20 Questions - a fun post to help our Community Engagement Challengers - declined post payout

in #funny7 years ago

With over 30 challengers still vying for a spot in the winners' circle of the Community Engagement Challenge, the hardest part is reaching their comments mile marker! So, let's give them a hand by doing something fun.


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Challenge ends July 18th

To follow along you have to understand the genesis of this challenge. About nine days ago I published a community challenge thinking maybe their would be 5 enthusiastic people looking for something to do. I had no idea 43 people would sign up!

Correction: They're not people.

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Damn Jedis decided to take up this challenge
and I've been trying to keep up with them since! LOL

Follow along


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The Daily Diary consists of quality-checked, curated posts which must have at least one cited photo/illustration and 300 words or more. Our participants range from brand new minnows to Steemit veterans.

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4
Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8

In order to help the challengers get to the 500 comments minimum, and let the community have some fun, I've posted 20 questions below to help them get across the finish line.

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Payout has been declined for this post. We're just doing this for fun.


Will you be relieved when this challenge is over?

you can be honest! LOL

@merej99 I was going to make a 21st question... but instead popping this to the top with an upvote.

I know a number of us have reached 7 posts... My daily posts "fit" all the challenge specs anyway... should we keep adding to "The Beast II" until the 18th, or just stop sharing to the challenge once we're at 7 posts? What's your preference?

Definitely keep feeding me those post links until the 18th
I'm doing the daily diary anyway, may as well give you guys a back link to your work until then! :) Good Question

Great question @denmarkguy! It will be great to keep posting them so we can still see what you post :)

I was in doubt if I should keep creating posts type of content, however at the end I decided to enjoy the weekend for a while..

That is important too to enjoy the weekend! 😊

The post part was actually too easy, lol, (reminding me to put my link in...and I thought I put my link in for yesterday, but that's a'ight) the commenting part....yeah, I'll be a little relieved, LOL. Actually, if it was winter then it would be no big thing, but I gotsta do more outdoorsy stuff while I can :)

Yeah, I'm with @dreemit on this one-- I've posted 2-3 full posts daily for months now, so that part was easy enough.

Surprisingly, it's the commenting that was hard... and yes, that was a surprise because I consider myself a pretty active curator. The "problem" is that my average comment tends to be fairly long and addresses the content of a post pretty well... 500+ comments at 60-80 words each... that's quite a lot of typing! For example, this right here is a pretty typical comment for me!

I feel this. Most of my comments are pretty lengthy too and I wouldn't have it any other way. In fact, some have been long enough where I thought, "Crap! That could have been a post!" lol

Yes! That's exactly what the issue is, I've even been known to write mine posts in posts, haha! I've definitely gotten better at shortening them up this week!

AHA! If the next challenge is harder, I can point an arrow at @dreemit. lol

@dreemit may get held down on the bunkbed and beaten with soap in socks then, I think I saw that in a movie once

I know this movie... uh... Full Metal Jacket, right?

maybe. it was definitely military

Um...I take it back, I take it back...blame @denmark guy, he not only agrees but he does two and three a day, haha!!

It's on the blockchain @dreemit - I could be evil and launch The Beast UNLEASHED next time around. hahahaaa

You wouldn't dare!! (Yes you would...shoot! haha)

Yes to be honest, I've been sitting in my computer chair far too long and I need to get outside!

You've got 2 FULL DAYS to get 190 comments done. We got your back :)

aaa duuh

honesty...you want honesty teach...I'll give you honesty lol
if it weren't for this bandwidth issue I probably wouldn't have gotten more than two nights sleep aggregated over the last three days...and this challange might have very well killed me...no joke!

I guess the bigger question is will you be relived when it's over. And wait a minute...how are you going to count my comments in this page anyway...it's so creepy crawly...not even sure this is going to work for me tonight...been almost 3 minutes of lag just making this one comment alone.

Just a heads up for ya here Meredith
~smiles fer miles~

Oh goodness, it would be madness if I went through each one of these monster posts trying to count your comments! I just go to https://steemit.com/@cryptologyx and peek at your header. If the number moves, I update your progress.

And I've been seeing issues with the bandwidth ever-increasing. It's not the posts. It's actually Steemit witnesses responsibility to keep up.


I think Steemit will be glad when I am done with this challenge.

I wasn't trying to do a "transaction". I have been commenting all day lol.

I need to check how much actual internet data I've used doing his! Little worried about that! Lol...

Are you doing this on your phone?

I do my replies on my phone mostly. It's the best piece of technology I have! My phone is connected to my wireless though. If I'm writing a post, then I'm on my computer-saurus-rex.

Lol. That is hilarious. I have not owned a cell phone in at least a decade. I would be lost without my desktop.

ayayay! Me too. I actually consumed my 6gb of mobile data the in just less than 2 weeks. Basically these times we're working on the challenge. I have subscribed for additional data just to receive messages on whatsapp

omg, I can't imagine doing this on my phone!
Hey! My last count you only need 146 comments and you've got 2 full days to do it. Woohoo!

Someone else was getting that message too! @arrliinn I think.
I've never seen that before!

I've seen a message close to that. When I was doing the post for @barrydutton's tab post...My block size was too large and I had to reformat the whole post.

Neither have I...I have been commenting today too...and haven't seen that message...i do get the messages of "can't upvote more than every three seconds" or "can't comment more than once every 20 seconds" LOL

Saw that yesterday and just earlier when I was beginning the "quiz". I had to wait 15/20mins to be able to post again...

I got that message earlier, too. It went away when I closed my Steemit session and opened it again in a new window.

I just walked away and took a break to eat the food that will be my death...chips and hot sauce.

Is chips and hot sauce technically food?
Crap! I need to get out of this post or I'll never get to bed tonight. LOL

You can go to bed after you make sure I am in the winner's circle tomorrow. The Irish lived off of potatoes during famine...I added a vegetable with chiles in the hot sauce.

Depression? No problem, I have chips and hot sauce.

so, how did you sleep yesterday :)
I believe I'm about to hit that legendary bandwidth limit soon.

I got that too! I also was posting too fast

I don't know how I can post too fast. I usually leave long comments; I think it's why this took me so long lol.

when i started the quiz there were no posts so I was reading and typing some of them quickly, and there is a 20 minimum between posts. i know that cuz steemit told me lol

Ah yes, the infamous 20 seconds between posts error.

Yeah, I was getting the 20 seconds message when I was adding questions to this post.

Yes I have seen that message too!

i was kinda freaking cuz if i got locked out, which is what the bandwith message looked like, i could not only not finish, but let anyone know why!

That's exactly how I was! I texted a friend and was like...uh, did I do something wrong? Make some steemit god angry??

I got it this morning...after I was posting a ton last night, but still, I took a lengthy sleep break!

