CLOSE TO THE CREATURES WITH PAPA - Black and Yellow Millipede

in #photography7 years ago

A millipede with cyanide!

The Black and Yellow Millipede (Apheloria virginiensis) is one creature that I did not meet until I moved to Arkansas. I remember much larger millipedes in New Orleans, but can't recall for sure if I ever encountered this one there. Interestingly enough, this creature is reported to secrete cyanide as a defense mechanism... so washing hands after handling... or not handling at all, may be good ideas.

For a millipede, it is rather quick, which makes for difficult photography. I tried my best though, so here are the photos.

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


To see the previous post in this series, click below:

Until next time…




Those are some awesome pictures!

Cute, but maybe dangerous! Thank you!

millipedes do not bite, I was amused to hold it there.

Not biting, but secreting cyanide... still dangerous.

Nice millipede! You must have washed your hands well since you were able to do this post :D

Perhaps... LOL!

Figured I'd mention the danger! Thank you!

Great pics. Not so sure about the bug though, lol.

He seemed fine...

I've had worse.

Looks like he could be a nipper! lol.

Great to scare girls with...

Not my girls... but I know what you are saying.

cool, Millipede with a very pretty color, good jobs my friend ..

It is a neat color. We have seen orange ones too! Thanks!

you are welcome :)

Great pictures but eww all those legs

They definitely got legs!

Wow... pretty great photos-- I'd say you got pretty up-close and personal with that critter! Not sure if they were the same kind, but used to see some a lot like that when I lived in central Texas.

My guess would be yes, but I'm not sure either.

I think you could start a petting zoo. Well maybe not "petting".

I still pet them!

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