2020-01-05steemCreated with Sketch.

in #j5 years ago

We took out the air conditioner and transplanted a bush plant thing over from near that window where the AC was to the ivory towards the compost pile. Did you know gold was banned in America for 41 years from 1933-1974? | Three Year Old Oatmeal - Do Not Eat This | My First Facebook Story | Frozen: Let It Go Cover | What is driving you? What motivates you? Who are your friends? If you take the time to talk to them, you may get things done. Sometimes, in life, you should not wait. Sometimes, you should make things happen.

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2020-01-05 - Sunday

Created & Published Daily

Joey Arnold Selfie Screenshot at 2020-01-05 19:20:02.png

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in January of 2020

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Let It Go Frozen Cover First Attempt Without The Comedy Bits Added in the Second Attempt VID 2020010
Typical Millennial Blooper 01 VID 20200105 190107
Typical Millennial Blooper 02 Ow oww mistake VID 20200105 190011
Typical Millennial Blooper 03 Millennium VID 20200105 190041


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST), unless otherwise noted.

11:00 PM - 07:15 AM - Sleep.

Lionel Nation

07:24 AM - Live Stream: #FakeNewsMedia Quislings Stymied Yet Again At Trump's Genius


08:06 AM - Steemit

That is interesting. I like life. I love life. I love the process of life. There is a process. People do good and bad. That includes turning people into property so to speak. The problem with slavery is that it violates the ownership rights of an individual. Now, if that person does not own one self, then it does not matter.


I love to own. You hate it. People who hate ownership rights are the same people who endorse communism, socialism, Obamaism, Marxism, Leninism, Maoism, etc. You might as well join them if you have not already. I believe in free markets because I do not trust people. I can trust some people sometimes. But people can do bad. People choose to do bad. The meaning to life involves making choices over stuff. But if you cannot own things, then you cannot have them. TO have is to own. And responsibility does not exist without possession.


If you own something, you may want to dispose it. Yes. But at the same time, I don't own you. Technically, you own yourself.


People own the earth. You disagree. So, what are you going to do about it?


It is better when people learn how to let go sometimes. So, I can be friendly to people who may come and go.


Different people are different. Equality is a lie.


There is good anger and bad anger. The anger that is not yours is from God who is the owner of all things.

Owning People

Do people own people? Good question. The better question is in regards to whether people can own anything. If people don't own things, then who does? If there is no ownership, then who gets to decide what is done to what is owned?

You Believe in Ownership

You are lying when you say you don't believe in ownership. When you make decisions over your body and over things around you, then you do so as the owner. You can yell and scream all day to say that you do not own yourself and the things around you. But imagine if somebody was trying to kill you. Because you do not own yourself, you do not have the right to fight back. The person can kill you because you are not you. It is that simple. People can eat your food without asking. They can steal yourself. Well, it is not theft because you do not own anything. But you would try to stop them. You have walls and doors. You should never ever lock your door. But people lock their doors.

Your Conclusion is Insanity

You believe in nothing. I believe in something. Except, you actually believe in what I believe but you write down that you don't. Because you don't let people steal. You try to keep people from stealing. You don't like it when people punch you. That is hypocrisy. Private property exists and you live in deception.


08:08 AM - Steemit

Duality includes aspects of ownership which are like shades.

Lionel Nation

Live Stream: #FakeNewsMedia Quislings Stymied Yet Again At Trump's Genius

Celebrities have private security.

Our constitution does not say we cannot have private police.

Great Mother

08:28 AM - Steemit

I agree that we can treat people differently, depending on the situation at hand like you said. You have a great mother.

Enchanting Clutter

08:34 AM - Steemit

I'm a bit of a clean freak. My mother has so many books. So, like you, we would have enchanted or enchanting clutter. People would call my mom a pack rat. But there are treasures to be found.

In Discord, in Steem Terminal, they were talking 3D Printing. Iron Man said he was thinking about building a, ummm, he shows a photo of an airplane. Maybe a joke or maybe just a model plane.

Dew it.

Cranberry Juice, yum.

King Richard. My brother's name. Kids. Dennis the Menace Tuesday. The Killing of Uncle Sam. Gold Ban. Farmer Hanna. Three girls in the next row. Microphone. How God spoke to people. They would share. The value of fellowship. Five of us downstairs.