Sleeping is good

sleeping is a forgotten art in my life right now :)

sleep...what is this thing called sleep?

I got it too, I had to take a break for like 15 minutes then it let me resume commenting

sometimes I have had to wait as long as an hour to post through...I think the key is to leave the site alone completely...no feed surfing...no checking your wallet...no nothing...and you won't have to wait more than 15 - 20 minutes.

This is definitely my first time of seeing something of this nature @lexikon82

Today was the first time I saw it. I once had a block size too large message for a post. Lots of editing on that one to trim down the file size.

LOL - You really made me laugh with this one.

But, I was thinking anyway why this occurred, and I think I know.
On the blockchain, every our post, comment or so - better to say every action we take is considered as a transaction.
So, if you were commenting like crazy (like I do now 😜) that's probably why you have received that note.

This is partially true...I have heard of some with over 300 SP encountering problems with normal daily activity...I understand there is a fix in the works since yesterday...something about throwing money at the problem.

LOL that usually works out just fine right? ;p

I didn't know about that fix. Hope it would bring us some greater good. 🙂

I love being on steemit, posting and commenting...participating in this challenge has pushed me to be better and comment more than I usually comment....going to bed at the wee hours! So in part I will be happy to finish, but on the other hand it has helped me a lot...so thank you!

And I have to add to my comment that I have found great people to follow from the challenge itself! So it's great!

Seconded! This challenge has been a very wonderful experience to everybody.

I am still typing away down to my last 100 comments before closing. Haha

There you go! You can do it @arrliinn! One post at a time...I am almost there I can feel the finish line!! :)

ohhh!!! see you there @sgnsteems!...

Lol, are you still typing? It's Only been two hours.

I have to stop every now and then... steemit feels the pressure I am on. I always get the bandwidth limit problem. :(

Lol. Steemit may dislike @merej99 quite a bit right now.

Yeah. She's brought about too much traffic into the platform. Lol

I had three solid hours to work this morning and I got this message. I was locked out for a good 45 minutes. I don't know what it means, but it was frustrating!

You do realize you have ALL of tomorrow and the 18th to get this done, right? LOL
Last I counted you've got under 113 comments to go. ;)

Typing away, ma'am! Lol.

@merej99, what time exactly is the challenge closing tomorrow? As you know I am in UAE Gmt +4...


You are in the winner's circle! :D I'm working on publishing the post now. Woohoo! GOOD JOB!

wooooottt woottt!!! way to go @sgnsteems!!!

Thank you! And thank you for all you have done 😊

You bet I'll be relieved! I'll be able to go back to sleep...

Doesn't mean I don't appreciate you, however.... :D



I'm on the fence about how I feel about it. On one hand the break would be nice. On the other, I think I'll miss the crazy pace.

Definitely won't be posting 50 comments a day, but will comment on your posts when I see them :)

Thanks @aboutyourbiz - I'll be keeping an eye out for you too <3

yay us! I bet there will be a fair amount of that going on

You will be looking at your replies like:

I already do this. LOL
I've also got my eyedrops at the ready. Time to dive into the Beast Jr. and hunt for links. :)

Hunt Hunt Hunt....do you find less since more people have finished?

Actually, I've still got 21 posts that are going up. Y'all are machines, I think. lol

Lol. You created some mean machines!

hahaha...I know her secret math ways of counting comments

I'm sure eyedrops are a must hahaha

Eyedrops and a good amount of coffee. Speaking of which... where the heck did I put my coffee mug???

Yes and no! This has been such a great challenge and I've gotten to read some great articles by some great people. Can I keep up this pace forever? No! I'm rarely on my phone or the computer when my kids are awake so my time isn't limited to their sleeping hours...and I need sleep too! Burn I've learned a lot and will keep having myself to read and comment more.

If this is an inoculation of sorts, then at least you know what you're capable of! If you created good Steemit habits out of this at a less crazy pace then I consider my job well done. :)

Yes, yes! It has shown me how important making those connections are. I still have a long ways to go, and I feel like I'm moving way slowly...I read those posts about how people reach 300 followers in a week and I'm at 67 going....

not any more you're not...you're at 76 as of this post...you'll be a hundred before you know it...and quality follows...like me fer instance? hahaha!

Relieved, yes... but you know we'd still be doing the same.

I personally don't know what I'm going to do without this crazy pace. Ooh, maybe I'll get my afternoon naps back? LOL

That would be wonderful! I look forward to mine as well... :D

Not sure if I've even answered this question yet...been so busy posting in here forget. Like shoot'n fish in a barrel here...so it's now all about the wall...and time.

I will be glad I came from behind and finished...just like the three legged dark horse I know I am. ~smiles~

Yes and No, I enjoyed having a goal to work for but deadlines stress me out so I'll be glad to be without one once again

I'm the opposite. I love deadlines even if they stress me out. Livin' dangerously hahahaa.... not.

I just like to lay back and go with the flow, so deadlines make me more productive but also more stressed

That was supposed to be a gif...don't know what happened! Maybe I ran out of internet.

Definitely ran out of internet

First I couldn't comment on steemit and now I can't log into my internet provider to check how much data I've used...uh oh...big bills ahead!

Found it! I had to see what it did LOL

Yup, this is me...can you guess which one? I had supper, sat down to finish my post...and promptly fell asleep for 7hrs.

First full night's...ummm...ok early evening sleep I've had since joining Steemit. ;p

Missed the post deadline for toda...errr yesterday too. That's ok though, this was fun and I got to meet some folks I may never have otherwise. ~smiles fer miles~

LOl...I had forgotten that sleep...hahaha...did get 2 hrs last night.

gives death the back of my hand

Glad you found it! Don't know what I did wrong!

I tend to cause more stress for myself because I like to test myself against those deadlines. It's not exactly doing things at the last minute but it kind of is. I don't know why I do that to myself. Self flagellation might be easier.

I tend to do this more in my school work... the deadline is a drug rush to my brain... it kinda cool though

stress? is that what this is? I thought it was the coffee :P

psst! You're only 46 comments away from the winner's circle!

In part I shall - I've been greeting new people in as unspammy a way as I can muster... and I have the Steemit' platform breathing down my neck - I just never know when its going to bite me with a 'bandwidth limit' statement. :cP

I plan on continuing to post - but tone down my introductions patronage - half-heartedly as there are many interesting people who say hi.

I have been nagged by the bandwidth limit error from yesterday... steemit is already complaining. hehe

Oh yes - I am not the only one affected. Though its behaving right now.

'crosses fingers'

I wonder how much I need to spend to buy 50 Steem... :cP

yes.. it has been kind to me the past one hour I was on a comment marathon. lol.
we'll keep our fingers crossed.

I powered up 20 steem yesterday...it lasted about an hour
don't buy into the fear!

