The Whistleblowers (Series) #30: 2 US Mil./CIA Agents Admit To Participation in & Knowedge Of The Gov. Assassination Of JFK.

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

To fully cover the topic of the JFK assassination and all the covert state machinery that goes along with it is a huge task - however, thankfully it has mostly already been done by hundreds of researchers. What follows is a summary of testimony from many key individuals who make clear that JFK was definitely assassinated by elements of the US government - including one CIA agent who admitted to being part of the hitsquad as he approached his own death as an old man. Donald Trump's claim to be releasing 'all' the remaining classified JFK documents is thus meaningless and probably a distraction.


Firstly, before we even get to JFK, it is abundantly clear - as supported by many CIA whistleblowers that the CIA essentially controls the government and just about every other establishment in the USA. They decide what gets released, what the President does and thinks, who gets voted in and ultimately they themselves are controlled by an even smaller group of unelected, shadowy figures. This is not just some basement 'theory' - it is supported by numerous Agency whistleblowers and also the work of some of the world's most eminent academics, including the Ivy League Historian Carroll Quigley who long ago exposed the network which operates behind the scenes with VAST wealth to determine the outcome and direction of major world events.

This alone means that whatever Donald Trump says or does in the regard of the JFK assassination will be fairly per-determined to be completely phony or at least highly limited - depending on how much power you think he has and how honest you think he is.

The actual details of the JFK Assassination are pretty well known already

One man has admitted to being part of the government/mafia plot to murder John F. Kennedy on his death bed and he had been a suspect of researchers since early on. Howard Hunt was a CIA operative who was apparently photographed at the scene, dressed as a hobo and shortly before his death he admitted to being part of the hit squad. His admission is recorded and his son confirmed it's authenticity.

A second man has blown the whistle admitted being trained to be a hitman for the US government and having been shown secret evidence during his training that heavily implicated the US government in the assassination. Lt. Colonel Dan Marvin was a green beret and was asked to assassinate another American on US soil in a naval hospital not long after JFK was killed. The following video testimony makes clear that the man who was killed in the hospital had direct visual evidence that the official story about JFKs assassination was false and it is probable that he was killed to silence him. Lt. Col. Marvin makes clear that he refused the illegal assassination and that the man who he trained with who he thinks carried out the assassination was never seen or heard from by him again. His attempts to contact him resulted in the US military claiming this other man never existed.

A Thorough Look at the details of the assassination

From the previous two testimonies we can see that it is clear that the many holes in the 'official narrative' regarding JFKs assassination are more flimsy than ever. There are so many lies surrounding Lee Harvey Oswald that it is a testament to the pathetic abilities of many mainstream 'journalists' that anyone ever believed them at all. It is 100% clear that Oswald was a 'patsy' set up to be killed and to take the fall for the assassination. The fact that he himself was saying that to reporters in the moments before he himself was killed by Jack Ruby should be the starting point for red flags to be raised in any free thinking observer - but at that time 'free thinking' was exactly the kind of behavior that the psychopaths who dominated government were doing everything that they could 'think' of to prevent in the general public.

The following documentary is well worth taking the time to watch as it does a good job of piecing together the motives for killing JFK, the names of those involved and crucially contains many more whistleblower testimonies from people who were there, including the girlfriend of LBJ who was vice president at the time. It appears that the assassination was a combined effort of LBJ, the CIA, the mafia and various other groups who all had interests in making sure JFK did not survive.

JFK's father had worked with the mafia and they expected that once JFK became president that he would be on the mafia's 'team' - however, he apparently tried to do the right thing and pretended to go along with them, but gave them false information. He was attempting to take them down, but they and his political opponents got to him first.

Got Comments?

What do you think of this testimony? Do you have any relevant evidence to add? Let us know in the comments below. Thanks.

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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  30. The Whistleblowers (Series) #30: 2 US Mil./CIA Agents Admit To Participation/Knowedge Of The Gov. Assassination Of JFK.


