in #photography7 years ago

Often, smaller snakes have bolder patterns and can be more vibrant.

Such is the case with this little one. Prairie Kingsnakes can get much larger than this, but often the colors of their patterns will fade and blend together more. Check out the top photo below of the older Prairie Kingsnake from last time and note the difference in the boldness of the pattern when compared to this younger one beneath.

This is another great species of snake to have around for rodent control, and they will even eat venomous snakes sometimes.

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


To see the previous post in this series, click below:

Until next time…

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You have more snakes in your area than a Medusa's shower drain
great photos as always :)

I think papa has been harvesting them from Medusa's head

LOL! My hair used to look like that too!

I know! It's really nice, isn't it?

It really is
they're beautiful creatures

I'm glad that more people can see that. They are really amazing and beautiful!

Thanks @trafalgar!

Papa you must live near a snake pit

Let's just say:

You never know what you're going to find, but you find more when you look!

Hi @papa-pepper! Great photos. What is behind the snakes head in the 2nd last picture? It looks like old this snake getting ready to molt or do you think it may have just finished?

Good eye, that is just a few old scales left from the previous skin it just shed.

I did think the skin was beautiful and new looking. Very healthy snake, I'd say...

Indeed it is!

Wow I love snakes! Following you now :)
I can recommend you watching this guy, he is incredible.

Wow, we use a similar snake bag!

Great pictures and information . You really know your snakes and that they are here for a purpose..

Thanks @team101! If they are going to be all over the place, you might as well enjoy them!

Great addition to your creatures series @papa-pepper. Is that the infamous snake in the Hangout with @andrarchy?

No, that one was a Black Rat Snake

Awesome pictures Papa🐍A Prairie King Snake tried to come into our house here in Tulsa, right through the front door with the Grandkids. When my Grandaughter closed the door, the snake was caught. It's head rose up weaving around so fast, I thought it had multiple heads! I freaked out, I thought we caught a mythical Naga...
I swear the snake looked just like this one....
The snake was 3 foot long and thankful the door didn't crush its spine. I caught it by the neck and turned it loose in the backyard. We have rats and need big snakes like that!

reddust don't you just love it when a snake wants to move in your house

Good luck is on the way, someone important will be coming into our lives! After I got over my fright of seeing a mythical being I was amazed. The snake had to go up our front steeps and wait for the kids to walk through, sneaking along with them unseen.

Good use for that big snake! Way to go!

This is amazing, that beautiful pictures my dear friend@papa-pepper
These animals are very necessary to fight the rodents, thank you very much for sharing these beautiful photographs

Yes, they too have a purpose! Thanks @jlufer!

Where did you meet it? Is it near your home?

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