Thank you for the advice @cryptologyx. Yes I realized the hard way that buying Steem is only slightly helpful. Its something the witnesses and devs need to fix.

yeah...I'm starting to see that it's all about the back end...same as it ever was;)

Well at least they are aware tat there is or has been an issue and are working to resolve it. Once that is done - we won't have to suffer unreasonable bandwidth limit issues for a while. :c)

Oh I've found time to complain about it at discord chat...while on cooldown ;)

I actually went there moaning about it the first time. Haha.

Great way to spend cool down moments hah! 😆

Yeah...it's a pretty good place...not sure about the upvote bot yet...never used it myself...yet
can get answers there usually and they're pretty helpful with the new guppies.

Of course, I would be relieved. Those 500 comments are killing me 'hardly'. 😜 And if I have to be killed I want to be...

Great song @ana-maria ~smiles~ put my beats on...detoxing now!

Thanks, @cryptologyx! I'm glad you like it. 🙂
I just have to tell you that very likely it might be must last comment as I'm running out of my available bandwidth. 😨
Current Bandwidth

Oh dear...I'm so sorry. :(

Well, that was as it was.
And I was right I couldn't post further unless I would wait another half hour or so at least.
I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer so I went to sleep. 😔

Cool @merej99! That's so kind of you!

I'll be definitely relieved and I might even pee in my cockpit.

lol...you didn't really mean yer cod piece ...did you @steemfluencer?

Actually I'm not sure. I think I'll miss it - but I am hoping to keep up (maybe not 50 comments/day) but at least double or triple the amount of comments per day I was doing before the challenge. The engagement is so valuable, I'm learning a ton, and I am meeting some really cool and inspiring people.

This has helped me keep a rigid schedule which appeals to me - and I'm that much closer to reaching my comment and post goals but dang it, my rep score is not moving at all. What's it gonna take Steemit???

Most likely a tap dance.

LOL! It does take a lot when you ar in the 60's...I haven't moved in so long either...at least im' 61 so i cannot complain...do you think it's easier for newer people to move us than us veterans?

Yeah - especially at the beginning my number was going up and up...it has slowed down exponentially. Gotta learn some dance moves i guess...

I can dance! Especially if it will help my reputation! LOL

Hahaha that might be the best dance scene from a movie ever.

Goodness, That is in my top 5 movies.

OMG. hahaha!!!
I'd dance to boost my reputation too but I have too many moving parts. I might break something.

His shirt says "vote" on it...so I did...so there! ;p

Why thank you @cryptologyx! I am sure that will help with my reputation! Lol

It's a lot easier to move from 25 to 59 but as soon as you hit the 60s, it's like moving mountains to get to 70.

Wow that's a lot of mountains I gotta move ...you are a lot closer to 70...but it's so well deserved!

59? I may just make that by 2020 and that'll be my age. TMI?

I think 60 will be the new 50...think retrograde...too tired to figure out if I have that right. :D

I liked the fact I met new people too, and interacting with them is something we take way from this challenge @jaymorebeet :)

I say we do this challenge once a quarter or half year. What do you think??

That's about where I was thinking... maybe once a quarter. Next time I'll be organized from the beginning and I can hunt down donations for an even bigger prize pot. As it is, I didn't think this many people were going to sign up in the first place...or last! (no offense meant) But dang, I wasn't kidding when I said you guys were Jedis. lol

Well, this was the inaugural event @merej99, so it was a learning experience... perhaps for all of us. I;d say you did a superb job of juggling all this. IF you do this again, you'll already have all the processes, the spreadsheet and everything in place. Which should make things a little bit easier. Of course, you could also ask for volunteer "co-hosts!"

I think I will definitely make this a quarterly thing because you're right, I have the spreadsheet and the process. Next time I'll be bothering some whales and bigger dolphins for more donations and definitely snagging some volunteers. If round one is any indication, I'm going to need help. LOL

Quarterly sounds very doable Meredith...with a lot of help. Expect a rise of a factor of 10 on the next challenge...and again for the next. Could be 10,000 Steemians wanting to take this on by this time next year.

Prize pool of 50K SBDs...think about it. Youl have a rep of 99 by 2030...to match your name and you'll be known in the Steemitsphere as the Great One! :D

Of course the prize pool will have to be at least 1 million SBDs by then...round robin tourneys...knock out rapid rounds to winnow minnows and whales alike. The top 100 only go to the final round...am I dreaming in type again here...where is my head? :-0

If you didn't learn something from this, whether participating or watching...then you haven't heard about it!

Maybe next time we can vlog the host and co-hostesses.

What I can definitely say is that you have the right attitude of finishing on time! :)

Yeah! It's a great mission so of course many came out for the challenge. Here's to keeping it going!

@merej99 For me it was more of finishing the challenge, than the actual prize of it....just telling myself I can finish the challenge and be more interactive in the community! :)

Finishing was also my goal. And I actually don't want to be in the running for the grand prize.

You mean the delegation of steem power?

I actually would like to win that SP prize...a new learning curve that I may not see for years :)

I agree. The finish is the thing! I'm so far away from the 500 comments but dang it! I want it and I'm stubborn. Just have to want it more than sleep.

I have honestly been going to bed past midnight, some nights even 1am to finish the daily 50...that was my goal...reachable goal of 50 comments a day for 10 days...i have surpassed my 50 goal today...but must say @merej99 has helped us out in many ways especially with her 20 questions...plus it has been so much fun to interact with others and their answers :)

And don't worry you will get there! One post at a time!! :)

I don't think I've been to bed before 5 am in a long time but I don't have to get up to an alarm clock either. Holy crap! I'm only 6 away from 10K comments. you know what this means? I've done almost 1200 comments. hahaha.... WOW. That's nuts.

I definitely lost more than a few hours of sleep due to the comment portion of this challenge hahaha

As it turns out @thesimplelife you were as stubborn as you needed to be...I'm truly impressed...it's been one inspiration after another meeting you.

~smiles fer miles~

I just went through a 20+ minute bw wall...this is getting real hard

You didn't divide the comments? That would have made it easier for you. Keep going! 👍

I never thought I'd actually make 500 comments, but I only need like 10 more!

I like that idea too @jaymorebeet!

Yeahhh! Go team!

Ummm I see you guys as the gone team...no offense intended :)

Definitely a big positive from this challenge!

a huge positive!

I'm definitely going to miss it too

It's like we've all been in camp together. And @merej99 is our camp counselor.

This actually super accurate

Why do I want t-shirts made up. I'm thinking of Hey Dude (not sure if you know that show). Also someone needs a clipboard (@merej99) and a whistle.

I'd buy a t-shirt

I'd wear one too...buying? I don't do online shopping:)

I could totally go for t-shirts! That would be super cool!

maybe throw me a crying towel if I don't make it...hey...that's not me...am in it to win top prize...move over suckaz...come'n through ;p


but nobody's bed got short sheeted

and no one replaced salt in the sugar bowl either.