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I watched this doc years ago, it's great in it's elaboration on this conspiracy.

Thanks, yeah - I think that's the one that the interview with Lt. Col Marvin was taken from - I'm still amazed that trump and lamestream media can talk about this as if these documentaries and interviews don't exist!

I have a lot of friends, they really don't want to hear about it. Threatens so much they hold absolute; really not interested in new info; more about protecting their sense of reality?

The biggest problem facing Earth is denial and denial of denial. Once we deny something we open the door to further denial and an entire 'ecosystem' of denial starts to form that is powered by fear and lies. In doing this we limit our own heart and mind - plus come to rely on false feelings, habits and delusion. Among all of this there are countless 'reasons' to continue the self deception - including, but not limited to, the belief that false feelings are real, the judgment that if the truth is known we will not survive, the judgment that 'conspiracy theorists are nutty', the judgment that we will not be supported if we go against the consensus version of reality - and on and on. The situation is a bit like neo in the matrix, except we are both neo and the 'agents' until we wake up and change direction!

E Howard Hunt deathbed confession - Updated video:

If you watch the Zapruder-Film closely, you can clearly see two men in suits filming right where JFK was assassinated. While those around them get down as the shots are fired, they just keep filming.

If their video is among the documents released, I will be intrigued.
If not, we know at least that not all documents are being disclosed.
Why do I suspect that film was made by government agents? Cause it never surfaced.
That film in private hands would have surfaced soon after, certainly by now...

Pause at 58 seconds and you can see them quite clearly with a suitcase between them.

I think that researchers have identified most of the people that are seen in the footage by now - but yes, I am sure there are unreleased films of the event.

I have never heard of these two spooks in suits being identified... Would appreciate a source for your claim.

I can't guarantee they have been identified and I don't have a link to hand.. I just remember that people have put a huge amount of time into identifying everyone and I don't recall them pointing the finger at anyone in particular and saying "we have no idea who these guys are".
I look at so much material though it sometimes becomes a bit of a blur until I look into it more closely again. I do recall that several of the people on the grass etc. were identified as spotters for the hit squads and some of them were named.

There is a wealth of material and it is tough to keep track of all the information, indeed.
For some time quite a while ago I was actually convinced the driver fired the last shot.
Boy was I wrong...

someone on facebook called my post here nonsense because jackie killed him to get a divorce.. lol. logic is not everyone's strong point - but as long as we remain open and accept our mistakes, we will get to the truth eventually.

Well... Jackie firing the kill shot by putting a pistol to his head and firing upwards makes at least more sense than the driver-theory. But I doubt the motive would have been a divorce :)
The women surrounding JFK sure are some creepy specimen, though. Church of Satan and what not... Who knows who controlled them and to what end.
But after all the theory of Jackie finishing him off after the snipers could not get the job done is very likely just another distraction. I don't know.

From what I have seen in the videos I shared here (and from other sources) there was no need for anyone in the car to do anything other than stop the car at the ambush point momentarily.
If Jackie wanted to kill him she would have a long list of less insane ways to go about it.

I know you are open minded, so you might be interested in this also...

Thanks, yes - I have spoken with these remote viewers already as I was learning their skills too and interested in their work. I gave up after their leader demonstrated he was more interested in money than helping humanity. It's still interesting to listen to them though.

Specifictly with this RV from video or someone close to him?

I spoke briefly with this one yes and also with the main organiser at FSI.

That is suprising to me because I had only good experiences with him. Send him Fb request and when ever I ask him something he replied and help me.

I only had a problem with Courtney Brown, not with anyone else.

Without going into the details about that, listen this RV session about JFK if you didn't before. In my opinion it is very interesting.

I have watched it before, but i will watch it again to remember.

having just watched it again, i mainly just note that it didn't stick out in my memory because i am already aware of the processes involved with reincarnation and the actual details of the JFK assassination had already been exposed in greater detail by traditional research anyway.

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