Illegal to Own Gold

12:59 PM - Discord | Dissenter | Free Square | Minds | Twitter | Telegram | Facebook | Gab | Steemit | YouTube

Is it true that gold was illegal in the United States of America for 41 years from 1933-1974 and that the federal government would imprison American citizens with more than $100 USD worth of gold dollar coins and would even confiscate gold from foreigner tourists and even foreign banks like the Uebersee Finanz-Korporation, a Swiss banking company? Was that like a gold ban? Should we call that gold prohibition? Can we compare, then, gold prohibition to the prohibition of money, drugs, alcohol, sex, trade, work, the second amendment, and especially that of free speech, among other things? Is it legal to own gold now?

Is it legal to own too much money right now without telling the IRS, etc, and following whatever they say?

@Madara[milfkage]#2334 are you pro-inflation and pro-hyperinflation?

Is the Federal Reserve federal or not federal?

Are you pro free markets or pro fascism, cronyism, authoritarianism, plutocracy, controlled economies, etc?

@Madara[milfkage]#2334 have you read the book, The Killing of Uncle Sam?

Why did Congress rush to pass the Federal Reserve Act two days before the Christmas of 1913 while nobody was looking?

Do you like Rothschild?

Should government ban things?

somebody joked and said that he loves Hillary Clinton

she has extra hot sauce for you

The Federal Reserve is not federal and not a reserve and not constitutional.

As long as you can acknowledge astrological calendar that fixes the decade problem.

Is it true that as early as like 1933, or possibly 1927, they begin stealing gold from Americans and stuffing it in the basement of the Federal Reserve Bank in New York on Nassau Street, worth at about 10% of the total amount of gold reserve in the world, that is half the size of a football field, and if that is true, where is all of that gold right now?

How do we drain the swamp?

Should we target people or ideologies?

Private Property Exists

01:37 PM - Steemit

Do you believe in private property? You wrote, "Of course, private property does exist, it's convention. I never said that it doesn't, either." I agree with that. Are you saying that people should not become too addicted to possessions? I would agree that excessive attachment is dangerous.

Dangers of Money

The love of money is dangerous. If you believe in the desire of generosity, of sharing, of not becoming too possessive, too dependent on things that we may or may not own, I agree with that. I generally write from the perspective of federal and global government. In other words, I try to promote making government smaller.

Authoritarian Cancer Tumors

Over time, government can grow and begin to take things from people. Some people don't believe in ownership. Some people do. But both people groups could come together to fight against government who try to take land from people. Now, people have the freedom to believe what they want. I endorse and encourage freewill. I try to look for things, for ideas, that can bring people together. I encourage people to buy guns to protect themselves from tyrannies.


I generally talk about legality. But you are mostly talking about what individuals should do as people, as individuals, on a personal level, morally, socially, locally, spiritually, physically, practically, psychologically, in regards to a mindset that can be helpful, and I agree with you in regards to what people should do.

Classical Liberalism

But I was mostly talking about allowing people to do what they want, in what they can do, legally speaking, both good and bad, in order to allow people the ability to make choices without being forced to do certain things. You believe in principles that I agree with.

Violating Humanity

But I do not want to try too hard, too excessively, too often, everywhere, or too much, to force people to do what is right. I do not want to ban too many things. I do not want to make too many things illegal. I prefer the free market to balance things out through decentralization over centralization. But you are right that people should share and not become too attached.

You're Right

People should learn how to be content. People should consider joy over circumstances, hope over dope, love through action, infinite altitude, eternal principles, the golden rule, proverbs, wisdom, charity, compassion, and a lot of original oatmeal.

Funny Zombie Love Music Video

Cute Zombie Girl. Where do I buy one?

Introduce Yourself

05:26 PM - Facebook

Hello, welcome me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, born in 1985 in Oregon. I'm 35 next month. I live in Shelton, WA. I like to write, draw, sing, film, blog, create, design, study, learn, share, experience, play video games, basketball. Love Star Wars, natural remedies, etc. I have a blog on Steemit. I'm straight. I'm single.

Shaniah Crossen wrote the following: "If you are “stood up” or “ghosted” by another member of this group, DO NOT POST ABOUT IT HERE.
This is meant to be a safe space, not a place to put down/shame other members-even without saying names.
There will NOT be any more warnings regarding this..... James Rosen Again, if you were intending to meet with another group member, and they did not show up- it shouldn’t be posted about here. All that does is make sure that they see it and feel embarrassed/make others feel bad for you/make others want to know who it was. This is probably the fourth or fifth time I’ve had to address this specific type of situation. It won’t be happening anymore."