I wouldn't know...been sleeping on top for a month now...since joining...even the cat won't go up there now.

interesting tak on it all @jaymorebeet...I like it...kinda does remind me of boot camp

Feel and think the same, @jaymorebeet. 🙂

I couldn't agree more...just haven't had time to review all the good things...but I will...if I have to. ~smiles~

definitely.....as in I would just step right back into my comfort zone. ... It has not been easy @merej99

It's definitely not easy for you, especially being an active student. @dean-mno
I, on the other hand, have no life. LOL

You just hit the nail on its head perfectly..

Helping people by organizing this contest is way more than a job... you are a super woman @merej99

Thanks @dean-mno - just organized and nothing else critical going on. If I was a student or a young mother, or had to work outside the house, this definitely would have been a major challenge for me. You've got some comments to get caught up on. I will help where I can. :)

I would like a comfort zone right about now...a big ole' bosomy hug...with a six and a half foot tall amazon woman...I wanna feel small and cherished...just for a little while.

Recharged! ...just the thought of it { ;- ) >

Would you ever go sky-diving, cliff diving, or bungee jumping?

Sorry but no... I cannot see any good reason to jump out of a perfectly good airplane. Seriously....

I can't help agree with denmarkguy. I used to want, but the idea seems less and less enticing over time.

I was almost convinced to try it but chickened out before we bought the jump package. :P

before buying it, is the best time to chicken out :)

My dad has done it...but my mom stayed on the ground! I bet he wouldn't do it again though!

How old was dad when he jumped? My sister is completely addicted. I think she was 2 tandem jumps away from going solo.

In his 40s I believe...

A smart woman here!

I feel exactly the same way! But... If there was a pretty hefty payout, I might be convinced. It'd have to have A LOT of zeroes after that 1. lol

I do not think I have the guts to follow through...allthough sky-diving sounds fun!

I rather have a lot of fun watching video of other people doing that stuff. I like my feet on the ground. LOL

I hear you! Your feet on the ground is way safer than flying...lol!

No only no, but HELL NO!

Me too! I've got a crazy sister who pays people to throw her out of a plane. Not me. Nuh-uh!

it's just foolish

What about an expedition to Mt. Everest? Would you do something that extreme?

maybe when I was younger. the thought just makes me tired now hahaha

Age will do that. Maybe a little wisdom too.

being out of shape doesn't help either ;p

lol...makes me tired too...not even in a helicopter!

Can helicopters fly that high?
Hmm... I'll have to ask hubby what the max height of a helicopter is. Obviously there's got to be limits if you need air resistance or something like that. Hell, people need oxygen to climb Mt. Everest.

Close but maybe not that. Like an episode of Survivor Man or that Bear Grylls thing? Yup I'd do that. Everest? I'm not in shape enough. But it would be amazing!

I keep telling my husband we should do a version of Naked and Afraid and he says, "I don't do naked." LOL He really doesn't! hahahaaaa

Maybe his one thing he could bring would be a pair of pants? Do they actually say they can't choose that for their item?

I could do that show ALONE...and I wouldn't have to travel far to do it either :D

Apparently there are quite a few nudist camps around where I live. The one time we were going to go to the Farmer's market because we happened to be driving by and there was a big sign that said Naked Day or something like that.... I wanted to go but hubby was appalled. Naked around fresh veggies is not his thing. hahahaaaa

more foolishness...on ice...shakes head

I don't like the high dive

hahahaha...that's decisiveness!

Yes, yes, and yes. ALL of the above.

Plus, wing suit flying and de-orbiting in a foam ball parachute... You forgot to add those... ;)

I would like to float in the air, but in an enclosed facility...don't know what that is called...lol

Those are so much fun!

I tried one many years ago. Before it was my turn, I watched as the instructors would help people out onto the air column for the first time. Most were hesitant the first time, but then when it was their turn again, I could see them just jump right in.

Knowing that, when my first time came, I just jumped right in. There is no sense of danger whatever. You really feel the air supporting you, and so there is no fear. :D

So, GO FOR IT! I hope you try it, friend! ;)

I knew you were a surfer. I had no idea exactly how crazy you were. LOL

And, my dear, you still have very little idea... Stay tuned! ;) :D

Now that seems reasonable...I'd rather do that than ride a rollercoaster

Thanks @creatr. Its great to see someone who has tried it! Yes i need to do it before i get too old and chickened out. Lol

Nothing to be afraid of there! You're going to absolutely love it! You'll be talking about it for weeks! ;)

Great! Thanks for the positive feedback 😊

just doooOOOooo it!

i've seen that in OKC. it's a strong wind up from the floor and you ride on top of it. don't know what it's called either

Yes That... maybe i will google flying on air in an enclosed facilty lol

it might work!

I found"Vertical Wind Tunnel" and from there i found Indoor Skydiving!

well see there you go!

So now that is something I will look if they have one nearby...and hope I have the guts to go...hahaha

if it's something you really do want to do you will.

Google is so much better than a library. ;)

Ah, my crazy friend. I will live vicariously through your experiences. LOL

for an adrenaline rush...why not just put it all on red? you can pretty much count on the odds that you'll walk out of the casino

If I lost it all, I couldn't afford the de-orbit burn... ;)

well that would just be a stone cold freeze up...no rush in that at all eh?

I would try sky diving or cliff diving. Bungee jumping...nope.

Funny! Two of those have no tether at all but you won't try the one that does?

Lol, I know. I have watched one too many bungee jumping gone bad videos.

Yes I agree @lexikon082! The videos make it scary!

I've seen too many people hit the water. Not go splat. Just hit the water. I'm like What. The. Fuuu.... nuh-uh. I am NOT hitting the water. lol

We used to jump off of a falls Balls Falls ...part of the Niagara Escarpment. The water can be very hard when falling from a distance...as kids we learned it fast if we didn't listen to people who knew better...once is enough...lesson learned...then there's the guys that canon ball or belly flo...those guys never learn...natural selection right there.

Belly flops SUCK even off a 3 foot diving board, much less a platform or some crazy cliff!

yup...kiddie pools and when yer really drunk and your other half is having a bath...fun times :D

I've never told you about diving off the 10-meter diving board at Camp Anaconda and doing a belly flop. I thought I was an Olympic diver or something. Everyone else is going feet first and nope, like a dumb ass, I try to dive.

oh my gosh....I think I just got sympathy belly welts. ouuuuchhhhh!

lol...and you did this how many times after?

I've never been on a diving board that high again.

Just never felt the need to do such things...not even interested in going to watch friends do so.

The only one I have truly thought of doing is sky diving. I wouldn't actively go out for cliff diving...But If I were in a situation...meh let's do it.

