
Music, singing, silence, each served a purpose in a moment.

that's a tough one. I think ocean, my guitar, a child's voice, a friends voice, the wind in the trees, birds chirping.

I could go on and can't pick

I have a hard time with this one too. I do love the sound of happy, gurgling babies, but I also love the sound of a lazy river.

I love the sound of laughter.

It's the sound of,
Freedom calling,
Rising up to the Sky!

The Sound of the Ocean Unless the beach is crowded

Crickets and tree frogs on summer nights. Yesssss.

Now I feel guilty for not saying my kids.... mom fail.

This is basically my life's soundtrack. How'd you know????

you're a mom?

I hope so, otherwise I have two kids that are really confused following me around all the time :0

I just bust a gut...

LOL! I made the mistake of feeding these boys and now they keep coming back.

hahaha, I meant that's how I knew lol

ours now is beauty and the beast... constant replay.

I suppose we've moved on to trolls....Beauty and the beast sounds refreshing actually. Never thought i'd say that!

My girl, apart from Elsa and Ana, is now into reviewing B&B again and again... :D

Don't feel guilty! You answered honestly :) You like crickets though??? We have so many of them here it becomes annoying ...those and cicadas!

when there are enough of them in the distance that you can't make out just one of them, but instead they are like a wall of sound --- i like it. One lone cricket on the other thanks.

Did you get the early cicada emergence too? We had a crazy amount of Brood X apparently emerge 4 years early and we were crunching everywhere we stepped this spring.

Not this year....thankfully...but OMG when they come! Plus they are EVERYWHERE!

awww... don't be... hehe

The sound of the waves hitting the shore and the trees rustling on windy days--- So maybe just wind!

Yes! This one! I love the sound of the waves too!

There is just something so soothing about the rhythm, isn't there?

True. Very calming...

100% NOT the sound of 27 kids (age 2 to 11) screaming in a house at a birthday party... guess where I was today LOL.

Oh you poor thing! You have my sympathies. I have excedrin if you need it.

My daughter's laughter...i love hearing her giggle :)

My message alert making a sound of money being delivered into my account....

That's a nice sound! I need one of those...and money being delivered. That would be nice too.

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