The Whistleblowers (Series) #29: It's Illegal To Pay Tax In UK & War Is Illegal | Ex Security Service Agent & UK MP: "UK/US Govs Start Illegal Wars, Break Intl. Law, Prosecute Whistleblowers - We Need To Stop Them."

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Following on from #28 in this series (CIA Controls the US Government), here we are going to look at a combined whistleblowing from a British MP and an ex British secret service agent who make clear, with help from a peace activist, that not only are the British and USA Governments regularly breaking international law and committing war crimes, but in Britain war itself is officially illegal!

Blair War Crimes Trial


The three speakers in the video that is to follow came together to reveal the way in which wars are being declared illegally and war crimes are being carried out as part of 'normal business' by politicians who are allegedly often unaware of their legal obligations and situation.

Annie Machon, MI5 whistleblower

Annie Machon is a former intelligence officer for MI5, the UK Security Service, who resigned in the late 1990s to help blow the whistle on the spies’ incompetence and crimes with her ex-partner, David Shayler. Read more at wikipedia, here.

John McDonnell MP (Labour)

John has been a British MP for the same region constantly since 1997 and was appointed the 'Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer' in 2015. He voted against the 2003 Iraq war and in 2006 called for a parliamentary inquiry into the war. Read more at wikipedia, here.

Chris Coverdale, Make Wars History

Chris is a peace activist who actively takes steps to educate about the protocols of war/peace and the legality of war according to international law protocols.

War crimes, fake 'intelligence' and a lack of accountability

Both in Libya and Iraq, the British government (and US Government) initiated military action that was unlawful and broke several international laws in the process. Direct funding of terrorists, killing of innocents in the process of illegal war and assassination attempts of national leaders have all been documented and those responsible have never been held to account. Whistleblowers have been harassed and prosecuted, instead of protected and valued.

George Bush and Tony Blair came together to conspire to invade Iraq (before 911) and continually conspired to present fake evidence to attempt to justify invading Iraq. The government is funding and training the terrorists that it then goes on to have a war against - generating unnecessary wars, which is itself a war crime.

Addicted to War

Britain has been involved in wars regularly for at least the last 300 years. Between 2001 and 2013, Britain spent £500 Billion on 5 illegal wars - approximately £10,000 per British tax payer. Illegal war and mass murder has become 'normal' in Britain.

War is illegal

If the government obeyed the law, there would be no problem. War was declared illegal in 1928, confirmed illegal in 1945 and again in 1970 in various laws and UN declaration.

"No state or groups of states has the right to intervene directly or indirectly, for any reason whatever, in the internal or external affairs of any other state. Consequently, armed intervention and all other forms of interference or attempted threats against the personality of the state or against it's political, economic and cultural elements are in violation of international law."

  • UN

The alleged 'Queen' of England has the authorisation to start and end wars. In 60 years she has started 17 illegal wars and never ended a single one.

Corruption in the Police forces and prosecution service have meant that no-one is prosecuted for war crimes.

It's Illegal To Pay Tax

It is a crime to provide the means to support genocide, a crime against humanity or a war crime. Therefore, whenever tax payers pay tax they are technically committing a crime of being ancillary to those crimes committed by the governments.

Video Presentation

Got Comments?

What do you think of this testimony? Do you have any relevant evidence to add? Let us know in the comments below. Thanks.

