
Sorry but no... I cannot see any good reason to jump out of a perfectly good airplane. Seriously....

I can't help agree with denmarkguy. I used to want, but the idea seems less and less enticing over time.

I was almost convinced to try it but chickened out before we bought the jump package. :P

before buying it, is the best time to chicken out :)

My dad has done it...but my mom stayed on the ground! I bet he wouldn't do it again though!

How old was dad when he jumped? My sister is completely addicted. I think she was 2 tandem jumps away from going solo.

In his 40s I believe...

A smart woman here!

I feel exactly the same way! But... If there was a pretty hefty payout, I might be convinced. It'd have to have A LOT of zeroes after that 1. lol

I do not think I have the guts to follow through...allthough sky-diving sounds fun!

I rather have a lot of fun watching video of other people doing that stuff. I like my feet on the ground. LOL

I hear you! Your feet on the ground is way safer than!

No only no, but HELL NO!

Me too! I've got a crazy sister who pays people to throw her out of a plane. Not me. Nuh-uh!

it's just foolish

What about an expedition to Mt. Everest? Would you do something that extreme?

maybe when I was younger. the thought just makes me tired now hahaha

Age will do that. Maybe a little wisdom too.

being out of shape doesn't help either ;p

lol...makes me tired too...not even in a helicopter!

Can helicopters fly that high?
Hmm... I'll have to ask hubby what the max height of a helicopter is. Obviously there's got to be limits if you need air resistance or something like that. Hell, people need oxygen to climb Mt. Everest.

true dat...guess I wasn't paying's a monster mash in there...just work'n down the how much time again?

Close but maybe not that. Like an episode of Survivor Man or that Bear Grylls thing? Yup I'd do that. Everest? I'm not in shape enough. But it would be amazing!

I keep telling my husband we should do a version of Naked and Afraid and he says, "I don't do naked." LOL He really doesn't! hahahaaaa

Maybe his one thing he could bring would be a pair of pants? Do they actually say they can't choose that for their item?

If I was going to do that show I'd probably pick a machete as my tool. LOL Second choice would be a cooking pot.

I could do that show ALONE...and I wouldn't have to travel far to do it either :D

Apparently there are quite a few nudist camps around where I live. The one time we were going to go to the Farmer's market because we happened to be driving by and there was a big sign that said Naked Day or something like that.... I wanted to go but hubby was appalled. Naked around fresh veggies is not his thing. hahahaaaa

hahahaha...corn hole phobia...thanks coach...perfect time for a belly laugh ;p

more foolishness...on ice...shakes head

I don't like the high dive

hahahaha...that's decisiveness!

Yes, yes, and yes. ALL of the above.

Plus, wing suit flying and de-orbiting in a foam ball parachute... You forgot to add those... ;)

I would like to float in the air, but in an enclosed facility...don't know what that is

Those are so much fun!

I tried one many years ago. Before it was my turn, I watched as the instructors would help people out onto the air column for the first time. Most were hesitant the first time, but then when it was their turn again, I could see them just jump right in.

Knowing that, when my first time came, I just jumped right in. There is no sense of danger whatever. You really feel the air supporting you, and so there is no fear. :D

So, GO FOR IT! I hope you try it, friend! ;)

I knew you were a surfer. I had no idea exactly how crazy you were. LOL

And, my dear, you still have very little idea... Stay tuned! ;) :D

Now that seems reasonable...I'd rather do that than ride a rollercoaster

Thanks @creatr. Its great to see someone who has tried it! Yes i need to do it before i get too old and chickened out. Lol

Nothing to be afraid of there! You're going to absolutely love it! You'll be talking about it for weeks! ;)

Great! Thanks for the positive feedback 😊

just doooOOOooo it!

i've seen that in OKC. it's a strong wind up from the floor and you ride on top of it. don't know what it's called either

Yes That... maybe i will google flying on air in an enclosed facilty lol

it might work!