Definitely not, I'll put 500 pounds on my back and squat it for fun, but that's about where I have to draw the line.

Dang. A true weight lifter?
For fun or competition?

Cool! That takes a lot of discipline. Would love to see some competition pics.

Posted one in my last article!

I just saw and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
I'm so glad I'm not 20 anymore. LOL Life gets better at 40+ ;)

I get that perspective from you now...me I if I could start from 1 all over again...I would. But not until I find out how close I can get to 150 first.

wow...how's your knees and elbows?

Perfectly Fine actually

I would say "no" coz i love my life.

I agree. I've only got one life. I don't need to be pulling the dragon's tail. Besides, my luck is quite inconsistent. :P

Yeah, and I still have small kids.. hehe

Well, my kids are grown but we don't have long lives in my family tree. I'd rather not test fate's patience.

Correct. We can be adventurous in a different manner. Hehe

I have since a child and having walked away from the church...because they said I asked too many serious questions in Sunday school...had a great faith in fate.

I'm just not a fatalistic person by...nature. Go figure eh?

Yeah no. NO NO NO.

Is that your final answer? LOL

Hah! Final answer for me.

Final answer? Locked in! :)

lol...another decisive person ~smiles~

Speed doesn't kill...it's the sudden stop

I haven't flown in years, but as a private pilot I agree with @denmarkguy, if we were meant to jump out of them they would be built with diving boards... that's why they invented indoor skydiving simulators LOL I have done those.

Now that is something I would definitely do. I hear it's quite a workout too. A little pricey but worth it.

My definition of humans flying is being in a sensory deprivation tank for 20 minutes longer than scheduled...and your INDIGO watch died half way through.

Definitely no.... the skies are for the birds... I prefer land very much thank you

my sons said the same thing...and then they joined the military and their first flight ever was to bootcamp. LOL

Awww man. I'm a no go all three. Huge scaredy pants for those kinds of things! Guess I'm a huge fun hater.

I like roller coasters. That's about as adventurous as I get.

I don't even like those! I guess, now that I'm thinking about it, I am not as adventurous as I thought! Thanks for pointing out to me that I am a big chicken.

I'm joining your Chicken Team, @thesimplelife! - LOL - 😂

The more the merrier!

hahahahahaha 👍 - Great!

BY the way your post to engage people by asking you any question? Genius! Wish I would have thought of that one!

I don't know why but when I look at those two guys the word Quebecois comes to mind.

Holy crap this is so funny!!!! Only because my sister and I used to do this when we were kids to make dad laugh. ROFLMAO.....

LOL - team chicken! No!
Throw me on a rollercoaster. I've got my hands up the entire time. :D

Sure yer not just a little chicken?

Nope not those either...see rule #1...it's the sudden stop...have had fat lips and cracked teeth on them things.

You cracked teeth on a roller coaster @cryptologyx? Dang! Do you remember the ride?
KING DA KA is nuts! Never been launched so fast and actually felt zero gravity on the way down. woooohooooo!

Place called Crystal Beach , my dad worked for GM and it was a company picnic thing...but it was public too...old wodden roller coasters...Big White I think was the name...face hit the lock-in bar...no biggie

Oh yeah, those old rickety wooden rollercoasters scare the shit out of me.

I don't believe you @thesimplelife...nobody doesn't love fun. <3

Sky diving, maybe. Cliff diving and bungee jumping are somehow scarier to me!

I wouldn't do any. My luck with cliff diving might be hitting every damned rock ledge on the way down! Nope. Not for me. lol

And bungee jumping seems like it would just snap me in half.

To me...it's not so much as scarry...it's just more so not worth the risk.

Yes I would... if I have a personal invention that I believe in to back me up... ^_~

Or a functional iron-man suit. That'd work too.

Thank you but NO, thank you! - The height scares me to death.
Although, at my crazy youth I have been jumping from the bridge (approximately like 3-or-4-floor-building high). My friend's camera got stuck in the middle of the jump and all of us jumping jerks had to jump once again. I died twice that day, and the second time was harder.

You musta been a cat in one of your past nine lives. Glad to see you made it back to the living. ;)

hahahahaha - Yeah, probably some wild cat. - LOL -

Hmmm... just crossed my mind zodiac sign is Leo. Interesting! 😎

I have gone cliff jumping-- in my crazy youth, I have always wanted to go sky diving, but I"ve never been interested in the bungee. Worrying that the ten pounds I lied about in the weight on the sheet I imagine you fill out (along with you will not be sued if I die clause), means it will snap and the ground will meet my head does not appeal hahahaha!

Cause everyone would TOTALLY lie on the form! So true!

Haha, I know, it's the first thing I thought of, if that doesn't shout Girl Here, I don't know what would hahaha

(Sorry I'm down to my last nine comments of the challenge so...)

No apologies necessary, this is cracking me up!

hahaha...that the fiddler?

what form...I don't see no form...'cause I just ain't anywhere near the vicinity...I'm too easily impulsed to do crazy things...like walk the balcony rail...6 sheets to the wind...20 floorss up :-0

That sounds too familiar...though my husband tends to keep me away from such danger these days (he's no fun lol)

Woman, you got a little crazy going on! LOL
Bungee, for some reason makes me think I'm gonna get snapped in half or something. That initial boing, if you don't go splat, has got to have some pressure or g-force not meant for normal humans.

I'm with you, on the bungee. I know, I'm not actually sure I could go back to the place we used to cliff jump and do it at this point in life...but then again, I might be! I will sky dive before I die (hopefully not Right before I die, unless it's a bucket list thing lol!)

Someone else who understands the first rule of velocity. ;p

Haha ! This is what it looks like once your finally done !!! This could be you next !! Stay strong and don't give up !!LOL! Im deserving my much needed days of rest a and relaxation !! Steem on , you can do it !!! 👏🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆

Wish I could be as relaxed as this cat

Haha I know ! He's soon loving that message ! LOL! 😂😂😂😂

If you could invite 5 people to dinner who would they be? (They can be historical figures too)

Elon Musk, Burt Rutan, Nikola Tesla, Leonardo DaVinci, and Meredith Loughran.

(You did suggest this great idea, did you not?) ;)

The perfect guest list, if Meredith was a +1 of one of the other 5 , we can squeeze in Wernher von Braun

Excellent choice! Can't wait for dinner! ;)

Jesus Christ, Mohammad, The 14th Dali Lama, Krishna, and Buddha.

But...but...where's Mo T? She's a saint y'know...and women gots rights these days.

Lol, yeah she's a saint. But these 5 are the main figures of religions/philosophies that have had probably the most effect on society. Speaking of Nuns...

