20 questions with @anomadsoul

in #life6 years ago

"Steemit is my second home," says @anomadsoul.

Those are strong words from a Steemian who literally chose a username that rejects the idea of a permanent abode. But in less than one year on the platform, Eric has fallen in love with – and, at times, even become addicted to – Steemit.


What started as a blog about traveling on a budget has evolved into a passion for engaging with and growing various Steemit communities.

@anomadsoul's dedication to Steemit includes: a hitchhiking journey of more than 2,000 km from Brussels to Lisbon to attend SteemFest 2, "at least" five hours per day on the platform, and endless engagement with like-minded Steemians.

So, despite his username, I think it's safe to assume this nomad won't be leaving any time soon.

20 questions with @anomadsoul

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1 - How would you describe yourself in one sentence?

@anomadsoul - An always-hungry nomad: hungry for food, adventures, challenges and constant learning.

2 - You've clearly been consumed by wanderlust. Why is it that you're so passionate about traveling?

@anomadsoul - It is not about traveling, really. For me, the passion lies in discovering new horizons, constant change, meeting new people and getting to explore different places. I don't mind if it is on the corner of my block or on the other side of the world. As long as it is something new, it has a special appeal to me.


3 - How did you first hear about Steemit?

@anomadsoul - This story will never get old, at least for me. I met the most amazing Steemian, @luzcypher, or uncle Luzcyph for me, exactly a year ago in the Mexican Caribbean. He was staying at the same hostel I was volunteering in. I was working at the hostel's bar, and most days, I could see this full-of-energy man talking to everyone who was willing to listen about the crypto world and this amazing platform that mixed content creation with a new cryptocurrency: Steem. At first I was hesitant to believe it, but I had nothing to lose so I decided to open my account in late April and started posting in early May. The rest is history. A big shoutout to the man who got me here and has been supporting me since my first day. You all reading this should follow him, that man is: @luzcypher.

4 - You're getting close to your one year anniversary on Steemit. Overall, how would you describe your blogging experience on Steemit so far?

@anomadsoul - I think the key phrase is "constantly changing." I am not the same Steemian who started almost a year ago. My role in the platform has changed radically during the past months. I started blogging about adventuring in Central America with the lowest budget possible and now I am mostly community driven. I've met amazing people along this road from whom I've learned a lot and I definitely wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them.


5 - What advice would you give to someone who is brand new to Steemit, and who has just begun blogging on the platform?

@anomadsoul - Take your time to learn the basics. This is not a "get rich or get banned trying." Find a community that fits your needs or hobbies and engage constantly in there. Go into chat rooms; make relations. Create original, awesome content and interact with other people in the platform. Whether it is far or not, I've gotten to where I am by putting my 110% into engaging and interacting with the different amazing communities I've stumbled upon.

6 - I understand you were bullied as a child due to your stutter and the color of your skin. How did that negative experience play a role in growing your confidence?

@anomadsoul - This is a great question. Being introspective and retrospective is key when writing posts. If you want to connect with your audience, you have to be authentic. I wrote about this subject when I was living on the shores of a lake in Guatemala. I made this two-part post where I wrote about how I became a traveler. I believe that whatever happened to me in the past, made me who I am today. I am quite comfortable with who I am today. These particular obstacles in my life made me realize there are always going to be people who won't like you.

The important part is that you like yourself.

7 - You've written candidly about some of your partying days, when you drank yourself to sleep and had "too much sex." Do you regret this time in your life? Or do you see it as a necessary experience for building you into the person you are today?

@anomadsoul - When I wrote that part some people told me, "Dude, it's going to be on the blockchain forever." I don't regret writing this. We are who we are today, not who we were. Of course, who we were partly influences who we are today, but if today you are closer to who you want to be than where you were yesterday, you are growing, learning and becoming better. I don't believe our past defines us, but it helps us build our character. I would definitely not be the person who I am today if I didn't learn my limits and weaknesses from that stage of my life.

8 - You've said you prefer being in a forest 100 times more than being in a city. Why is that?

@anomadsoul - The calmness, the link you can find with mother nature. In a city, you can't connect with nature. In a forest, you just have to shut up, listen, calm down and feel.


9 - Of all the places you've visited, which is your favorite?

@anomadsoul - Maybe not a place, but a small adventure.

In November, I spent four days on the road from Belgium to Lisbon. I hitchhiked all the way to SteemFest alongside @martibis. I think the whole adventure, getting rides, sleeping in the weirdest places, eating the crapiest food, meeting some amazing people, filming the whole adventure, editing the videos and writing the posts in any gas station we could find, and then arriving to Lisbon. I think that experience is my favorite: at least for the past year.

10 - Where is one place that you've not yet traveled that is high on your list to visit?