I found"Vertical Wind Tunnel" and from there i found Indoor Skydiving!

well see there you go!

So now that is something I will look if they have one nearby...and hope I have the guts to go...hahaha

if it's something you really do want to do you will.

I do want to feel like I am flying...this just seems like a safer option :)

Google is so much better than a library. ;)

Ah, my crazy friend. I will live vicariously through your experiences. LOL

for an adrenaline rush...why not just put it all on red? you can pretty much count on the odds that you'll walk out of the casino

If I lost it all, I couldn't afford the de-orbit burn... ;)

well that would just be a stone cold freeze rush in that at all eh?

I would try sky diving or cliff diving. Bungee jumping...nope.

Funny! Two of those have no tether at all but you won't try the one that does?

Lol, I know. I have watched one too many bungee jumping gone bad videos.

Yes I agree @lexikon082! The videos make it scary!

I've seen too many people hit the water. Not go splat. Just hit the water. I'm like What. The. Fuuu.... nuh-uh. I am NOT hitting the water. lol

We used to jump off of a falls Balls Falls ...part of the Niagara Escarpment. The water can be very hard when falling from a kids we learned it fast if we didn't listen to people who knew better...once is enough...lesson learned...then there's the guys that canon ball or belly flo...those guys never learn...natural selection right there.

Belly flops SUCK even off a 3 foot diving board, much less a platform or some crazy cliff!

yup...kiddie pools and when yer really drunk and your other half is having a times :D

oh my gosh, if yer doing belly flops in kiddie pools there are bigger issues. LOL
I hear echoes of my father hollerin, "Woman, get me another beer." hahhaa

I've never told you about diving off the 10-meter diving board at Camp Anaconda and doing a belly flop. I thought I was an Olympic diver or something. Everyone else is going feet first and nope, like a dumb ass, I try to dive.

oh my gosh....I think I just got sympathy belly welts. ouuuuchhhhh!

lol...and you did this how many times after?

I've never been on a diving board that high again.

It's important that we learn our limitations quickly I think.
At least the limitations we're comfortable having.
Gives us more time to work on the one's we're not comfortable with.

Just never felt the need to do such things...not even interested in going to watch friends do so.

The only one I have truly thought of doing is sky diving. I wouldn't actively go out for cliff diving...But If I were in a situation...meh let's do it.

Definitely not, I'll put 500 pounds on my back and squat it for fun, but that's about where I have to draw the line.

Dang. A true weight lifter?
For fun or competition?

Cool! That takes a lot of discipline. Would love to see some competition pics.

Posted one in my last article!

I just saw and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
I'm so glad I'm not 20 anymore. LOL Life gets better at 40+ ;)

I get that perspective from you I if I could start from 1 all over again...I would. But not until I find out how close I can get to 150 first.'s your knees and elbows?

Perfectly Fine actually

I would say "no" coz i love my life.

I agree. I've only got one life. I don't need to be pulling the dragon's tail. Besides, my luck is quite inconsistent. :P

Yeah, and I still have small kids.. hehe

Well, my kids are grown but we don't have long lives in my family tree. I'd rather not test fate's patience.

Correct. We can be adventurous in a different manner. Hehe

I have since a child and having walked away from the church...because they said I asked too many serious questions in Sunday school...had a great faith in fate.

I'm just not a fatalistic person by...nature. Go figure eh?

Yeah no. NO NO NO.

Is that your final answer? LOL

Hah! Final answer for me.

Final answer? Locked in! :)

lol...another decisive person ~smiles~

Speed doesn't's the sudden stop

I haven't flown in years, but as a private pilot I agree with @denmarkguy, if we were meant to jump out of them they would be built with diving boards... that's why they invented indoor skydiving simulators LOL I have done those.

Now that is something I would definitely do. I hear it's quite a workout too. A little pricey but worth it.

My definition of humans flying is being in a sensory deprivation tank for 20 minutes longer than scheduled...and your INDIGO watch died half way through.

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