20 questions with @mrs.steemit

in #life8 years ago

Some consider 19 a young age to be married...

Some also consider 19 a young age to be a COO of a digital agency, a social media guru, a motivational speaker and still have time for dancing and staying fit. But, for @mrs.steemit, age is only a number. And as soon as she laid eyes on Steemit, she knew she was ready to commit.

But how does this talented young woman make time for her busy lifestyle? Is she single (other than the whole being married to Steemit thing)? And what is @mrs.steemit's favorite and least favorite things about her metaphorical husband (Steemit)?

I vow that this is an interview well worth the read. In sickness and in health... (you know the rest)

20 questions with @mrs.steemit

1 - How would you describe yourself in one sentence?

@mrs.steemit - I don't think that a sentence-long description would be an accurate representation of me, but if you're interested in a pretty neat description of me, check my celtic tree astrology sign (07-28), which I by now should have written a post about on Steemit.

2 - The username @mrs.steemit is a big statement. What do you think makes you the official "mrs.steemit?"

@mrs.steemit - I didn't think about it as giving myself a big title, but rather showing my commitment to Steemit in a way like saying I’m “married to Steemit." That's why it's not Miss, but Mrs.

3 - For a 19-year-old, you sure have a lot on your plate! How do you manage to be COO of a digital agency, a social media guru, a motivational speaker and still have time for dancing and staying fit?

@mrs.steemit - The secret I believe sounds simple, but is very true... For me it comes down to two things:

  1. The trigger, which is DETERMINATION! When you stop wishing and start wanting, you develop a drive that makes the impossible possible. The second part I needed to teach myself because my goals are spread across different categories and areas in life, so for that I needed...

  2. TIME MANAGEMENT. The real secret here lies in priority setting, making sacrifices and knowing how and why you spend your time the way you do in a daily basis. If I don't understand my daily routine it means I don’t know where I’m going, so know what you want and then develop habits that make you achieve progress. I’m far from perfect and get frustrated at times, but when I do I remind myself that this is the journey I chose. I made the choice to create a life I love to live and that's what keeps me going and motivates me to get my time management on point. Also I'm trying to really do as much as possible right now and in the next few years, because I'm 19, at a young age with no serious responsibilities yet. I sometimes wish I would have started even earlier, so you have more time to learn from mistakes and set a solid foundation to build on. Today and where technology is at right now, age is not an excuse. If your goal is to become a self-made millionaire by the age of 15, it is possible. Some kids already proved that by creating killer apps, learned to code for fun and turned their hobby into huge businesses. I write a lot about that topic on my blog.

4 - Your first post earned more than $2,000 - were you surprised by this?

@mrs.steemit - Yes that was totally unexpected. I didn't believe it at first, definitely had to double check a couple of times. I remember I was by myself at home, refreshed the page and when I saw that I literally was talking to myself and kept saying, "No f** way," then immediately sent a screenshot to my friend who told me about Steemit.

5 - Some of your more recent posts have earned considerably less, even though they are filled with great content. Has this been frustrating? Or are you thankful for anything you receive on Steemit?

@mrs.steemit - Interesting question and I'm going to stay brutally honest with my answer. I'm always thankful when I get upvotes and happy when I see people commenting that they enjoy and appreciate my content. The community is really what keeps me going, but it's true that when you try your best to give to the community, and create value, you hope for a "fair reward" and that your posts earn on a consistent basis without having to hope that you’re posting at a certain right time so that it gets noticed. But I don't compare my content to others and really focus on the value I want to give and people I can inspire, because if you're here for the long run, that's the only way to go I believe. I do think most of us spend quite some time on every post and because time is the most valuable asset we have, I would love to see that the return-on-investment will come to a balance, like we already see with some top content creators.

6 - What is your favorite thing about Steemit?

@mrs.steemit - Definitely the realness about it and power of the people. It feels like such a relief to finally have a platform that isn’t based on superficial stuff and really the kind of people it attracts by that. We just held our first Steemit Meetup last weekend where I met some awesome Steemers in real life and the energy was incredibly amazing. There were like-minded people that connected and exchanged ideas and thoughts; that's what I love it and why I'm so passionate about the community. I got to meet some amazing minds and I don’t know exactly where all of this is going and the impact it will make in the future, but I know that it’s positive and has the biggest potential I’ve ever witnessed to revolutionize the world.

7 - What is your least favorite thing about Steemit?

@mrs.steemit - I know, I know: Steemit is still in Beta version, but to answer your question, for me it's the formatting and design when it comes to constructing a post. I know social media has spoiled my eyes, but I just love beautiful designs, color, perfectly sized pictures and format, which Steemit doesn't offer at this point in time. But I might also miss it when it's gone, because well the "raw stage" is something special most people don't experience and hop on the bandwagon along with millions when it's all perfect (they will never know the struggle of inserting a picture, copying and pasting links with your phone).

8 - What is your favorite song? (Both right now, and all-time)

@mrs.steemit - That’s a tough one... I have too many for different moods (just wrote a post about being indecisive)… I’ll give you my 4 most recently played on Spotify: Ain’t No Time - Future, Feel No Ways - Drake, Let Me Love You - Ariana Grande, Progress - Mavado.