My mom and dad, Michael Jackson, Kevin Costner (for my mom she adores him), Pamela Anderson(for my dad).

snatches Pam from @sgnsteems's dad...and hustles her off to Buddy Wasisname and the other fellers'z place

My parents, my grandparents that have passed, my grandmother that lives in Brazil, and my grandfather that died when my mother was seven I never got to meet.

Friends and family would just do...

All my exes LOL

Ai-ai-ai! That's crazy talk! LOL

Buddy Wasisname and the other fellers...and Pamela Anderson.

Mom, Dad, sissy, BFF1, BFF2

Tom Hanks, Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Empress Theodora and King Solomon

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie pop?

Three! The owls says so!

That IS the correct answer! 3 then bite!

Yeah, and he says three like there's a D instead of R...thdeeee!

He totally does!

The world may never know.

but... I thought that was the answer to life, the universe and everything...

Yes, hence the lollipop universe?

I thought that was a guild :-/

I do not know...i do not like tootsies...but i do like lollipops with gum in them :)

I love those too... and spend an extraordinary amount of time to get every bit of gum off the stupid lollipop stick and usually end up eating some of the paper.

OMG yes! LOL That gum never last longer than 5 minutes...the flavor fades...i still like making bubbles though haha

The same number as you get when you cross an Elephant with a Rhinoceros...
Wait for it...

I had nuthin' else. lol

::: groan :::

Yes, I laughed...


Count on Meredith to put me in a funny mood! ;)

Hmmm. Well, it depends. Am I in an aggressive licking mood that day or am I feeling sensual with my tootsie roll pops that day.

I dunno, but I have a serious urge for a cigarette right about now! LOL

Popeye candy cigs...there's yer answer teach.

I used to love those candy cigarettes! Well, they actually tasted like chalk with a little sweetness to it but who am I to complain. I used to eat the old Elmer's paste. LOL That stuff what minty!

hahaha I remember my first taste of Elmers...cloying if I remember correctly...could taste it through your nose...needless to say was my last

How could a kid resist! It had a built in popsicle stick.

I wondered about that when I was posting that comment.

Oh my, you are a patient one.

Eeerrr??? Pass! Next question. 😆

one then you bite it

I tried this method once...and chipped a tooth. O_o

actually you squeeze it slowly with your back teeth

I love colbert but this gif grosses me out. (See my answer on pet peeves.) The mouth noises he's probably making....lord help me!

Colbert is the man!

It is rather irritating, isn't it? LOL

17+ some, I will stop counting after after 17 for some reason

I think I lose track after 10. There are some thing that I have no patience for. Getting to the center must be done quickly and efficiently!

It always begins slowly and then ferociously become a race to the finish line

For me it would take between 5 to 10....i could just crack the top with my teeth.. pretty easy

That's what I do for the most part. No patience when there's a tootsie roll in the center.

I just stick it in my mouth and BITE because I like chaos

That's right! Live dangerously! Woot!

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat??? 😲

Ummm would you believe 666?

Zombie apocalyse happened. Would you be in the fight or craving braaaains now?

Fight!! Hell yeah, I am michonne, blades a slicin' off some heads!

she cray cray

In a good way! Hey, hey.... LOL

You're really a ninja, aren't you?

In a past life, I think so, haha!

never watched zobbie flicks...brings back childhood terrors of Johnny...you know Johhny right...he come's and tickles yer ribs...all smile'n and have'n fun...then whips out a butcher knife and cuts out your liver. Now go to sleep!

I dunno... I'd eat brains if I had to. LOL

well, I don't want to have to!

you tell me.

Nice pic, Frank! I want to hang out in your camp!

It's bad when you have that handy on your hard drive.

It's worse when your GF's father's got them out on the table...and none too happy with you.

Ouch. That's what Constitutional concealed carry is for.

LOL me too @merej99, I'll grow the food, you blast the baddies! :-)

You are welcome to join the camp. Everyone has a skill to contribute and it looks like yours is growing food.

I can catch salmon bear handed...and I got dillies! shhhh don't tell'm that...they'll cut yer guts out with a butterfly knife

I don't do zombies, and so I would be far, far away...

I wonder if zombies climbed trees. I could totally live high above in a tree house.

A flying house would be safer... ;)

I'd probably die pretty close to immediately if I'm being honest with myself

I might end up fighting for my life but it might be a losing battle.

ummm I thought zombies didn't die

@kylek717 from what I remember from this tapestry of partly truth and partly fiction...you could be the resident zombie tosser

Hmmm...i'd like to think i would be in a fight.

Me too but I might end up being zombie food anyway.

I would be in the fight!

Me too but I'm afraid I'm a slow runner. I might end up being bait. lol

i only need to run faster than you then!

So true... I'm zombie food.

mere roux...so French!

Do you think zombies like Korean food? I'm mix between Korean and Irish... could be interesting. lol

prolly ferment your brains...get high later ;p

hahaha...yer safe...till yer not ;)

Definitely a badass fighter. .. played way too much games killing them

Tell you what, you and Frank protect the fortress. I'll cook for the masses.

hey...you keep switch'n sides...don't make me hafta pull a James Dean on yer arse...wishy washy don't wash in an apocalypse

I really don't want to be zombie food. I'm a slow runner. LOL

that's ok...get in the jeep...yer shotgun ;)

YAY! lol
I get to live another day. I can be handy with a shotgun too, if need be :D

kin see that...thanks fer keep'n my six here teach...means a lot to me (((hugz)))

Is hider an option?

You and @creatr might end up in the same camp. lol

Then we will be in good company! I'm sure he can invent something to keep us safe!

You are what you eat, and I want to be smarter, so I'll take being a zombie!

There's a different spin on it! LOL

Looks good :O

I already have a plan. It involves getting a boat and staying far away form the shore for as much as possible.

If I survive then I'll be in the fight to help survivors.

I would build a time machine and escape from that period for sure!
Time Machine

I'd be a goner...where they ain't.

What's your pet peeve?

my pet peeve? Why apet peeves of course. I mean whattaya feed 'em anyway? Crappy pets them peeves.

Cool name for a band though... THE PEEVES!

What kind of music would THE PEEVES play?

Real life pet peeve of mine is people who scrape their silverware on their teeth! ARRRRGH! It's like nails on a chalkboard!

lol...punk of course ;p

having to repeat myself

I have so many! One of them is loud eaters. hahahaaaa That drives me nuts!

this is visual...you can't hear a thing

Oh my goodness. I recognize it but can't place the movie... Help me out! lol

it's Monty Python and The Flying Circus...not sure if it's a skit or a movie

I knew I recognized it! Wow, it's been a LONG time since I watched anything Monty Python.

oh yeah, that's a good one. I don't want to see their food after it's left their fork either...

