only give you more rewards for the curated content, but will also provide more influence on the platform for the delegated time.

Special Credits on this Chapter for: @blocktrades , @lukestokes , @utopian-io , @elear (The brilliant visionary that created @utopian-io ) , @aggroed , @minnowbooster , @timcliff (The voice of the community), @terrybrock , @steemit , @starkerz and @stephenkendal

Chapter/Post #6: The Vision of its Creators, and the Power of the Steem Blockchain (Current Developments and the Ones in Process)
[Already posted on January 12th 2018: ]

1- What's the vision of Steem and Steemit?
2- Why is the Steem Blockchain so powerful?
3- What are SMTs, and what are they planning to achieve?
4- What is @utopian-io?

Special Credits on this Chapter for: @blocktrades , @lukestokes , @cryptographic , @extrospect , @starkerz , @teamsteem , @utopian-io , @elear (The brilliant visionary that created @utopian-io ) , @exyle , @cryptoctopus , @jerrybanfield , @mooncryption , @aggroed

Chapter/Post #7: Using bots to upvote quality posts you want to be reached by more people
[Already posted on January 18th 2018: ]

1- What are upvoting Bots?
2- How to use them with quality posts and to gain more visibility?
3- How to use Bot Tracker by @yabapmatt to help you choose the best bidding bot
4- Important bots to reduce spam and double posting, like @cheetah created by @anyx
5- What Important people on Steemit think about voting bots.
6-Some important projects about voting bots are @smartsteem / @smartmarket as well as @minnowbooster

Special Credits on this Chapter for: @yabapmatt , @jerrybanfield , @anyx , @blocktrades , @lukestokes , @extrospect , @cryptographic , @elear, @inquiringtimes @therealwolf

Chapter/Post #8: How Making Connections with other Smart & Creative People that have our same likes make steemit and our way on steemit better
[Already posted on January 23rd 2018: ]

1- How to make a success path way on Steemit?
2- Getting to know smart and creative people on the platform
3- Collaborate with your knowledge and experience, to help the platform grow
4- Get to know the needs of the Community and see were your knowledge fits in order to help it be a better place

Special Credits on this Chapter for: @lukestokes , @cryptoctopus , @timcliff , @terrybrock , @bigsilver , @utopian-io , @elear (The brilliant visionary that created @utopian-io ) , @theaustrianguy, @aggroed

Chapter/Post #9: The Art of Giving Value - Learning from Experts of specific topics on Steemit

1- Trading & Investing Experts
2- Cryptocurrency Early Adopters
3- Steem Blockchain Experts & Developers
4- Steem Marketing Experts
5- [What type of Expert advice are you interested in? There is almost expertize on every industry]

Special Credits on this Chapter for: @lukestokes @starkerz @blocktrades @cryptographic @extrospect @stephenkendal @therealwolf @teamsteem @trogdor @timcliff @stephenkendal @boxmining @g-dubs @donkeypong @adsactly @elear @jesta @trogdor @anarcotech @terrybrock @jerrybanfield

Chapter/Post #10: Other useful apps on the Steem Blockchain


Special Credits on this Chapter for: This will be revealed in the next few days

Chapter/Post #11: Steem as part of a much larger ecosystem

1- Bitshares
2- Steem
3- EOS

Special Credits on this Chapter for: @trogdor
More will be revealed in the next few days

Bonus Chapter/Post #12: Who are Steem Witnesses?

1- What is a Steem Witness?
2- Special personal Thanks for Witnesses that are contributing really huge for the Steem blockchain and Steemit

Special Credits on this Chapter for: This will be revealed in the next few days


Once I start reading these blogs I cannot stop! Awesome way to learn about steemit. A lot of research and work has gone into these blogs and many many steemians will benefit from them for years to come!

When will u issue the book with all chapters combined? I am sure that if u blog about it, the community will support the publishing of the book ;)) maybe u will put a percentage of the profits back into steem to support other creators like urself...

@starkerz its great to hear you are also learning! Regarding the publishing of the book, could you explain further about it.

1- Do you mean creating a PDF of it?
2- Or also a physical copy?
3- Regarding the profits, could you explain your thoughts on the business model to publish it, and then bring back a percentage of profits back to steem?

I am really interested on doing this. Everything that would add and help the steem blockchain and steemit be a better place every day, is something I would like to do.

Regards, @gold84

3- There is nothing stopping u from using steem to find the creation cost of ur book, then any sales u make, 50% of profits are used to buy new steem. I would certainly fund this proposal with upvotes

@starkerz thanks for the follow up! So, what do you exactly mean by using 50% of profits to buy new steem?
I certainly have lots of ideas, but I think I need a bit more help here on how to connect the missing dots to make it a win to win situation.

When you have the chance to explain this further to me, I would really appreciate it!

Regards, @gold84

So when u sell the book, u will make some money. U will have usd, gbp, euro, btc, eth etc. U would keep half for yourself to spend as you wish and the rest you would use to purchase steem. This would provide a buying pressure to the steem price and serve as repayment to the community who helped fund ur book

Excellent @starkerz ! Once I finish the Chapters that I am near, I will find an editor to make it better in readability.

Do you think that is ok to have all the people mentioned and credits as I did, or we need to ask permission to each of the credited people on each chapter to appear in the book?

Also, do you think I can create a series of posts for the funding of the edition and printing of the book?

Regards, @gold84

Hello, how to join ini

JUst take a look at the website

Yes, I have to join. please support me

Thanks for the shoutout, and keep up the good work!

Thanks for your fast response @trogdor ! Glad you enjoyed looking at your mention.

Regards, @gold84

You cannot learn everything on your own and that's why having good mentors in life is really important. Thank you for introducing so many experts at same place. This will be really helpful for all of us.

Agreed @knight-fury thanks for your comment.
Looking forward to hear from you on future posts.

Regards, @gold84

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