All-time fave: Ready or Not - Fugees and Say My Name - Destiny’s Child

9 - Describe your perfect weekend.

@mrs.steemit - My perfect weekend preferably follows after a huge business breakthrough and includes: waking up with a beautiful view, amazing group of inspiring minds, friends, sunshine, ocean, dance, music, food and drinks, adventures driving around discovering places during the day, private party at night, fun and laughter, deep talks, action and relaxation.

10 - What is your favorite style of dance?

@mrs.steemit - Being a Hip-Hop New Style dancer, that style appeals to me the most and I love to watch dancers from the L.A Millennium Dance Complex. But I’m seriously impressed by every dance and dancer, every true artist who is able to express emotion and convey music by the movement of their body. Complete control of your body movement, no matter what style is extremely impressive to me.

11 - Whose Steemit blog(s) do you enjoy following the most?

@mrs.steemit - Right off the bat, I would say my good friend @sirwinchester then @andrarchy @anwenbaumeister @knozaki2015 @chrisroy

12 - Describe the worst date you've ever been on.

@mrs.steemit - Oh lord, to be honest the worst date wasn’t an actual date, but a long story and rather a confession…

I had been texting back and forth with a guy and knew he was a friend of my friend. Shortly before our first date I found out that he had a girlfriend for 3 years they were living together and I ended up calling her to find out if it was true. She was shocked and didn’t believe me at first, but then I told her I have a date with him tomorrow and we planned to set him up…

Long story short, I had to go on a date with him for about 30 minutes until she joined us confronting him, yelling in public what the F** he’s doing. To all of our surprise, he kept up the lie denying her, but then just walked away embarrassed. She asked me if I could come with her to their apartment to move out her things…

Crazy story, he sent me an apology text afterwards that it was not right to lie about having a girlfriend. Sadly about 3 months later I saw them at an event back together... I will never understand those girls...

13 - Who inspires you?

@mrs.steemit - I have different people who inspire me, men and women in different areas of life. To make it short and different here are 7 women who inspire me: Christina Saliba, Arianna Huffington, Ellen Degeneres, Sophia Amoruso, Beyonce, Oprah, Audrey Hepburn.

14 - You get to have dinner with three people, living or dead. Who are you eating with?

@mrs.steemit - Drake, Oprah, Albert Einstein

15 - Tell us about your most embarrassing moment.

@mrs.steemit - Lol, too many!

One of them to keep it short: I had to announce the next band on stage at a school event in front of the entire class, parents and teachers. In the middle of the announcement, I paused trying to remember their name, improvising, "Please welcome.... Some great musicians" (in German). I don't know what I was thinking, everyone was so confused, There was awkward silence and some claps and laughter from my friends.

16 - Where is one place you've not let traveled that's at the top of your list to visit?

@mrs.steemit - California

17 - Are you single?

@mrs.steemit - Yes (besides being married to Steemit)

18 - What is your favorite food?

@mrs.steemit - I love Italian, yummy pasta with shrimp... favorite fruit is mango and favorite dessert is oreo ice cream.

19 - What are you most likely to order at a bar?

@mrs.steemit - Can never go wrong with a caipirinha or gin and tonic.

20 - What is one thing very few people know about you?

@mrs.steemit - I get paranoid at night in the dark outside. I always think something's about to happen, but then I try to think the opposite way so that it doesn't actually happen, if that's somehow logical.

Thanks so much to @mrs.steemit for taking the time to respond with fantastic answers, and for providing great photos as well.

Also, a huge thank-you to all of you for taking the time to read.

Who would you like to see me throw 20 questions at? Drop me a comment below and I'll work on setting up the interview.

If you like what you read, be sure to follow my blog!

Previous "20 questions" interviews:

20 questions with @heiditravels
20 questions with @katecloud
20 questions with @manthostsakirid
20 questions with @blockchaingirl
20 questions with @piedpiper
20 questions with @stellabelle
20 questions with @budgetbucketlist
20 questions with @rogerkver
20 questions with @allasyummyfood
20 questions with @the-alien
20 questions with Janina Storace


Thanks for this fun interview! Enjoyed answering your questions :)

Thanks @mrs.steemit - great, thoughtful answers! Really enjoyed this one :)

I love the interview format and posts you do. It is really great for all of us to get to know people in this community that we are not aware of yet or don't know that well. Its amazing how many awesome people are on here and I regularly find new awesome people through your interviews!
So thanks for enriching the community~
Best Regards~*~

Appreciate that very much, @quinneaker - I agree... a lot of talent on this website.

I'm honoured that you enjoy reading these. I'm working on more, so stay tuned :)

Yes I will~
Been following you for a couple weeks now and see no reason to stop~
Wish you the best~*~

I really enjoyed this. Thanks to both of you for taking the time.

Cheers for reading, @gikitiki

So she's single.... hmmmm ;)

Lol - other than her commitment to Steemit, yes... she's single.

Another great post... you have a new follower. :)

Thanks @peacekeeper! I look forward to serving you up interesting content :)

No problem... I like your interviews and getting to know the other users.

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