I'm so with you about the loud chewing. Here's an article that might shed some light. We're NOT CRAZY: https://www.theverge.com/2017/2/5/14497584/misophonia-eating-sound-brain-scan-fmri

That's actually a disorder! My sister and my cousin both have it! Lol. How many times I got yelled at as a kid for crunching near her!

hmmm so that musta sucked

What's did you say?

take your no tp hands and go sit in the corner mister! don't make me tell you again!

hahahahah! good one! I'm cracking up reading these guys. :)

laughter, good sound

LOL @aboutyourbiz! Great putting those two answers together :)

I still ain't touching that boys hands

LOL! Haha so I guess you won't

I thought I was pretty clear lol

I'm way behind all you guys on these comments but you're killing me with yours! I have to laugh quietly so as to not wake the littles

oh wake em up, you can start your next great day early! ;)

Ohhh, me too. I hate saying the same thing over and over... (though i tend to with my kids! )

you kind of have to with kids of certain ages, but that's not as bad, generally speaking cuz they're likely crackin you up at the same time. when they get older and know better...

Yes true.
On another side, that's why I don't like training new people in the office? ! Esp when they don't take notes then ask the same question. Aww definitely annoying. hehe

ding ding ding we have a winner!

Yes with kids we are radio cassette players (when they still existed! LOL) we repeat over and over again...

like broken record, scratchy cd... hehehe

Ah, there are so many pet peeves, so little time...

OK, my BIG pet peeve...

"Formation flying."

What, you may ask, is "formation flying?"

It's those *$^&#^%# drivers who drive in the left lane of a two lane corridor, and keep pace with the car in the slow lane.

DIDN'T THEIR MOMMY EVER TELL THEM that the LEFT LANE is called the "PASSING LANE" for a reason!!!! ????

Nyahaha. I remember when i was a new driver here in UAE whilst on the free way
I dont go to the pass lane because I dont want to be run over by big suv's just because I cant go back to the right lane.. 😅

HAHAHA...yes! You are so right! If you are going slow move to the "slow lane" which happens to be the right one....use the left to pass and move back to the right! ...I hear you @creatr!!

Road rage much, @creatr? LOL Hubby calls me Mario Andretti. I've got no patience for foolish driving. Vroom vroom!

I call the really annoying ones "Slopes," a contraction of "Slow pokes." ;)


If it's dark I will pull up on them and put my brights on until they move over. and 9 times out of 10 when i pass them on the right and try to look at them they are oblivious

That's the problem... Obliviousness! Absolutely no clue.... :O

and if you honk, you're the idiot! I've actually seen people with signs in the window behind the driver that says "if I'm passing you on the right you need to move over"

I need one of those signs!!!! :D

I've actually thought about putting a Times Square Marquee type of scrolling LED sign in my back window so as to be able to communicate with other drivers in a verbal fashion... ;)

When people won't get off their God Damn phones! I'm only 20 too so it's pretty much a problem with everyone my age

true the older they are the less likely, but that's like over 70? it's a problem for all ages

I don't do phones. If I go to a restaurant, the phone gets turned off. I like to annoy the ones who have the blutooth headsets and talk to them like we're having a conversation.

I don't like it when I ask a question and it's not answered or it's ignored...like asking the same question three times and still no answer!

Yes! Makes you feel invisible! Or it does for me at least...

Yes! Like your question doesn't matter...or sometimes I believe the person is upset at me because they are not replying to my question...

Oh, I internalize things too! Did they not say hi to me because they're mad at me or don't like me? Goodness, when will I grow up?

Mouth noises. The feeling of stepping on crumbs with bare feet. Unfolded blankets on the couch.

Sounds like my dad, @jaymorebeet. 😊

Uh oh. haha. Who have I become?! ;)

Dont worry, a great man. 😉

ok Whew! Glad there are others with the same pet peeves!

haha... i remember when I was a kid and he would always tell I need to sweep the floor as it is dusty. He enventually ends up doing it. haha

Yeah i know how he is - by the time someone else reaches their threshold, my threshold has been wayyyy passed. I may as well do it myself :) Such is life!

Ha, just told this to @denmarkguy-- victim mentality/finger pointers :)

Hmmm...mouth breathers, people that do exactly opposite the advice you give them and then complain about it going all wrong...ok I will stop because I may write a post in the reply section.

ooh... I don't know what's worse, mouth breathers or nose whistles.

None... Don't have pets

Liars! And people who cut me off and over talk me.

Good ones! I have no tolerance for liars and cheats. And people who talk over me have no respect. I just turn and walk away...and then they have the nerve to be offended.

Yeah, unfortunately I have a supervisor who tends to do that at first. I was raised not to interrupt authority figures, so I probably take it a little more than I should!

When people don't flush the toilet anywhere

aw, yeah... gross. or when they pee all over the seat! YUK.

Chemtrails? They bug the heck out of me. I want to know why in the same sky some planes leave trails and others do not - at the same altitude. I also want to know why that one trailing plane decided to run multiple passes of the same patch of sky.

I could agree with many of yours like @merej99's and @jaymorebeet's loud eaters or loud chewers, but I have my own closer to @creatr's "formation flying" troups.
I call mine "Driving window shoppers"!
It's those kinds of drivers (unfortunately, mostly woman - from my experience) that:
a) stop over a sudden in the middle of the road to jump to the nearby booth to buy newspapers, a pack of cigarettes or what ever
b) stop in the middle of the road without turning on the blinkers (as well over a sudden) to jump out of the car and to go ask some passerby on the sidewalk or the driver behind (who was forced to stop because of him/her) some stupid question
c) stop the car to chat with a friend who also stopped the car in the middle of the road but in the opposite direction (widely seen on country roads) - this is one is mostly a man thing
d) or those who are truly window shopping (from their car seat) while driving through narrow city streets with lots of shops

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....

Being surrounded by people who cuss a lot

I know, many steemers have a potty month

Oh, I have one, don't get me wrong! Just haven't used that here :).

You're too kind not to do that, hopefully you can hold out for a little bit while longer :-)

Well I have the self control to have a professional side and know when to use it!

They call the talent and class my dear! Rock it!

ohhh... I cuss a lot!

Which seems to be a commen theme among many steemers

What's your favorite sound?

Music, singing, silence, each served a purpose in a moment.

that's a tough one. I think ocean, my guitar, a child's voice, a friends voice, the wind in the trees, birds chirping.

I could go on and can't pick

I have a hard time with this one too. I do love the sound of happy, gurgling babies, but I also love the sound of a lazy river.

I love the sound of laughter.

It's the sound of,
Freedom calling,
Rising up to the Sky!

The Sound of the Ocean Unless the beach is crowded

Crickets and tree frogs on summer nights. Yesssss.

Now I feel guilty for not saying my kids.... mom fail.

This is basically my life's soundtrack. How'd you know????

you're a mom?

I hope so, otherwise I have two kids that are really confused following me around all the time :0

I just bust a gut...