I understand that is a rule of that particular Facebook Group. I disagree that talking about things makes people necarilly feel bad, negative, or whatever the case might be, etc, etc, etc, and/or that it is a primary requirement to avoid conflicts or other things because it can be more important at times to confront problems and conflicts and corruptions and different things from different people. It is all a long story but I understand the point of view of this type of statement from somebody like Shaniah Crossen and those who agree with that type of ideology and everything else. All of what I'm saying is a long story and more on some of these things later.

Sonya Carroll well, James Kelsey might be talking about how that might not always be the case, but you are right in what you said, exactly, statistically speaking.

There is a bit of a transition period between childhood and adulthood.

Proton Mail

07:50 PM - Discord

Dude Mondoshawan wrote at 7:46 PM:

Yeah, I researched the whole connections to find some save email and when you follow all the IP's connected to this you gonna find bloomberg somehow in it... and since all this internetstuff is only ones and zeros i definitely will not trust that...
tutanota is a young bunch of dev's in germany with some awesome ideas... for now this is the place to be for a secure encrypted email.

I Replied

Microsoft is connected to, believe it or not, Bill Gates, oh my God.

I like open source.

Some people said Soros is connected to Bitcoin. Now, that does not mean Bitcoin is bad. Likewise, the connection between Proton Mail and Bloomberg may not be a bad thing. It might be. But it depends on a few things.

Does Bloomberg own Proton Mail?

Bloomberg probably does not own Proton Mail. I promote Proton Mail.

Why would Bloomberg not buy Gmail?

Why would Bloomberg endorse encryption over normal email?

Why would Bloom Mail require Premium?

Why does Facebook have no Premium and Proton Mail does have Premium?

Why does Google Email have no Premium and Proton Mail Have Premium?

Why does Twitter have no Premium and Proton Mail have Premium?

Proton Mail uses encryption which is better than no encryption at all.

It appears that Proton Mail was developed by CERN and MIT scientists. So, a critical question to ask is in regards to who those scientists were, what they believe, what CERN and MIT are, and where do they get their money from? It is possible that they may get money from Bloomberg and others. That could be a problem in some ways. Maybe not a problem in all ways, but at least partly and potentially. So, it depends on a few factors. But Proton Mail could still be better than Gmail at least, regardless. If there are better email services, systems, etc, then we should talk about them as well.

Inner Child

08:08 PM - Facebook

Sonya Carroll, I am trying to say that if you feel that, then that is your gut, that is your intuition. Generally, it can be hard to get to know people without taking the time to do so. So, that is the generality. As people get older, it can get harder and harder. People can build up walls as they graduate from childhood. That's why it's fundamental to get in touch with your inner child as often as you can to not lose that spirit, that passion, that kids can have, normally, in most cases.

Hiking Group

08:53 PM - Facebook

Read the list. Be civil. Don't be a troll. Don't be a jerk. No hate speech. No ads. Get permission before fundraising. No nudity. Leave No Trace. Trailhead crime. Critique in private.

Deep Fake is ok if done right.


09:21 PM - Disney Star Wars Spin Cycle | Doctor Who Falls | Terry Gilliam Legend - The Inquisition

Add it to your contract, that they have to give you a two week notice before they fire you.

@Nina Fabiano I don't know but they should.

@Basilick did he not have a dead man's switch? concerning epstein who might still be alive

@Bear BearBear NERD FUN! that made my day if John Talk got removed for showing the Golden Globes. Maybe just the video. Maybe a copyright strike or something.

@Basilick like christmas lights, they dont ______ themselves




I HAVE SPOKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @Nerdrotic hahahahhaaaa

i was watch doom cock but anna is cuter

@That Star Wars Girl is cuter than Nerdrotic who is live right now. But I am here now.

When I grow up, I want to be That Star Wars Girl.

@- HADOUKEN- cue in the weird al song, white and nerdy

weird al should go live

LOTR has better battle scenes that SW.

@Douglas Arthur but CBS is violating Fair Use and that is illegal to do.


Find me online, on different websites, etc. Simply Google my name: Oatmeal Joey Arnold @joeyarnoldvn

I'm amazed at your ability to post so much, all over the board in regards to topics say in, day out month after month. You should consider self publishing.

Publishing can be hard in that they will tell you what you can and cannot say.

Surprisingly, self publishing allows for much more than platforms such as Fakebook, Youtube etc allow. Views that fall under the term conservative (still not sure why that term is used) are allowed with little oversight as long as it isn't outright hate speech.

Agreed. I am thinking about this.

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