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

Posts in this Series

  1. The Whistleblowers (Series): #1 - Pharmaceutical Professionals Expose the Massive Criminality of the Medical Industry
  2. The Whistleblowers (Series): #2 - German Doctor Admits Being Trained And Paid To Lie in Mass Media by CIA - Says Most Major Journalists Are the Same
  3. The Whistleblowers (Series): #3 - Exposing 911 as an Inside Job - Susan Lindauer, CIA Asset, Imprisoned & Drugged By US Gov/Mil. to Silence Her
  4. The Whistleblowers (Series): #4 - Eyewitness to Dutch 'Royals', Politicians & George Soros Engaging in Ritual Child Sacrifice?
  5. The Whistleblowers (Series): #5 - CIA Pilot Duped Who Flew Cocaine Smuggling Flights During Iran Contra Affair for The CLINTON Crime Syndicate
  6. The Whistleblowers (Series): #6 - A 2nd CIA Agent Describes Clinton/Bush Cocaine Smuggling Operation During the Iran Contra Affair
  7. The Whistleblowers (Series): #7 - UK MI5 Microwave Weapons Scientist - Illegal Microwave Weapons Tests on American & British Populations inc. Service People & Kids | Birth Defects, Cancer, Mental Illness | Crimes Against Humanity | MKUltra & More
  8. The Whistleblowers (Series): #8 - Witness to Child Ritual Murder At America's Bohemian Grove Club By George Bush Snr., Ex Pope Ratzinger, US Colonel Michael Aquino (Admitted Head of a Major Satanic Cult), Warren Buffett & Others.
  9. The Whistleblowers (Series): #9 - POWERFUL TESTIMONY From US Military Officer: ISIS Is Directly Funded By CIA Via Swiss Banks (UBS) And I Have Documentary Proof of Treason by US Government Members.
  10. The Whistleblowers (Series): #10 - US Gov. 'Economic Hitman': We Assassinate World Leaders & Use Corrupt Methods to Steal Resources Globally. America As World's Leading Terrorist State.
  11. The Whistleblowers (Series): #11 - British Police Detective's Attempts to Protect Children from Rape, Prostitution & Murder Were Stopped by His Corrupt Bosses!
  12. The Whistleblowers (Series): #12 - The Plutonium Files: US Government's Secret, Illegal Nuclear Experiments on Unknowing, Innocent Americans.
  13. The Whistleblowers (Series): #13 - 'Democracy Is A SCAM Designed By A Hidden Network of Oligarchs' - Highly Respected Ivy League Historian Spills The Beans!
  14. The Whistleblowers (Series): #14 - UK Ambassador: US/UK Knew There Were No WMDs In Iraq - Millions Dead on Fake Evidence For Political and Financial Gain.
  15. The Whistleblowers (Series): #15 - Soviet Defector in 1985 Explains How To Use Psychological Warfare Against Entire Nations Without Them Realising - Marxist Ideological Brainwashing of Students and Intellectuals.
  16. The Whistleblowers (Series): #16 - US Government Security Computer Specialist: US Gov. is Fully Infiltrated by Covert Groups & A Massive, Secret Human Implant Tracking Programs Have Existed for Decades - Built by Ex-Nazi Corporation 'Siemens'.
  17. The Whistleblowers (Series): #17 - Get Your Shots Or GET SHOT! African Polio Vaccination Program Delivered Deadly Live Virus Shots to Kids - Often at Gunpoint.
  18. The Whistleblowers (Series): #18 - Top Drug Company Sales Rep: I Was Trained to Mislead Doctors And The Public. 'Legal' Drugs Are Inherently Toxic & Dangerous.
  19. The Whistleblowers (Series): #19 - George Bush Jr's Own Chief Economist - 911 Was An Inside Job by The George Bush Government For Power Gain and Evil Intentions.
  20. The Whistleblowers (Series): #20 - Donald Trump's Biographer Comes Clean On Lying About Trump's Character For Money: "Trump Is A Habitual Liar, Has A Memory Of A Goldfish & Is Only Interested In His Own Image, In 'Winning' & Self Aggrandizement
  21. The Whistleblowers (Series): #21 - Award Winning Psychiatric Doctor: "Psychiatry Is Fraud!" - Psychiatristy Is Less Than Scientific And Is More About Power Than Healing.
  22. The Whistleblowers (Series): #22 - "Fluoride Can Cause Cancer" - The Cancer/Fluoride Connection Has been Covered Up For Decades - Dr. David Kennedy
  23. The Whistleblowers (Series): #23 - Covert Depopulation Programs Using Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (e.g. Fluoride) Are Active In Almost Every Nation - Kevin Galalae
  24. The Whistleblowers (Series): #24 - Phil Schneider - "I Helped Build Some of The US Military's 100+ Massive, Deep Underground Bases, Worked at Area 51 And Killed Extra Terrestrials During An Underground Encounter".
  25. The Whistleblowers (Series): #25 - British Hacker Accessed NASA and US Navy Computer Networks - Finding Images of UFO Space Vehicles & A Secret US Space Fleet - Gary McKinnon
  26. The Whistleblowers (Series): #26 - "JP Morgan knowingly mis-sold loans and lied - crashing the US economy"... JP Morgan Is An Enemy of Honest Investors - Was Fined The Larges Fine in History.
  27. The Whistleblowers (Series): #27 - "Ex British Gov Leaders Were Cocaine/Crack Users, Into Sex With Male/Female Prostitutes And Enjoy Bondage/Torture/Pain. They Are Psychopaths That Perform Rituals Involving Killing Baby Pigeons & Molesting Dead Pigs!" - Natalie Rowe, Ex-'Dominatrix to the Elite'.
  28. The Whistleblowers (Series): #28 - CIA Whistleblower: "The US Congress & Senate Are Controlled By A Real Shadow Government - Working with the 'Deep State'. They Seek Total Domination Of the American People And The Rest of The World".
  29. The Whistleblowers (Series) #29: It's Illegal To Pay Tax In UK & War is illegal | Ex Security Service Agent & UK MP: "UK/US Govs Start Illegal Wars, Break Intl. Law, Prosecute Whistleblowers - We Need To Stop Them."