@anomadsoul - Borneo. This place is the ultimate challenge. The first destination I fell in love was this one. I have to conquer Borneo before dying. This is at the top of the list.

11 - You've written about your addictive personality, and even claimed that you're addicted to Steemit. In your opinion, is it a good or a bad thing to be addicted to Steemit?

@anomadsoul - As with any addiction, if we do it too much, it can consume us and be negative for any development. I think it's not a good thing to put Steemit before your sleeping time, or your family or time with friends. I've done that in the past and I stopped. Of course, I do it at least 5 hours a day, but now I don't push my limits. If anything, I would say it is a good thing in the beginning while you learning, adjusting and finding your place... after that, give yourself some limits.

12 - You mentioned attending SteemFest 2 was the best decision you made in 2017. What would you say to someone who is considering attending SteemFest 3, but who is still on the fence about whether or not to go?

@anomadsoul - Whatever it takes, find a way. Do it. Otherwise, how are we going to meet in person? If you think it's too expensive, be on the lookout for one of the contests I'll be putting together after we know the country and costs to attend. It is highly possible I'll be giving away some @blocktrades sponsored SteemFest tickets.


13 - What are your top 3 favorite blogs to follow on Steemit?

@anomadsoul - I've broken it down into "established Steemians" and "newbies."

Established Steemians: @tarazkp, @guyfawkes4-20, @nonameslefttouse

Newbies: @mountainjewel, @travelling-two, @freedompoint

14 - What is the best thing about Steemit?

@anomadsoul - The money. Just kidding.

I think the best thing about Steemit is that, if you are engaged and committed enough, you can find your second home.

Steemit is my second home.

15 - What is the worst thing about Steemit?

@anomadsoul - I don't really want to feed my cancer talking about this subject. My blood boils with this topic.

16 - Who inspires you?

@anomadsoul - Captain America.

For real, whenever I watch a Marvel movie, I want to be as honorable and dedicated as him. But I don't think I can answer that question in a specific manner because I find inspiration in everyone and everything. Or at least I try to. I strongly believe that everyone can teach me something and that if I'm open minded enough, anyone can inspire me to become a better version of myself.

17 - What's your favorite science fiction book?

@anomadsoul - Tuf Voyaging by George R. R. Martin; The whole Ender's Game series by Orson Scott Card and the short novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick.

I'm sorry, I couldn't pick just one. I've read more science fiction/fantasy books than one can imagine.


18 - What's your most embarrassing moment?

@anomadsoul - Damn, this is hard. I have tons of those and the list keeps going, mainly because I force myself to do whatever I feel like. I prefer to regret doing something than waking up one day wondering why I didn't do it while I had the chance. I think I have to go with my most embarrassing moment last year:

I was playing beach volleyball with some friends in Playa del Carmen, and while jumping sideways to get a ball, my swimsuit teared and was completely exposed in the front side. We were playing against 3 or 4 girls and I didn't notice I was front-mooning them. There are pictures from the outcome, but showing them would be feeding the embarrassment.

19 - You get to have dinner with three people, living or dead. Who are you eating with?

@anomadsoul - I don't have a clever answer like "Mahatma Ghandi: to know what inspired him,"or something like that. I think we can learn from everyone, no matter if they are famous or not, so my picks come from the personal and selfish category:

  • Emma Watson. To hit on her and, if it works out, live happily ever after.

  • Howard Phillips Lovecraft. This would be an all-you-can-eat dinner so we could have at least four hours of conversation. I need to know what happened to him and how he wrote all that he wrote. Also, I need to bounce ideas off him.

  • M. Night Shyamalan. To discuss our next co-written and co-directed movie, inspired by the conversation with Lovecraft. Obviously, Emma would be the protagonist: gotta take care of my woman.

20 - What is one thing very few people know about you?

@anomadsoul - I shower 2-3 times a week. I'm not going to explain that one; the readers can do some research about it.

Cheers to @anomadsoul for taking us along on the amazing journey through his nomad-inspired lifestyle.

As always, thanks to all of you for taking the time to read.

Who would you like to see me throw 20 questions at? Drop me a comment below and I'll work on setting up the interview.

If you like what you read, be sure to follow my blog!