LOL! I made the mistake of feeding these boys and now they keep coming back.

hahaha, I meant that's how I knew lol

ours now is beauty and the beast... constant replay.

I suppose we've moved on to trolls....Beauty and the beast sounds refreshing actually. Never thought i'd say that!

My girl, apart from Elsa and Ana, is now into reviewing B&B again and again... :D

Don't feel guilty! You answered honestly :) You like crickets though??? We have so many of them here it becomes annoying ...those and cicadas!

when there are enough of them in the distance that you can't make out just one of them, but instead they are like a wall of sound --- i like it. One lone cricket on the other hand...no thanks.

Did you get the early cicada emergence too? We had a crazy amount of Brood X apparently emerge 4 years early and we were crunching everywhere we stepped this spring.

Not this year....thankfully...but OMG when they come! Plus they are EVERYWHERE!

awww... don't be... hehe

The sound of the waves hitting the shore and the trees rustling on windy days--- So maybe just wind!

Yes! This one! I love the sound of the waves too!

There is just something so soothing about the rhythm, isn't there?

True. Very calming...

100% NOT the sound of 27 kids (age 2 to 11) screaming in a house at a birthday party... guess where I was today LOL.

Oh you poor thing! You have my sympathies. I have excedrin if you need it.

My daughter's laughter...i love hearing her giggle :)

My message alert making a sound of money being delivered into my account....

That's a nice sound! I need one of those...and money being delivered. That would be nice too.

Flowing water! And the laughs of my two babies. Hat gut laugh where it's he funniest thing in the world now even if it's not. THAT'S happiness!

4th fret natural harmonics on a guitar all at once.

"Rain drip." That's not exactly the sound of rain falling; it's a sound we get a lot here in the Pacific Northwest where it drizzles, with the result that there's a constant soft dripping from leaf to leaf... and it's often the only sound, as it usually occurs on super still (wind wide) days.

Other peoples' laughter.

It helps to fill the void. ^_^

my kids giggles...


the sound of silence from time to time. :D

The sound of nature - playful creek, flowing river over small cascades, the sound of tiny sea waves kissing the shore of the beach...
There are some others too.

What's your favorite dessert?

my moms german chocolate cake. she used a different cake recipe so it was like milk chocolate instead of dark chocolate. and of course the frosting is the best part

I love cake made from scratch! Is that a family recipe? My husband has a few recipes that will probably go to the grave with him.

I don't think so, she was always finding recipes all over. there were two times i can remember growing up when we did not have home made dessert and one of the times my dad got donuts, the other time orange and vanilla checkerboard ice cream . needless to say i learned to bake

Chocolate chip lava cookie...so good at Red Lobster!
from pinterest

OMG - yes please. or the Chocolate Stampede from Longhorn.

- pic from longhorn website

I have to see if we have any of those around here...that looks great too!!!

WOW! That just made me drool.

And the cookie is nice and warm, so that the vanilla ice cream melts on top....mmm delicious

Ice cream.

What, there's some other kind of dessert? :O

Is it considered dessert if you ate it for dinner?

No, that's called "Dinzert." ;)

Do chips count as a dessert or snack? I think it's considered a snack. There is a dessert called a "better than sex" cake that I love love love. The wording is completely against everything lex stands for because I am not trying to pull an American Pie on my dessert.

and then? at band camp?

All desserts have a home in my belly.

Caramel sundae or strawberry cheesecake! Omg... 😂

Oooh yesss. Now we're talkin'!

Uh-huh! 😅😅 best dessert ever

Dang it if I just flagged you I'm sorry. My damn fingers on my small phone. I think I undid it. Way to ruin the fun!

No worries, @thesimplelife... i don't seem to have gotten a flag. Same here, been struggling to type on my phone. At least for you, it's the small phone. For me, it is the fat fingers. LOL

Ha! Thanks for giving me a laugh. WHEW, is all I can say. I majorly panicked for a minute. I was like...

Lol. I know what you mean!. 😉

A cake which recipe is kept in the family (almost secretly) for generations, called "Aida Torte."
I have never eaten anything even close to that one anywhere.

And my Grany's small brown chocolate cookies with the creamy filling that look like small chocolate cakes. I don't know how would I translate their name.

Chocolate cookie with vanilla ice cream

Shortbread....... Just love the crunchy taste

Cheesecake! Any kind!

me on cheesecake:

Cookies are right up there too!

hahaha... shame I wasn't there on the battle of the GIFs last night... would have been fun!. :D

I was WAYYY late to the party by the time I got the kids to bed and got my last post done. I think everyone else was gone by then!

We missed the fun! 😅

This is tough, probably cheesecake?

Apple and cinnamon pie.

Been thinking of trying butterscotch cinnamon pie though. I hear its good.

Cannolis, yum, especially since it's not always easy to find them.

Do you have a writing ritual?

Coffee, cigarette, coffee, cigarette, cigarette, walk to get more coffee, cigarette...walk away for 30 minutes, proofread. Read again after I posted and realize I should have spent more time proofreading.

@lexikon082 where in all that list do you actually write? I see you proofread after walking away, but don't know how many cigarettes and coffees you take before writing :)

That's just me sitting there waiting for my wife to bring me the rough draft so I can proofread it and pass the writing along as mine.

are you sure you have the order right? with all those coffee and cigarettes i'm a little surprised you don't have a bathroom trip on there too

I didn't realize we were on that level yet, lol.

good point! A bathroom break is kind of mandatory. Food might be optional.

what? I missed that I had to go to the bathroom

LOL @lexikon082
I miss my smoke breaks so now I chew on my pens. Sometimes I follow hubby outside for a little second-hand smokages. I've got the coffee part down. Always with the proofreading!

@merej99 wanting a smoke break.

Quite possibly the best GIF I have ever had the pleasure to see!

Gotta love that second-hand smoke. Dang! When's the last time they had smoking cars on trains??? I can't even remember.

LOLOL!! I hear this!!

Not that I am aware...but not I will start thinking about it!LOL

Gravity Falls Rules LOL, all the fun shows you get to watch when you have kids. I never have to grow up.

I used to, but then I decided to get a little bit more creative and less structured.

Yeah.... It makes things more clearer to me.... just write the key words

With my reviews, I listen to the album while taking notes on specific songs and in general. Then I keep repeating the album and skipping around while I write.

Yes. I think a lot. And forget a lot.

Then I start jotting down an idea or five.

Filter out the ones that the World is not prepared for - and begin.

nothing in particular... except write occasional notes when inspiration hits and I am nowhere near a computer or my phone.

I think I could cite @lexikon082 a lot on this one - LOL -

Coffee, cigarette, coffee, cigarette, cigarette, walk to get more coffee, cigarette...walk away for 30 minutes, proofread. Read again after I posted and realize I should have spent more time proofreading.

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