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Well, you sure deserve a full 100% upvote from this end. This is a rare opportunity for me to back someone up with such a powerful argumentation relating to taxes and war.

Thank you for exposing the facts. I can only support you on this one! Namaste :)

You are welcome! Note: I just realised that I pasted the wrong youtube video into the post. I have now corrected it, so you can watch the actual presentation from the 3 speakers.

Thanks a bunch! Namaste :)

Thanks a bunch! Namaste :)

Unfortunately, we are in a pickle, as I observe no real effort to reign in terrorism. The mechanism we are expected to use to do so, government, is shown to be the source of terrorism. Every satoshi we spend on 'fighting terror' is actually used to create it. The votes we cast for candidates that say they are against terrorism simply cause us to be complicit in the nefarious protection scheme governments are effecting, just like mobsters saying they won't burn your business down for 20% - except mobsters might not actually burn your business down, for a cut.

In fact, if mobsters took out life and fire insurance policies on their marks, so they would be the beneficiaries of the policies when we are burned to death in our businesses, they would be in the same position as our governments are today, and we could expect to be roasted swiftly - and profitably - as a result.

The more support we give government to 'fight' terror, the more terror we will see as a result.

The only solution I can see is to quit funding government, as that is the only way we can quit funding terrorism. Of course, tax receipts are negligible compared to debt generation, and they can fund plenty of terror without our contribution.

And, they do.


Yes, I agree - however, the controllers of all of this will just change the form of their mechanism of control. As long as they 'wield power' they will use it to try to wield even more. They got their power by stealing it from everyone else and that is the only power they have. The solution absolutely requires us to to become enlightened as to the full situation and to take steps in all ways possible to stop giving power away. Not supporting the governmental systems that enslave is a requirement, yes - but I also think that it is necessary to stop using money too - since that is the vehicle that the power theft uses much of the time and there is no way to stop the problem other than to stop using it. Cryptocurrencies cannot solve the problem since the tangible wealth of the planet has already been signed into the names of the controllers and that wealth exists regardless of which medium of exchange is used. If all money ceases to be used and all 'ownership' cancelled - then we have a necessary reset. The main barrier to this is that we have been programmed to think that such a transformation means communism or some other form of imbalanced control system. I suspect this has been deliberately engineered to continue the 'Stockholm Syndrome' situation of people cozying up to the predators that control them in an attempt to be safe!

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