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Previous "20 questions" interviews:

20 questions with @heiditravels
20 questions with @katecloud
20 questions with @manthostsakirid
20 questions with @blockchaingirl
20 questions with @piedpiper
20 questions with @stellabelle
20 questions with @budgetbucketlist
20 questions with @rogerkver
20 questions with @allasyummyfood
20 questions with @the-alien
20 questions with Janina Storace
20 questions with @mrs.steemit
20 questions with @andrarchy
20 questions with Scott Young
20 questions with Jesse Heiman
20 questions with @dragosroua
20 questions with Chelsea Dinsmore
20 questions with @sirwinchester
20 questions with Ludvig Sunström
20 questions with Kyle Eschenroeder
20 questions with @roelandp
20 questions with Tim Brownson
20 questions with Sean Ogle
20 questions with Henri Junttila
20 questions with Hal Johnson
20 questions with Farnoosh Brock
20 questions with Manny Kess
20 questions with John Goehrke
20 questions with Sunny Lenarduzzi
20 questions with The Cranky Flier - Brett Snyder
20 questions with Shawn Murphy
20 questions with Leo Babauta
20 questions with Jacob Staudenmaier
20 questions with Steve Scott
20 questions with Stefan Hyttfors
20 questions with Zachery Ty Bryan
20 questions with Ryan Lancaster
20 questions with Richard Millington
20 questions with E-mail Prankster
20 questions with Joseph Raczynski
20 questions with Elan Gale
20 questions with @surfermarly
20 questions with @kevinwong
20 questions with @donkeypong
20 questions with @gringalicious
20 questions with @tangerinetravels
20 questions with @lukestokes
20 questions with Jeff Reitz


Aww we love you too @anomadsoul. You’re one of the first steemians we saw here - attracted to a fellow nomad presumably! And love learning from you and how you’re so community minded. It rubs off on all of us. Happy to hear a bit more about you through this interview - thanks @wadepaterson 😊✨

You're welcome :)

(And agreed about @anomadsoul's positivity rubbing off on the rest of the community!)

Wow! Nice! Thank you @anomadsoul! I appreciate your appreciation haha. You have helped me very much and encouraged me to do some fun things both online and off. Hopefully in a few months we (@freedomtowrite) and I will be full time nomad in a bus, and embracing more of what this world has to offer. Be well!

You are an amazing person. Got to know you through @borrowedearth. Your love for nature is admirable too.

Hey, thank you very much!

Anytime sir.

As expected, absolutely fantastic. Thank you for bringing a friend of mine too on board, @wadepaterson. Been waiting for this, when he announced it on Saturday, i think. Well done. He said you know how to dig questions out, asking for answers indirectly. Hahaha. You are amazing.
@anomadsoul is really an amazing person. I love his originality, his love for people too, and his love for nature. It's really impressive. Well done @anomadsoul for the great opportunity to share a part of you with us all. Thank you @wadepaterson for bringing him. Well done guys. Now i know you shower 2-3 times a week. Hahaha.


What a read...ALL 20 Q&A!!!

Great job you two @wadepaterson & @anomadsoul

#18 made lol. :)



Both 18 and 19 made me laugh!

Yeah I have to say what comes off the tip of Erics tongue/fingertips is mostly memorizing.



When you come to borneo, may be you can visit my place @anomadsoul 😂😂

Oh wow man, are you from Borneo? That´s awesome! Yeah, I am planning to go there, when? Not sure, but I am definitely going before turning 30 years old. I´ll make sure to hit you up :D

No, i am from Aceh but the distance between my place with borneo not too far away. Maybe you can visit my place too because here are also many interesting places to visit such as waterfalls and tropical rain forest leuser, and will be an honor for me and my friends from steemit community if you later can visit here. Many of us have known you through this platform, hopefully one day we can meet friends.. 😊😊


Such a great post man! It was so much fun answering these questions, you really know how to encourage introspection and self analysis. I can´t wait to keep reading your interviews man.

Thanks for the opportunity to work together Wade, you rock.

You're welcome!

I'm still laughing about your response to #19! Haha.

Great questions! I've just learned about your interviews and am enjoying getting to know my fellow Steemians better. It's fun to find out the things we have in common (Captain America is the best) and to also get a glimpse into a part of someone else's life that we could never imagine (my husband and I have traveled quite a bit, but with two little ones, I don't think we'll be doing as much ... let alone spend four days on the road to get to SteemFest!)

Thanks for sharing @anomadsoul and @wadepaterson :)

I'm glad you've discovered my blog! Thanks for checking the interviews out :)

I have a request for a future 20 questions ... @wadepaterson! Maybe you’ve been asked to interview yourself already? If not, here are a few questions to get you started ;)

  1. When did you start asking questions?
  2. If you were stuck in an elevator with someone who would you want it to be and what would you ask them?
  3. What was your best interview and why?

Now you just have to ask and answer the other 17... lol

@anomadsoul is the best Spanish-speaker, and one of the best all-around steemians in this platform, period. A great man and a terrific creator.

Thank you, @wadepaterson for this amazing post.

I'm amazed by this amazing man - @anomadsoul! I am so capricious and gentle that I could not endure all these trips. Thank you, for this interview @wadepaterson)).

👏 Enjoyed this!

Followed you @wadepaterson so I can see more interviews...

  • Thanks for being so candid @anomadsoul!
    • Except for skating around that one question... 😋
      Do you have a link to your post about what makes your blood boil?

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