Trump needs to be reminded on how bad 5G is.

Trump may know bits and pieces about depopulation programs that Oprah, Bill Gates, big tech, globalists, and others, have been part of, but we all must all demand for a better tomorrow, each day, regardless, either way. We must demand for an Internet Bill of Rights. This is what I wrote to Trump.


Are you writing to Trump, Congress, government, and others?

White House vs Congress 8 vs decades bq-5becc31357ad4.jpeg

Draining Swamps

There are many things we need to continue to do, in draining swamps, in defending our borders better, in stopping tyranny, technocracy, plutocracy, Jihadism, globalism, corporatism, Big Pharma, Clinton, Obama, Amazon, larger monopolies, corporations, governments, organizations, groups, and what have you.


Are you being part of history or are you only a spectator?

Trump Mueller Screenshot at 2018-11-14 18:12:06.png


The enemies are never stopping in trying to destroy nation states through a variety of approaches, methods. Trump may not know everything. It's important for all of us to try to help Trump help us help him help us in an endless cycle. Some people say we should do nothing and just trust Trump. But it's better safe than sorry. I'm writing this letter at Write Trump . com and this is my 2nd letter. I can talk all day about the history of central bankers, like Rothschild, what happened in 1694 with the Bank of England and later on in 1913 with the Federal Reserve and America. That is the value of cryptocurrencies, blockchain networks, in bit torrent, new email and Internet 2.0 or 3.0 systems.


How is Europe & America falling similar to the fall of the Roman Empire?

Screenshot at 2018-11-13 23:45:04.png


The left is stealing our votes, our elections. Michelle (Mike) Obama & Hillary (Hitler) Clinton are preparing to run for 2020. The left will have them win, if we don't stop them. I've been banned off social networks a number of times in the 2010's. YouTube terminated my childhood videos which I began making with friends and family in Oregon when I was ten. Facebook & Twitter has disabled me a number of times. Millions and millions of people, especially Americans, have been shadow banned, erased, deleted, disabled, banned, kicked off, deactivated, that is our accounts, profiles, groups, pages, channels, videos, photos, comments, networks, & everything. It's worse than you know. Please continue letting Trump & others know what really matters, what we want, what we really believe in, what we need to continue to do through Oatmeal and through Hope Over Dope & much more.


Can We Shrink Gov by Becoming Bigger Ourselves?


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